
Chapter 7 - Are you nuts?

An unspeakable strange feeling began to spread in Rong Yi’s heart.

With his eyebrows knitted, he turned the bottle around to show it to Chen Keyao, saying, “It says ‘Alpha only’!”

“Yeah,” Chen Keyao didn’t get what Rong Yi meant. “What’s wrong?”

“It’ll work on me too?” Rong Yi asked.

Then Chen Keyao got more confused, “Do you mind that I have used it?”

This kind of topical spray wouldn’t need to come into contact with skin. Besides, for two in a relationship who had just exchanged saliva, it didn’t seem like a big problem to use a same spray together.

Suddenly, Rong Yi felt something was wrong. But he couldn’t tell what it was.

“Of course not,” Rong Yi explained patiently. “But can I use a spray which was made for Alpha?”

Chen Keyao also frowned and looked at Rong Yi in a daze as if he couldn’t understand what Rong Yi had said.

Seeing Chen Keyao’s reaction, Rong Yi, who had been mistaken for an Alpha a million times after being categorized as an Omega, got his heart paused. Then a very bad omen crowded in his mind.

Having swallowed his saliva, Rong Yi added, “I just want to ask... Is it also effective for Omega?”

Hearing his words, Chen Keyao remained in a trance while looking at Rong Yi with his mouth open, speaking nothing.

“I don’t think the inhibitor for Alpha would work on me,” Rong Yi continued.

Chen Keyao blinked his eyes out of bewilderment before he suddenly smiled. Then he rubbed Rong Yi’s nose and said, “Stop making fun of me.”

Rong Yi was stunned by those words. Then he opened his mouth with difficulty, “... You think... I am also an Alpha?”

The expression on Chen Keyao’s face froze because of what Rong Yi had said, “You are not?”

Now it was Rong Yi’s turn to become speechless.

He nearly doubted instantly that Chen Keyao was also an Omega. However, that bottle of inhibitor which was still held by Chen Keyao denied Rong Yi’s guess.

Seeing Rong Yi keeping his mouth shut with a rather complicated look, Chen Keyao goggled at him and asked, “Are you a Beta?”

After all, the pheromone from a Beta was really hard to catch.

For the moment, Rong Yi didn’t even know what kind of expression he should show on his face, “Haven’t you seen my ID?”

The look on Chen Keyao’s face showed that he was trying to remember something. After a long while, he said with his eyebrows wrinkled, “... I was only looking at your photo.” Actually, Rong Yi wanted to mention that he had also noted his second gender in his personal data on WeChat. But he assumed that Chen Keyao hadn’t paid attention to that either. So Rong Yi just swallowed those words.

After that, Rong Yi pulled out his ID card from his pocket and displayed it in front of Chen Keyao.

“Here.” He looked at Chen Keyao while saying, “I’m not making fun of you. If I really am an Alpha, why did you feel that I smelt sweet?”

Wasn’t that a common sense?

No wonder Chen Keyao had always been very nervous and asked repeatedly if Rong Yi had any physical discomfort with his pheromone.

Alphas tended to be sensitive to the smell of their own kind and feel sick when they actually smelled it. Thus, sending out their own pheromone to another Alpha was more like provocative act.

“You always believe that I am an Alpha?” Rong Yi asked.

Without answering Rong Yi’s question, Chen Keyao only took a deep breath subconsciously. Then his face suddenly turned deadly pale.

The smell of Rong Yi’s pheromone still stayed in the confined space, which was supposed to be attractive to any Alpha. However, Chen Keyao, who had just told Rong Yi that this smell had been sweet, turned around all of a sudden and opened the car door violently. After that, he stepped out of the car and ran all the way to the corner of the parking lot. Then he bent down while holding the wall.

Rong Yi who was still in the car got totally confused. After hesitating for a moment, he also got out of the car and tagged along. When he came close, he found that Chen Keyao was retching.

Rong Yi got stunned, asking, “What’s happening to you?”

As a matter of fact, Rong Yi didn’t get too panicky when he found that huge misunderstanding between them.

Even though Chen Keyao had got Rong Yi’s gender wrong, he still fell in love with Rong Yi. Then after Chen Keyao had known about Rong Yi’s true gender, he should feel more relaxed. At least, they wouldn’t need to worry about each other’s pheromone anymore. What’s more, as an Alpha who liked the kids, being in a relationship with an Omega would solve lots of problems.

However, seeing Chen Keyao who couldn’t stop retching, Rong Yi realized that his mind had been blinded all the time by consuming that an Alpha should only be with an Omega.

The fact was not that Chen Keyao loved Rong Yi even though he thought Rong Yi was an Alpha. The truth was, Chen Keyao loved Rong Yi only because he thought Rong Yi was an Alpha.

There were people in this world who only loved people of the same gender.

That also explained why Chen Keyao had been afraid of being rejected and chased Rong Yi so scrupulously! Normally, an Alpha would be furious when being chased by another Alpha.

Chen Keyao couldn’t throw up anything, probably because he hadn’t had any dinner. But he did look very uncomfortable.

After standing up and wiping his mouth fiercely, he looked to Rong Yi.

Then he spoke in a completely different tone from before, “Why didn’t you say that earlier?”

“I thought you knew it.” Rong Yi felt out of sorts being accused of that, “You were staring at my ID card at that time. Who knows that you have only looked at the photo? By the way, you never ask me about my gender!”

“I...” Chen Keyao was also in a bad mood, complaining, “Who would think of you as an Omega with that look and build?”

That could be called personal abuse.

Though Rong Yi had been mistaken a lot of times in his life, he was never more aggrieved than he was now.

Then he said angrily, “You blame me for being blind yourself?”

Again, Chen Keyao became speechless and only looked at him.

“Also... do you really have to be like this?” Rong Yi suddenly felt wronged for himself, saying, “You have just said that...”

That I was sweet.

As a result, hardly had Rong Yi’s voice faded away, Chen Keyao got his face pale again as if something awful had come to his mind. Then he started to hold the wall and puke again.

Rong Yi became completely speechless now.

He did have scared away many Alphas before, but this was the first time he ever scared an Alpha to vomit.

After half a minute, Chen Keyao who still couldn’t throw up anything squatted down. Rong Yi even heard him swearing vaguely.

“I knew good things would never happen to me,” Chen Keyao said, “... please stay away from me, I’m going to vomit again when I smell you.”

On these words, he also raised up to glance at Rong Yi, with an unspeakable look on his face.

Suddenly, Rong Yi flew to a rage.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” He pointed at Chen Keyao in a huff, “I didn’t see you puking when you have kissed me in your arms!”

Chen Keyao covered his mouth and said, “Please stop mentioning that, I’m begging you...”

Rong Yi almost kicked the man on the ground.

However, at the very moment, Rong Yi remembered that Chen Keyao was really good at fighting. If this gay Alpha got so angry and stroke him violently, Rong Yi would be doomed.

Still, Rong Yi couldn’t stand choking with anger. Then he took a step back and threw the bottle of inhibitor which had been held in his hand the whole time toward Chen Keyao’s head at full tilt.

Chen Keyao was really quick on the draw. Though he already got dizzy by retching for a long while, he still managed to dodge the bottle with his swift move.

Having bounced on the ground, the bottle rolled ahead and leaked.

Chen Keyao stared at the bottle for a while. Then he stood up and walked over. After that, he also lifted his leg and kicked violently on that bottle.

As a result, that leaking bottle flew to nowhere instantly and disappeared in front of them.

“...So what now?” Rong Yi looked at Chen Keyao, “You only love me as an Alpha. Now you feel disgusting after knowing that I am an Omega? It even makes you want to throw up?”

Chen Keyao didn’t reply him with his head lowered.

Then Rong Yi continued to ask, “You want to break up with me, right?”

“You’ve seen it,” Chen Keyao said. “I just can’t accept it physiologically.”

“Bullshit!” Rong Yi got furious and shouted, “You are just fucking nuts!”

Chen Keyao also got irritated by his words and refuted, “You have lied to me for this long and you just called me nuts?”

“You are the one who’s blind!”

“Which normal person would tell that you are not an Alpha?!” Chen Keyao also raised his voice, “I can even accept that you are a Beta! How can you be an Omega?”

Rong Yi then spoke without thinking, “How can I know that you are a pervert! How about you stop teasing others, you psychopath!”

“Ha,” Chen Keyao gave a hollow laugh, “I’m a psychopath by loving the people of my own gender? I can’t believe there are still narrow-minded people like you in this society!”

“Don’t judge me like that,” Rong Yi pointed at Chen Keyao and screamed. “Gays are not psychopaths! But you are!”

Without hearing Chen Keyao’s response, Rong Yi turned around and walked toward the exit, “Just go to hell, I’ll consider myself having fucked a dog these days.”

Then, Chen Keyao’s voice which had always been gentle in front of Rong Yi came through,

“Fucking a dog, are you kidding me?” he shouted to Rong Yi’s back. “Do you even have that function to f*?”


Rong Yi got pissed off. However, he knew he couldn’t argue with that, nor could he beat this psychopath. The stuffiness in his chest almost killed him. Then he strode to Chen Keyao’s car and kicked violently at the door which was still open.

After a muffled thud coming out, there was a distinct pit on the car door. At the same time, the harsh alarm sounded through the place.

“Are you out of your mind?!” Chen Keyao cursed behind Rong Yi’s back.

Rong Yi turned around and cried out, “Ask that question to yourself!”


Rong Yi had put too much strength on that kick, so his forefoot still ached vaguely when he was sitting on the taxi after he had got out of the parking lot.

However, that pain was nothing compared to the anger he had inside.

Well, it was not only anger that he felt. His feeling was too complicated right now. Grievance, unwillingness… even regret was filling in his mind.

His luck must have been eaten by a dog that he had met such an idiot like Chen Keyao.

It was not Rong Yi’s fault that he didn’t look like an Omega. And he had never hidden his own gender intentionally. He even had tried every means to imply or explicitly disclose his gender to Chen Keyao. Why should he be the one to be blamed when Chen Keyao ignored all of his hints?

He was still the same person. He had the same face and the same character. But Chen Keyao had just treated Rong Yi like a totally different person when he had known about Rong Yi’s gender. And Chen Keyao still claimed that Rong Yi was the narrow minded one?

It also reminded him of all that roughness he had gone through in his relationships over these years because of his appearance. Thinking of that, Rong Yi even got his eyes red.

Nothing could let him vent his spleen right now.

About half an hour ago, he had thought that he had been the luckiest person in the world. Now when he remembered him having made out with Chen Keyao in the car, he even felt a bit sick in the stomach.

Then he opened the car window but still couldn’t drive away the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. However, the handkerchief with essential balm on it which he used to put in the pocket was long gone.

He blamed that trash Chen Keyao for this too.

Rong Yi ground his teeth with anger and cursed Chen Keyao to have a lonely life forever.

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