
Chapter 59 59- E-Intermediate Grade Warrior.

[2 days later]

You can see 3 ghosts were attacking a warrior. They tried to use their mind attack, but it didn\'t work against the warrior. This humanoid ghost also tried to process him, but the warrior quickly jumped from his place and trows two fireballs towards them. This was our Sam, who was fighting 3 E-intermediate humanoid ghosts. Those ghosts were very agile. They avoid the two fireballs using their agility, but Sam previously predicted this. He instantly throws a fireball on his right-hand side.

The fireball hits a ghost, and 10 seconds later the ghost faded away. You can say the fire was the natural enemy of these ghosts.

The remaining two monsters attack him from his backside and left side. He instantly jumped from his place and while he was in the midair, he turned around. Sam throws two fireballs instantly, but it didn\'t hit the ghosts. Sam landed and instantly brought out his sword while going towards the ghosts. He quickly comes in front of the ghosts and swings his swords. Sam kills the two ghosts.

Sam deactivate his energy mode and panted. This was a tough fight for him because this time he almost uses all of his spiritual energy. Sam also fought 10 E-early grade ghosts before fighting these 3 E-intermediate ghosts. They all were very agile and because of this, Sam uses many fireballs.

Sam drinks a health potion. This health potion was a low-grade portion, so it didn\'t recover his full health. He quickly collect all the loot and left the place. In these two days, he was continuously hunting E-early grade and intermediate ghosts, and as you guessed, he had already breakthrough. Now, he was an E-intermediate grade warrior, and because of his breakthrough, he could fight those intermediate ghosts.

Sam was now resting in a cave. He found this cave sometime ago. You can say, this cave was unique because it wasn\'t a natural cave. Some warriors build this cave using their earth spells. He found this place while fighting ghosts.

Sam placed fire torches around the cave because it was time to rest. You won\'t be able to tell if it was a day or night. He brings out the food and starts eating.

In these two days, many good things happen to Sam. He became an intermediate warrior, upgraded his Energy mode and energy recovery. He also upgraded his mind protection technique, and he was quite close to upgrading his flame control.



Name: Sam Kainer

Health: (300 / 400)

Strength: 55

Agility: 51

Physique: 52

Intelligent(mental power): 51

Spirit: 53

Grade: (E) (intermediate)

Potential: Special

Upgrade point: 8500


Special technique:

Supreme upgrade (1/3)

[This was a special technique from the system. With this, you can upgrade anything (like any material, any weapon, any technique, etc.) using your upgrade point.]

Absorb technique:

Dragon devour (grade C)

[Medium-level absorb technique. Only 45% of energy essence can absorb from crystals. It can devour a dragon.]

Combat techniques:

Balor boxing ( grade D) (85%) (+)

[Medium-level boxing technique.]

Fast sword (grade C) (87%)

[Medium-level special sword technique made by the great swordmaster. It increases your speed using a sword.]

Tri sword technique (grade D) (85%) (+)

[Low-level technique of swordmaster Tri.]

Invisible shot (E-grade) (50%) (+)

[Help you learn how to shoot an invisible arrow.]

Multiple shot (D-grade) (39%) (+)

[Help you learn how to shoot multiple arrows at the same time.]

Rapid shot (D-grade) (40%) (+)

[With this technique, you will learn how to shoot arrows continuously.]

Conceal technique:

Stealth (grade C) (86%)

[You can conceal your presence. Only warriors with higher grade observed technique can notice your presence.]

Spirit concealment (grade C) (75%)

[You can conceal your grade through this technique.]

Movement technique:

Light walk (grade C) (84%)

[You will feel much lighter. Your speed will be twice as high,]

Spiritual techniques:

Flame control (D-grade) (90%) (+)

[This technique helps you learn how to control the flame.]

Spiritual energy control (D-grade) (85%) (+)

[With this technique, you can master controlling your spiritual energy faster.]

Energy mode: (D-grade) (20%) (+)

(*) First move: Weapon coating

[You can coat the special weapons with your spiritual energy.]

Mind protection: (D-grade) (41%)

[It protects your mind from mind attacks.]

Passive techniques:

[A/N: I am changing the other technique into the passive technique.]

Energy recovery (C-grade) (34%) (+)

[Help you recover your spiritual energy, stamina, and strength.] "

[Note: Now you look like a warrior.] "

Sam uses 4000 points to upgrade his energy recovery while he uses 2000 points to upgrade his Energy mode. This Energy mode was only a D grade technique, still, it needs 2000 points to upgrade. Sam uses 800 points to upgrade his mind protection technique.

Sam will leave this dungeon tomorrow because he needs some good sleep. In this type of dungeon, he wasn\'t able to sleep, so you can say he was mentally tired. Sam also needs to collect other crystals because he didn\'t have that many intermediate crystals. Right now, he wants to collect the spirit crystals as many as he can, because when he will leave this dungeon, he won\'t be able to come back here instantly. Sam only has two more days\' worth of food. It was also one reason he wants to leave the dungeon.

Sam finish eating and he was now meditation. Through meditation, he wants to recover from his mental fatigue. Suddenly he heard a voice of a girl who was screaming. Sam instantly got up from his place and runs towards the voice. He felt that the voice was quite familiar, so he, wasting no time, runs towards it.

Sam wants to think about voice, but it was not the correct time. Because if you heard the scream, you can also tell the person was in a dangerous situation. Sam was running at his faster speed, he wants to reach there quickly.

The closer he gets, the more he heard many voices. Sam can also see many fireballs. He really needs to reach the place quickly. One minute later, he comes to the open ground and saw.....

To be continued...

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