
Chapter 173: Into the Crown Prince’s Manor

Chapter 173: Into the Crown Prince\'s Manor

Pei Ziao had thought that his loss of autonomy was a punishment from Li Mo, but he now found that it was a lot more likely that Yi Qianying had done so. Yun Ruoyan’s words had successfully convinced him that both these people had a motive for setting him up; the only person whom he wouldn’t suspect was Yun Ruoyan.

Unfortunately, the person who had set him up was exactly Yun Ruoyan!

Yun Ruoyan had been wondering why Pei Ziao would have appeared at the Yi manor. Given the turn of events, it was likely that Yi Qianying had specially invited him over in order to expose her villainy in front of Pei Ziao himself.

Yun Ruoyan felt a sense of twisted satisfaction from manipulating the relationship between Yi Qianying and Pei Ziao to this extent.

After this incident, Yun Ruoyan was deeply aware that the effect of mental and psychological trauma far dwarfed that of physical trauma. Once, she had wanted to kill Pei Ziao and Yi Qianying directly, but she had never found an opportune chance. She had been frustrated at her inability, but now Yun Ruoyan was fully relaxed.

Killing them directly was far too painless for them, whereas torturing them to death and making them taste the fruits of their own labors would compensate far more for all that she and the Yun and Lin families had suffered in her past life.

Precisely at noon, the crown prince’s procession arrived. The guests were all gathered at the entrance of the Yi manor, awaiting the start of the wedding in earnest. Although the crown prince was only marrying a concubine, this was the first time that he was formally taking a woman, and the procession was impressively large and ornate.

Dressed in a bright red robe, the crown prince walked up to the front of the Yi manor. By his sides were two young masters with an equally impressive presence. One of them was the second prince, Li Qianyuan, whom Yun Ruoyan had briefly met before. He too was wearing red, though a lighter red than Li Qianxiao. It complemented his unusually delicate features, and when he smiled, the young misses and even some of the young masters present began to swoon.

The other young master, Yun Ruoyan didn’t recognized. Based on age, he seemed younger than Li Qianyuan, but was dressed entirely in black. His expression was severe, and even his rare smiles appeared cold.

“Brother, who’s that block of ice?” Yun Ruoyan turned to her brother, only belatedly realizing that Yun Moxiao was even less familiar than the goings-on in the capital than she.

Unexpectedly, however, Yun Moxiao actually recognized the youth. “He’s the fourth prince, Li Qianyue.”

“He’s the fourth prince?!”

The fourth prince’s identity was the most unique among the four princes of the Li kingdom. Supposedly, he had been conceived while Li Xiu was paying an incognito visit to the daughter of Dong Tiehe, the head of the governing body of cultivators. Miss Dong hadn’t known of Li Xiu’s true identity while cavorting with him; after she had given birth to his son, Li Xiu made his identity known, and motioned to take her as an imperial concubine.

Unexpectedly, however, the strong-minded Miss Dong refused to enter the imperial palace, nor to let her son do so. Because of Miss Dong’s stubbornness, and because of the Dong family’s importance in cultivator-related affairs, Li Xiu had to agree to her terms. When Li Qianyue turned ten, Miss Dong passed away from a grave illness, and only after Li Xiu obtained Dong Tiehe’s permission did Li Qianyue finally approach the imperial palace for the first time.

Perhaps because of his childhood, Li Qianyue preferentially resided in the Dong family, and only rarely returned to the palace. While everyone knew of the existence of the fourth prince, few had actually seen him in person. Yun Ruoyan hadn’t expected to do so today, but what was more unusual was that Yun Moxiao was actually familiar with him.

After realizing his identity, Yun Ruoyan noticed the especially striking narrow eyes characteristic of Li Xiu and his descendants.

Yun Ruoyan clucked her tongue—wasn’t the Li family’s bloodline too strong? Anyone who had the Li name had their distinct long brows and narrow eyes, even the mysterious Li Mo.

“Brother, how did you come to know the fourth prince?”

Yun Moxiao was about to respond when the presiding official chanted, “At this opportune time, the bride shall leave her family!”

Draped in bright red garments and a phoenix crest, Yi Qianying was escorted out of the Yi manor by matrons of honor. Despite his unwillingness, Li Qianxiao had already come to terms with the prospect of taking Yi Qianying as a concubine, and the happiness on his face looked remarkably realistic to those who weren’t in the know.

The matrons of honor handed Yi Qianying off to Li Qianxiao. According to the customs of the Li kingdom, the newlyweds would have to kneel down to their elders. Because Li Qianxiao was the crown prince, however, only Yi Qianying had to do so. Instead, Li Qianxiao only bowed slightly to the Yun matriarch and Yi Zhengming and his wife.

While the Yun matriarch helped Yi Qianying up and said her farewells to her, Yi Zhengming and his wife were grinning from ear to ear. Given the Yi family’s current situation, it was almost unimaginable that they would be able to form a relationship with the imperial family.

On the other hand, Yun Ruoyan was feeling very uncomfortable. Two distinct gazes were focused on her: one from Li Qianyuan, and the other from the new groom, Li Qianxiao.

When Yun Ruoyan felt Li Quanyuan’s gaze, she looked back with some confusion. When their eyes met, Li Qianyuan suddenly smiled at her more beautifully than a flower, instantly causing goosebumps to break out all over Yun Ruoyan’s skin.

And when she felt Li Qianxiao’s gaze, she was made even more discomfited. After all, Li Qianxiao was the star of this wedding—as the groom, how could he be looking toward her rather than being focused on his new bride?

When Yun Moxiao felt Li Qianxiao’s glance, he stepped forward and blocked Yun Ruoyan with his body.

“Having concluded the ceremony, the bride shall get on the sedan,” the presiding official continued.

Li Qianxiao took Yi Qianying’s hand as he helped her into the sedan. Before he entered, Li Qianxiao turned back to glance at Yun Ruoyan once more, but she was looking at the skies.

When the procession finally departed, Yun Ruoyan let out a deep breath. She remembered once more what Yun Moyuan had stated: at the Yun matriarch’s birthday celebration, the crown prince had apparently been discussing with the second prince how well the birthmark on her face was healing, and his intention of having her as his princess consort.

Yun Ruoyan was, once again, very relieved by the presence of the dependable Li Mo.

“Qianying’s future has finally been settled now,” the Yun matriarch sighed.

“Marrying into the imperial family is certainly an honor, one that I’m certain her deceased mother will be proud of,” Madam An agreed.

Yun Ruoyan had intended on following the Yun matriarch back to the Yun manor after the banquet, but Yun Lan’s servant came to inform the Yun siblings that they were to head to the crown prince’s manor immediately. After all, that would be the real wedding venue, and the Yun siblings had been sent to the Yi manor only to represent the Yun family. How could Yun Lan give up such an excellent opportunity to show off his children in front of the entire Li nobility?

Yun Ruoyan wanted to feign illness, but when she thought about the fact that it would be her brother’s first public appearance, she changed her mind. Yun Moxiao knew of his sister’s distaste for such public events, but Yun Ruoyan insisted on accompanying him at least this once.

As a result, while the Yun matriarch and Madam An stayed at the Yi manor, the four Yun siblings headed to the crown prince’s manor. They arrived at almost the same time as the wedding procession, which had paraded slowly through the capital. Mixing into the crowd, they waited for the newlyweds to enter the manor so that they could follow suit.

The crown prince’s manor was splendorous and majestic, as incomparable to the Yun manor as the latter was to the Yi manor. Under the guidance of a servant, they were led to the grand reception hall, where Yun Lan was chatting with an acquaintance.

After the Yun siblings bowed in greeting, Yun Lan dismissed Yun Ruoyao and Yun Ruoyu while having Yun Moxiao and Yun Ruoyan stay behind.

“This is General Lin, the second-in-command of the entire Li military,” Yun Lan introduced a white-haired general. “And these are my children, Yun Moxiao and Yun Ruoyan.”

“Official Yun, your children are impeccable,” General Lin praised, noting their appearance, bearing, and cultivation. He stroked his beard and sighed jokingly, “Despite their age, this is the first time I’ve seen you show them off, Official Yun!”

Yun Lan laughed. “Xiao’er has been under General Huang’s tutelage, and has only recently returned from the northern barracks. Ruoyan has been sickly from birth, and she’s only gotten better this year.”

General Lin glanced appreciatively at Yun Moxiao once more. “I’ve heard General Huang mention you before, Young Master Yun, you’re truly an impressive youngling!”

“In truth, General Lin, Xiao’er returned intending to take on a position in the capital. If you could show him some consideration…?”

“Naturally.” General Lin smiled.

Yun Lan then introduced Yun Moxiao to four or five other such high-ranking officials, both courtly and martial, all of whom were at least indirectly responsible for the appointment of positions within the capital.

Suddenly, however, Rong Tianling walked by placidly. “Official Yun, I heard your eldest son has returned. Why don’t you introduce him to me?”

After the incident with Rong Yuehong, the Rong and Yun families had grown distant with each other, and Rong Tianling and Yun Lan had presented many a conflicting opinion in court. Rong Tianling naturally wasn’t up to any good by approaching Yun Lan now, but he had no choice but to follow suit under the guise of politeness.

“Xiao’er, this is the head of the Rong family and the brother to the empress, Rong Tianling,” Yun Lan introduced, a smile plastered on his face. “And this is my son who’s been in the army, Yun Moxiao.”

Yun Ruoyan followed behind Yun Lan and Yun Moxiao, and Yun Lan would introduce her and her brother together. Not wanting to stand out, however, Yun Ruoyan kept her head lowered and didn’t speak unless spoken to.

The others only peered at her curiously because of the rumors that had circulated about her in the capital before their attention shifted wholly to Yun Moxiao. On the other hand, while Rong Tianling was talking to Yun Lan, he would gaze at her coldly from time to time. In his mind, Yun Ruoyan had been the one who killed his precious daughter, and he couldn’t wait to kill her in revenge!

1. Very loosely speaking, women in classical Chinese society spend the first half of their lives preparing to be married off, and the second half serving their husbands. Their family’s most important role is to find them a good match in terms of social status, so Yi Qianying’s deceased mother can indeed be proud that her daughter managed to nab the crown prince.

2. Networking, the one constant in life.

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