
Chapter 60 060: Death On A Hill

Morgan picked his way up the hill with way much ease than a horse would have found. The incline was roughly a 150 meters, and it ended in a steep drop off, that most would think twice before climbing. Cole dropped down from Morgan\'s back and pulled back the bolt on the Rifle\'s body. Then he took placed his eyes in the sight, just in time to see a fireball heading for his face.


Cole vanished from sight, rolling to the side as the fireball exploded off the side of Morgan\'s body, causing a bit of damage as the Mechanoid mount was thrown on it\'s side. Cole was now utilizing skills held by his clothes. And since there was no concept of armor on this floor, this was a good as it gets.

[Double Tap]

The Deputy that threw the fireball took one to the chest, and as his body was thrown off his mouth, the next bullet took him in the thigh, blasting his right leg off as he came crashing to the ground. Unfortunately for him, he didn\'t die immediately, as he was left there to bleed out.

And that was when Cole realized something about this floor, the whole situation where a character gets pixelated a few seconds after death was completely none existennt here. Every body details was exposed and left bare for all to see, at least for the locals.

Cole opened up the chamber in his rifle, and popped in three bullets. Letting an almost sort of preternatural Knowledge guide him even though he really didn\'t have as much experience or knowledge in using Archaic firearms like this. He aimed an pulled the trigger, and another deputy went down. By this point there were just 90 meters away from him and were down to 8 riders.

He didn\'t have as much time to fire on them at range before they would be upon him, but that was okay, for Cole this was all part of the plan. After getting hit by a bullet, he wasn\'t so sure riding and shooting was the best sort of plan, they could get lucky and hit him in a vital area, or dismount him before running him down with their mounts.

For Cole that would be bad as he had no resistance to bourgeoning or brute Force damage. As far as piercing and slashing were concerned his clothes were good for it. So it would be better to thin the heard and bring the fight down to his level.

[Spiral Needle]

The ultimate skill for the rifle was powerful, so powerful that the recoil jerked Cole out of his [Fade] skill, dislocated his shoulders left him exposed for his incoming enemies that had been reduced down to 5. One shot had gone through three deputies and two mounts, sending them all crashing to the ground.

By this point they all had to rethink their move from the original twelve that had chased after Cole they were now down to less than half their numbers. And all of this carnage was brought on to them by a four foot tall demon with one rifle.

But rethinking their course of action was an act that was already too late. By this point they were no more than thirty meters away from Cole and Morgan. Cole\'s right hand dangled uselessly by his side for a moment as he slung his rifle over his back and use his left hand to pull out his sword before slamming the hilt of his sword down on his shoulder.

His cry of pain as aloud crash resounded across the plains and the hill he was on drew the attention of the deputies. He cracked his head and moved Black Malakai to his right hand, twirling the blade around to get a feel of his injured arm, Cole scoffed, then he acted.

[Lesser Mind Control]

One of the deputies turned around and blasted a hole in the head of his partner, sending their now smaller team into disarray, as they all turned to look at Cole only to find that he had vanished. The kind controlled Deputy came out of it and unceremoniously decided right at hat moment that a Direwolf King Mechanoid mount was not worth his life.

[Spectral Rover]

Cole appeared behind him in a flash of purple and blue with red lightning as Black Malakai slid into the base of his neck and out of his mouth. His blood pouring of the black blade as he gurgled and choked on his own blood in a horrified manner. Before death could fully claim him, Cole used. [Sin Eater] regaining much of his lost energy as bullets began to fly towards him.


He vanished into invisibility, dropping to the ground as he rolled over, dodging random bullets that flew around before putting one feet on the ground and jumping.

[High Jump] he already had quite the height with his leap being able to go over three meters already, even in his diminutive form, but when he used the [high jump] skill from his armor, he went over 10 meters into the air, and with his [Fade] skill, active, they had absolutely no idea where he was as he pulled out Blue Obsidian and fired.

[Double Tap]

With that there were only two, as Cole canceled the [Fade] skill and fell out of the sky, Black Malakai held in a reverse grip in his hands and he slashed down towards the head of the final deputy. [Black Cut] his body seemed to speed up as the Deputy was cleaved into two from shoulder to hip.

Cole landed in a crouch besides his terrified mount which proceeded to lick high into the air and then took of running, only half the body of it\'s rider attached to it\'s body. Cole turned around just in time to take a shot to the chest from what looked to be a blunderbuss.

The shot blasted him backwards over 10 feet, his body smashing into the ground before he started rolling down the hill, going head over heels as he felt bones crack and break. Even as he went through this severe amount of pain, Cole knew he had fucked up.

The last deputy was an Aspirant just like him, a honest to God player, and one that seems to have had it out for him right from the get go. His own hubris had made him leave the guy for last. He had changed his mind about killing the guy in order to make an example out of him, and he wanted to know if perhaps there was more to the fool chasing after him in the last floor, and the this one too.

Cole came to a hard stop at the foot of the hill, sliding through mud as he let out a pained groan. He chuckled, as his hand twitched, very absent of his blade which was laying halfway up the hill and soon in the hand of the gnat that has been annoying.


They aspirant whistled in appreciation as he admired Black Malakai. He twirled the sword left and right, loving how it whistled in the air with such ease. Then he thrust it forward into Cole\'s shoulder, making Cole grunt at the move, but the expected pain did not come. In fact the person who got hurt was the aspirant as a sound opened up in his shoulder.

He cried out in pain and dropped the sword, as he stumbled back in shock. But Cole would not let such an opportunity pass him by as he grabbed the legs of the aspirant and used [Sin Eater].


The aspirant cried out in pain as he quickly dropped to his knees. Then he used his other leg to kick Cole in the face, dislodging his arm from his leg as he fell back and scrambled away, grabbing his blunderbuss and opening the powder hole.

Blunderbusses were a bit more old-school than the weapons Cole was using, which meant they packed a lunch but had to utilize gunpowder for a bit more power. But unfortunately for him, just the two almost three seconds Cole had his hand on his leg had healed him enough.



"You really shouldn\'t underestimate your opponents. A lesson I\'m sure we both will be learning today." Cole said as he picked up Black Malakai and sheathed it behind him. He pulled back the hammer for Blue Obsidian then fired into the Aspirants shoulder, adding another wound to the one he just received on his leg.

"I don\'t know what possessed you to come after me, that mount you want so much is bound to me, but you already knew this didn\'t you." The glare that was thrown Cole\'s way was more than enough proof, he chuckled and shot the aspirant in the stomach this time.

"You seem like the kind that\'s driven, maybe psychotic. Either way I get the feeling that I will be seeing you soon enough, so the next time you come at me, make sure you bring a lot more help than this rabble.

and make sure you fight like you are willing to die, because that is the only way you can defeat me, come at me like this is your only life and it\'s on the line, until then…. Stay the fuck out of my way, or I will hunt you down until you only have a single life left for this level, now die."

[Double Tap]

*Bang! Bang!*

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