
Chapter 411: Call to Assemble (1)

Chapter 411: Call to Assemble (1)

Cai Kechang was kowtowing on the floor, his body shivering pitifully.

\'Goddamn it!\'

To think he needed to report this absurd situation to the Crimson King! How did it come to this!

\'I shouldn\'t have trusted those pieces of trash!\'

Even if Kang Jin-Ho was someone the Crimson King was wary of, Cai Kechang didn\'t expect the Yeongnam Group, boasting a firm foundation in South Korea, to crumble that easily!

One fist never besting against ten was supposed to be an eternal and unchanging truth, was it not! The only exception to this rule would be absolute beings like the Crimson King that had transcended the limits of mortals.

But now, some brat in his early twenties had stepped into the realm occupied by absolute beings?


That was inconceivable. Completely, utterly impossible!

Even if the odds of Kang Jin-Ho being a returner was high, being a returner did not guarantee faster and stronger cultivation. After all, this was reality, not a video game!

Sure, it might make the training a little easier. However, cultivating after returning to the modern era was an exercise in applying the experience one acquired with a different body to the current one.

Quite often, returners who had reached awe-inspiring levels of strength in their past lives would fail to adjust to the modern era and end up crippled instead.

The important thing to remember here was that, regardless of prior experience, returners still needed time to rebuild themselves from scratch. Cai Kechang wasn\'t sure when Kang Jin-Ho had returned to the modern era, but the maximum length of time the latter could have cultivated for should be less than two decades.

Reaching the realm of absolute beings in such a brief window of time was simply impossible, at least according to Cai Kechang\'s common sense.

The Crimson King quietly chewed his words out. “So… They were all defeated?”

“...Yes, my lord.”

“Cai Kechang.”

When the Crimson King quietly called out his name, Cai Kechang pressed his head even harder to the floor. “Please punish this incompetent vassal! I\'ve foolishly underestimated the threat, sir!”

“Hmm…” The Crimson King leaned his back against his throne.

Cai Kechang carefully raised his head just a little off the floor and checked the Crimson King\'s expression, only to feel slightly weirded out. The emotion contained within the Crimson King\'s expression was definitely not rage or displeasure.

“I\'ve told you that this matter will end this way, have I not?” The Crimson King muttered leisurely.

“My lord. Your insight allows you to see into ten thousand leagues ahead, but this vassal is but a mere mortal. I\'ve failed to discern your true intentions in time.”

“Mm. Yes, indeed…” The Crimson King rubbed his chin. “So, is it safe to assume that Kang Jin-Ho has completely swallowed up that Yeongnam Group?”

“...Yes, my lord.”

“Mm, I see. Unsurprising. Demonic cultivators are avaricious creatures to begin with, after all,” The Crimson King furrowed his brow slightly. “So? What is your recommendation on our next response?”

“My lord! The best course of action for now… is to observe.”

“...Observe, you say?”

“Yes!” Cai Kechang began explaining the situation in an unwavering voice. “We are tied down by two threats, my lord. One is foreign, while the other is domestic.”

“Mm? Explain.”

Cai Kechang nervously swallowed after noticing that the Crimson King\'s voice had become a little colder. It seemed the Crimson King was unhappy with Cai Kechang\'s recommendation of observing Kang Jin-Ho for the time being. “My lord. The foreign threat comes from Japan. The Japanese were seen making concerning moves recently.”

“The Japanese...?” The Crimson King muttered, his voice getting slightly agitated. “Did you just say the Japanese?”

“...Yes, my lord.”

“I need details, Cai Kechang. What did the Japanese do?”

“The Korean martial artists seemed to have roped in the Japanese during their confrontation with Kang Jin-Ho. Their total annihilation means Kang Jin-Ho is now at odds with the Japanese, my lord. According to our spy planted in Japan, the Japanese factions are biding their time and observing the situation, with Nanahoshi-gumi at the center of the brewing storm.”

“Cai… Kechang!” The Crimson King slapped his throne\'s armrest, his roar echoing thunderously within the room. Cai Kechang hurriedly planted his head on the floor again after sensing all the rage bubbling in that roar. “Did you just tell me we must stay our hands because of some uncivilized monkeys living in an archipelago?! Did you just tell me we must fear those wicked bastards?! Bastards who still haven\'t been punished appropriately for raping and pillaging our sacred motherland?!”

“My lord, I would never dare! Please quell your rage, my lord!”

“Explain properly, or you shall not escape my wrath today, Cai Kechang!”

Cold sweat soaked Cai Kechang\'s back. “My lord! My recommendation wasn\'t born out of fear of those savages living in the archipelago! It\'s simply because there is a chance of the Japanese swooping in to occupy the Korean peninsula, which will undoubtedly be left ownerless after we deal with Kang Jin-Ho!”

“Hmm...!” The Crimson King weightily grunted as if he was convinced by that argument. “Our situation shouldn\'t be that urgent to worry about keeping the Japanese in check, so why do we need to hold back?”

“That was true until recently, my lord. However, we have domestic trouble to keep our eyes on.”

“...That\'s right,” the Crimson King groaned loudly.

Cai Kechang mentioned two types of trouble. In that case, domestic trouble should be the real reason why they couldn\'t make a move right now.

“Tell me, Cai Kechang. What kind of problem are we facing at home?”

Cai Kechang hesitated slightly before starting the next part of his report. “Although this information has not been verified yet…”

“Mm?” The Crimson King narrowed his eyes as suspicion filled his expression.

Cai Kechang was not the type to bring up unverified information, which could only mean this particular information needed to be studied carefully, even if its importance was yet to be confirmed.

“Very well. Speak.”

“...The rumor circulating within Zhongyuan states that the demonic arts practitioners… The demonic cultivators are assembling, my lord.”

The Crimson King\'s expression froze. “The… demonic cultivators, you say?”

“Yes, my lord.”

After finishing his report, Cai Kechang cautiously studied the Crimson King\'s attitude.

The Crimson King could be referred to as the descendant of the \'orthodox\' school of cultivation. As such, he should not be pleased to hear about the demonic cultivators emerging from their hiding spots in Zhongyuan to assemble under one banner. To Cai Kechang\'s surprise, however…

The Crimson King\'s expression was the very picture of calmness.

“...I see,” the Crimson King slowly nodded. “The only reason for the disunity among the demonic cultivators was because they didn\'t have a central rallying figure. If they find an individual like that… The demonic cultivators would no doubt assemble to create their own faction.”

“My lord, I recommend that we keep a watchful eye on this development. If you allow me to be frank, my lord… What I am wary about is not the potential threat their new faction might pose but that they are assembling under the banner of the Azure King. In my honest opinion, what can a group of ragtag trash do even if they unite to form a faction?”

“Fufufufu!“ The Crimson King chuckled as if he was ridiculing Cai Kechang. “I see that you\'re quite dismissive of our history.“


“Look back into gangho\'s history, and you\'ll find that the demonic cultivators once ruled Zhongyuan. Even though they have fallen to become pathetic and shabby beings in recent times, you must never underestimate their hidden potential, Cai Kechang!”

“...I will engrave your teachings to my heart, my lord.”

Since the Crimson King said so, Cao Kechang tried to make sense of it, but... But his expression said he just couldn\'t.

The Crimson King observed Cai Kechang\'s expression while rubbing his beard.

\'This isn\'t as simple as you think, Cai Kechang...!\'

The Crimson King had a strong hunch that Kang Jin-Ho was the cause of the demonic cultivators assembling. No, this was more than a simple hunch. The Crimson King felt quite certain about this.

Of course, the current-day demonic cultivators wouldn\'t be able to create a threatening faction even if they united under one banner. Even so...!

\'This situation is different from the past.\'

The traces of the demonic cultivation Kang Jin-Ho left behind indicated that his power was in another realm altogether compared to the current-day demonic cultivators. What if Kang Jin-Ho, as a returner, held intimate knowledge of the ancient demon cult\'s cultivation methods and tried to pass that down to the current-day demonic cultivators?

The Crimson King shot up to his feet. “Cai Kechang!”

“Yes, my lord!”

“Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open! You shall now gather any and all available information on this matter. I shall heed your recommendation of not making a move… for the time being, at least. However, you shall report to me every single movement those demonic cultivators make… Without fail!”

“My lord! Your wish is my command!”

As Cai Kechang retreated from the room, the Crimson King\'s burning glare stabbed into the ceiling above.

\'It seems troubled waters are ahead of us...!\'

The archipelago that had begun extending its tentacles toward its neighbors again for the first time in several decades, then the demonic cultivators rumored to be congregating under one banner...

Kang Jin-Ho was at the center of both events.

While growing certain that the extended era of peace was drawing to a close, the Crimson King tightly clenched his fists.


“Bloody hell… Annoying the sh*t out of people and all when you are no help to me whatsoever...!”

Wang Yuan grumbled while stepping into a back alley.

If he was to pick his worst mistake in life, he\'d have to go with… Stupidly choosing to cultivate demonic arts.

Wang Yuan\'s long-deceased father happened to be a demonic cultivator. And that man used to be so, so proud of the fact that he had cultivated the demonic arts all by himself.

“Bloody hell...!”

When Wang Yuan looked back… His father was such a stupid man, wasn\'t he? What was so great about mastering the demonic arts when his peers treated him like an insect, a piece of garbage?

And he should\'ve kept his pride to himself. Why did he have to pass on the knowledge of the demonic arts to his son, too?!

The demonic arts were fundamentally different from the orthodox cultivation methods. Anyone mastering the orthodox methods could tread on the path of the demonic arts, but the reverse wasn\'t applicable. Those walking on the demonic arts\' dark path could never step into the light of the orthodox cultivation methods.


All Wang Yuan could do to soothe his frustration was to spit out various curse words.

This was what being a demonic cultivator was like. Couldn\'t even live as a normal, powerless civilian and shunned by the \'regular\' martial artists, too!

There was a time in history when merely knowing a bit of demonic arts could put a target on one\'s back. Either they were no longer seen as threats, or the era had changed enough, because the demonic cultivators weren\'t hunted down anymore. Although, utter disdain and contempt still remained just as strong.

While the martial artists secretly devoured the world inch by inch from the shadows, the demonic cultivators had no choice but to hide deeper and deeper into darkness. Into some of the dirtiest, most dangerous places imaginable, that was!

Some demonic cultivators became the dogs of other martial artists to escape that fate, but they were always used like disposable pawns and thrown away even before they could find the chance to better their lives.

“Keuh... huhuhu…”

That didn\'t come as a surprise to Wang Yuan, though.

Once the demonic qi filled up one\'s skull, a demonic cultivator would lose the final semblance of their humanity and transform into a brutal monster. Who would trust such beings, then?

To become stronger, a demonic cultivator needed to delve even deeper into their chosen demonic cultivation methods. However, doing so meant they would lose more of themselves. This was the fundamental dilemma facing all demonic cultivators.

In the end, most demonic cultivators had no choice but to give up on deepening their mastery of the demonic cultivation, only learning superficial things to help them eke out a living somehow.

...And Wang Yuan was one such demonic cultivator.

Harassed by other martial artists on the surface, threatened with annihilation, and forced into hiding in dirty, dangerous places… That was the fate in store for the modern era\'s demonic cultivators.

But now…

“Bloody hell… Don\'t these people know how busy I am?”

An order to assemble had been issued. A first in over a decade! The \'organization\' of the demonic arts practitioners that only existed on paper had started moving for the first time since its inception!

The order itself was fairly simple, too.


[You will all assemble at the designated location?at?the?designated time.]

Wang Yuan was planning to ignore it. However, he couldn\'t.

Although he was skeptical about this meeting doing him or anyone else any good, a small part of him hoped that it could lead to a \'solution\' capable of improving their miserable existence. Even if that improvement was negligible, it\'d be better than nothing, and that hope forced Wang Yuan into action.

\'Hmm. Everyone\'s gathering…’

Wang Yuan glanced around as men with pale complexions began appearing in this cramped, dark back alley.

Those faces lacked vitality, pock-marked with anxiety and nervousness.

Feeling like he was looking at his own reflection, Wang Yuan turned his head away and spat on the ground.


These folks\' state wasn\'t all that different from Wang Yuan\'s. Wang Yuan walked ahead and reached the end of the alleyway. A man guarding a doorway there confirmed Wang Yuan\'s face and opened the door. “Go inside.”


Wang Yuan didn\'t bother to reply while lowering himself to fit through the small doorway.

After walking through this cramped passageway for what felt like hours, Wang Yuan finally reached a massive indoor space.

His eyes shot open wide in shock at this sight.

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