
Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Vol.1 – Episode 24

But the truth is the good girl had to be happy beyond the reality.

The grim truth of the world was that there was no happy victory against absolute evil power.


He didn’t want to feel that shit again.

I wouldn’t sacrifice Ereka.

Or let the blood ruler abuse her.

I will protect her with my power!

Sungjin’s spirit shouted.

Now he understood his father truly.

After his father went to the championship match after had injured by an assault with knowing it would be difficult and it was also scary. But he decided not to run away from his dream.

He stood still like a man until the end.

So Sungjin told himself he wouldn’t abandon Ereka and ran using the reality as an excuse. Others might have understood, but he refused to take that excuse.

[You are hanging on the light for nothing. God wouldn’t give you a miracle.]

The king of hell left a curse and disappeared.


In the waiting room, the princess had tears in her eyes.

The ruby on the dagger stopped pounding.

Oh... What are you doing...

The blood ruler found her confidence back and started to laugh at him.

“Ah haha. You came until this point to just give up to keep your princess! That is the weakness I will use to defeat you!”

Victory is a victory.

The sword of the blood ruler was coming toward his neck.

Sungjin followed his heart and stabbed in silence.

Not because he thought he could do something to win.

There was no solution in his head.

Just he couldn’t accept that, so he was fighting with all he had just to fight against the absurdity.

It was unlike him.

But it was just like him.

Chapter 16

A level 8 was attacking with the artifact; The First Blood.

A level fought back with a mass production magical sword.

The result was quite clear. Level 0 should die in a second.

That is the common sense of the world.

But the fight was not following the common sense of the world.

It was a fierce fight.

It looked like a perfectly balanced fight. It was so close.

People nearly got confused if Sungjin had taken the dark king’s power.

But no, he didn’t. The blood ruler was dominant in power and speed.

Although it was a pure sword fight without using skills, level 8 had an absolute advantage on physical abilities.

But Sungjin was managing a close match.

But how?

Was it another trick of the devil?

The magical sword attacked Sungjin’s heart. But Sungjin’s sword arrived earlier to block the sword.

The magical sword went wide but moved back to attack his waist. But Sungjin pushed the center of the swing with the edge of his sword to miss the aim.

The blood ruler held up the magical sword with anger, but Sungjn predicted it. He twisted his body while avoiding the attack to kick her knee to her fall down.

The blood ruler started to move faster. But Sungjin read it already and he was already there.

The blood ruler was stronger. But Sungjin used her power to return the attack.

Sungjin’s swordsmanship made it possible by calculating and predicting everything; the movement of both, new power she was about to use and the geography between them.

“I heard you trained in a martial art, but this is ridiculous. How come this is possible?”

The blood ruler expressed her admiration in the middle of the battle.

The three knights in the waiting room watching the scene with admiration.

The blood ruler was also a master of swordsmanship. But how come it was possible to fight her back overcoming the difference of eight levels?

“His sword...”

“There’s no rhythm.”

That was it.

Sword fight was where people read the opponent’s muscle movement, respiration, and their sights. To make movement, humans needed rhythm in their movement.

That wasn’t the case of Sungjin.

He moved only when and how he needed to but no one could read his movement.

It seemed like the blood ruler was playing card open while Sungjin played with his card hidden.

That was not just it. It wouldn’t have been enough to defeat a level 8 for a level 0 even if he could hide his movements.

Sungjin’s other secret was...

“He has no movement.”

In general, swordsmanship came from various schools of martial art and train its people to get used to a few dozen of movement so that they could use one according to the situation. It was natural for human beings. If the movement was not learned by one with muscle memory so that it became one’s reflex, it was impossible to use the movement in a real battle. Thinking of a movement would kill him during a fight.

But not Sungjin.counter-attack

He read all the circumstances and situations to react with the best movement. He was not depending on his sword but used a kick, knee, elbow and every part of his body. Every step he made had been calculated. He reacted to every move of his opponent with the best counter attack.

That was what Sungjin trained by training both his body and soul in balance. With his strong will to win and impeccable intelligence too his training to the next level and created his own form of martial art.

He thought that would be useless in his world, but it was working here.

Was that really possible? It was beyond the astonishment, people wanted to deny what they were looking at.

“Losing one arm was... just an act.”

“Such a devil... but...”

Although they admired his ability the blood ruler and the three knights were still sure of their victory.

While Sungjin started to show anxiety and pressure.

The fight looked fierce but it was not...


“High-level hero’s ability is not just physical ability.”

Nart laughed at Sungjin.

This was just a show.

If it was just a sword fight, the three knights should have defeated the blood ruler by attacking her together. The reason why they couldn’t was the physical ability.

The reason was the skill.

The miracle beyond the rule of physics given by God who blessed heroes with heroic power. That was the real difference between a hero and an extra.

“He is good enough not to give the blood ruler a chance to use her skills though.”

But that didn’t really matter.

Because there was the ultimate skill.

After some time of a sword fight, the blood ruler bursted out laughing.

“Too bad. The time’s up!”

She stopped her sword. Bloody mist raised around her.

Sungjin stabbed her with his sword. But his sword bounced back. He tried a few more times, but his attacks kept bouncing back. Bloody mist surrounding Riad didn’t allow any attack to touch her.

“Your baby wizard’s ultimate skill made her vulnerable while using her ultimate spell. But mine makes me even stronger.”

The three knights started to laugh at the scene. They knew why they couldn’t do anything but slew by the blood ruler with a single blow. It was quite simple.

The blood ruler’s ultimate skill protected her with the bloody mist while she activated the skill.

It was a real ultimate skill without any false.

“Now, be gone. Bloody Reign.”

Screaming of ghosts echoed on the battlefield.

Bloody mist sucked into Riad.

And then she shouted the blood torrent. The sentence of destruction.

Facing that despair, Sungjin stretched out his sword like a predator running toward a prey.

His sword penetrated the blood ruler’s body.

“Ugh. I didn’t know my ultimate skill had such a weak point.”

Riad’s face became dark. She shivered with pain.

Her ultimate power looked flawless but there was a very short point of weakness when the bloody mist disappears before the torrent. She didn’t know and then the three knights didn’t see. It was an instant moment of weakness.

“But I’m more surprised that you pointed it out to use it.”

The blood ruler Riad praised.

That was right.

Sungjin knew, no only Sungjin knew.

When the blood ruler annihilated his team against his calculation, his eyes observed everything calmly.

And his brilliant brain spotted it out.

The tiny weakness at that very moment.

It was his real ability.

Observing everything to understand how to use it when needed.

Riad found her smile back.


But Sungjin had sorrow in his eyes.

His sword missed the heart of the blood ruler and just stabbed her. It was a big wound, but not big enough to finish her. It was one inch far from her heart. That was the one-inch gap he couldn’t fill in although he did everything all at once.

Level 8 had physical ability beyond humans. Even though that was the moment when she used her heroic power and had low defense ability, she was able to avoid the attack with her reflex.

Sungjin couldn’t stab her heart because the speed of her reflex was above Sungjin’s maximum speed.

He had calculated this despair knowing his limit and it was impossible to win even though he found out the weakness.

His eyes had seen the unseen.

His brain calculated the unknown.

But he didn’t have enough power to defeat her.

That was the limit of level 0.

“If you are not going to be mine. Die!”

The blood torrent spurted.

Sungjin sight covered with blood.

This is the end...

He couldn’t hold his sword firmly.

He promised a cool victory. But this was it.

He couldn’t keep his promise to protect his girl. No need to mention the arc master.

Should I have accepted Ereka’s sacrifice?

Was it a mistake not to follow his head but followed his heart?

He knew everything Ereka tried to protect with her life would be in vain, but he couldn’t do anything.

Was I...

In front of the power of level...

Nothing but an extra...

Ereka was watching him.

Her spirit was watching the moment Sungjin defeated by the blood ruler Riad.

No. Sungjin. You can’t lose.

She wanted to help him win.

He protected her by refusing the power from Lucifer, now she wanted to make him win.

I want to protect him now.

I want to fight for him with everything I have.

People’s life was depending on his fight.

As a protector of people, I want to fight with him.


Above all...

I love him.

I want to be his shield.

Light surrounded Sungjin.

The golden light that was blocking the flow of the bloody ocean.

Princess Ereka’s ultimate still and an artifact that made her take all the attack while giving absolute protection to her side.

Shield of all People.

The light of protection born from the oath to protect everyone covered Sungjin.

“What is this!”

The miracle shocked the blood ruler and made her lose her calm.

Ereka was dead and exiled from the battlefield. There was no way she could protect Sungjin with her power.

That was an impossible miracle.

But while practicing the forbidden ritual, Ereka killed herself and her power left the waiting from to be with Sungjin. Although Sungjin refused to take the power, her power was still wandering around him which made this miracle possible with her wish.

No. That was not it.

This miracle happened because Sungjin protected Ereka from sacrificing herself.

That was why her spirit was able to cover him to protect him.

Sungjin... fight... I will help you.

Sungjin felt the silent whisper of Ereka’s spirit.

“I got it!”

Sungjin stepped forward answering.

There was a strength gained with merciless abuse.


There was a heart gained with everything.

God wouldn’t bless with miracle even if we dream of an ideal world. If he did, there was no reason to live in a world of despair.

That was why there was a strong heartfelt bond among people who tried to overcome reality and build up their own legend of happiness.

If the blood torrent was the crystalloid of the abusive power of the blood ruler

The shield of light was the ultimate support of the girl who Sungjin tried his best to protect.

Two forces confronted.

The power of the First Blood destroyed everything.

But the oath of Shield of all people kept people safe.

In the middle of the bloody ocean, Ereka’s heart was protecting Sungjin.

And Sungjin didn’t miss this tiny chance made by Ereka’s support. His brain calculated everything again.

The flow of explosive powers. The physical condition of the blood ruler. Decreased amount of blood. Her vital spots. His own physical ability. Action and reaction made by the flow.

Every factor changes rapidly.

Sungjin stretched his sword again.

For the victory.

And for the girl that he wanted to protect with this victory.


The blood ruler twisted her body to avoid the attack.

But Sungjin already took that movement into account.

The sword accelerated using the speed and power of the blood torrent was powerful enough to cover the difference of 8 levels.

Finally, a level 0 sword penetrated the heart of the tyrant.


It was not the blood from the magical sword but from the blood ruler’s body. While the mad blood torrent disappeared.

The blood ruler’s body started to scattered from her fingertips.

Sungjin won.

He overcame the violence that used reality to abuse people.

The man who tried to protect a girl finally made it.

For a moment, the silence swamped the battlefield.

Riad raised her hand slowly to reach Sungjin’s cheek.

“Haha. I knew that it was worth to take you as my man.”

She looked at him with her eyes with desire.

“You tied yourself up with restrictions and defeated me. You are a guy that I should take.”

She held his arm.

“I will take you whatever I need to do. I will make you my man and liberate you to conquer the world together.”

The blood ruler declared while her life was fading away. But Sungjin pushed her hand off his arm and answered with his sword.

“I don’t need it.”

* * *

[Team Blue won.]

Valkyrie declared to ensure the victory.

The light came down from the sky and cover him.

Three in the waiting room were covered with light.


The ruby shattered. Ereka came back to life and opened her eyes.

She started to cry.

She wanted to thank Sungjin in his arms.

This time, she wouldn’t worry about tradition or custom.

“Wow! We won! Sungjin oppa did it!”

Jenna jumped around with her flapping tail sword.

“Haha. Hahaha.”

Rittier couldn’t find words but laughed with happiness.


“The princess won!!!!”

“The extra defeated the blood ruler!!!”

People outside of the temple cheered with happiness.

“The blood ruler is gone!!!”

“We don’t need to become sacrifices anymore.”

“Ah...ah.... the princess. Thank you. Thank you, knights.”

Who is that knight who defeated the blood ruler?

People looked at his name.

Cha Sungjin.

Everyone remembered the name from a different world.

It was the name of a real hero that would be praised from generation to generation.

He saved the princess and the people of this kingdom from the bloody nightmare.


One week later, there was a coronation of queen Ereka.

The warehouse of the castle was open to sharing wine and food with everyone. The people sang and danced with happiness.

It was not only at the castle.

Everyone in the country and in a slam in the corner of a city celebrated the victory.

The tax was reduced.

It was forbidden for heroes to kill or rape extras.

Queen helped people who couldn’t support themselves.


“My son!”

The reunited family cried tears of happiness all around the kingdom.

Extras wished a long reign of the new queen who was the opposite of the blood ruler. The whole country was in a festive mood.

But the real hero of this war was not the queen.

It was Sungjin.

Level 0.

An extra.

But he was a magical stranger from the other world beyond those words.

The man who defeated the blood ruler Riad.

The man who owned the half of the kingdom.

The news shocked heroes from other countries.

A mere level 0 extra. A level who deserved to be a slave ruled a kingdom?

They thought maybe it was a wrong intel or maybe he was just a schemed puppet and tried to ignore his existence. But they couldn’t get rid of the feeling that Sungjin brought into their mind.

While the reaction of the people was the opposite.

An extra like them but a real hero who defeated all the heroes.

He was a symbol of hope and a subject of praise.

“They told me he is super handsome?”

“He can fire from his eyes?”

“He is 3m tell?”

While crazy rumors were spreading, Nania, who saw the fight share the truth about him

“That is not true. He is very charming, but he looks like all of us. But... yes... He had some kind of an extraordinary halo around him.”

The truth sugar coated by a girl who had a crush on him.

“He understood the miserable reality of extras like us and shared all his gold he has got from the battle. He was strong but also sweet.”

There were kids next to her swinging branch like a sword.

“I’m Sungjin. I’m invincible.”

“Yeah. Now I want to be Sungjin. It’s my turn!”

He became a dream for kids, an idol for girls and a real hero for the people.

His name was praise in faraway lands started from the low class people by merchants and wandering musicians.

The fairy tale that a level 0 hero appeared in the kingdom of Sevrantina who defeated the tyrant to make the princess who loves the people a queen. But it was not a fairytale. It was a real story.

They envied Erek’s kingdom. They wanted to see the real hero. The real hero was nothing to do with their abusive heroes.

He had a glorious debut in a God made a league of Valhalla.

In the middle of a feast of coronation, Sungjin stepped out onto the terrace to enjoy the night breeze.

So I’ve done my job for this kingdom

Past week, everyone was extremely busy to take care of the aftermatch after taking back the kingdom and to prepare the coronation. They would be busy for a while.

But now they don’t need me anymore.

The magical sword was taken away from the blood ruler and the blood ruler was sealed and imprisoned for eternity. The three knights sentenced guilty of abusing and massacring women and sent to the prison.

They also ordered the forfeit of other heroes’ lands and formed a new type of bureaucracy where the state paid a part of the tax as wage. Since other heroes became rebel prisoners, they couldn’t complain about any of the state decision.

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