
Chapter 318: Gorgeous, Quiet, Talented, Master at Four Arts (II)

Chapter 318: Gorgeous, Quiet, Talented, Master at Four Arts (II)

Translator: Ning LL

As Gu Tingye opened his eyes, he also saw that love lock. His eyes which had been filled with coldness the whole night seemed to be warmed by that red jade. He held Minglan’s hand and sat her down while taking over the red jade with another hand. After he rubbed the lock for a while, he said in a low voice, “Do you know how to weave string bag?” Minglan nodded. Of course, that was a required course.

“After you finish weaving this, each of us can have one part of this.” He said that in a softer voice.

Touched as she was, Minglan leaned on his chest and said gently, “I’ll always have it on me.”

“Yes, make the string bag firm.”

The first day of January, Gu Tingye and Old Madam Qin went to the imperial palace to express thanks to the grace of the royal family early in the morning. Minglan had asked Little Shen shi to mention about her pregnancy in the imperial palace before. As a result, the Empress allowed Minglan to stay at home and also sent some satin for baby use and nourishing medicine to the latter, which made Little Shen shi flash a jealous look in her eyes. She had got married earlier than Minglan but still hadn’t got pregnant yet. Luckily, Zheng Jun, Little Shen shi’s eldest brother, had lots of legal and illegal children. Therefore, with so many heirs, the Zheng family didn’t need Little Shen shi to bear the pressure of giving birth to kids.

“There’s no rush in this.” Minglan comforted Little Shen shi, “One of my aunts whom I like a lot gave birth to my cousin after four years she had got married. Perhaps Guanyin are choosing a child for your carefully now. Well, a little general or a little scholar, hey, maybe send them both.”

With the gloomy look on Little Shen shi’s face disapprearing, she chuckled, “You are great at comforting!” Minglan was a gentle girl with a lot of humor and also easy to get along with. As Little Shen shi knew Minglan longer, she loved to air her aggrievances and talk to the latter more and more.

Minglan held Little Shen shi’s hand and said tenderly, “I know what you are worrying about, but you haven’t got married for a long time and things aren’t as bad as you thought. Don’t get too stressed. The more relaxed you are, the earlier you will have a child.” In the ancient times, there were no infertility hospital, so Minglan could only comfort her like that.

Little Shen shi wasn’t a pessimistic person anyway. She thanked Minglan right away and changed a brighter face again.

After Gu Tingye went back from the palace, Minglan ordered the servants to pull out a few baskets of coins.

On the New Year’s Eve, all the stewards, servants, and maids received red envelopes (T/N: A red envelope inside of which is money is a traditional gift in China). These coins which had been strung together by red strings were prepared for the kids. The wall between the Cheng Manor and Marquis Ningyuan’s mansion had already been ripped down. After the New Year, the construction work such as filling or brick paving as well as building the parks would be started. Now, everyone in Marquis Ningyuan’s mansion knew that Gu Tingye and Minglan would take over the control of the Gu family sooner or later, so the stewards of all the departments in Marquis Ningyuan’s mansion all competed to make up to the couple. However, Cheng Mannor was closely guarded by the servants who would be held accountable if they were caught slacking off. Minglan, the new madam, looked gentle but no one knew about her real characteristic, which made the stewards all ill at ease.

Today, Gu Tingye finally had a chance to rest for a while and he had been watching Minglan presenting the coins and snacks smilingly. A lot of girls and boys running and playing in the garden which was covered with snow. They tossed the snowballs to each other while giving out happy laughters.

Rong wore a brand-new winter coat today. As she walked on the road, the gold necklace on her neck reflected the white snow, looking very dazzling. Lately, Rong was a bit upset. When she had just arrived at Marquis Ningyuan’s mansion, she had almost missed her mother and brother every day and woken up crying every night. However, that feelings gradually faded as time went by. This year, because her legal mother had got pregnant, she suddenly remembered her brother whom she hadn’t met for a long time. However, she already couldn’t picture the faces of her blood mother and her brother. Also, she really wanted to know her legal mother would give birth to a boy or a girl.

She knew that her legal mother treated her very well. At school, those illegal daughters of other families all envied her for she always wore fancy clothes and used good stuffs. Sometimes her legal mother would even pick her up after school. However, Rong wondered if Minglan would find her pleasant to the eyes after giving birth to a child like the outsiders have said… Thinking of that, Rong’s heart suddenly trembled. Then she remembered Master Xue’s instruction: Have a righteous mind always and never go on the wrong path. Then you’ll find yourself having a broad mind and clear head.

Rong felt ashamed that she had forgotten the master’s words. She had made up her mind long ago that she would be an upright person and a woman who was excellent like the men like her master. She wanted to live a dignified life unlike… unlike her blood mother.

At present, Rong looked up, finding her father smiling to her legal mother while holding the hand warmer for the latter. That scene made her a bit sad. Actually, having a sibling or not made no difference to her. It didn’t matter if Minglan had treated her sincerely or not. Even if Minglan only wanted a good reputation, or simply pitied Rong, or wanted to please Gu Tingye, the fact that Rong was well treated couldn’t be changed, and she should be grateful for that, as her master had told her. As long as she treasured her luck earnestly and always did good deeds in a modest and gentle way, the good life she had would stay long, since the God would bless her and people would support her.

“… Rong.” Hearing Minglan calling her name, Rong raised her head at once with her eyes opened widely. The noble madam in fancy clothes was young and beautiful with a radiant face. She continued, “Come here, here’s your lunar year money.”

Danju walkd to Rong with a tray on which was a red envelope. Rong took over her present in daze.

“Masters all praised that you are a good student and that you have made a lot of progress in study because of your hard work.” Minglan said with a tender voice and a kind face, “Your father and I are both glad to hear that. We hope you can stay the same in the new year.”

Rong, head lowered, feeling both proud and touched but not knowing what to say. She still couldn’t talk adorably to her legal mother, especially in front of her father.

Gu Tingye looked at Rong and suddenly said, “You are going to be an elder sister.” Rong was startled first and raised her head, then she heard her father’s stern voice, “You have to set a fine example for your brother and sister.”

Rong felt her the gate in her heart being broken by flood and her mind turning clear at once. Then she gave her obeisance to the couple steadily in a graceful posture and looked up, saying in a loud voice, “Thanks for your instruction, father. Thanks for your consideration, mother. I’ll bury your words in mind.”

Minglan was glad that the tuition fee had been well spent while planning to present a valuable gift to Rong’s masters when the new terms began.

In the meantime, Gu Tingye only stared at her.

At the same time in Last January, Minglan had been busy paying visits to the elders in the Sheng’s family. At that time, no one had ever paid visits to her. This year, that situation was completely reversed. She only needed to rest at home during her pregnancy and Old Madam Sheng had ttold her not to visit and only invited Gu Tingye to the feast once. Minglan didn’t need to go anywhere, but there were lots of people paying visits to her because of Gu Tingye was having his days right now.

Gu Tingye didn’t want to visit the remote relatives of the Gu clan, in case those people might want to take advantages of him. However, his fourth uncle and fifth uncle were both his father’s brothers, he had no choice but prepare lots of expensive gifts to visit them. However, no one knew what he had said to his uncle, but when he came back, he was in a great mood to everyone’s surprise.

Minglan got very curious, so she called someone over to ask. The Gu’s families hadn’t separated with each other for long, so the servants of each family were all very familiar to each other. When Gu Tingye was greeting his uncles, the servants who followed him there had inquired about lots of news about the Fourth and Fifth family.

Gu Shun who went to the Fourth family with Gu Tingye said, “… Second Master Bing has owed lots of debts before. His creditor went to his family and threatened to kill him if he couldn’t pay his debt. Fourth Old Master nearly fell ill in anger. Then he planned to entrust the whole family to First Master Xuan. However, Concubine Liu and Second Madam Bing disagreed with his decision and cried all day. When we were there, they happened to be making a stir in the family. It took them a long while to provide Master a cup of warm tea.”

Gu Quan who had gone to the Fifth family held the snacks that Xiaobao had presented him in his arms and smiled with his canine teeth exposed. This little guy spoke even more fluently, “Second Madam Di is in charge of the Fifth family now. Fifth Old Master ordered her to be careful and impartial in order to prevent anyone from acting randomly. Second Madam Di is clear about her duty, so she forbids First Master Yang from taking money from the family at his own will. However, Fifth Old Madam was not happy about that and complained Second Madam Di for being unfilial and immoral. Second Madam Di could only cry with grievances. Second Master Bing and Fifth Old Madam have already had a few quarrels with each other. By the way, a few days ago, someone went to the Fifth family to demand prostitution fee. Second Madam Di called that person bluffing and refused to let him in. The creditor then made a scene in front of the Fifth family’s mansion. Fifth Old Master happened to go back home from his poem appreciation group. As he ran into the creditor, First Master Yang was exposed. Fifth Old Master flew to a rage right away and tied First Master Yang and beat him fiercely. When we were there, First Master Yang was still on the ground…”

Minglan returned to her room quietly. She saw Gu Tingye sitting upright by the desk with a firm look in his eyes, but his lips were slightly raised like the crescent moon at summer night—She touched her belly and said inwardly, ‘Don’t be a person like your daddy who’s happy to see others’ misfortune.’

The next day, the people of the Fourth and Fifth family all came to the Marquis Niangyuan’s mansion.

Old Madam Qin finally collected herself and ordered the servants to set the tables. The men at the outside sat at one table outside. The women would sit at two tables inside. Old Madam Qin also called a performer to sing a few songs to lighten the mood. Meanwhile, she chatted with her two sisters-in-law joyfully with Zhu shi and Gu Tingying joining the conversation from time to time, giving a very lively ambience. After Gu Tingcan took a few bites of the meal, she called Gu Tingling to her room to chat. The young kids played with each other under the guard of the old servants.

First Madam Yang looked very gaunt. She was merely thirty years old, and a few of her hairs by the temple had already turned silver. These days, her bad-tempered husband who had been beaten needed her attention day and night. Her strict mother-in-law always scolded her for being not virtuous enough so that her husband had turned so unpromising.

Minglan pitied First Madam Yang a log, “Sister-in-law Xuan, you have worked so hard these days. Xun and his brothers are still too young. You have to take care of yourself.” First Madam Yang took a look at Fifth Old Madam cautiously without saying anything and only threw a grateful glance at Minglan.

Second Madam Di, who was from a prestigious family, had always disdained her sister-in-law. However, hearing Minglan’s words, she also sighed, “First Sister-in-law’s happy life is waiting for her. Xun works his head off in study every day. His master said that he could try to take the imperial exam this time. Father was so glad about that news. First Sister-in-law, don’t worry, Xun will sooner or later passed the imperial examination.”

As First Madam Yang’s son was mentioned, there was a proud smile showing on her tired and aged face as if a sun appearing at night. Still, she said modestly, “His master only told him to try. He’s just a little boy, I doubt if he’ll achieve anything now.”

“That master used to be father’s classmates and worked as a Xue Zheng when he was young. (T/N: Xue Zheng is the teacher in the Imperial College). How could he make it wrong? Alas, the children in our family might all have to depend on Xun.” As the saying went, sometimes good fruits came from bad seeds. Second Madam Di couldn’t help sighing. Her husband was still forced to study and take the imperial exams by his father now. As Gu Shixun gradually made lots of progress in study, Second Madam Di took back her disdain toward First Madam Yang. Women’s duty in this age was supporting their husbands and raising their kids. At least, First Madam Yang had done half of that job well.

First Madam Yang smiled to Second Madam Di gently, trying to make up to the latter as usual. Second Madam Di returned a smile calmly and patted on First Madam Yang’s hand intimately. Then she poured a cup of wine for the latter.

After the three families had lived apart, the relationship between the two madams in the Fifth family gradually became better than before, but the situation was completely different in the Fourth family. On the table, First Madam Xuan only talked to Minglan without glancing at her sister-in-law who sat next to her. Second Madam Bing only snorted, “First Sister-in-law’s temper is growing lately. Our whole family is in the hands of yours, no wonder why you have changed!”

First Madam Xuan turned around angrily, “Anyone who likes to manage the family affairs can take over the control of the family! Don’t talk like I have begged for it! No one has ever praised me for the efforts I have made, and the only thing I got is reproach!”

“Hey, you are in charge of all those properties of our family and could live wherever you want to live. Why couldn’t you bear a few reproaches?” Second Madam Bing’s weird tone incensed First Madam Xuan a lot. The latter coudln’t utter a single word with her sleeves quivering.

As saying that, Second Madam Bing even rubbed her eyes with her handkerchief and sobbed like Mistress Xianglin(T/N: A character in a famous novel who always liked to complain), “Alas, everyone is avoiding us right now. I don’t even know if my husband if alive right now. My children and I could do nothing but bearing the bullying!... First Sister-in-law, I hope you can pity your nephew and niece and at least leave us something to eat! We…”

“Bam!” Minglan thumped the chopsticks on the table with coldness on her face. Second Madam Bing shut up at once and everyone looked at Minglan with astonishment. Even the three old madams who were listening to the songs were attracted.

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