
Chapter 434 - Dont Look Down On The Fairer Sex

Chapter 434: Don’t Look Down On The Fairer Sex

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The phantoms’ attacks did not land on the Scholar Walker’s soul but a small part of Baiyi’s consciousness. As Baiyi’s consciousness was known for its immense power, the phantoms’ attacks were akin to throwing eggs on a rock. Although this bit on Baiyi’s consciousness was small, it was still a rock. No matter the type eggs thrown at it — be it chicken eggs, duck eggs, or even ostrich eggs — it’ll end up a smashed mess regardless.

When the Scholar Walker easily tanked the phantoms’ soul attacks, they were greatly embarrassed. What more could they do? They were no good in physical combat, but their opponent, who was in a suit of armor, was skilled at martial arts. In the end, the phantoms resorted to spellcasting.

They then tried to race the Scholar Walker in reading and spellcasting speed.

Although the Voidwalkers had always looked down on the Scholar Walker’s prowess in combat, she was unparalleled in spellcasting. The phantoms immediately regretted their choice. The Scholar Walker was akin to a Demigod-level rapper, who could speedily recite her incarnation without getting so much a syllable or intonation wrong. Lines and lines of impeccable runes radiated from her, and thanks to her incredible proficiency in creating magical formations, her spellcasting speed was far superior to the phantoms’. It was beyond their expectations.

Furthermore, the Scholar Walker had access to the many wacky but devastating spells invented by the Voidwalkers, who had been bored for millennia in the Void. The moment the phantoms chose to fight with her spells, they had sealed their fates.

The Scholar Walker bombarded the battlefield with a variety of dazzling fireworks and blinding spells. After what could pass as high-level light pollution, the entire army, which consisted of millions of phantoms, were completely wiped out, by one person.

“W-what kind of monster are you?! ” Charnal cried out hysterically. Its massive body had begun to dissipate under the effects of light magic — the magic most effective against ghosts and undead — like an ice cube’s fate under a hot summer sun.

Charnal knew it had to escape if it wanted to keep on living, but the moment it tried to flee, an arrow suddenly pierced through the weakest point of its body.

The arrow exploded, and a chilling-blue inferno consumed the Phantom King completely.

“Yo, are you alright?’ Lady Assassin Walker rose from the shadows, grinning at the Scholar Walker.

“Very gracious of you,” the Scholar Walker replied calmly.

However, she was secretly eyeing Lady Assassin’s youthful appearance with jealousy. The fact that not a wrinkle or speck of dust could be found on Lady Assassin’s body was not lost on the keen observer, the Scholar Walker. The fact that Lady Assassin Walker looked so good that one would think she was not a part of the war, made the Scholar Walker’s envy grow.

Truthfully, the Scholar Walker desired to use the Divine Leatthersuit just as much as the other girls did. However, it had been long since been agreed that the Leathersuit could only be worn by the women who shared some form of intimacy with Baiyi. As the Scholar harbored not a single hint of such affection, she declined an offer to share the Leathersuit with the Fairy Walker, the Warrior Walker, and the Assassin Walker.

“How are the others? Are they alright?” The Scholar Walker asked.

“I have checked around, and the Lich Walker was the first to finish its fight. The Hitman Walker is still partying with his opponent and the Blacksmith Walker... well, he’s out of the game,” Lady Assassin Walker replied.

“Overwhelmed already? That is rather reprehensible...” The Scholar Walker remarked quite scornfully.

“I know, right? When we get back, we’ll force him to kill himself — through poison!” Lady Assassin Walker chuckled.

“And Hope?” The Scholar Walker finally asked about the strongest of the Voidwalkers, who deserved the least amount of concern.

“Well... Doofus is... not in a good place,” Lady Assassin Walker mumbled, her expression darkening. “It was as if he had vanished from this world — no,universe . He didn’t even respond when I poked him in the Void.”

The Scholar Walker stiffened. “Wh-what do you supposed have befallen him?”

“I don’t know. All I know is that the last place he’s been before he went missing was likely that black castle over there. I’m going to find him.”

The Scholar Walker was just about to offer her help as a backup when the Grandruler implemented its first move towards conquest. Under its power, Duat started to phase out from its original position and superimpose itself onto Isythre.

Naturally, the Scholar Walker was taken aback by the sudden change. She promptly assessed this new development, arrived at the general gist of their current situation, and said to Lady Assassin Walker hurriedly, “I’m afraid an unprecedented calamity had befallen Isythre. I must gather the others at once; You’ll locate Hope in the meantime.”

Lady Assassin Walker was just as horrified at what she was seeing and knew the desperation of their situation despite having no inkling of the theories behind what had happened. She nodded her head curtly and immediately vanished from the spot, already sprinting towards the black castle where Baiyi was last seen.

On the way, she was arguing with the other two, the Fairy Walker and the Warrior Walker, in the Void. “Do you really think the three of us could reallybeat the lord of that castle, though? I mean, even Doofus had fallen prey into his hand!”

As the main wife and leader of the Three Huffing Piggies, the Fairy Walker replied in indignance, “Don’t you dare suggest that the rest of us are as useless as you are, girl. We all know that he’s a doofus; stumbling is what doofuses do. If he stumbles and finds himself in distress, we come up and save his a**. It’s as simple as that!”

Lady Assassin Walker had no retort. When she first sensed Baiyi’s complete absence from the Void together with the other two Huffing Piggies, the Fairy Walker instantaneously chastised her pretty harshly on how she was not only inept in taking care of their man, she was even inept enough to get herself thrust into an army of the dead.

Apparently, the primary wife always had a way of turning everything into the inferior wife’s fault.

Stunned, hurt, and yet unable to retort anything, Lady Assassin Wakjer could only focus on escaping the undead soldiers around her using her true concealment technique. That was how she effortlessly evaded the sea of soldiers around her and checked on everyone else in the team — including the Scholar earlier — before departing towards the black castle.

Seeing Lady Assassin Walker being tormented again, the Warrior Walker stood up for her best friend. “Stop this. You know it wasn’t her fault at all. Fie, our main goal now is to find that oaf and she’s the best at it.”

“Look, my darling’s idiocy is quite contagious, so I’m just worried that our friend here has gotten stupider by staying with him for too long,” The Fairy Walker replied with a shrug.

“No, she is only stupid when that oaf is around. He’s not now,” the Warrior argued.

Lady Assassin Walker almost burst into tears.

Over the past ten years, these three women had been constantly embroiled in a hair-ripping, dramatic “discussion” (read: war) with each other on the topic of who should be a certain someone’s rightful wife. Slowly, as the debate went on, the three realized that with Baiyi’s chronic obliviousness and his irritating penchant to cast the world aside just because a pretty loli had appeared in his sigh, the three would never be able to hear an actual verdict from him even if the end of times had arrived.

Besides, they did not just have each other to worry about; they had to worry about real-life women such as that little dragon-lady who was “incompetent, useless, inept, unhelpful”... yet very young and good at acting cute, which was exactly the sort of thing a certain someone could not resist.

Even if the dragon-lady was not enough to pose as a major threat, there was also the problem with Baiyi’s female students, who were even tenderer. Not only did they have to worry about the original cast, but their competitors also increased greatly since Baiyi started his school because now even younger, cute girls were in his proximity and many of them were just as damningly good at being coquettish, cute, adorable, beautiful, etc. The pressure these three female Walkers felt just kept increasing!

In the end, the three of them understood that they had to compromise and band together to fight the threat of the outside world. Under the spirit of testy camaraderie, the three reached an agreement with a severe set of inviolable terms and conditions that Baiyi was not privy to. One of the most important item in the agreement was the bodysuit, which the three had agreed to share as long as there was always one of them in it and standing close to a certain someone to make sure that his eyes did not linger at any new girls to add into his collection.

This was also the true reason why a certain Grand Principle had not been able to bring even a single new cuter, more docile, and more talented female student into his collection...

Well, that was until the Grandruler accidentally helped him a little, as seen a while ago.

Anyway, there were very few things these three women could unanimously agree on, but this was one of it: they were going to make it big, and if possible,absolutely destroy the boss behind this whole scheme, rescue a certain someone, and show him the power of his wives!

After sneaking into the castle, Lady Assassin scaled the entire building while concealed but she did not find her Doofus. All she saw was the Grandruler sitting on the throne in the main hall.

For some reasons—perhaps through some uncanny method—the Grandruler could feel her presence despite her techniques. He looked up and stared into the air and said, “Come out now. I know you’re here.”

Lady Assassin was about to reveal herself when the primary wife butted in, “You’re woefully useless at arguing, unlike me.”

Hence, the Huffing Piggy revealed before the Grandruler was the Fairy, with her silver hair fashioned into a graceful, regal bun, her hands empty, her dress elaborative and pompous as the elite class’ should—she looked like a noble lady coming forward to seek pardon for her husband.

A typical scene like this—a lonesome noblewoman appearing before the emperor pleading for a pardon for her husband—was easily the crucial beginning to the sort of videos a wise human would use incognito mode for.

However, that was not the case today.

“Give me back my man, you son of a b****!” The Fairy yelled with the sort of righteous fury only a wife could summon.

The Grandruler was stumped. He had seen a lot of women like the one before him—regal, gorgeous, noble-looking—and indeed, he had topped them all . Yet this one before him not only looked different from the living women that he had ever seen throughout his life in terms of her physical features like her ears as well as her drop-dead ravishing appearance... She actually dared talk to him like that.

The Grandruler could not help but be a little bit aroused.

“This is the kingdom of the dead, Duat. And I, am the ruler of this land known as the Grandruler of the Dead. Who are you, o’ fair lady?” The Grandruler said quietly.

“I’m just a poor damsel who had lost her beloved embarked in a quest to get him back,” the Fairy replied without showing any sign of fear or deference. Emperor? Grandruler? Those titles meant nothing to her.

“Your beloved? Are you referring to the armor from before? ...Interesting! Now this is truly interesting!” The Grandruler exclaimed. “I must admit, your group is easily the most intriguing invaders I have ever met. Your beloved had made me fear for myself, you see, and I have never felt that way for a long time. On the other hand, you—a living woman—had stepped foot into Duat while remaining fair and comely. You even managed to sneak around my castle without a sight despite your evening dress!”

“This is too intriguing! I am enamored with the mysteries you have brought, o’ fair lady. Sincerely, I invite you to have lunch with me,” The Grandruler added. “If you delight me enough, I may even divulge what had become of your beloved.”

Upon hearing his proposal, the Fairy immediately guffawed without the slightest bit of ladylike reservation or even care for her image. She had to take a couple of breaks to inhale as she cried, among bursts of laughter, “Oh... Oh my god, you’re such a joke... And you don’t even know that! Hahaha! You’re even trying that s*** on me! Oh my god, this is gold... Look at yourself! You’re so completely green you’re like of patron saint of cuckolded men, and yet here you’re trying to be a big boy doing NTR 1 !?! Gahahaha!”

The Grandruler of Forgiveness was unsurprisingly perplexed at what exactly provoked her into such a fit, nor would he ever understand the issue of the color green as well as this “NTR”—yet he was not an idiot as to not pick up the wanton obloquy and disdain in her laughter. With a furious sneer, a herd of bats started to flood into the hall before gathering together around the Fairy and transforming into hideous, bald vampires.

“It’s frowned upon to be rough with a lady, nor am I foolish enough to think that you’re just a normal damsel who cannot defend herself... But I warn you, you best wise up and behave,” The Grandruler said steelily before snapping his finger.

On cue, a few Revenants rose from the shadows within the hall, wearing a grotesque helmet with such a demonic and malefic design that would have terrified any normal woman.

The hall was never completely unattended; The Grandruler did not summon them when Baiyi was in the castle earlier only because he knew that these were nothing to the latter. However, his useless subjects would not be useless if their opponent was this weak-looking, dandy little noble lady.

The enemy was alone, after all. And she was just a girl.

However, the Fairy was not only unperturbed by the sight of the undead guards closing around her—she was disdainful. “Oh, you shouldn’t think I came here alone, punk.”

“Switch,” She murmured in a low voice, and suddenly the Fairy turned into a bodacious fay-like woman with bewitching black straight hair. With a soft battle cry, a burst of icy blue flames erupted from her body, incinerating the vampires closing in around her into ashes.

She turned towards the Revenants hurling towards her and extended her arms, her blue combat chi manifesting into a bow on her forward arm and three arrows on the other.

Then she leaped into the air, her body forming a graceful arch as her black hair spread out into the air like a gentle drape. Her vermillion lips opened and a soft cry escaped from it, “Switch.”

The Warrior morphed into the regal, queen-like Fairy, who used the bow and arrows the Warrior had prepared for her by using the latter’s combat chi and fired at the Revenants.

The three icy blue arrows glinted in the air before splitting into even finer, sharper, and—as displayed by how they punctured through the Revenants’ heads and bringing them down instantly— deadlier.

After delivering a swift blow, the Fairy murmured in a low breath, “Switch.” This time, her body vanished completely.

The Grandruler had not even gotten the time to recover from his shock when his eyes caught a faint blur before his eyes—and suddenly, a dagger was already on his throat.

“Hello there,” Lady Assassin’s lips quivered slyly. “Gimme back my Doofus!”

“Gah, this goddamned bimbo...”


Back in the Void, the Fairy and the Warrior let out an exclamation together, albeit being tonally different.

Lady Assassin seemed to be reminded of something after hearing their laments and swiped her dagger hard at the Grandruler’s throat—which the dagger easily and unsurprisingly slid through.

The realization finally dawned on her, causing her to stick her tongue out in embarrassment—the Grandruler was an energy being that could not be harmed by physical attacks.

She vanished from sight once more and reappeared on the back of a Revenant who had had just struggled to his feet into standing up, her arm making an arc under the latter’s neck so swiftly that its head rolled down before the Revenant could even stand up properly.

“What did I do this time?! I mean, haven’t you two also been through times when you miss your shot and I had to pick up the slack?” She yelled at the air as if she was quarreling with an imaginary friend.

The Grandruler, who heretofore had never left his throne, sat still with a dumbfounded look. The first question in his mind was how—how did his advanced undead spirit guards felled within the span of seconds? What did that beautiful noble lady do? In fact, how did she defeat them ... in a manner not unlike a cinematic choreography?

The truth was that these three Huffing Piggies had not been spending their past ten years doing only sleeping, in-fighting, and coming together to bully Lady Assassin. They knew that they should be more than just moe characters like that little dragon-lady and Little Mia if they were to remain as their man’s equals, and so they devoted themselves into the other side of them that almost every other girls a certain someone had met never found: their prowess and absolute expertise in their respective trade.

Since the three of them agreed on this, they slowly developed a unique way of combat that only this instant-transforming bodysuit could do, so that three of them could utilize their best and covered each other’s shortcomings.

Their technique? A unique art of fighting that combined the skills of three different persons into one!

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