
Chapter 76 076: Combat 2: The Match

​ Cole wasn\'t so surprised at any of the move they made , they did not even have, half as much defense as the giant eyeball that was just slain, and their bullets were barely if at all causing it any damage. Cole had Morgan who had easily poked the giant eyeball full of holes…. They really couldn\'t afford to be careless with him.

But then again it did not look like the two would be willing to give up, after all of the disks they had taken to come this far, and especially after what Cole has done to their party, they were absolutely itching to bring him down.

"You know I could just let you guys both go, but I\'m not a fan of leaving my work unfinished. Besides what\'s the guarantee that you guys would forget about how I absolutely wiped all of you. So in the end I guess I\'m sorry you guys fucked with me…. Cause I\'m really not." Cole said to them as Morgan\'s mini gun barrels began to rotate.

"You think you\'re something because you have some face Mechanoid. Take that away and you\'re just like those skills for players that have no skill, just items and use it dominate the leagues and the leaderboard, I guess even in this event your type will also exi-"

[Obsidian Shot]


And with that the human was dead, her running mouth closed forever…. Or at least for now until she respawned. Cole too used to suffer from not being recognized for his talent in gaming, instead it was about what connections he had, while those who had connections moved forwards with the help of items instead of real gaming skills.

He hated those people more than anything as the years he spent struggling to make ends meet with Sarah, had been a waste because of people like that. Of course Cole was a lot more mature now than before. Frankly speaking he was talented and gifted enough in other things that he should have been able to get a job in an entirely different career. But he was so spoilt the idea of not getting what he wanted and making a compromise did not occur to him.

And that was because till his relationship with Sarah, he had never lacked in his life, and such had no knowledge about how to act and pick himself up when he finally found himself in such a situation. And because of that he made the relationship hellish, cause he knew even if he was a girl he would not stay with man who did not have a plan for his life or could not make proper use of the gifts he already had.

Perhaps it was his fault that his heart got broken, but it was Sarah\'s fault that she is such a messed up and shallow human being. Cole shrugged, and dragged his wandering thoughts backwards. And just in time too as the Sylvain had thrown something at Morgan while he was preoccupied, Morgan shot at it, and a canister burst.

Cole reacted quickly enough by using [Shadow Dance] to get out of the way of the broken canister. And it was such a smart thing that he did as it broke and released lightning within a 15 meter radius large enough to swallow Morgan in his entirety as the Mechanoid Direwolf howled to the air in pain before locking up and falling sideways to the ground with a loud crash.

Cole ducked forwards, rolling on the ground as the sound of shot gun going off over his head sounded. He raised his head to receive a kick in the face as lightning blasted him backwards, shocking him to stupor for a moment as he got stunned.

The Sylvain was fast, extremely so as Cole could almost not keep up with her speed. He could react, but couldn\'t move his entire body quickly like her\'s. He ducked under a series of punches as he used [Gravity] to blast her backwards.

She smashed into a table, turning it all into words chips as Cole threw a [Chaos Blast] in her direction, but she too threw a canister at Cole as a shield sprung up in front of her. Cole [Shadow Dance] away as another shower of lighting bolts hit the area as he reappeared on top of the rafters. The Sylvain shot at him, as Cole fell backwards, evading the shot and firing both revolvers at her.


Her shield rippled as she was pushed backwards. Cole used [Gravity ] to slow his landing then he ran forwards and jumped into the air, his body going up in an arc as the Sylvain also jumped, her rapier and gun in hand and she fired once more at point blank range and the stabbing at Cole\'s eyes.

[Shadow Dance]

Cole landed on the ground first and raised his revolvers firing again as he got the Sylvain with a single bullet to the small of her back. But she had absolutely no plans of going down easy as she bent herself and pointed her rapier in Cole\'s direction, causing it to release a light that blasted forwards through his shoulder, and down into his body.

He stumbled, almost falling to the ground as he felt a bout of intense pain. But it was only for a second. Unfortunately for the Sylvain, Cole had a healing skill that tend to work really quickly and functioned by healing where the damage is worst first, before heading to other locations.

He got struggled to his full height, ignoring the twitches and the pain as his body tried to heal the damage he had just received. He moved towards the Sylvain who still had her rapier out and was looking at Cole with a smile on her face. She said.

"Perhaps this is the wrong time to ask you this, but can we be friends and exchange in game contacts. You\'re definitely not like the pampered asses I\'ve been playing with who have absolutely no idea how to play! So what do you say."

Cole did not care, her friendship meant nothing to him, and she had absolutely no use to him in the grand scheme of things so he didn\'t want to be too stressed about friends that would add nothing to his life…. Then all of a sudden a stray thought crossed his mind. \'what\'s wrong with saying yes\' and before he could properly question it, he shrugged his shoulders to her and said.

"Sure why not."

[You have Accepted Aspirant Farida \'Lightning Star\' Abdulmalik\'s friend request.]

She pointed her rapier at him and gestured to his sword, telling him she wanted to have a sword fight with him instead. Cole raised an eyebrow then shrugged as he holstered his revolvers and pulled out [Black Malakai].

She made the first move as his form seemed to flash forwards and their swords locked as Cole countered her attack. They stared at each other for moment before Cole hit her with head butt, rocking her as he slashed from hip to shoulder and from shoulder to hip, left to right and right to the left.

Her shield seemed to pop up, intercepting his strike as she flipped her arm around and used her rapier to poke at Cole\'s shoulder. But his clothes had a high piercing resistance so all he felt was a small sting.

His black clashed against hers, as he pulled out a dagger and whipped it at her face, using Gravity to augment the throw as it flew and suck itself to the hilt in her cheek. She screeched and made one of the most beautiful variations of a spinning heel kick that Cole had ever seen, and he took it, quite unhappily on the jaw as he thrown onto his ass.

He was back up as soon as possible to watch her pull out the small throwing knife before chucking it back at him. But she had no skill with it and Cole caught it out of the air, but that was a big mistake as he got a face full of lightning, that blasted him backwards to smash against the form of Morgan that was now slowly getting to his feet. It absolutely did not feel good.

She crossed the distance in flash and appeared above Cole, her rapier stabbing down to his skull. It was too late and shadow Dance would not be fast enough to get him out of danger, but the same could not be said for [Spectral Rover] Cole seemingly dematerialized and appeared behind her, before sliding Black Malakai half way through her ribs. She gasped and cried out in pain.


But she was a fighter through and through as a back elbow from her rocked Cole\'s lights as he saw black and white and other colors for a few seconds as he stumbled backwards a bit. She ignored him and pulled the sword out, turning angrily to a super kick to the jaw from Cole that damn near almost took her head off. Cole stumbled to the side as he finally realized something about his opponent.

"She was just like him…. Not just a well trained fighter, but most of her her stats if not all them, were also in the Iron Rank….. Cole had met his match."

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