
Chapter 705 - Administration of Internal Affairs (2)

Chapter 705: Administration of Internal Affairs (2)

“Mr. Prime Minister, if we leave them like this, government policies will be shaken by poor amateurs. We’re going to have to set up a model case to warn them.”

“If that’s your will, there’s always a way to control the prevention of civic groups, but we can’t be free from criticism that we’re going back to the old days.”

If the government, which advocated human rights first, pulled out its sword, there was no doubt that people would protest. Still, a harsh measure was needed to stop wrong civic activities.

“I can take that kind of criticism as much as I want. Isn’t it right to use coercive methods to weed out immature civic groups?”

Sound criticism was good, but if it was abused, it would only confuse society.

“May I have a private inspection, then?”

Prime Minister Kasim mentioned the private inspection as if he had been waiting.

“I’ll allow it temporarily. Get help from the Intelligence Service if necessary.”

“If we mobilize the intelligence service, we’ll have problems later. For now, I’d like to make the most of the police organization, and I want to restart the police intelligence department this time. Recently, there has been a growing number of disobedient people criticizing the royal family. It’s not a simple issue to overlook. I think they’re getting outside support. The police organization is the best way to dig it out.”

“External support?”

“It seems like they are trying to divide our public opinion.”

Who would benefit if Kazakhstan fell into disarray?

What immediately came to Youngho’s mind was the former president’s forces and China.

All they wanted was internal division in Kazakhstan.

When false rumors were rampant, the royal authority would naturally fall, making it lose people’s loyalty and support.

“If the police organization becomes bloated again, it’s no different from the previous administration. I’d rather have the intelligence service find out in secret.”

Youngho had yet to believe the police in Kazakhstan.

Though it was said to have turned over a new leaf, its old habits would still linger.

Even now, corruption scandals involving police officers had been caught frequently.

While most of the leaders were changed when the new administration took over, not all police officers were changed.

If such an organization was given intelligence service, it would abuse it.

Nevertheless, Kasim insisted on reviving the police intelligence organization.

“Your Highness, we border China and since becoming a federal country, the border has been longer than before. In order to fight against potential psychological warfare, we have to operate and strengthen the police intelligence service on top of the regular intelligence service. The police should also be able to gather information because it is the organization that works closest to the people. Of course, the police organization will be bloated, but if we strengthen inspections to keep it in check, we can minimize any unsavory incidents such as human rights violations.”

“Do you think China is behind it?”

“I’m not sure, but China is the only country that will benefit the most from our chaos. Please trust the Kazakh police because it is not the same organization as it used to be. It will achieve more than its given roles.”

The police organization had an intelligence department even now, but it was operating to prevent crimes.

Under the new administration, private inspections had been forbidden, but Kasim wanted to revive them.

“I didn’t want to do a civil inspection at all costs, but I can’t help it. I can’t trust the police organization, but since you are so confident that’s is for the well-being of Kazakhstan, I’ll trust your judgment.”

“I know very well what you’re worried about. We will minimize the side effects by creating an inspection agency under my guidance.”

Kasim also knew that there could be side effects inevitably, so he was saying he would minimize them.

“I’m sure the council won’t like the idea. If other ministers argue with you, tell them the royal family has approved it if necessary.”

“I should let them know that Your Highness was against it instead. The royal family is the centerpiece of Central Asia. You can’t be faulted in any case.”

“What’s wrong with that? If you put the royal family on the line, the council will give you a break. Let’s take it easy. This is not a matter of saving the face of the royal family.”

“Please leave the matter of reorganizing the police organization to the government. I’ll sort it out myself.”

Kasim was determined to press hard.

Although the government had been reflecting the opinions of the parliament representing the people’s will as much as possible when selecting policies, he intended to stick to the government’s will to work related to the well-being of the nation.

“Mr. Prime Minister. No matter how much the Congress is against you, it must be resolved through dialogue. There is nothing wrong with the country right now. You cannot win the support of the people by using coercive methods. Public sentiment should be your priority.”

“Your Highness, I think I went a little too overboard.”

“That means it’s important enough to upset you. However, public support is more important than anything else to mobilize government authority. Why don’t you make public promotional materials to combat the false rumors instead?”

“We’ve made a lot of promotional material and made it known through the media. Still, rumors are circulating. It’s time to take stronger action. Sometimes you need to be tough.”

Prime Minister Kasim was determined to wield public power.

Youngho decided to comply with his idea. He did not want to be seen as interfering with the Prime Minister’s authority.


Even though the congress strongly protested, Kasim pressed the congress to pass the reorganization of the police, saying it was the matter of the nation’s existence. He recognized that the ill effects of false rumors caused by wrong civil activities were overwhelming.

Whether it was a mature civil society, unconfirmed conspiracy theories or rumors were bound to exist all the time.

However, the list of all kinds of conjectures and conspiracy theories were even embarrassing to speak.

Rather than finding the source of the rumors, the Kasim government focused on informing the notorious police intelligence organization had resurrected in hope of scaring the people who spread the rumors and eventually making them shut up. This was because absurd rumors would die out naturally over time.

The effect of the police reorganization was shown in no time.

When the intelligence police said it was searching for the origin of rumors circulating in the country, groundless rumors quickly disappeared.

Rumors said that people would be punished severely if they were caught spreading unconfirmed words.

Somehow rumors had caught rumors.

“Mr. Prime Minister. The scaremongering has washed away.”

“Police Chief, it’s not like they’re washed away, they’re all silent because they’re afraid of the police. That’s how much people fear the police. This proves how terrifying the former police was.”

“Your Excellency, all the seniors who used to wield public power recklessly during the previous administration have either been fired or pushed out to the Russian border.”

“That’s the case of the leadership, but the front-line police are the problem. Even now, residents avoid police whenever they see them. Does this make sense?”

Police chief Kaliyev, who came to report that the rumors had disappeared, was getting an earful from the prime minister.

Since he had been proud of the police as it had been completely changed since the emergence of the new regime, he thought that it was a little bit unfair, but he had no words to say because the police acted as a maid of power when President Nazarbayev was in power.

“Chief Kaliyev. Keep your head straight. It is a mistake to think that the status of the police has increased or gained strength by taking charge of the public information. In any case, when I hear it has violated human rights, you’ll have to be prepared to leave. Keep in mind that the Duke is watching the police closely.”

“Your Excellency, don’t worry about that. We operate an inspection group that keeps an eye on all leaders and police officers randomly at all times. If anything unpleasant happens, I’ll be responsible myself.”

Despite Kasim’s bluff, Kaliyev, the police chief, was full of confidence.

He was confident that he did not do anything shameful since his first day at the police academy.

This was because during his 25-year police career, he did not work at the central government office, let alone at key posts, but he devoted himself solely to the well-being of the people in the front line.

“You seem quite confident. I like that.”

Kassim smiled at the way he was so proud.

He had no choice but to let go of his stern expression, as he was always fond of Kaliyev, who was only focused on his work like a bulldozer.

“Your Excellency, you are walking on the right path, so how can I think of another way? Please throw away your prejudices against the police organization.”

“How can I believe when police corruption is still rampant? Please make sure the organization is squeaky clean.”

“It takes a few more years to shuffle and change the entire police organization. Please be patient with me. I’m going to transform it into an amazing organization.”

“It’s nice to see your confidence. Please don’t let the Duke down.”

“Leave the security of Kazakhstan to me. We’ll do our best.”

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