
Chapter 151 - Something Suspicious Was Happening

Chapter 151 - Something Suspicious Was Happening

Something Suspicious Was Happening

A few hours later.

I had returned to my inn after arriving back in Iriarch and making my report to the guild.

And just as I was about to go to sleep... I heard the voice of a slime.


...What... It must be the slimes that were in Ordarion.

Something must be happening.

‘What is it?’

‘It looks like the important people are gathering together!’

‘They look so scary!’

And so I borrowed their vision in order to see... What I saw, was a great, fancy-looking house.

...Ordarion was not a particularly large town, so there couldn’t be many buildings that looked like this.

It was probably the house of the landlord.

And if all the important people were gathered there... It was very likely that they were part of the Blue Moon of Salvation.

I should take a look.

‘Alright. Can you move to a position that is close enough to hear what they are saying? Also, be careful so they don’t see you.’


Then I activated Shared Senses on the slime that was hiding.

A man’s voice could be heard.

From the slime’s position, I couldn’t actually see them...but it seemed like there were at least three people.

“...It’s time. Let’s begin our regular report. ...Has anything strange happened recently?”

So, the important people of Ordarion had come together to talk about their current situation.

...Lucky me. I would learn a lot about the state here by listening to them.

“Nothing in the nearby area.”

“Nothing around the guild either. ...However, I did hear something from one guild worker.”

“A guild worker?”

“Aye. ...Apparently, the Adventurer Yuji, who was formerly a candidate for assassination, visited this town.”

They were suddenly talking about me...

Now that the words ‘assassination candidate’ had been spoken, it was confirmed that the people gathered here were part of the Blue Moon of Salvation.

“You say ‘formerly.’ Does that mean that he was taken off of the list because he was too weak?”

“Yes. But...the guild worker who saw him, Rogue, said that he was dangerous. What should we do?”

“Rogue? ...Wasn’t he an assassin that only killed Adventurers?”

“Aye. ...And so he should know more about an Adventurer’s ability than anyone else from the Blue Moon of Salvation.”

...So that guy used to be an assassin, huh.

What a terribly frightening guild.

“If Rogue says he is dangerous... Then surely he must be a big threat?”

“...It is very likely.”

Damn it.

Things were going in a very bad direction...

If I used ‘Area Freeze – Medium’ now, I could kill all three of them at once.

It would definitely be better to do it before this information spread to the rest of the group.

But...I would lose a very valuable source of information at the same time.

On top of that, who knows what Ordarion would do if they suddenly lost their leaders.

I should probably watch just a little bit longer.

As I thought about this...they started to talk again.

“But there is no point in going after him now. After all, it’s all finished.”

“Indeed. It doesn’t matter what happens in Ordarion anymore. This entire continent is breathing its final breath.”

So, they weren’t going to go after me in the end.

But the reason for it seemed very dark.

...This entire continent is breathing its final breath. What did that mean?

Had the Blue Moon of Salvation already started their plan to destroy the world?

As I wondered... The man was kind enough to explain.

“By the way, how is the building of the ‘Universe Purification Device’ going? Any trouble?”

“...The building of the ‘Universe Purification Device’ is a top-secret within the organization. Information about its status would not come to a small branch like ours.”

“We don’t even know where the location is... But I wouldn’t be surprised if it was activated 3 seconds from now, and the continent was destroyed.”

So, the Blue Moon of Salvation was going to use this ‘Universe Purification Device’ to destroy the continent.

I had to stop them somehow... But there was no way to do it if even the people of Ordarion had no idea where it was.

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