
Chapter 678 - Choice

Chapter 678: Choice

In his original plan, he would have first sent in a decisive force to decide victory when the Court Attendants Army and King Shengri’s army were in the heat of battle. Then he would have worked with Captain Wucuo to divvy up the Court Attendants Army and absorb the largest fraction of it for himself.

Things had started out more smoothly than he expected. The Commandant had beewn assassinated. With the excuse that he was returning the body, he was able to enter the camp and with that, he had a chance to take over the whole army. He could not have possibly imagined that a group of junior officers would be able to crucially harm his grand plan.

Outside the tent, hundreds of officers were shouting to get revenge for the Commandant. Inside the tent, ten captains and two deputy commandants were whispering to each other. They all wore serious expressions, but they hadn’t thought of a single plan even after half a day had passed.

As the only onlooker, Tuosai, with a sullen look on his face, could not help but smash the table with his fist and stand up. “The Court Attendants Army is the most powerful force in all of Norland. It has always been known for its loyalty. Since when were a group of slaves allowed to be so arrogant?”

“They are not slaves,” corrected one of the captains, “but rather outstanding noble scions of various tribes. They came to serve the Khan, and in the future…”

“In the future, they will be the backbone of their family and the basis for the unity of the Norland,” Tuosai coolly interrupted. He had heard all this since he was little. “Didn’t anyone teach them to obey orders in the Court Attendants Army? Or is today’s Court Attendants Army not the same as before? Can officers provoke their superiors now?”

“The officers may be expressing themselves in an inopportune way, but there’s nothing wrong with their desire to avenge the Commandant.” The deputy commandant Gulun also stood up. He was a middle-aged man in his forties who had a stern long face and a unique kind of courteousness in his speech. He seemed to think that he was equal in status to Tuosai.

Tuosai had expected Gulun to be his enemy. What surprised him was that the twelve generals, who could decide the fate of the Court Attendants Army and had been submissive to him, had changed their attitudes and became perfunctory as soon as they heard the cries from outside.

He glanced at his own spokesman Wucuo, who needed to show his stance and loyalty at a time like this.

Wucuo was about the same age as Gulun with a broad, stout figure, a bushy beard, and a bold look. His appearance was unbecoming, as only those who knew him well knew that he was a very prudent man.

Prudence, however, was a useless quality today. It was all because of the King Riyao’s family’s support that he had become a captain in the first place, so he had no choice but to firmly stand on Tuosai’s side. “Ahem, well, of course we have to avenge the Commandant and the Khan. Otherwise, we’d all be disgraced. However, to avenge, we must have someone in charge as the army won’t be able to function is without a commander-in-chief. This means that our most pressing task is to elect a new commandant. With an order from the new commandant, the officers outside will naturally obey.”

It sounded quite reasonable. Tuosai nodded and defiantly looked at Gulun to see what else he could do.

Gulun didn’t say a word and the other generals also remained silent.

Tuosai thought that he was about to win when the noise outside suddenly rose as if the officers had lost control and were about to rush into the tent.

The curtain was lifted and a guard entered, looking flustered and hurriedly saluting. “The officers have asked to meet the lords.”

“Huh,” Wucuo gave a short laugh. “How many people are out there?”

“About… about five or six hundred.”

“Tell them that the main tent is too small for them.”

“The officers will send a few representatives…”

“Nonsense!” Wucuo scolded. Then he remembered that he was still only a captain and there were still two deputy commandants above him. “The officers are reaching out for a yard after taking an inch. We have to put a stop to this. Please make a decision now, my lord.”

The two deputy commandants exchanged a glance and seemed to have the same idea. Gulun now had some more confidence. “This is a special period, so we can’t simply blindly stick to conventions. Why not let the representatives of the officers come in and talk? There’s no Khan in the Norland now, so regardless of who becomes the new commandant, their position will not be justified. The acknowledgment and support of the officers are very important.”

Tuosai was lit aflame with indignation. He was the grandson of the Khan and the future Khan. With him present, all things were already justified. What Gulun said was tantamount to openly opposing him.

Just over a dozen tents away, Gu Shenwei was still sitting on a stool and listening calmly while Shangguan Ru were standing on their tiptoes and peering into the distance. “Will Azheba and his fellow officers succeed?”


The Dragon King’s answer was so firm that it confused Shangguan Ru and caused her to turn to look at him.

“Tuosai is arrogant but he is not foolish enough to force his way through. He can only accept the officers’ requests whether he likes it or not.”

Just then, Shangguan Fei, who had been running around the camp, rushed in and nodded to his sister before excitedly speaking to the Dragon King. “The officers are acting out. It’s real this time. The other officers also rushed to support them. Anyone who stays out of it will be regarded as cowards and traitors. Hehe, I didn’t expect the assassination of the Commandant to bring such consequences.”

Shangguan Ru had had previous contact with the officers so she knew their thoughts better. “In the Norland, the Court Attendants Army is a unique army. All the other armies, from the commander-in-chief to the soldiers, come from the same tribe and are loyal to the same lord. In the Court Attendants Army, however, only the source of the soldiers are stationary; more than half of the officers are from noble families from any of the tribes. They will serve a maximum of ten years and then return to their own tribes’ armies. By the standards of the Norland, they are not particularly ‘loyal’ to the Court Attendants Army.”

Shangguan Fei became even more excited. “If so, why can’t the Dragon King take this army? With a hundred thousand men at his command, he will almost be strong enough to sweep across the prairie, let alone…”

‘Let alone break through Jade City and Golden Roc Castle.’ But Shangguan Fei couldn’t finish his words.

Shangguan Ru answered the question on behalf of the Dragon King. “Because these officers are loyal to their own tribe, not to outsiders. And some of the officers who were promoted to their current position from ordinary soldiers are more resolute and will stay loyal to the new Khan.”

Shangguan Fei wasn’t convinced. He tried to persuade the Dragon King when Old Man Mu’s voice suddenly came from outside. “Shangguan Fei, you little brat, get out now. I’m going to check your fist technique’s progress and I’ll break your bones if you start lagging behind.”

Shangguan Fei stuck his tongue out in fear. He had never been the model of a hard-working disciple and Old Man Mu was also not a soft-hearted and wise Master.

Even though Shangguan Ru was the younger sister, she had always played the role of a father or elder brother in front of her twin brother. She already knew about Shangguan Fei’s practicing of the Five Hole Punch, so she seriously reminded him, “Don’t kill anymore people to practice your kung fu. Old Man Mu, anybody he kills from now on will be on you.”

“What?” Old Man Mu felt like he had been wronged so he said in a sterner voice, “Shangguan Fei, if you kill anyone again, I’ll… cut off your little thing and send you to City View Alley to serve customers.”

Shangguan Fei obediently walked out, not daring to utter a word in complaint.

Upon hearing Old Man Mu’s vulgar threat, Shangguan Ru blushed a little and turned her head away, happening to see the Dragon King was starting at her intently. His eyes had never been softer and he was close to a shallow smile. “Are you laughing at me?”

Seeing Shangguan Ru scold her elder brother, Gu Shenwei felt like he had suddenly returned to Golden Roc Castle. That was a humiliating experience but there were occasionally rays of sunshine in the thick suffocating mist of darkness.

The noise and excitement in the distance turned into a cheer, reminding Gu Shenwei that he was living in the real world.

Liman ran in, sweating. “They’ve succeed. The chiliarches also have the right to participate in the election now.”

Tuosai had agreed with great reluctance. He knew full well that the so-called getting revenge for the Commandant was just an excuse and the officers had ulterior motives, but he had no choice. Among the senior generals, only Wucuo was his staunch supporter, and all the others, either overtly or covertly, sided with the officers. All of a sudden, King Riyao was on the losing side, as the thousand or so guards he had brought with him were less than the large number of officers.

“The captains and the deputy commandants will propose four candidates. The officers can put forward one candidate. The new commandant will be elected from these five people. It’s not perfect but that’s the best they could come up with.” Liman was a bit disappointed and thought the victory was not complete enough.

“I’m afraid that it will take a long time.” At present, the camp of the Court Attendants Army was kind of in a tumultuous state, and the situation might change in the blink of an eye. Gu Shenwei was worried that something bad might happen if the election took too long to finish.

Liman sighed, “There’s no choice. The officers have temporarily allied together and only one candidate slot is available. The Dragon King can imagine how heated the competition will be. The election is scheduled for midnight tonight and the results will be announced in the early hours of tomorrow.”

“What about the other kings outside?”

“They will be let in at the second night watch period. The lords will only be permitted watch and are not allowed to propose a candidate.”

It sounded so reasonable that Gu Shenwei couldn’t help but have some doubts gather in his heart. Had Lotus and King Shengri anticipated this military mutiny? Where was the trap that they had set up for King Riyao Tuosai?

Liman appeared quite nervous when he left the tent. The alliance of the officers was too freshly formed, and a fierce fight among them would begin soon. He wasn’t too confident in obtaining a favorable outcome.

Gu Shenwei refused to give an opinion, though he did have some ideas. In a chaotic situation like this, every choice could produce unexpected results and turn him from a ‘mastermind’ with wonderful foresight to a ‘sinner’ who had failed.

“The Dragon King has great prestige among the officers,” Shangguan Ru said softly.

Gu Shenwei didn’t feel it. He had doubts in his heart so he took the chance to express them. “Are you familiar with the officers here?”

“Hmm.” Shangguan Ru bluntly admitted, “I’ve met some in the prison and through them met more and more people. They are very easy to befriend.”


“Why what?”

“What do you want from the Court Attendants Army?”

“Is there anything that the Dragon King cannot guess? Shangguan Ru smiled.

Gu Shenwei had actually already guessed but he didn’t understand, especially after hearing what Shangguan Ru had said to refute her brother. “It’s useless. You know very well that the soldiers of the Norland will not join the Dragon Army.”

“We gotta try. Everyone thought no one dared to kill the Khan, how did that turn out?” In Shangguan Ru’s eyes, the Dragon King and her brother were completely different types of people. So she didn’t think that there was anything inconsistent in what she had said.

“But you…” Gu Shenwei didn’t know what to say. He didn’t understand why Shangguan Ru would volunteer to do such a thing for him.

Shangguan Ru obviously understood what he meant so her expression softened and the remaining childishness in her face disappeared without a trace as she said, “You will protect the people who come to you. I don’t want the prairie to become a killing ground, and so I want the Court Attendants Army to be your men.”

Recalling the reaction of Azheba and his fellow officers, Gu Shenwei felt that this plan was as impractical as Lotus’s. “The only thing that I benefit from is killing.”

“I will fight for another choice for you.” Shangguan Ru’s tone was firm, revealing the pride of the ‘Tenth Gongzi.’

Gu Shenwei untied the Five Peaks Saber and laid it across his knees. “If the outcome of the election isn’t Gulun, then Azheba hoped that I would use my saber to solve the problem and I agreed; Tuosai wants to get rid of me but I’ll strike first. He’ll run away from the Court Attendants Army but die in his own camp. Lotus and King Shengri are already on my kill list. Look, everybody wants me to draw my saber except for you. This is my only path. Choice? You have one, but I don’t.”

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