
Chapter 214 I’m sorry

Chapter 214 I\'m sorry

Lisa was breathing heavily as the injuries on her body were piling up. The machete that was lodged onto her left shoulder was already removed, and Lisa already healed it but that just drained more of her mana that was nearing empty. The woman dressed as a maid was now simply playing around since none of the attacks after her initial strike were lethal. This frustrated Lisa who had no way to retaliate at the moment.

"Hmm, this is getting boring. Why won\'t you show me a more frightened face? Show me a face full of regret and despair!" The maid looked at Lisa with irritation as she casually tossed another dagger.

Lisa could barely dodge that simple attack as she continued to breathe heavily. Though she was showing a determined face ready to die, the truth was deep inside she was truly scared. She could feel the helplessness creeping in as death was knocking on her door. She didn\'t want to give the maid the satisfaction of showing such a weakness. So even though she was horrified in the prospect of dying Lisa held it in. The more fearful she was the more determined the look she showed.

The maid was now looking at Lisa\'s resolve with irritation. This wasn\'t what she wanted to see from Lisa. She wanted to see Lisa crying in despair and wallowing in regret. It was at that moment the maid had a great idea.

"I\'m getting bored of fighting you. So how about I go ahead and kill those guys who fled." The maid picked up her machetes and started skipping away from Lisa.

"NOOO! You come back here! Don\'t you dare leave!" An immense amount of bloodlust came out of Lisa who with her full effort stood upright pointing her two short swords at the maid. Lisa\'s fear of death was now being curbed by her anger. The mere thought of the others dying was enough to overcome her fear of death for a period of time. Seeing the expression Lisa was showing the maid knew that her idea was right.

"Don\'t worry I won\'t take long just a little stroll for you to get your energy back. Once I\'m back I\'ll even bring your friends with me... Well, their heads but that\'s still them ain\'t it?" The maid shrugged her shoulders as she turned around and was about to leave.

"Come back here and face me!" Lisa kept on shouting as she struggled to walk towards the maid. To further mock her the maid was walking slowly just a bit faster than Lisa. She was doing this so that Lisa would struggle more in vain.

Lisa could no longer hold it in as the hopelessness of the situation sunk deeper and deeper. As Lisa was about to kneel down to beg, the maid suddenly stopped and caught an incoming arrow.

"Oh, one of the fools actually came back to die. Watch me as I kill him right in front of your eyes." Lisa opened her mouth but before she could say a single word the maid disappeared from her spot.


Matias who launched an arrow from a few kilometers away was about to fire his second shot when the target suddenly disappeared. The moment he saw the target vanished he quickly jumped to the side and as he expected a machete came flying towards that area.

Even though Matias couldn\'t follow the maid\'s movements with his eyes he knew that she would attack him with precision. So all Matias needed to do was dodge in a general direction. After Matias jumped to the side he quickly ducked down and as expected the maid was behind him and did a horizontal slash.

This was what Matias acquired from years of experience with playing with Ren. Though he couldn\'t see with his eyes he knew the pattern most stronger opponents would use in a fight. The maid looked at Matias with surprise, the man before her wasn\'t particularly strong nor did he exhibit any signs of being faster than her, but he was still able to dodge.

The maid was intrigued by Matias\'s mismatched ability. \'Could he be like that guy and is able to predict the future?... No that can\'t be it, if he was able to predict the future he would have warned the villagers about my arrival.\'

While the maid was thinking about how Matias was able to dodge her attacks, Matias had already nocked another arrow and fired it at the maid. The maid evaded the arrow and once again disappeared from Matias\'s view. In reaction to that Matias jumped forward and turned around. He raised his arms trying to defend against whatever was coming, but to his surprise, nothing happened. The maid just moved to pick up the machete she threw at the beginning.

When she saw Matias\'s reaction she couldn\'t help but giggle. "Oh, I see. You weren\'t seeing the future, you were just trying to figure out what I will do next." The maid then threw both her machetes in different directions. Matias didn\'t know where to dodge and decided to bet it all and jumped backward. The moment he did so he felt a massive force hitting his stomach making him fly backward hitting a nearby tree. Matias vomited a mouthful of blood as he staggered to stand.

The maid appeared right in front of him and before he knew it he saw his body fell forward for his head no longer attached to it.

"I can\'t wait to show that girl this head." Matias heard the excited voice of the maid as his eyesight was turning dark. He could already feel his consciousness fading.

\'I\'m sorry... Milly....\'


When the maid disappeared Lisa got confused and scared. She wanted to run after the maid and save everyone but she was unable to move the way she wanted to. As she was trying to figure out how to restore even a bit of stamina a severed head suddenly fell in front of her.

"Sorry, I said I would kill him in front of you but showing his head is the same thing... Right?" Lisa who recognized the head that was thrown at her screamed in horror. That was uncle Matias, Ren\'s father. Not only was he the father of her friend he was also the kind uncle that helped her and her sister growing up. He was like a second father to her and the other young ones in the village. Lisa knelt on the ground and hugged Matias\'s head.

"No this can\'t be... You can\'t leave, what of aunt Milly, Kurt, and Ren?... This can\'t be happening, it just can\'t." Just a few moments ago Matias was talking to her happily telling her that he would meet his son in New Grenton. Now he was nothing more than a severed head, with no joy. no sorrow simply lifeless.

"Didn\'t you say you would watch your sons grow up to be legends. Why! Why did you come back just to die!" Lisa asked the severed head of Matias, but as expected no answer was given to her.

"Are you talking to a severed head? Don\'t worry I don\'t judge, I actually do the same thing." The maid looked at Lisa\'s despair and was cackling. While the maid was feeling excited she suddenly felt Lisa\'s bloodlust was rekindled and was stronger than ever.

"HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! HOW DAAAAREEEE YOUUUU!!!" Lisa who heard the mocking tone of the murderer in front of her made her angrier beyond belief. It doesn\'t matter anymore, her fear of death doesn\'t matter anymore. Even if she has to die today, she promised herself that she would kill that b*tch of a maid.

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