
Chapter 394: Who is the shameless person?

Chapter 394: Who is the shameless person?

Yu-Jia let out a dry cough.

It is important to say that a person\'s age and face are very important in determining his prestige. When Yan Mo was an old man, no one could not spurn him when they saw his old and immortal looks. Now he looks like a young man with a tender face. No one will be taking him seriously. At the same time, they will feel embarrassed because he looks simple and honest.

Look, nowadays if a teenager says to their faces that the Nine Great Cities are unreasonable --- although they seldom do, there are still many people present who felt that they are bullying children.

This matter must not be spread out! Everyone had an eye contact.

Yeah, make a quick decision. Don\'t delay. It\'s ugly to have the other Three Cities and Wucheng-City of Witches and priests come back later.

But who will do it first?

Originally, the Wucheng, the Ancheng and the Huocheng, the three cities consulted together. When the bone bird landed, they wanted to separate the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu and the Jiu Yuan people. Liu Yan would be responsible for blocking the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu, while others were responsible for dealing with the Jiu Yuan people. Then they will secretly bring them to a secret place and interrogated the Jiu Yuan people.

If the torture has results, The Wucheng - City of Witches will be getting the highest gain in the competition Fruit of Witchcraft, equivalent to an entire Upper city gain. The remaining Jiu Yuan Tribe assets will be divided equally between the other two cities, and Wucheng-City of Witches, which has the greatest benefit, will also tilt the benefits to a part of Ancheng and Huocheng in the future.

But the plan can\'t keep up with the reality. Who knows that the news leaked out? When they came here, the other three cities came, too. So it was a question of who would do it first, who will be the first one to go after the Fruit of Witchcraft and the Jiu Yuan.

Liu Yan didn\'t want to carry all the resentment of the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu on his shoulder in this case, so he just blocked The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu but didn\'t do it.

Yu-Jia wanted to take the Jiu Yuan away first, but Ancheng-Dark City and Huocheng-Fire City didn\'t cooperate with him, and he couldn\'t do it first. The other cities obviously planned to see how Wucheng-City of Witches acted before they reacted. The result of no one\'s starting doing it first was the reason that the present scene of "harmony and happiness" was shown.

Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo were ready for a fight, but the situation was clearly unexpected.

Yan Mo scanned the faces of the people, and quickly realized that these people were not in the same goal, and each had their own thoughts. This is just like the story of the monk carrying water. There are too many people who want others to work hard but take the water for themselves.

This is just right. He doesn\'t want to come to a fight with a pair of nine, he and Yuan Zhan plus him Shifu are more powerful and 9 times nth superior how can they allow to be bullied, but who knows what kind of powerful character The Nine Great Cities has hidden?

All these analyses took place in the light of fire, and Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan exchanged a look. When they were in the sky, they controlled the bone-bird and wanted to leave Wucheng- City of Witches first, but The Curse-Witch Zhou reminded them that if they ran like this, they would give those people more reasons to kill them, and maybe some crimes would happen. The name of the criminal is going to be planted on their heads - or else why do you run without landing first?

How scared are they to see these people? Why are they afraid to come to the Nine Cities for the challenge party? So timid and wishful to challenge others to go to town?

In order not to let others say that they are guilty of being thieves, but also not to give the Nine Cities a reason to join forces to hunt down the Jiu Yuan, they had to land.

It\'s dangerous, but the Jiu Yuan\'s situation is like walking on a high wire. A little carelessness is a slip to the end of the destruction.

It\'s dangerous to enter, but dangerous to retreat. It\'s better to enter!

The Nine Great Cities is not a complete iron plate either. All they have to do is to find an opportunity to pry the cracks in the iron plate, draw together several worthy allies to their side, let the Nine Great Cities dog bite their own doggy tail, and refuse to admit that the Fruit of Witchcraft was in the Jiu Yuan.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu told the two people that he was looking at the following crowd. Wucheng-City of Witches First High Priest was not there, nor were Kongcheng-Air City and Yincheng-Sound City. Not to mention Yincheng-Sound City and Fengcheng-Wing City, Wucheng-City of Witches First High Priest, as the first Oracle of prophecy, he had great influence in Wucheng-City of Witches and eight other cities. He did not appear. He either did not know or disapproved of it.

Besides Kongcheng-Air City, Kongcheng-Air City is almost the second powerful city in a thousand years. In other words, Kongcheng-Air City is the most powerful force on the city besides Wucheng-City of Witches. Will they watch other upper city forces grab the Fruit of Witchcraft and then suppress them?

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu laughed and mocked. “Apprentice, you\'re wrong. It\'s not the Nine Great Cities who are unreasonable, it\'s... I count, six upper cities! It seems that Kongcheng-Air City, Fengcheng-Wing City and Yincheng-Sound City are not here? Hello, Yu-Jia. Did you not tell them, or did they not want to come? Does The Fat-Elephant Si Fei Xiang know about this?”

Yu-Jia has a headache and winked at Huocheng-Fire City High Priest An-Bu.

An-Bu saw the wink, but did not move, he was originally dissatisfied with The Fruit of Witchcraft finally belonging to Wucheng- City of Witches in the discussion they had, he also does not want to help Yu-Jia this Tenth High Priest climb up, now so many the upper city forces are vying for better ranks, he again wants to use the devil\'s hand to gain a little more than what others gain. Besides, there is also a legendary human-face Kunpeng Clan backing behind the Jiu Yuan. If he hadn\'t heard that the Human\'s face Kunpeng had disappeared for some time and will not come with Wucheng-City of Witches this time, he would not have promised to participate in the siege.

At the same time, that\'s why he didn\'t attack the Jiu Yuan immediately when he got the news. Even if Huocheng-Fire City could do it well in the fight, the final loss would be huge. Others in the city knew that other upper cities would not let Huocheng-Fire City go if they got the Fruit of Witchcraft. So he preferred to share the Jiu Yuan with Wucheng-City of Witches and Ancheng-Dark City, who also received the news, and decided to seize the opportunity of the Nine Cities gathering to seize the Chief and the Priest of the Jiu Yuan.

In his mind, if the Jiu Yuan people were smart, he would hand over The Fruit of Witchcraft in exchange for their own lives. Unfortunately, there is only one Fruit of Witchcraft, but there are six cities that wanted to participate in the distribution of stolen goods.

Yu-Jia is anxious because that Wucheng-City of Witches has a special status. In order to avoid major wars the city made its own rules and regulations in the world, he came here with a fake face of coming to greet the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu. What he secretly wanted to do was to hide the plan from most of the high priests from Wucheng-City of Witches, especially the first High Priest. If it can be done, it will be all right. If someone can protect him, if he fails to do so, he will be thankless and punished, and maybe he will be kicked out of 12th High Priest Conclave.

When Yu-Jia thought of this, he could not help staring at the three cities, the Shuicheng-Water City, the Mucheng-Forest City and the Tucheng-Earth City that were running to make trouble. If he finds out who leaked the news... Yu-Jia clenched his fist!

Yan Mo, looking at the favorable situation for the Jiu Yuan, of course, did not want to let it go. He turned to his own Shifu with a sudden suspicion and said, "Shifu, you wouldn\'t have offended too many people. Did they intentionally find reasons to beat us because of you?”

Yuan Zhan looked at Yan Mo and felt his hands itching. He could not help touching the young dog\'s head. "Don\'t say such obvious things."

"Ha ha ha ha!" The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu did not laugh angrily and proudly pointed around the people around him. He also pointed to Liu Yan and Yu-Jia who came over. "Apprentices, remember, these people are all coming to bully your Shifu. You can help Shifu fight them back when the challenge comes!"

The priests of the six cities and all the blood warriors felt that the Old man Curse-Witch Zhou Wu was particularly shameless. He said that they had come to bully him. Who in this world would dared bully the Curse Witch Zhou Wu? Do you want to live worse or do you want to live miserably rather than die?

Yu-Jia\'s heart was moving. This is the end of the story. It\'s better to.

"Shifu, you can rest assured that the disciple will not let other bullied you and be disrespectful to you! They can\'t beat A-Zhan, oh? A-Zhaaan?"

Yuan Zhan raised his mouth and nodded. He felt deeply that this kind of mouthy Mo poked his itch. He would like to grab him in his arms and rub h hard for a few times.

Yan Mo hum, don\'t think I didn\'t know you liked this kind of thing. At first, did you think I was such a jerk?

Yuan Zhan stretches his paw and pinches it!

The young man\'s tender face was pinched red immediately. The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu also wanted to take advantage of the fire to rob him. As soon as he reached out, he saw his apprentice step three feet away and smiled warmly at Priest Yu-Jia who came over. "Hello, Da-Ren, are you the Wucheng-City of Witches coming to meet us?”

Yu-Jia coughed again and squeezed out a smile. "Gods Above. I\'m Wucheng-City of Witches Tenth Priest Yu-Jia. This time I\'m here to welcome The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu Da-Ren."

The implication is clear. You the Jiu Yuan are not worthy of me the Wucheng-City of Witches Tenth Priest coming to greet you personally.

"In addition, I heard that the Jiu Yuan had the privilege of getting the Fruit of Witchcraft, which is a matter of great importance. Every time it appears, there will be major wars, the intelligent race of the whole world, will be aroused. Our Wucheng-City of Witches fear that this kind of major war, which has caused a great deal of wrath to many living beings, will reappear again and asked me to come and verify this. If the Jiu Yuan owns the Fruit of Witchcraft, or it’s better to give it to Wucheng-City of Witches."

Yu-Jia also wanted to say something more, Yan Mo took the lead, the youth face looked confused and wronged: "Da-Ren, we were asked to participate in the Nine Cities meeting, my Shifu said there will be many great priests and powerful blood warriors, so that we can have a good knowledge exchange, how come we just got here and are falsely accused? We don\'t know anything about the Fruit of Witchcraft. If you didn\'t say it, we wouldn’t know it exist, what kind of fruit is it? That... If you didn\'t want us to come, we\'ll go back."

"Go back? Leave the Fruit of Witchcraft here before you leave!” Tucheng-Earth City High Priest watched the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu being blocked by Liu Yan, dared to go up to Yu-Jia and shout.

"Who are you?Is it you who are trying to pin this on us? "Juvenile spirited voice rang out, “We simply do not have any Fruit of Witchcraft, why are you wronging us?"

“Hey Hey! Apprentice, that\'s Tucheng-Earth City Priest. Shifu once beat the blood out of him. In addition, the shameless Tucheng-Earth City also sent people to bully A-Zhan and almost killed A-Zhan. We have a terrible feud with Tucheng-Earth City and we haven’t settled the score yet!"

"No wonder they are falsely accusing us!" the young man suddenly looked like he figured out something, and was angry at Tucheng-Earth City High Priest. “The Jiu Yuan was bullied by their warriors when we were going to that city. You sent messengers to our city some time ago to ask us to join you, you said you were going to give us the status of a middle city, and to marry your princess to our chief. As a result, we refused, and you even tried to accuse us! It’s all in vain, we took good care of your poor princess and brought her from the Jiu Yuan!"

"Yes, the Tucheng-Earth City people are so bad!" Meng Er shouted from behind.

Most people on the scene heard about it for the first time. Many people looked at the only woman who came out dressed as a non-slave. That was Princess Miao Xiang?

Mucheng-Forest City Third Priest Cong Sheng voice long screamed: "So you Tucheng-Earth City has been in contact with the Jiu Yuan, why did not you ask if the Fruit of Witchcraft is with the Jiu Yuan at that time?”

Tucheng-Earth City High Priest bit his tongue. Your mother bald egg! Which side are you on? If I had known The Fruit of Witchcraft was in the Jiu Yuan, I would have attacked them long ago, and now why I would have let you take advantage of it?

Princes Miao Xiang, standing at the tail of the bone bird and wondering where to go, had a painful expression of shame and indignation on her face.

She was a princess on the upper city who was ignored by the public until now, now being mentioned, she has become the object of relatives plot, or someone who has been rejected? It\'s true, but she doesn\'t want you to mention it in public. How can anyone live the shame of that?

"Gui-Zheng Da-Ren!" cried Princess Miao Xiang, who sensibly perceived the scorn of the cities for the Jiu Yuan and dared not stay with the Jiu Yuan people any longer, and now ran to Tucheng-Earth City High Priest.

Meng Er stamped Yuan Zhan, "Can\'t you stop her?”

Yuan Zhan oblique scan Miao Xiang, amplifying the voice, "This woman is restless, in the Jiu Yuan I do not know how many things she has stolen, if we even had The Fruit of Witchcraft, it may have been stolen by her, after all, we savages do not know what it this fruit looks like, but as the city\'s princess that is a whole different thing."

Meng Er suddenly realized, "No wonder Tucheng-Earth City wanted to leave a princess in our savage lands. Chief, what does The Fruit of Witchcraft look like? What\'s the use?"

Yuan Zhan, "You ask me, why do you ask me? I haven\'t even seen it yet."

Princess Miao Xiang’s face instantly distorted. This is the man she wanted to marry. He was accusing her of stealing! Although she was asking for some secrets of the Jiu Yuan, she did not steal what The Fruit of Witchcraft!

Tucheng-Earth City High Priest Gui-Zheng shouted, "Don\'t talk nonsense! How could your Highness the Princess steal from you savages?”

"If she and your cities didn\'t want the things of our savages, why send messengers to us and bring the princess over? Now it is more false to us than to be ashamed! Maybe you Tucheng-Earth City got the Fruit of Witchcraft early, but it like when the thief shouted he is going to catch a thief and wanted us to be a scapegoat for his own thievery, which is just like what you’re are trying to do!” Yan Mo now depended on his youth appearance, and simply does not have the face to play the tender end.

Meng Er cooperated and violently nodded, "That\'s is their reason then!"

Other Upper cities priests and the blood warriors heard this and found that it sound reasonable. Tucheng-Earth City High Priest shivered with rage. Sure enough, the wild Jiu Yuan people were born out of harmony with my big Tucheng-Earth City!

Lamo-Ling looked up at the sky and said, "The Fruit of Witchcraft must be good for a real dinner party... [Whining]!”

Meng Er put a hand over Lamo-Ling\'s mouth and whispered, "In other words! When did we get it?"

Lamo-Ling eyes slowly turned around, seemed to understand something, he immediately pushed Meng Er claws, and said: "Gods Above, all who coveted the Jiu Yuan and all the greedy people will not get a good end, well, eating and get choked, drinking water and get choked, the pits-fall in!"

Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo look at Lamo-Ling side by side. The last curse is really cruel!

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu also laughed, Lamo-Ling\'s curse ability is innate, and he dare not teach this person, for fear that the power of two plus is too big to control.

The mad Tucheng-Earth City High Priest said that he disdained talking to a child at all. With a whip of his head, he turned to Yu-Jia and said, "It\'s clear to everyone, whether they have The Fruit of Witchcraft or not. We Tucheng-Earth City admit that we are not sky transporters and do not have the Fruit of Witchcraft, but the Jiu Yuan is in conflict with my Tucheng-Earth City, and we will help you in the fight and the Fruit of Witchcraft will be yours and the Jiu Yuan will be my Tucheng-Earth City.”

Ancheng-Dark City and Huocheng-Fire City Priest laughed together.

People in other cities are also upset. Who does Tucheng-Earth City think he is and dare to speak up for the people who wants to attack whole Jiu Yuan?

The Fruit of Witchcraft is not in the hands of the Jiu Yuan people. But the value of the Jiu Yuan is seen by everyone.

When people looked at it, they wrote "The Jiu Yuan people" on my face. They nodded their head and saw that Jiu Yuan was definitely a fat sheep!

"And so many of our cities want the Jiu Yuan, so we might as well follow the old rules and speak with the strength of each city." Shuicheng-Water City Third Priest looked at Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo, and saluted the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu. "Of course, if the Jiu Yuan doesn\'t want to be divided up, it can also challenge us and other forces, and bet on the whole tribe of the Jiu Yuan. How do you like that Curse-Witch Zhou Wu Da-Ren?”

So, finally, back to the origin? Yan Mo laughed in his heart, but it was a better situation for the Jiu Yuan.

Yuan Zhan seems a bit unfortunate, but he would like to take advantage of beating some enemies to make a deterrent, but his Priest Da-Ren demands stability, so follow Priest Da-Ren\'s thinking.

It\'s like an appointment or someone has been spying on the situation here. As soon as a decision has been made to fight, a group of warriors with the word of Wucheng-City of Witches Temple has arrived.

"Wucheng-City of Witches Temple has orders that they wait to meet the guests of the Jiu Yuan Tribe!"

"Wucheng-City of Witches Temple ordered that no one within the scope of Wucheng-City of Witches is allowed to fight privately during the Nine Cities gathering, or they would be severely punished!"

"Wucheng-City of Witches Temple has an order to call Tenth Priest Yu-Jia back to the Temple at once!"

Yu-Jia\'s face changed greatly.

[1] A/N... Some Chapters in the future will have a password prompt... This is to prevent copiers... there\'s like 6 website copying my translation... we are making things hard for one another...sorry if you my normal readers get caught in the cross hairs of this little love hate spat...Forgive me a thousand times and I will reward you will at tleast translations for many years to come.... I got like 50 years in my life span sans accidents we willl be BL-ing till the end of days LOVE YALL

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