
Chapter 279 - The Royal Decree

Chapter 279 - The Royal Decree

The last few days, my backache hasn\'t stopped for a minute. I can\'t even sleep like this: there isn\'t a comfortable position.

On top of that, I have to be present at court today. Ah, I should have run away when I had the chance.

I am in no condition to fight back any attack. I hope to pass unnoticed at least today.

The day is hot. For the first time in my life, I do not like warm weather. I\'m sweating on every single inch of skin, and my hair is annoying no matter how I move it.

The throne hall is crowded, but a maid has the courtesy to offer me a chair.

I\'m not sure if I\'m allowed to sit down, so I just wave my head and proceed to the front rows. I haven\'t been offered to sit before, so I can\'t say if the Emperor is worried, all of a sudden, or it\'s a plot of someone to make me embarrass myself and my husband.

In any case, I won\'t sit. I will stand here for half an hour, and then I\'ll retreat. I will say to the first person I meet out of here that I\'m feeling unwell, and no one will dare to accuse Duchess Kyre of misbehaving.

The Princess isn\'t anywhere to be seen. I guess she\'s meeting the foreign delegation.

The audiences are already in place, so I wait for my turn with patience. If the Emperor wanted me to be here, there must be a reason. I\'ll check if he\'s going to come up with it soon, or it\'s better to go back and rest.

?Move this matter for later,? he says to his assistant. ?There\'s something more urgent for right now.?

?Yes, your majesty.?

The Emperor turns his eyes on the court and leans back on the throne.

?I have an announcement for all!? he exclaims, his voice resounding in the hall.

I\'d like to try saying something from that spot to check if it\'s the acoustics because the Emperor\'s voice isn\'t this clear when he talks outside of this room. Maybe, it\'s the whole situation.

?My dear cousin, Alexander of Kyre, has succeeded with his task and brought peace to our northern border.?

Uh? Already?

What an overachiever. He didn\'t have to be this fast.

It\'s true that I asked him, but he should have some mercy for the common mortals that let the situation get out of control when Count Grahm was responsible for it. Now they will all think he was absolutely incompetent.

?As such, I decided to give him back those territories, which were his to begin with. From this moment on, Duke Kyre is responsible for the northern border of the Empire, as it has been for generations.?

Finally some good news.

?Also, I fulfil the promise by decree that Kyre will be treated as an Archduchy when completed by the border: from this moment onwards, Alexander of Kyre returns to be the Archduke of Kyre. It means that his wife will be called Archduchess, and they both will enjoy the treatment of royal highnesses.?

He turns to me, and I take a step forward. I curtsey and wait for permission to speak.

?Are you satisfied by this turn of events, Archduchess?? he asks me, starting the conversation.

?I am grateful to your majesty for this decision,? I say. ?And I am certain my husband is too. May I ask when he\'s coming back, your majesty??

?You may ask,? he chuckles. ?Duke... I mean, Archduke Kyre is on the way. He will be here in a week or so.?

A week? It\'s just a bunch of days, but it feels so long. I will finally see Alexander again... He fulfilled my request and finished his task in time. He will be here when the baby decides to come to light.

?You can go rest, Archduchess,? the Emperor declares.

I nod my head and curtsey once again before leaving the hall.

The baby is turning right now, kicking against my stomach like crazy.

Elias must be happy as well for his father\'s success.

?We\'re going to be together soon,? I say while rubbing my belly. ?Your father is looking forward to meeting with you... Be patient a few days more...?

A group of women approach me, smiling.

?We\'re happy to hear about your new title, your highness,? one of the ladies says.

Even Duchess Prim has now to call me politely. She can\'t just say duchess anymore. She doesn\'t seem bothered by it, by the way.

She greets me with a motherly smile, and we walk together towards Alexander\'s wing of the Palace. I\'m headed there, so there\'s no way I take any detour.

Not with this killing backache.

My baby will be cute and adorable, but he\'s damn heavy. And he\'s not calming down one bit.

Just when we reach the entrance to the wing, I turn to the ladies, wondering if they\'re expecting me to invite them in. However, I am in no shape to deal with guests. Can\'t they come back another day?

?Your highness, how are you feeling?? one of them asks, noticing my pale face. ?You don\'t look all right...?

I look down on the floor, wondering why I feel my legs wet. Under my feet, there\'s a small pool of water.

?What...? I murmur, but I can\'t finish the sentence. A stitch of pain crosses my spine, and I grit my teeth. A groan leaves my throat against my will, and a couple of firm hands grab mine.

?Your highness!? Duchess Prim exclaims. Then, she seems to understand. ?It\'s time!?

She smiles, encouraging, and she disperses the other women with a few gestures.

?Where is the closest chamber with a bed... I\'m not sure we can reach yours, your highness. You won\'t be able to walk for long...?

?What?? I ask when the pain lowers for a moment. ?What is happening??

?You\'re giving birth,? she says, and my world turns upside down.

Now? Couldn\'t you wait for a few days more, Elias?

?My room isn\'t far,? I say. ?Kate, call the maids and tell them to prepare hot water. And enough sheets for the bed, as well as towels...?

I stop for a moment, wondering what else can be needed in such a case.

?Call the royal midwife,? Duchess Prim suggests. ?This baby is a member of the royal family. She has assisted with many princes\' births, including his majesty\'s.?

Oh, it might be a good idea.

?All right,? I nod. ?Be quick.?

I turn towards the room, and a cloud of maids surrounds me. They seemingly know what to do, so I let them move things around and prepare for the big event.

?Do not alert the whole court yet,? I say.

It\'s better to wait till the end.

Only after I have my baby in my arms, the rest of the Palace inhabitants can know about it. Only when he\'s safe.

A new face appears in my sight and helps me lie down.

?I am the midwife of the royal family,? she says, letting me clench her hand. ?I will help you deliver the baby.?

?It hurts,? I complain in a whisper.

?It\'s normal, your highness. It\'s the baby fighting its way out.?

Oh, did it have to be this painful?

?Lie down, your highness. This is just the beginning.?

Just the beginning? I don\'t think I can survive more pain than this. I shout when a stabbing pain crosses my stomach.

I clench my muscles down there, trying to expel the weight that prevents me from breathing.

?You\'re doing well, your highness,? the midwife says.

She turns to the maids and starts commanding them.

?Everyone out,? she orders then. ?The Archduchess needs to be alone during such a delicate phase. Leave the place.?

As I stay alone with a few maids and Kate, who runs from one side to the other, the pain doesn\'t decrease. Will it really be hours like this? Why do women accept it?

I wish I was born a man. My role would have long been fulfilled in this situation.

?I can\'t take it anymore,? I say to the midwife. ?Can you speed it up??

?We can\'t, your highness. Let nature do its work. You will forget everything once it\'s over, I promise.?

I want a hell of a reward after this. Alexander will have to work hard to convince me if he wants another child.

All the nights spent working on this now seem like a pretty dream. If only I knew it would end up like this, I wouldn\'t have looked forward to having a baby.

?Relax, your highness,? the midwife says while moving my hair back. ?You\'re doing well.?

Who is this woman, what does she want of me?

I just want to fall asleep and forget that this moment ever happened.

I clench the sheets and shout again while all my muscles contract at the same time. My throat is feeling sore, but the pain forces the voice out.

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