
Chapter 65 - Wedding Ceremony

Chapter 65 - Wedding Ceremony

?My brother doesn\'t know a thing,? Princess Lyland starts. ?But you\'re both lucky that I\'m here.?

My Duke moves to the couch and sits there, silently listening to his sister\'s bragging. He\'s quietly accepting all the critiques as if he was used to this.

?There is an Ethiro tradition that states that brides have to wear something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue,? the young girl explains.

Oh, I haven\'t heard of this tradition either.

?You already have something old around your neck, sister-in-law. That necklace was bought by the imperial family around two centuries ago. Well, something blue is usually a piece of underwear or a ring. Do you have a ring??

I look at the jewels on the table. Mhm, no blue ring.

?How much blue does it need to be?? I inquire. I have some undergarments that are light blue.

?Any shade is fine.?

?I have blue garters. Also, I suppose that everything in my wardrobe is new.?

?The dress definitely is. I was the one that consulted with the tailor, even though no one showed me the result until you let me look at it,? the Princess nods.

Oh, so that\'s the reason it\'s so pretty and full of roses.

?Then, I came here to lend you a piece of jewellery. It looks like I was right on time.?

?I\'m still worried about the missing jewels,? I start, trying to return the conversation towards its original topic. ?I\'m afraid my Duke will think I lost them. Or worse, that I gave them away...?

?You memorised so quickly the content of your jewellery box, my dear,? my husband comments.

I smile innocently, trying not to glare at him.

?I just liked those earrings very much. I might not have noticed if not for them...?

?You could have used them if you liked them. That way, no one would have dared to steal them away from you.?

I startle, and then I blink a couple of times.

?Do you think that they are stolen, my Duke?? I mutter. Perfect, now no one will think that it\'s my fault. The Duke came up with theft, not me.

?Obviously, they didn\'t disappear in thin air.?

While I look at my fingers and pout, the Princess walks to me and opens a small bag.

?Here are those that I brought with me,? she starts. ?These earrings are perfect for the dress.?

The earrings she brought are made of white gold, and they have small rubies arranged in a way that resembles a rose. I look like a walking bush, with so many flowers on me.

However, I\'m a cute and elegant walking bush.

?Thank you, your highness,? I say. I smile to the Princess, and I notice how my Duke lifts his eyebrows surprised. It\'s still easier to smile at her, rather than to him, even though I\'m starting to feel more comfortable around my husband.

?Beautiful! Beautiful!? the Princess exclaims while clapping her hands. She circles around me and checks the details, fixing some pieces that she deems out of place.

?Are you done, Martia?? the Duke inquires, somehow annoyed by the friendliness the Princess treats me with.

?Almost,? she answers.

?Everyone, out!? the Duke says, and the maids almost start running towards the door.

?Are you getting nervous, now?? the Princess questions, seeing her brother\'s troubled expression. ?You two have been married for a month, it\'s late for changing your mind. For both of you.?

?I don\'t think the Duke is afraid I\'ll say no,? I chuckle.

?You won\'t be asked,? he points out.

What? Is it even a wedding if the priest doesn\'t ask the bride if she\'s consentant to the marriage?

?Didn\'t you learn about that during your bridal lessons?? the Princess asks.

?I\'ve never had bridal lessons,? I shrug.

?She doesn\'t need that,? the Duke explains. He gets up and reaches me. He holds my hand and smiles reassuringly. ?Everything will be all right.?

?If you say so,? I sigh. Alexander is always so sure about everything.

The Princess and Kate observe us from the side, and they both have a weird grimace. Their eyes are shining, and they\'re smiling content.

?The ceremony will start soon at the imperial temple,? the Duke exclaims. ?Let\'s go.?

As we walk in the hallways, hand in hand, I notice how the Princess has whispered something to Kate. Then, they disappear in the hallways together.

When we reach the gates of the temple, he stops just to kiss my hand.

?You\'re beautiful,? he murmurs, passing his gaze on me.

Inside, the guests are already standing orderly. Only the most high-ranking nobles are allowed in the temple, so there isn\'t such a crowd. Except for the Dukes and Marquises, I can recognise some relevant officers and ambassadors from foreign lands. In a corner in the back, Kate stands in silence, looking around curiously.

The Princess is at her place, next to the Emperor and the high priest. The latter will officiate the wedding, and she\'s the same girl from when it was announced.

She stands straight and looks at us with an inspired expression.

I hear her voice for the first time when she says the first line of the ritual. The Ethiro church uses an archaic language, but I can still understand the overall meaning of the sentences.

A couple of young boys bring the objects needed for the officiations, and the Priestess takes a small knife.

She cuts the Duke\'s palm until a drop of blood appears. Then, she does the same to me. Then, she ties our hands together and guides us to circle around the altar.

She sings for all the time, reminding everyone of the duties a husband and a wife have to fulfil. Her voice is soft and melodic, so much that I thrill at the most touching pieces.

The Duke\'s hand is squeezing mine with strength under the knot, and this contact helps me focus on the ritual without worries.

In the end, the Priestess blesses a ring and passes it to the Duke. He smiles happily while putting it on my left hand.

The ring is uncomplicated but precious, and there are two initials in its inner part: A and T.

I notice that the Duke\'s hand is slightly trembling. He really is nervous. However, his smile doesn\'t falter for even a second. He looks like any regular groom.

I\'m the one that\'s too cold, here.

?You\'re now one in front of the Gods,? the Priestess says with a somehow foreign accent. It\'s as if she\'s grown up talking that old language from before. She unties the knot around our right hands and retreats of a couple of steps.

The ritual is over, so the guests start complimenting us for the marriage. The first one is the Emperor, followed by the Princess.

After they left, Alexander takes out a handkerchief from his pocket and cleans the wound on my palm. He smiles to the gentlemen that come our way, and he replies to each and every greeting.

I just stay by his side, smiling silently.

Everything went too smoothly, so much that I start to fear the most challenging part of the day: the banquet. That is where I\'ll close all the grudges I\'m holding.

We walk to the throne hall, and the Duke checks the wound on my hand once again. He ties a cloth around it.

?Your skin was cut as well,? I notice. Yet, my Duke just continues to check my injury as if it wasn\'t just a scratch. It stopped bleeding long ago, there\'s no need to be this apprehensive.

?I\'m fine,? he mutters. ?Your skin is way more sensitive. And I hate seeing you wounded.?

?I\'m not wounded, it\'s just a scratch.?

Gosh, how will he react when I give birth to his children? He\'s so annoying just for this!

I stand on tiptoe and peck his cheek.

The Duke winces, surprised but utterly content.

?What is this for?? he asks, hoping to get some nice words along with the kiss.

?So that you stop torturing my hand,? I admit.

?My wife is so cold,? he whines. ?Can\'t you say something nice sometimes??

?I already praised you enough for today,? I point out. ?For now, make do with this.?

?Does it mean that later you\'ll compliment me some more?? he jumps.

?This Duchess needs to concentrate now,? I utter, looking to the side. ?I need to smile at all those people, and also pay attention not to embarrass my Duke!?

?You\'re telling me this as if you haven\'t planned a whole series of trouble. Who will your first victim be? The handmaid??

?We\'ll see,? I shrug. ?My plans aren\'t all that efficient. Also, I can\'t know when the trigger will be pulled. We can place a bet on who will fall first, my Duke.?

?While we\'re on the topic, I also prepared something amusing for you. I hope you\'ll like my marriage present.?

?I hope you\'ll find my performance amusing, then. I\'ve worked hard on it.?

Before walking in the throne room, I untie the handkerchief around my hand.

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