
Chapter 453 - Mass Producing Geniuses

Chapter 453: Mass Producing Geniuses

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A queen?

Mu Yunhua’s eyes widened. What was this?

“You didn’t hear wrong. Yun, I think you should be the queen and become the supreme ruler of the All-Stars Federation,” Chen Jin’s said.

“Why? You know that I’m not interested in power or being a queen.”

“But this may be a responsibility that you can’t evade. The future of the All-Stars Federation rests on having a steady and reliable ruler at its helm.”

“But... if you want to achieve a good centralized state power... There’s no need for me to take up the burden of the parliamentary eldership, or the most supreme leadership.” Mu Yunhua always felt that she was a scientist at heart. She was not meant to bury herself in government affairs every day. She was also a little tired and wanted to change her lifestyle.

“It’s useless, the citizens of the Federation will only acknowledge you. Others would become a dictator when they’ve experienced the taste of power for a long enough time and they will be leveled by public criticism. This will cause violent shockwaves. The senior administration of the Federation will fall into instability.... Power is like poison, and not everyone can resist its corruption.”

“But a feudal queen wouldn’t be accepted by people. For most countries, the democratic system is the current system in place. Moreover, because the queen or emperor holds the definite power, many incompetent and muddle-headed rulers had appeared in the process of changing powers. Such a system is no longer suitable for the present trend.”

“Others are indeed unsuitable, but you are an exception.”

Chen Jin listed the following points, “First of all, you are the leader who saved all human beings and led mankind into the light. You took your revenge and created the All-Stars Federation single-handedly. In terms of credit and effort, you are incomparable.”

“Secondly, you are a princess. You are the princess of the Great Hua Empire. You were born noble, with royal blood in your veins. You are destined to become a queen.”

“Also, we’ve been working together for so long and I’ve provided you with so much help, but until now, you still haven’t repaid me satisfactorily. I wonder how much of my total investment I can get back after you leave the central seat of power?”

“So, you need to continue working; continue serving the Federation. At the same time, you’ll also be working for me. Our cooperative relationship has not been terminated yet.”

In fact, this was Chen Jin’s real purpose.

Over the past few decades, he had invested a lot of resources into Mu Yunhua and provided help on countless occasions. This was not some kind of pastime to amuse a beautiful woman because he felt bored. There were careful thoughts and a purpose behind his actions. Why would he do such a lame and childish thing as an adult?

He did not send Mu Yunhua the advanced warships that he possessed solely to test their combat abilities.

Mu Yunhua was the chosen spokesperson for his interests. She would always be the representative for the interests of the All-Stars Federation and provide services and reciprocation to him. She would also be executing all the tasks he arranged.... This working relationship would continue until Chen Jin felt that the bills between them had been paid and one owed nothing to the other.


Mu Yunhua immediately understood the meaning of his words and smiled bitterly. Yeah, it had been so many years. Who knew how much debt she owed to Jin? There was so much debt accumulated that she kind of did not feel like repaying him.

If she chose to leave the central seat of power, it would practically mean that she did not want to pay her debts. How would Jin ever agree to that?

“Ok, I was childish in my thinking. Jin, I might never be able to repay all the help that you’ve provided for me. But regardless, I still have to try to repay you. So, I’ll work for you in the days to come, I’ll help you do the few things that you need me to do.”

“Until the day you are satisfied.”

Mu Yunhua issued her promise.

Chen Jin nodded when he received this reply.


After a few months.

The All-Stars Federation Alliance, which was founded less than a year before, experienced a big event.

The leader of the Federation, who was once the princess of the Great Hua Empire, had rejected the request of the people and officials 18 times. At the 19th request, faced with an overwhelming petition and a public support rate of over 95% on the Internet that confirmed that everyone in the Federation sincerely wanted to hail her as the queen, she finally relented. She put on the gorgeous robe fit for a ruler and a grand crown.

She stepped onto the high platform and accepted the worship from her millions and billions of subjects amidst all the cheering.

The leader, savior, and helmsman of the Federation had now become their eternal queen. As a symbol of honor and glory, she would continue to lead the country and its subjects.

“The country that had originally run on a parliamentary system and was all about freedom had actually completed the transformation into an imperial regime so easily. Even though I expected opposition, there’s only very little of it. Just like this, I’ve become the queen to billions of people.”

After the celebration ceremony ended, Mu Yunhua felt a little depressed as she sat on the throne. The process was so smooth that she was thrown for a loop.

“This is very natural.”

Chen Jin’s voice sounded in her ears, “Most people have some sort of attachment to their mothers, and they feel more dependant on women who are mature and reliable. Memories of the matriarchal society from ancient times have been engraved in human genes... People can accept the leadership of a queen.”

“In addition to this, there is another important reason that everyone knows very well.”

“And that is my support and help, they are very important to the All-Stars Federation. Our partnership must be maintained.”

“Especially when it comes to the A-class warships like the Silver Gun Lord, or the powerful and invincible S-class warship, the ‘Black Emperor.’ With the current development standard of the Federation, you will not be able to produce such warships, not even in a hundred years.... Much less hold onto such weapons permanently.”

“Without my help, you might not even have survived, much less take revenge.”

“And you were the one who brought this opportunity to them. It is because of you that they can borrow advanced warships from me and a guarantee of security... You have the ‘golden finger’ that brings good luck and happiness to the people.”

“And you, who have the ‘golden finger,’ as long as you maintain a partnership with me, they would be able to have everything that they are enjoying now long-term.”

Therefore, she easily won the position of the queen and completed the transition to an imperial state in a short period of time.

“Ok, everything will be done according to you. Do whatever you want.”

Mu Yunhua gave a helpless smile. Then again, just what was this relationship? To be precise, the relationship that had been established between her Federation, even including herself, and the mysterious and powerful force represented by Chen Jin could not be regarded as a superior/subordinate relationship. But its essence was not dissimilar to the relationship between a man who was keeping and supporting a mistress.

However, the All-Stars Federation, unfortunately, needed such a relationship, it begged for support just like this type.

She even hoped that the Federation would receive a greater number of powerful A-class and S-class warships. The more the better, and the relationship would also become more solid.


After ascending the throne, the reform of the upper level of administration was quickly completed. The Queen + Parliament system guaranteed a good centralization of power and could also continue to attract elites.

As long as the supreme ruler was not particularly stupid, the prospects of this Federation would get better. They had a bright future.



Before he knew it, three years had passed.

Chen Jin had been paying close attention to the situation on Earth. He paid attention to every move of the Protoss.

He had lived through the past three years with great caution.

In order to avoid attracting the attention and to dodge the relentless hounding by the Protoss Investigation Department, every single move made by the Chen family for these past few years could be thus described.

Low key.

Extremely low-key.

It was as if they wanted to turn into thin air so that no forces could detect them.

To this end, the Chen family had made many difficult decisions.

For example, They sold Xing Hai Entertainment, which had a market value of more than one trillion dollars.

They had even sold the company’s hundreds of outstanding actors, celebrities, stars, dozens of music groups, film and television production teams, the gold-medal program planning team, etc. All were packaged and sold... And they were mainly sold to the Tonghuang and Mugu clans.

This strategy was called “de-entertainment strategy,” which aimed to reduce the attention that the Chen family received.

After all, the TV dramas, TV programs, music, animation, and other products produced by Xing Hai Entertainment were simply amazing and of high quality. Not only did the company’s works have countless fans among human society, but they also had billions of Protoss fans.

It was known as the top entertainment company that was also the most ethical. It had never disappointed.

Some works were so popular that they managed to gain a large following and considerable attention before each broadcast.

But the Chen family had sold Xing Hai Entertainment.

Hence, it was a disaster for many fans of the company’s movies, music, and animations.

The quality of a variety of film and television works produced by the company had dropped drastically after they lost the management and control of the Chen family. There were all sorts of spectacles too horrible to endure.

A famous celebrity signed to Xing Hai Entertainment quickly got involved in a large number of scandals and his public image collapsed dramatically. There were also a large number of entertainers who wanted to cancel their contracts and jump ship.

In just three years, the global reputation of Xing Hai Entertainment had taken a nosedive under the management of the Tonghuang and Mugu clans. Its reputation was bad and its comprehensive market value was less than 100 billion.

What was the cause of this situation?

Netizens and critics from human society got right down to the heart of the matter.

“Besides using force; besides conquest and destruction, what contributions can the Protoss make in other fields?”

“The arts need professionals. They need to let the creators express themselves freely. The Chen family had achieved a peak in this area. Even the stars who were signed with Xing Hai Entertainment Company were rarely involved in sex scandals. They maintained excellent public images. Their only desire and focus were to produce the perfect work.”

“It was such a good entertainment company, but what happened after it has been handed over to the Protoss?”

“The first thing they did was to place a large number of incompetent administrators in key positions. The clans’ management led to them being only concerned with making money for themselves. All of them have become a bunch of greedy, exploitative rulers.”

“Those higher ranking Protoss set their sights on female celebrities. Their eyes are full of desire, and they use all sorts of coercion or semi-coercive measures to seize their bodies to satisfy their perverted desires; as for the creative staff and professional directors, they no longer have a free and easy working environment. They face countless interferences, criticisms, and arbitrary orders. How can they produce marvelous works when even a lot of the original works have wrecked?”

“A top modern company had immediately become a disaster after the Protoss started to manage it.”

“I believe that in the next year or two, the well-known, 100-year-old Xing Hai Entertainment that has already become garbage, will disappear completely. There are thousands of companies that disappeared in a similar manner.”

“Haha, this is the Protoss then. They are smart with powerful military strength, but they are a backward population that will only lead to the detriment of civilization.”

The vast numbers of netizens expressed their endless regret.

The Chen family did not significantly reduce the attention they paid to this incident. However, they had achieved their original goal via Xing Hai Entertainment.

They had dispelled the idea that the Tonghuang and Mugu clans had of further attempting to devour the Chen family.

After all, Xing Hai Entertainment had collapsed way too fast and in too ugly a manner. Originally, it could have brought them hundreds of billions in annual profit; however, after the torture inflicted by the Protoss on the company, it had become a rubbish company reviled by all in just three years. Its annual profit was less than 10 billion dollars.

Using this as an example, if the Chen family was really swallowed by them and they surrendered all their companies and research institutes and turned them over to the Tonghuang and Mugu clans to manage, the Protoss would only create another Xing Hai Entertainment since they were ignorant amateurs. They would mess up every single factory.

The benefits that they could obtain every year might be less than what they could receive if they allowed the Chen family to exist independently... Even an average person could work out this calculation.

This was the conclusion that was reached–it might be better to let the Chen family operate independently to maximize the benefits.

However, the Tonghuang and Mugu clans still could not admit their mistakes.

“Xing Hai Entertainment is just an exception. We have the experience of running a company and we have enough advanced management skills!”

“Why don’t you give us another company to try? We’ll definitely do a good job this time around. We will at least keep it running!”

The Chen family’s representative shook his head disdainfully. “Tonghuang and Mugu clans, you have dozens of cities and a population of tens of millions in your territories. But the Tonghuang clan had earned 800 billion in total fiscal revenue the previous year, and Mugu clan less than 700 billion. On the other hand, the Chen family’s total profit reached 260 million last year, which is more than the combined profits of the two clans. Even the previous Jinwu clan received annual fees that were more than their fiscal revenue after they had become the asylum provider for the Chen family.”

Hence, this also led to a power imbalance.

“And you Protoss have more land, more people, and more resources, but you are not doing better than the Chen family, who only has a few companies. The management ability of the Protoss has been made clear. There is no need to analyze it further.”

The words by the Chen family representative stabbed at the hearts of the senior members of the two clans.


Due to the huge gap in their respective management abilities, the two Protoss families agreed to temporarily give up on the seemingly better plan of annexing the Chen family.


The Chen family gained valuable time for development.

On this particular day.

Cheers rang out in an underground research facility.

“We’ve succeeded!”

“We’ve succeeded in the transformation that will turn one into a practitioner with the aptitude and innate skills to become a Sage!”

“The effect is so good it’s shocking. If an ordinary person has a spiritual cultivation efficiency of one, this efficiency will increase to two to 3.5 after a ‘biochip’ has been implanted in their brain. On this basis, if a person was to start cultivating after undergoing genetic transformation and optimization, thus achieving the physical body of a Sage, the cultivation efficiency could be increased to an astonishing eight to ten.”

“If we add the brain crystals that will aid cultivation by 30% into the equation and arrange layouts of motifs that would help to amass spiritual energy to increase its concentration in the environment, a sufficient concentration could help to increase the cultivation efficiency to an astonishing 12 to 15.”

“This means that the ‘geniuses’ that have been transformed by us would achieve the same results after one day of cultivation as an ordinary person who had been cultivating for more than ten days. The effects of cultivating for one year is equivalent to the effects of an ordinary person cultivating for ten years!”

“More importantly, the current comprehensive success rate of implanting the biochip and gene optimization experiments is 45% and the mortality rate is no more than 20%. The partial and total success rate is close to 70%...”

“And it can be industrially mass-produced and is suitable for most people.”

“Oh my god!”

“We’ve done something that only God or a madman can do. We can mass produce geniuses, exceptional cultivation geniuses!”

“We humans now have 100% confidence in surpassing and crushing the Protoss!”

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