
Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Vol. 2 – Episode 3

Sungjin answered with a smile.

“It’s the first step to let them find their own dream.”

“The first step?”

“Some surely decide to become farmers, but most of them have no chance to learn about other fields, although they have talents or dreams.”

Ereka started to understand Sungjin.

Was it fair to keep to allow the heroes to decide who should be farmers?

Some would want to become a painter, a writer, a doctor, or work in a vinery.

Extras couldn’t have those jobs. The bastards who were born between a hero and an extra, who had no level but had a family background—they were the only ones who had a chance to learn and try.

Sungjin wanted to open that opportunity to everyone.

Of course, not everyone could achieve their dreams, just like how it was impossible to have two Arc Masters.

But wanting to live a life you wanted was different from living an obedient life that had been already decided by others.

That’s it. Sungjin... in your world... others tried to stop you from achieving your dream to become a gamer. So you understand the pain.

Sungjin smiled because he was trying to build schools, but back on earth, he used to be a rebel who was against the school systems on earth.

Life is unpredictable. That’s why life is interesting.

In this country with a 99% illiteracy, they needed schools.

To make one’s life better, one needs not only a dream but also knowledge.

Not everyone needed to learn rocket science, but basic knowledge was essential. Throughout history, letters and mathematics helped to improve human rights.

Ereka murmured, that she finally understood him a little.

“That’s right. If they learned their letters... they could read... write letters... learn new methods of farming... and if they’re talented, they could learn how to use herbs and become a low-level healer. They could read stories too... You are right. I love novels but I didn’t think about that.”

Between the Divine Birth Privilege and a Merciful Rulership.

Sungjin decided to pursue a third way—natural human rights.

He wanted to create a world where the people had their rights and were not abused.

Sungjin, you are already thinking a step ahead.

Ereka lowered her head in respect.

“Sure, Sungjin. I will work on the plan to establish schools all over the country. I will take care of budgeting, recruiting teachers and land, building and all the other matters.”


Sungjin smiled.

* * *

Chapter 2

Nania was greeting Lute who came to get some medicine in one of the hospitals that Sungjin and Ereka had built.

“Here you go, medicine for one week.”

“Thank you, Nania.”

“No problem. But is everything okay?”

Nania looked at Lute with pity.

The patients were supposed to get their medicine, but Lute’s mother fell down from a cliff and couldn’t stand up or move, so Lute always came to the hospital to get the medicine for his mother.

His father ran away after the accident. Nania felt so bad when she found out that the young boy was taking care of his mother, along with his grandmother.

“I’m fine. I can take care of my mom. I want to become a healer like you when I grow up for my mom!”

Lute’s dream made Nania sad.

“That’s... impossible. I’m not a healer but an assistant.”


“Extras can’t become healers. Only minors can study to become a healer.”

Minors were the third class born from a hero and an extra.

The heroes slept with many extras with or without their consent, so there were a lot of “bastards.”

If they are not abandoned by both parents, minors could study things to become low-level healers, clerks, accountants, or artists.

But that was impossible for extras.

“I can’t...? I can’t help my mom?”

Nania tried to cheer Lute up.

“There’s no way. We can’t even read those books. You need to know all about those things if you want to become a healer.”


The kid lowered his head, realizing his limit as an extra. They didn’t know of Sungjin’s plans to build a school.

* * *

The next day, the rulers of the three countries around the Kingdom of Sevrantina gathered: The Kingdom of Cariana, the Kingdom of Rufidi and the Kingdom of Sharsha.

“Did you know that a mere extra is ruling the Kingdom of Sevrantina with the queen?”

“I heard the news. Ha. That is such nonsense...”

“I thought it was a rumor but... it’s true.”

“I thought he was an undercover high-level hero from another continent who was pretending to be an extra.”

“If that was the case, then we wouldn’t need this meeting.”

The three kingdoms stayed neutral during the war between the Blood Ruler, Riad and Princess Ereka. Although they supported Riad behind the scenes, they were never hostile towards Ereka.

Anyways, Ereka was a royal princess who had a right to become a queen. But...

“A mere extra from nowhere having a title is already against the universe!”

“I totally agree. We can’t face such a low life in a meeting room.”

King Leoric from the Kingdom of Rufidi and King Alkandi from the Kingdom of Sharsha didn’t hide their anger.

“We need to punish him to set things straight...”

The heroes were above the extras, and the kings were above the heroes. That was an absolute rule of their world. They couldn’t damage the rule by accepting a “level 0 king.”

A mere extra has no right to become a king.

Until now, there was a power balance among the four kingdoms. The Kingdom of Sevrantina had only half of the military power compared to the other kingdoms. If the three kingdoms allied to attack the Kingdom of Sevrantina, they could take it over easily.

This was the trinity of anger, justice, and greed.

This is an opportunity...

That was what Leoric and Alkandi thought.

King Seyzo II from the Kingdom of Cariana broke his silence. His blue beard showed a hint of blood and looked purple around the tips. Sitting next to his cat, his hollow, yellow eyes showed a dangerous level of nobility.

His messy, grey hair didn’t look like that of a king. He looked rather like a mad man than a king.

“I agree with you two. The low needs to serve the high...”

He held up his cat.

“Things that don’t respect their master need to be punished.”

Then he tore up the right paw of his cat.


The cat screamed as its skin and bone were torn apart. It was bleeding from the wound.

“I fed this creature with mercy, but it didn’t show me enough respect.”

Then he tore up the left paw this time.


The cat lost its forepaws. It cried in agony and tried to bite the hand of King Seyzo II.

“See. It is not asking for forgiveness but is trying to attack me even after the punishment.”

King Seyzo II twisted the cat’s neck.

Its neck screwed off like a bottle cap and separated from its body.

Blood spurted, and the cat stopped moving.

“This was a light punishment, but that extra needs a proper punishment. And we need to punish those who are following him as well.”

King Seyzo II’s eyes were glaring like hellfire.

His fingers grabbed the dead cat’s body and broke all its ribs. The broken ribs made a cracking noise.

If this was not a proper punishment, then what would he do to them?

Those who were following him meant all the extras from the Kingdom of Sevrantina.

“I will punish them ten times more than this cat. I will break their every finger one by one and skewer them on a stick to leave them to die, bleeding in agony.”

“Ah... Hm...”

The two kings tried not to shiver at the terrifying idea. They couldn’t show any weakness; they were kings.

It is true that he is completely crazy.

I wish I could tell him that this is quite inappropriate but...

No benefits could come from confronting a mad man.

It was better to let the madman focus his madness on the enemy, to kill Sungjin and share the land.

It didn’t matter if this mad man killed all the extras from his share of the land.

“Haha. This is a meaningful meeting. Let’s get rid of the dead cat and let’s discuss a little more.”

* * *

One day after the secret meeting of the three kings...

This was the day that Sungjin had an embarrassing yet thrilling experience during his “morning training.”

Rittier stopped Sungjin and Ereka from heading into the dining room at noon.

“Your Highness, and Master Sungjin.”

“What is it?”

“The great General Eustasia from the Kingdom of Cariana is entreating you to a discreet meeting.”


Ereka’s eyes became big with surprise.

It was customary to announce and schedule a meeting in advance when an important person from another country wanted to meet her.

“I know she was your childhood friend, but now you are the queen of this country. I think her requesting for a meeting is highly inappropriate...”

Ereka showed a warm smile and told him that it was okay.

“Don’t. I’m sure there’s a reason she wanted to have a discreet meeting. However, it is the rule to ask for permission in advance. Probably, she didn’t want to let anyone know by asking for permission. Right. Sungjin. Would it be okay to invite Eustasia for lunch and listen to what she has to tell us?”

Sungjin smiled while looking at Ereka, who was not exerting her authority as a queen.


He wanted to meet her anyways.

“I will send the message to her.”

Rittier left.

“Sungjin, you’ve never met Eustasia. She is my childhood friend. We live far away, so I don’t see her very often, but she is a good friend of mine.”

“Hm... I’ve met her before...”

“Huh? When did you meet her? Oh, right. You’ve been studying all the important figures from each country,” Ereka reasoned.

Sungjin didn’t know how to explain his encounter just yet.

I can’t tell her that we had a naked encounter.

If it was not her but a guy friend, he could have told her about the encounter and exchange some silly jokes. But it was uncomfortable for Sungjin to even bring up such a topic to a sexually inexperienced Ereka.

“She is the best general out of the four kingdoms.”

“Yes, that is what I heard.”

She was a general he would have to face on his way to becoming an Arc Master. That was the reason why Sungjin had been paying attention to her and why he recognized her right away.

Sungjin couldn’t wait to meet her at an official occasion.

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