
Chapter 113

Chapter 113: Chapter 113

Translator: Sigma Editor: Sigma

Ray didn’t excel in practicing magic spells, as he could only cast a few. In fact he was just as capable of a bard in this regard. However, he was really good at recognizing certain spells, so he immediately saw what was really going on. Joseph had realized that he could not win, so he made his final move by burning himself and summoning the power of the God.

This spell was just a different kind of God Descending Spell and would have a better result compared to the one cast by Sean. This spell may cost more, which meant that every time this spell was practiced, a powerful and faithful follower would be the sacrifice.

As for the church that had a huge number of faithful followers, like the church of the God of Sun, sacrificing a powerful and faithful follower would not be a big deal. While the church of the Goddess of Harvest was just a church of a medium size, and there were just a few followers who were as strong as Joseph, and the Goddess of Harvest would feel sorry if any of them died.

The Goddess of Harvest was furious, and showed her doppelgänger which had infinite divine power, eagerly hoping to kill one of the God of Quagmire’s doppelgängers who had tried various ways to provoke her, and teach it a good lesson!

Ray didn’t want to stay in the battlefield where the war between the two Gods was going to begin, even if it was in fact a war between two doppelgängers of the Goddess of Harvest and the God of Quagmire! Since a war between between the Gods could cause huge damage, sometimes a country could be totally destroyed, and Ray was just a ordinary person, so he thought it was best for him to run away.

Ray and Steele were running as if on wings, and soon they managed to catch up with the people who were also running for their lives. Madame Teague, Liv, Rank and young Nice were anxiously waiting for them and were relieved upn seeing Ray and Steele come back.

Although things were not as good as they thought they would be, luckily, Ray and others in the team were still alive.

There were not many people now, and everyone felt frightened when realizing that earlier before there were a huge number of people gathering in the plaza.

“The God of Quagmire is crazy!” Ray was furious and didn’t care about the etiquette of calling a God by his alias at all. Then he said angrily, “After having killed so many people at one time, is he not afraid that the God of Justice would hold him to this?”

The God of Justice was a very special existence among all the Gods, neither had he built a Holy Kingdom of his own, nor had he built a church. He had a strong sense of justice and usually sent out his doppelgängers from time to time and was ready to help the weak. Besides, more than once, he had gotten into a fight with other Gods simply because he didn’t like the way they unfairly treated the people. And the God of Quagmire’s doing so was sure to anger him, and he would definitely have a big fight with the God of Quagmire.

When it came to combat effectiveness, few Gods were as strong as the God of Justice.

For a God who was backed up by a group of powerful Gods that belong to a certain department, he may dare to care nothing about the God of Justice, but the God of Quagmire was just a unpopular figure among the Gods of Nature, and had angered the Goddess of Harvest. How did he dare to do so?

Ray had been thinking about this for a long time, and couldn’t think it through even if his head began to ache. At last, he had no choice but to believe that the reason why the God of Quagmire did this was due to the mental disorder that a God of this kind could have. The bard usually said that “one who is mentally disordered usually did things in a peculiar way.”

Madame Teague sighed and said, “We should hurry, things are going to get worse, maybe there will be a bigger fight.”

Ray nodded and thought a while, then he shouted to the people who were running for their lives and asked them to follow him, and leave from the east gate close to the bay.

To do so, they would have to make a big circle of the city, since there were only two gates: one on the east side of the city and the other on the west side. If they meant to leave from the west gate, they would have to cross the plaza, so they could only leave from the east gate.

These people who were in such chaos listened to him and quickly ran to the east gate. More and more citizens of Garth City realized that there would be bigger fight soon, so they also joined the people running toward the east gate.

Right at this moment, a loud blast came from the plaza.

“What on earth has happened!” Ray angrily turned back and saw the sticky monster had countless bubbles all over its body, and there were even some holes on its body. Obviously, these holes were caused by the inner explosion, it seemed that it had eaten something that could explode, and it had exploded inside of its body.

Ray was stunned and saw that inside its stomach, there was a transparent figure shining in green light, and it was doing some sort of magic spell.

But since he was standing too far away from it, he could not clearly see what the transparent figure looked like. Judging from its behaviour and bearing, Ray found that it was Haley Riley who had been eaten alive by the sticky monster earlier before.

“What is going on? She died, didn’t she?”

Ray was confused and quickly swept his eyes over Steele and knew the reason why Haley became like this.

Could Haley... became the holy spirit of the Goddess of Harvest when she died?

Maybe she hadn’t become a holy spirit, but undoubtedly, she changed into a divine creature from a human’s soul and grew much more powerful.

In fact, only a follower in the high level of a certain God’s church could receive the divine grace from a certain God based on how much contribution they had made, after they died and became a powerful divine creature. While for those ordinary followers, no matter how faithful they were or how much contribution they had made, they could never become a powerful divine creature when they died.

Thinking of this, Ray sneered, turned around and left since he knew neither the Goddess of Harvest nor the God of Quagmire, and the fight between the two was just dog-eat-dog.

Meanwhile, in the plaza, Joseph had completely turned into the incarnation of the Goddess of Harvest, a ball of green fire, and was having a fight with Sean, who had been possessed by the God of Quagmire. While the powerful men of all the churches and organizations who had survived were working with Haley, who had become a divine creature, to combat the huge sticky monster.

The sticky monster was both the incarnation of the God of Quagmire and its oracle as well. Before it possessed Sean, it was the former, and after it possessed Sean, it became the latter. Without the guidance of the God of Quagmire, the sticky monster was very reckless and reacted very slowly. Under the attack of those strong men and Haley, it was soon in a very difficult situation.

Haley was doing most of the work actually, her tactic was very simple. She released the green bubbles one by one from her hand, and as soon as the bubble appeared, it began to expand and exploded inside the body of the huge sticky monster; at the same time, she snapped her fingers constantly with her other hand, and seeds appeared from nowhere and dropped on the sticky monster. In the blink of an eye, the seeds started to quickly flourish by absorbing its vitality and turned into many big trees that later became many tall and strong tree men. The tree men then shook their bodies, slowly pulled out their roots, shook their branches and attacked the sticky monster.

Those men who had survived the previous bombardment were indeed powerful. They might not be able to fight for a long time when confronted by the sticky monster, but when it was busy fighting with Haley, they could easily do their bit by hitting and punching the sticky monster.

Soon, the sticky monster was injured all over and began to react more and more slowly, and it was obvious that it would be defeated very soon.

The God of Quagmire, who had possessed Sean, was having a difficult time with the incarnation of the Goddess of Harvest and failed to take much advantage of her opponent; she had got some advantages, but not many. Judging by the current situation, the huge sticky monster would definitely be killed, although this would take some time, even then it was impossible for it to win against the Goddess of Harvest.

Realizing this, the God of Quagmire made up its mind and sent out the signal as it had made an agreement with the Goddess of Sea that it would do so when it was in a difficult situation.

A disturbing green light appeared and flew into the sky, and then it spread out in the air and turned into a strange symbol.

When the symbol began to rise up, the sunny sky suddenly turned cloudy, and the wind started to blow fiercely. Meanwhile, the tranquil sea was raging.

The guard in the observation station close to the sea surprisingly found that there were many ugly creatures with scale covered bodies in the sea.

Seeing this, they were extremely terrified and hurriedly rang the bell.

“The Sea Race... is coming!”

The bell rang, and everyone was shocked, even those citizens of Garth City who hid in their homes finally came out and looked at the bay in surprise.

They knew what the sound of the bell meant: the d*mn aquatic monsters once again came in groups!

“Go... Go and tell the chatelain... that the sea race is coming!” Since the chief commander had gone to the ceremony, the official who was temporarily working there was neither as strong as him, nor as popular as him, and was so terrified that his face became pale and he stammered badly.

The officials in the lower rank looked at each other and soon hurried about in confusion.

Tell the chatelain? How? The fight over the plaza was so intense now, it was impossible for them to inform Joseph!

“Moron! It is such a miracle that you are still alive! Since you are so stupid and haven’t be killed yet!” An old officer who once was a adventurer cursed, “You are even in a daze in this critical moment? You should be prepared to fight instead!”

“But... but...” The officer temporarily working there put on a long face and said, “Only the chief commander, the chatelain, Haley, the principle priest and Master Sean can activate the hub that controls the magic array...”

Hearing this, the old officer almost passed out. None of them were there, which meant that the huge magic array that had costed a million to build, and could be used against the army of the sea race was no use at all now!

Although there were many soldiers in Garth City, compared to the army of the sea race that had countless members, the amount of the soldiers was basically nothing. In the past, the sea race had made several intrusions, and they managed to defeat them with the help of the huge magic array, and even so, the fight had caused many casualties. This time, the sea race came again, and looked fiercer than ever before, and the magic array could not be activated. What was worse, they had to rely on the soldiers...

My God! How could it be possible!

“What should we do?” the officer asked while shivering. He now regarded the experienced old officer who was very calm under this situation as the life-saving straw, hoping the old officer could save them all.

“I have no f*cking idea!” the old officer angrily replied, then he turned to the people who were running for their lives and said, “The sea race is coming now, you will most certainly die since you can’t run as fast as them! Is there any man who is capable enough to fight them? Please come with me and fight against the sea race, so we can create more time for the people to run!”

However, no one answered, even the adventurers who were normally audacious and proud. Clearly, they were well equipped, but they were still silent. They mixed themselves in with the crowd and ran to the east gate.

These adventurers were the kind of people who lived for money, now that Garth City would be destroyed, why would they stay to defend the city when they would not get paid?!

Why would they would risk their lives to create more time for the people to run for their lives while they would not be paid? Only the audacious knights would do such a thing!

Still, there were some adventurers who bravely joined the old officer and were ready to work with the soldiers to fight the sea race.

Among them, there were Ray and Rank.

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