
Chapter 181 - Rapidly Gaining Strength

Chapter 181: Rapidly Gaining Strength

In terms of general strength, Xiao Shi was the strongest, followed by Blood Ape, and finally Lin Yao.

However, this might not be the case for explosive strength. Since they only fought once a day, what mattered was the explosion of power.

‘Wait a minute. Although the flaming warlord was defeated in the team competition, he can still participate in the individual competition. Plus, there should be one or two good players among the outsiders in the individual competition. They can’t find teammates they have good teamwork with and they haven’t encountered a warlord, so they have yet to unleash all their abilities.’

Lin Yao leaned against the raised bed board while he was lost in thought. Qin Ya, who had updated him about all matters related to the competition, went on to talk about other topics.

“Your foundation is still hiring people and collecting information. We’d better cooperate with the government while building elementary schools and orphanages. Funds are also necessary…”

“I don’t want to know about this. I just want to know when the formal work will begin.”

“At least in one month… Half a month. We will start construction in half a month.”

This was not a small project but a big project with a starting capital of 140 million yuan. They were now at the most important stage of constructing a framework. If they wanted to be free of trouble in the future, strict screening was necessary now.

“Okay, do it as soon as possible.”

The competition and the establishment of the Lin Yao Foundation were what Lin Yao was the most concerned about at this stage.

The competition would determine Lin Yao’s fame and how much money he could earn at this stage, and the amount of money he could earn was also related to the development of the foundation.

After all, although it was possible to borrow money at this stage, Lin Yao, who was not too daring, did not dare borrow money at will. If he could obtain a huge amount of wealth after becoming famous and was able to repay the money, he would be daring enough to borrow money on a large scale. Then, the Lin Yao Foundation could also build more schools.

After updating him on these two matters, Qin Ya asked Lin Yao if there was anything that he wanted to be completed.

Lin Yao thought about this for a while and summoned the feathered serpent spirit.

“How do I register a monster pet?”

While looking at the swimming feathered serpent spirit, Qin Ya felt that it had something to do with the feathered serpent spirit essence. However, she knew what to ask and what not to ask, and she soon stopped her wandering thoughts and answered Lin Yao’s question.

“The prerequisites for the registration of a monster pet are that it must completely obey you and you must have absolute control over it. The owner is considered equally guilty if the monster pet kills.”

The government placed high importance on stability and harmony. Thus, it would not allow uncontrollable monsters to live in towns.

In response, Lin Yao nodded.

“I have full control over it.”

When he allowed the feathered serpent spirit to fly around him and wrap around his arm, Qin Ya decided to trust Lin Yao’s judgment for now.

“Then it will be much easier. Tomorrow, you can make a trip to the Abnormal Ability Department.”

“Are monster pets graded by the Abnormal Ability Department as well?”

This was a familiar name, and Lin Yao intended to join this organization in the future. He had not expected that the Abnormal Ability Department would even be in charge of such matters.

“Don’t be surprised. In the past, the Abnormal Ability Department was in charge of all abnormal events. Although it has less power now, most abnormal events can be solved there.”

“I see.”

After updating him on the two issues, Qin Ya was about to leave. However, Lin Yao suddenly thought of something and quickly asked her, “How do energy creatures advance from a warlord level to the silver level?”

“I don’t know this very well. I will consult an expert tomorrow.”


After answering Lin Yao’s question, Qin Ya left. However, the two assistants, Qin Xue and Yan Yu’er, took care of Lin Yao by the bed while he was studying.

Lin Yao did not sleep. While receiving a low-voltage electric shock, he leaned on the raised bed board, picked up the laptop to gain knowledge by looking at information on the Internet, and browsed online videos to expand his knowledge.

From time to time, he would also enter the Sea of Consciousness to watch the Tree of Heaven Punishment absorb the charged electric current to grow or to feel the optimization of his body due to the Light Adjustment and the electric current stimulation. Lin Yao could feel that while his body gradually developed and got stronger thanks to this shallow stimulation, this also made him resistant to electricity, and he could even absorb it now.

‘I shall be based in the research institute in the future.’

At eleven o’clock at night, Lin Yao, who was about to rest, called Jiang Rong, who had stayed up all night.

“Senior Sister, sorry for troubling you.”

“It’s alright, this is my job.”

While he was speaking, a helmet full of coils was placed on top of Lin Yao’s head. Soon, at Jiang Rong’s orders, electric current flowed into Lin Yao’s brain from the helmet, stimulating his nerves and developing his mental strength.

Lin Yao could endure the pain in his body because he received electric shocks often. However, the electric current that passed through his brain was of higher intensity. He felt as if his head was being split open and his soul was being torn apart. He could not help but yell in pain.


His screams lasted for more than a minute. When the brain development was completed, Lin Yao felt like his brain was like a paste and he did not feel like saying anything. He tilted his head back and even forgot to lower the bed board as he entered deep sleep.

Fortunately, Jiang Rong and several people were beside the bed. Qin Xue lowered the bed board, and Jiang Rong recorded the data regarding Lin Yao’s mental strength.

“He persisted for 67 seconds, which is three times how much he persisted a few days ago. Compared to the past, his body is so much better at withstanding the electric current. What happened in the past few days?”

Jiang Rong’s questions were not answered, as Lin Yao was already asleep.

When he fell asleep, he still had to undergo electric current stimulation. He furrowed his eyebrows, and there was a pained expression on his face due to the brain concussion and his exhaustion.

Although he was in pain, that did not affect his charm in the slightest. He was still young, so he was sleeping like an angel. The three women felt peace of mind just by looking at Lin Yao, who was deeply asleep.

This tranquility even soothed their tired hearts after a busy day. Jiang Rong could not help but squeeze Lin Yao’s face.

Both Yan Yu’er and Qin Xue, who stayed in the research institute, could not tear their eyes away from Lin Yao’s sleeping face either. At the same time, they were also hostile to Jiang Rong.

Jiang Rong did not pay attention to this at all. She stared at Lin Yao and could not stop herself from saying, “It would be great if you could be more devoted.”

Yan Yu’er nodded at her words. However, Qin Xue, who was always gentle and lovely, actually laughed and mocked her.

“Devoted? Ha ha… If he was devoted, we would not be here at all.”

“What do you mean?”

“What else? Ah Yao is outstanding. If he was devoted to one person, do you think you’d be the person who would stay with him until the end?”

The brain development made Lin Yao extremely groggy. In his current state, he fell into the deepest sleep possible and had no dreams. By the time he opened his eyes, it was already 7 o’clock in the morning.

Lin Yao had fully recovered after seven hours of deep sleep. At the same time, during a night of shallow electric current stimulation, his physical strength had increased by 10%, reaching Iron Body 115%. The growth progress of the Tree of Heaven Punishment was now at 1,000/100,000, and his Heavenly Thunder talent was now at LV2 (36%). His mental strength had also improved. Lin Yao had persisted for 67 seconds during brain development last night. Although he did not undergo any tests after waking up early in the morning, he had a feeling that his mental strength had increased by about three points.

‘In the past, I could only persist for more than 10 seconds during brain development. Back then, my mental strength increased by one point after each electric shock. I persisted for 67 seconds in one go this time, which is three times as much as before, and the increase must be three times as much as well. This must be it.’

The electric current stimulated the development of Lin Yao’s physical body, increased the growth of the Tree of Heaven Punishment, developed his mental strength, and improved his understanding of electricity. It could be said that Lin Yao was making huge progress due to Project Thunder God.

Given this rapid improvement, Lin Yao no longer felt like going out. After waking up this morning, he washed up and made a call back home. Then, he did not go out. Instead, he continued to undergo electric current stimulation in the research institute. Since he had to participate in the individual competition at noon, Lin Yao did not undergo in-depth development in the morning.

However, even without this, Lin Yao gained a lot by being stimulated by an electric current at a lower intensity.

The only thing that he was slightly dissatisfied with was that he was used to relying on external forces to develop his body. As a result, he had not practiced controlling his body enough. He even felt light and unstable when he walked.

Fortunately, this could be easily resolved. An electric current flowed into his brain, and his thoughts accelerated before being connected to the neural network of his whole body. Lin Yao instantly felt as if his whole body had become one. He was like the god of the body, who had full-body control. This was what unlocking the gene lock of thunder and lightning geniuses was like. After staying in this state for around 10 seconds, Lin Yao opened his eyes and saw that the imaginary room was white. At the same time, Lin Yao stayed motionless while suddenly punching at the air. His body’s skeletal muscles trembled, and there was a crackling sound that reminded him of fried beans. This punch had gathered the strength of his whole body.


A punch blasted the air and exploded. With this punch, he had once again condensed his strength into one, and he felt a sense of steadiness in his body and mind.

‘The gene lock is still very powerful. Without this ability, I would have to spend at least a day or so to adapt if I wanted to control my body.’

While Lin Yao was sighing, he noticed that it was around ten o’clock in the morning. He pushed the door open and went to the Abnormal Ability Department first, where he registered the feathered serpent spirit as his monster pet. The entire process was completed smoothly. However, the feathered serpent spirit had lethal abilities, so the inspection was very cumbersome. The person who helped him with the registration even spent a few minutes warning Lin Yao.

“The monster pet is connected to you. If it hurts others, you will also be held legally liable. Don’t let the monster pet get out of control. You must keep a tight watch on it. Hundreds of people are sentenced to life imprisonment for losing control of their monster pets every year.”

“Thank you for the reminder. I will be careful.”

After leaving the Abnormal Ability Department, Lin Yao realized that the time was up, and he went to the sports stadium in the city to participate in the individual competition at noon.

Only nine contestants out of the 18 would advance to the next stage of this competition.

Perhaps Qin Ya’s posts had worked last night, or No. 1 High School had no plans of manipulating the match, or maybe that the city’s high-level officials had taken action, as Lin Yao did not encounter a strong opponent today. His opponent was just a potential martial artist. Although he was not weak, Lin Yao had already unlocked the gene lock. Amidst the flashing electric light, he defeated the enemy with a single blow.

Afterward, ignoring the cheers of the crowd and the eagerness of the reporters next to him, he quickly returned to Professor Li’s research institute victorious and proceeded to directly undergo in-depth electric current development.

After the development, his body was continuously connected to the electric current at a lower intensity.

Lin Yao had a strong will and was not afraid of pain. He lay in the research institute for almost the entire day, constantly getting stimulated by the electric current.

Thanks to the Light Adjustment, the Heavenly Thunder talent, as well as Project Thunder God, Lin Yao’s development progress was shockingly fast. After one day and one night, his physical strength had increased by 30%, and his Heavenly Thunder had increased by 20%. The growth progress of the Tree of Heaven Punishment had also increased by 4,000 points. This was a rapid improvement. Lin Yao was confident that in a month, he would crush Du Ming based on his physical fitness alone.

‘Time. I need time.’

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