
Chapter 331: The Thieving Cat

Chapter 331: The Thieving Cat

"Those who are dissatisfied with me, please bow your heads."

When Frey, whose eyes lit up at the sight, said that, the sound of people raising their heads echoed throughout the throne room.

"Strange, isn\'t it? It seems like there\'s not a single person dissatisfied."

Frey frowned at the reactions of the ministers and wore a puzzled expression.

"Then, what were the words I just heard a moment ago?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the surrounding atmosphere instantly turned cold.

"Hmm... Keum."

"Uhhmph, hmm."

Awkward coughing echoed amidst the silence in the throne room.

No matter how normal the nobles in the Princess Clana faction appeared, their sense of nobility remained.

Therefore, even though he was the Duke\'s eldest son, they couldn\'t grasp how to treat Frey, who had now become a commoner.

"Lord Frey."

In such an awkward atmosphere, Hafran spoke to Frey, and everyone\'s attention focused on him.

“Drawing a sword in the presence of Her Highness, the Imperial Princess, not only violates imperial etiquette but also constitutes outright treason, punishable by law.”

After saying that, Hafran prostrated in front of Princess Clana and spoke.

“What is happening right now is tantamount to treason, Your Highness! If Frey draws his sword and attacks you right now, who could stop him!”


"Your Highness, now more than ever, you must establish the authority of the Imperial Family. You must sternly reprimand Frey!"

After finishing his words, Hafran secretly smiled and muttered to himself.

Of course, if that’s possible.

"What do you mean by \'of course, if that’s possible\'?"


However, wearing the same smile, Frey lightly threaded towards Hafran, who was prostrating.

"Wh-what are you saying..."

"I can actually hear the sounds of people\'s hearts, Lord Hafran."

"D-don\'t come any closer!"

As Frey touched the sword on his waist, Hafran, looking perplexed, shouted while staring at the Archbishop.

Already, a dark liquid was dripping around the sword as if it had cut someone.

“Princess Clana! Bringing weapons in front of the sacred throne is an insult to the imperial family and a crime of treason!”

"This isn\'t a weapon."


"It\'s just a scabbard."

Thanks to that, Hafran, who had turned pale with surprise and was shouting in frustration, blankly looked at Frey as he drew the sword from his waist.

"... It really is."

Upon closer inspection, Frey was simply wearing a scabbard on his waist.

It was just a misconception due to the unknown, murky liquid flowing around and Frey\'s murderous intent.

“Why? Do you see me as a lunatic who storms into the palace with a sword? I’m, after all, still the Princess’ vassal. Even without a sword, this loyal vassal immediately came running to her aid as soon as I regained my consciousness. Isn’t that in itself a statement of my loyalty?”

"I-I see."

"It doesn\'t appear to be the same for you, though."


Hafran, who was slightly relieved upon hearing Frey\'s next words, widened his eyes as Frey suddenly whispered in a cold voice.

- Snap!!


And in the next moment, Frey, gripping the scabbard like holding a bat, struck Hafran\'s leg with all his might.


"It\'s okay, I won’t kill you."

Hafran stumbled and flailed to the ground. Seeing the approaching Frey, he reached out his hand and begged for his life. Frey just smiled.

"I\'ve never killed anyone while rebelling against the Imperial Family. If anything, you and the palace guards have killed more. I\'m not a lunatic who kills anyone who makes a mistake.."


"But why are you asking to be spared? I\'ll spare you anyway. But, of course, a few bones might be broken."

"W-why are you doing this?"

As the audience was overwhelmed by the killing intent emanating from Frey, Hafran clenched his fists as he realized that no one would help him.

"Why in the world are you doing this!! In such a sacred place...!"

“First of all, you dare to talk disrespectfully to Princess Clana.”


After striking Hafran’s fist with the scabbard, Frey began to speak in a cold tone.

" ‘Don\'t forget how you can sit on that throne’? Have you never considered how that could be interpreted?"


Hearing those words, Hafran expression faltered

“How dare a vassal, a mere subordinate, overstep their authority? It could be interpreted as an attempt to keep the imperial authority in check or raise doubts about the legitimacy of the rebellion that occurred a few days ago. Moreover, you also go as far as questioning the Princess\' childhood history."

Frey spat out words in rapid fire.

"The Princess ascended to this position solely through her efforts. It\'s not something a lowly person like you could carelessly talk about."

"I-I u-understand. I was wrong. So please stop..."

"And you are a spy, right?"


Hafran, who had dropped his confident demeanor to humbly plead with Frey, widened his eyes and flinched upon hearing those words.

“You’re a spy planted by the Church, right?”

"Wha-what nonsense! This is an unjust accusation! Keuaaargh!"

"You purposefully undermine the Princess’ power while elevating the power of the founding contributors, while simultaneously trying to restrain or expel me. That must have been your goal."


Frey pressed his scabbard against Hafran’s foot, he then interrogated him further.

"You tried to incite your vassals to kill me when I was unconscious, didn\'t you? And now you\'re thinking, \'How could you have known?\' You\'re a scoundrel who doesn\'t even appreciate the mercy I\'ve shown you."

"W-wait a moment."

"When did it start, huh? Was it from the beginning? Or was it a recent acquisition?"

"False accusations, they\'re false. I..."

"It must be recent."

Hafran, who was trying to justify himself while gritting his teeth, knew that he couldn\'t block Frey\'s ‘Mind Reading’ skill that easily.

"E-evidence. Do you have any evidence?"

"The evidence will come out if we search your house and room. What\'s important is that you\'ve been caught by me now."

As Frey raised his scabbard, Hafran closed his eyes and trembled.

"Frey, stop."

At that critical moment, Clana\'s voice suddenly echoed.

- Kugugugugu...

At the same time, her \'Sovereign Aura\' began to fill the throne room.

"Come here."

Following her words, Frey sheathed the scabbard and started moving towards Clana.

"Calm down, Frey."

Once Frey came in front of her and sat beside her, Clana began gently stroking his head.

"Good boy, well done."

Frey’s previous demeanor suddenly vanished into thin air as soon as he felt her touch; soon, he became as quiet as a well-behaved cat.

- Ssk, ssk...

It wasn’t just an act either, Frey actually closed his eyes and nuzzled his cheek against Clana’s neck.

He mimicked the action that Lulu always used to do to him.

...So cute.

Clana\'s dignified expression cracked for a moment when she thought that he acted like her pet.

"Guards, heed my commands."

However, she had to come to her senses.

All of this was a sacrifice and assistance Frey had offered to her. She couldn\'t let such a situation go awry.

“Criminal Hafran, you have been found guilty of high treason against the Empire! Guards, drag him out!.

As the ministers’ eyes widened at the command, Clana looked at Hafran, who was sprawled on the ground, with a cold gaze.

"The information that he\'s a spy is also something I\'ve known. Search his house and warehouse, and at the same time, interrogate him."


"Y-Your Highness! It’s me! Your loyal aide!!"

Hafran was startled by the harsh command. He lost his composure and began shouting uncontrollably as the guards closed in on him.

"Th-that wicked person has enchanted the Imperial Princess!"


"That thieving scoundrel aims to seize the Imperial Family and dismantle the Empire, leading to its downfall!! That damned scoundrel has enchanted the Imperial Princess... Keugh..."

However, Hafran was subdued by the guards and dragged out of the palace before he could finish his words.


Witnessing the trusted aide, who could be considered the right arm of the Princess, being swiftly overwhelmed, the ministers lowered their heads with expressions of fear.

In reality, quite a few of them agreed with Hafran\'s opinions.

Due to the absolute power of Emperor Raikon, the Empire was corrupt, and many were discontent with the lofty imperial authority.

For that reason, greed began to subtly creep in, as they appeared to amass influence and emerge as the predominant force within the court.

However, looking at the current situation, it seems that the imperial authority will remain overwhelmingly high for now.

This was because the Princess was the sole individual capable of controlling Frey, who sat beside her, being petted with the expression of a simple country boy.

"Shall I introduce my daughter to him? Once successful, no one can touch that power..."

"Nonsense. To that lunatic?"

"What kind of methods did she use, I wonder..."

Therefore, the ministers were content with just looking at the Princess and Frey and whispering quietly among themselves, rather than seeking to gain power.

"Also, we have nothing to discuss with you."

The murmurs stopped when Clana spoke, and they began to look around cautiously.

"You all are enemies of the Empire."

In the midst of such a chaotic situation, Clana made a declaration.

"It seems you aren’t afraid of the excommunication, Princess?"

"How dare you run your lowly mouth and babble in front of me?"

As the Archbishop, who had been silently observing the situation, spoke in a chilling voice, Clana responded sternly.

"The faith of the entire world, the faith of all believers, will converge to overwhelm you. Can the Empire still be an empire after being designated as heretics?"

“Hah… Spare me your nonsense, drag that senile old man and confine him!”

Eventually, the situation escalated uncontrollably.

"It seems you couldn’t grasp the fear that comes with an excommunication, young princess."

As he spoke, the Archbishop began to radiate divine power while glancing at the encroaching palace guards. The divine power coalesced into a shield, adorned with intricate patterns, that wrapped his body.

"In the first week, your physical strength will vanish, your mana and sword aura dissipate, and your entire senses will become dull."

"Wha- What kind of old man..."

"In the second week, your body will slowly decay and wither away. Your divine Blessing and miracles will be taken away, and only unfortunate events will occur, and your emotions will dry up.”

- Craaaaaaack...

The guards drenched in cold sweat and stumbled due to the merciless divine power emanating from the shield. The Archbishop, observing their plight as if it were nothing, continued muttering while looking at Clana.

"In the third week, your right to speak and your ability to think rationally will be revoked. And by the fourth week, ultimately, your right to live will be taken from you, and you will perish in agony."

When Clana remained silent in response to his words, the Archbishop chuckled before speaking again.

"This is only a tiny part of what happens to someone subjected to excommunication. I haven\'t even touched upon the political issues related to excommunication and the duties of world leaders."

"Shall I step in myself, you old fool?"

"The citizens of the Empire, and eventually people from the entire continent, will no longer see you as human. Can you remain in that position even as the whole world invades the Empire? By the time you\'re dragged out to face the harsh reality, it would be a sight to see..."

"Uh, um. Your Highness, Princess."

However, at that moment, Frey, who had been quietly receiving Clana\'s affection, suddenly smiled and interjected into the conversation.

"Can I negotiate with him for a moment?"

"Uh, yes... I mean, permission granted."

Despite her smiling face, Clana, whose facial muscles were shaking uncontrollably, unconsciously replied timidly. However, she quickly regained her senses and responded with a dignified voice.


And in the next moment, with a very excited expression, Frey leaped from the throne and started rushing towards the Archbishop.

"You must be the evil of the century that the Princess so desperately wooed with her fine body. How many times have you frolicked that wicked heretic, you filthy wench?"


Observing Frey with a composed expression, the Archbishop secretly shook his arm and muttered.

"I don’t know what you did to gain that kind of power, but no matter how strong your power is, even the strongest force will crumble lifelessly under the excommunication declaration of His Holiness the Pope."

- Woooong...

"And on the day I receive power directly from the \'True Sun,\' you won\'t stand a chance–"

- Crassssh!!!


However, Frey\'s scabbard cleaved through his shield as if cutting through butter.


“Why do so many people not realize they\'re about to get fucked until right before it happens? Is it because they often find themselves in positions of power?""

Eventually, Frey’s scabbard struck the Archbishop’s face, shattering his teeth, causing the Archbishop to stagger backward.

"Did you think the Imperial Family would kneel before the likes of you?"

-Smack! Smack!

"This is a declaration of war; the Church has crossed the line too far."

-Smack! Boom!!!

"Y-you fool! Once the excommunication declaration is over..."

As Frey brandished his scabbard with a gleeful expression, the Archbishop, barely deflecting the blows with his hands pressed against his injured mouth, retorted with a voice thick with anger and frustration as he was pushed backward.

“For days, you’ve been yapping about excommunication this, excommunication that. Where the hell do you think you\'ll declare it, huh?”


"I have severed your sacred site. Don’t you need that place in order to declare excommunication?"

As Frey chuckled at his statement, the Archbishop began to respond with a furious expression.

"Yes, it will take some time since we\'ve lost the sacred site. However, we can still make the declaration within a week. With the faith of believers and executives spread across the world, it should suffice, even without making the declaration on the sacred site..."

"A week?"

Frey, who attacked the Archbishop using his scabbard, tilts his head with a bright smile.

"Not one day, not three days, but a whole week?"

Then, with a chilling voice, he uttered that one word.

- Archbishop, we have a big problem!


At that moment, in the Archbishop\'s mind, communications from executives and priests scattered throughout the region began to come in.

- The West Continent branch is under a massive air raid!

- Terrorists have attacked the Cathedral in the Eastern Continent branch! No casualties, but all holy relics and the cathedral have been destroyed!

- The remaining church branches in the Empire are under simultaneous attack! We may need to evacuate!

- Former Vice Commander and priests who participated in the ritual are missing...

- All of our hideouts are blocked with dirt and stone!

As the Archbishop began to stumble due to the numerous communications echoing in his head, Frey looked at him and muttered in a low voice.

"Will the Church still exist on the map a week from now?"


"This is just the beginning. I will personally eradicate the Sun God Church from this world without leaving a trace. My friend, the Sun God, has sanctioned it."


Frey swung his scabbard violently, the Archbishop, who vomited blood despite blocking it with his shield, stopped walking and looked behind him.


A wall blocked his path behind him, leaving no space for retreat.

"Huaha, huahaha! Huahahaha!!"

“At this point, I’m getting tired of people laughing when they are about to lose. How about shedding tears instead? I believe that would be somewhat novel.”

"Do you think you can win, Frey? Do you really think you\'ll win like this?"

Frey, casting a pitiful look at the Archbishop who began to advance unexpectedly, listened with mild interest to his words.

"Isn’t the Princess really such close friends with the Saintess?"

Then, his gaze widened.

"And she is also someone important to you, too, Frey."


"Who do you think have the Saintess, who was missing from the academy a few days ago?"


"It would be a shame to lose the Saintess\' life, so you better handle this well."

The Archbishop, who spoke like that, flashed a sly smile upon seeing Frey’s serious expression.

"...It’s not us who are fucked."


However, Frey slowly opened his mouth as he gazed at the Archbishop.

"You guys are seriously fucking screwed."

With a genuinely sad expression, he whispered those words.






Meanwhile, at that moment.

"Excuse me, what did you just say?"

Kania, who had been using her favorite dagger in the basement to snatch and absorb the Demon God’s dark mana, was now asking while tilting her head.

"D-Don\'t act like you don\'t know!"

As the Demon God stared at Kania, she shrieked.

“How can a lowly bitch like you possess my divinity!”


"When on earth did you steal it!!!"

Unable to comprehend those words, Kania just silently tilted her /genesisforsaken

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