
Chapter 7: Wonderland-6

Chapter 7: Wonderland-6

SoYoon checked her cellphone after leaving Mad Hatter’s house. At Outhouse, the powers of the owner activated the cellphones, but those who lived in Wonderland were mostly unmagical beings. Approximately a hundred years ago, the unmagical population got together and created the city, Wonderland.

These people changed their daily routines to better their lives, and one of the inventions that resulted was the cellphone. In Wonderland, the cellphone just needed to be in contact with a magical person’s DNA to charge and work. And the main creator of this product was the technological geek, Mad Hatter.

When SoYoon checked her cellphone, a message from Heart arrived. He needed something, and he wanted her to stop by his place. It was probably going to take some time to get there, SoYoon thought as she pulled out her sword. A hoard of people slowly headed her way.


An hour later, SoYoon arrived at Heart’s house. Heart smiled upon seeing the blood-soaked SoYoon.

“If you have an issue, take it out on the outsiders. Oh, is it too difficult because you haven’t been able to resolve the location detection brand?”

“What business do you have?”

Knowing he knew full well her situation, SoYoon replied angrily. Her wet, blood-soaked clothes and the blood dripping off her hair annoyed her.

“Stop acting so sensitive, and why don’t you go wash up? The smell of blood coming off you is making me sick.”

Heart was born with red eyes that glowed in violence. SoYoon accepted his suggestion. She entered Heart’s bathroom with its golden shower and shuddered under the warm flow of water on her body. Oh, this feels good. She moaned in ecstasy.

The bathroom door opened shortly, and Heart came in. He leaned on the bathroom wall and looked SoYoon up and down: white hair, baby face, thin, blue brand, underdeveloped breasts and limbs, and brown eyes. Even hit with this erotic gaze, the girl did not show a hint of embarrassment.


“A change of clothes.”

Heart shook the clothes he brought in. SoYoon turned off the shower and walked toward him.


When she asked, Heart handed her one. She patted herself dry, slipped on her underwear, and stuck out her hand.

Heart placed the clothes in her hands and asked, “Do you never get embarrassed?”

She had lost her embarrassment of displaying her bare body nine years ago at the research facility. When she changed into her clothes and put on her mask matter-of-factly, Heart walked out of the bathroom, disappointed. SoYoon followed behind him, taking the belt off her blood-soaked pants.

“This looks like previous White Rabbit’s clothes.”

“You’re right. He washed up every morning at my house. That’s the last set of clothes he left behind. Then by your hands—well, you know.”

SoYoon realized why rust-filled water had come out the first day she showered at the house. After cinching her baggy pants with the belt, she asked Heart for his purpose in calling her there.

Heart gave her the task of delivering documents. There wasn’t a specific reason for her to be the one to do such a task.

Realizing her suspicions, Heart explained.

“It’s out of respect. I respect you, so I expect you to respect me by not stepping on my territory— that sort of thing. If we meet, it will only lead to more fighting. There are those who don’t keep their promises, but I’m a gentleman.”

SoYoon snorted. If he fought face-to-face, he would be torn to shreds, so he just wanted to get rid of the competition once and for all. SoYoon, having received the document envelope, stepped outside but suddenly stopped.

“What do you think about opening a Caucus Race for the White Rabbit position?”

“Why? Are you sick of the position already?”

“I’m sick of the challengers.”

“Oh my, look at this Wonderful Land! Are there that many suicide applicants!”

Heart laughed ecstatically. She slammed the door as she left. “I’ll think about it,” Heart’s voice echoed from behind the door.

The recipients of the documents were twins named Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee; together, they were known as the Twins. The delivery address was a house 30–40 minutes away. And SoYoon arrived at the Twins’ office in twice that time.

In front of the building large men stood guarding it. When she approached the building, one man stopped her.

“What’s a youngster like you doing hanging around here? Get out of here!”

SoYoon pulled out the document envelope from inside her coat. Due to her carefulness, not a single drop of blood had gotten on it.

“These are documents Heart is sending to the Twins. Do you really want me to leave?”

“…You’re the new White Rabbit? I don’t believe it.”

The man tried to look threatening by hovering over SoYoon. As he looked down upon the thin, young girl, he couldn’t help but ridicule her small stature.

“Give it. I’ll deliver it to the Twins.”

The man reached for the document envelope. SoYoon shoved it back into her coat pocket.

“No can do. I was told to deliver it directly to the Twins.”

“Stop fooling around. For a newbie like you to meet the almighty Twins, you would have to be…”

The newbie SoYoon, who had spoken casually to someone of Heart’s standing, let her actions speak for her. She kicked the man in the ribs lightly. Created as she had been with all sorts of drugs and reengineering of her body, the once-agent’s “lightly” was too much for the man to handle. The man flew up in the air, spun spectacularly, and slammed into a collapsing building.

“What’s happening!”

“It’s an attack!”

Hearing the man scream, the Twins’ bodyguards ran out. SoYoon pulled out the document envelope once more and showed it to them.

“These are the documents Heart sent. Are the Twins inside?”

SoYoon was escorted immediately to the Twins’ office. Of course, she was surrounded on both sides by guards. When she entered, a boy who had his back to the window turned around. Due to the light behind him, he presented a beautiful silhouette. The late afternoon sun dyed his hair a deep gold.

“White hair? Are you White Rabbit?”

The beautiful boy spoke these first words to her with his full sexy lips. SoYoon recognized him immediately. He was the crude-talking twin, Dee.

“You’re the Twins, right? I’ve brought the documents from Heart.”

“F*ck, I don’t know anything about that. Dum! Yo, Dum! Where the hell did this little sh*t disappear to?”

Dee opened the office door and went outside. His voice echoed around the hallways.

“You’re supposed to f*ckin’ stay in the office! Heart sent us something!”

A few moments later, there was a shuffling noise and a boy came into the office. He looked the same as Dee but was wearing a black rider jacket instead of the thin beige one that Dee had on.

“You must be the new White Rabbit. Nice to meet you. I’m Tweedle Dum.”

He was polite and spoke cordially, even shaking hands with her. His hair was wavy and a deep golden color, his eyes were blue, he had a sculpted face and a soft personality, Dum was the perfect representation of a little girl’s dream of Prince Charming.

But this was split personality disorder.

SoYoon was amazed that he would be as detailed as to think to change clothes.

Tweedle Dum, Tweedle Dee—together they were the Twins. Two personalities in one body. He pretended to be twins and scammed all of Wonderland. In Wonderland, the only person who knew about this was Alice. He was fooling even the guards. Even when he was in his mid-teens, he had gained a lot of power in Wonderland, and this ploy made sense for someone of his status.

“You said Heart sent you documents. I may have to draft a response, so would you mind waiting on the sofa for a moment?”

Dum perused the documents that SoYoon handed him. Then with the tiniest of interest in SoYoon, he stopped reading and looked over at her.

From the far west, the sunset was casting the office in a warm red glow. And within its sun-flooded interior sat the white-haired White Rabbit. The black mask was not enough to hide her immensely pale skin.

“I think I know why Heart likes you.”

In a soft voice, he spoke these confusing words so that SoYoon couldn’t help but look up at Dum. He smiled sweetly.

“There wasn’t much to see in here. Dee must have made a scene at one of the pubs Heart looks after. He asked that he should cool it in the neutral zone…It doesn’t seem like I will need to respond to this, so you may go. I apologize for keeping you here.”

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