
Chapter 296 - Autumn Hunt (1)

Chapter 296 - Autumn Hunt (1)

The Autumn Hunt is the principal event of the season. The whole court attends, and this year we have many foreign guests.

It will be lively, so I wore the best dress and made Kate comb my hair with the most exquisite technique she knows. I\'ve also chosen more jewels than usual.

I\'m wearing the prize from last year\'s hunt, the ruby necklace that Alexander won for me. Ah, I have many memories from that day.

I didn\'t show Alexander the best part of me when I misunderstood the events and thought he didn\'t deserve the win. But he caught three wolves and a jackal. He was brave.

But what is among my most hidden and treasured memories happened after the hunt. It was the first time I realised what people find in bed activities. Before that, I was an innocent, clueless young maiden.

After that day, nothing has been the same.

?Ah,? I sigh, smiling with nostalgia.

?Are you remembering your wedding, your highness?? Duchess Prim says, sitting next to me.

?Yes, I am,? I confess. ?It seems like ages ago, yet it\'s been a single year.?

?His highness was the bravest among the hunters. I\'m still wondering where he found the wolves... It\'s a royal forest, after all.?

It wouldn\'t surprise me to hear that it was actually an attempt at his life. But my husband isn\'t that easy to kill, as they all can witness.

I caress the necklace, wondering if there will be incidents this year. It shouldn\'t be: the hunt isn\'t the main event!

?It\'s a pity he won\'t be joining this year,? the Duchess comments.

Oh, I prefer him where he\'s now.

I left soon after feeding Lavinia.

She wasn\'t all that happy to have a meal out of her schedule, but I can\'t go back and forth today. She\'ll return to her usual, regular day tomorrow.

She drank some milk, but I\'m still worried she\'ll be hungry before I go back. However, she stopped complaining as soon as she landed in Alexander\'s arms.

?We\'re going to be together the whole day!? he exclaimed, and she smiled in return. She didn\'t show any hint of annoyance anymore.

That biased little ball.

?This year\'s hunt isn\'t about the prey,? I point out.

Duchess Prim nods, and she looks at the crowd of young ladies. Some are annoyed by the weather, others bored to the core.

All in all, no one is enjoying the stay.

My favourite candidates are as refined as always. Caroline Grahm is conversing with a lady from a faraway land with dark hair and tanned skin. She reminds me of Ephrah, Alexander\'s merchant friend.

They\'re probably discussing some light topic, and they\'re both relaxed. I\'m amazed by how that girl can adapt to the situation. It\'s a pity she\'s been born on the wrong side of the factions.

Eliza, the thirteenth Princess, whose name, at first, made me think twice about whether to choose her, is sitting under a tree. Her personal maid is a step back, and they don\'t seem interested in joining any conversation.

However, she\'s not unhappy nor bothered. She stays there like decoration but seems in her natural element. Is this how she survived years in a court that bullied her? By detaching from the world and getting lost in her own thoughts?

A few steps from her, Janette, the court officer\'s daughter, is drinking from a glass cup. Not wine, of course. I\'ve expressly instructed to serve only juice to the candidates.

We will test their resistance to alcohol and drunk behaviour, but not as the first trial. And it will happen in a very controlled environment.

We don\'t want to make an international incident out of it.

I haven\'t seen the girl from Asteria yet.

?What do you think of the candidates, Duchess Prim??

?Oh, elegant young ladies. Each of them has hundreds of years of royal blood in their veins, making any of them adequate as a candidate to be an Empress. I\'m just concerned about a couple of them... I didn\'t think you would allow a simple officer\'s daughter to be among the candidates.?

?Being a ruler isn\'t all about blood,? I point out. ?And one needs to have some characteristics to stand next to a King or an Emperor. Ethiro\'s case is even more delicate... Blood isn\'t enough to become Empress.?

?Is that the reason why I don\'t see any Emperor\'s daughter? Just Princesses that aren\'t even in line for the throne. There is not a single one that comes from the restricted royal family of her place. The highest in position is the girl from Myrya... Georgia, wasn\'t it??

?Right,? I sigh. And I didn\'t invite her. She was sent together with Eliza without much of a discussion.

She\'s the compromise to have the thirteenth Princess, even though she\'s sure she\'s the one dragging her younger sister with her name and position.

?Does your highness have a favourite??

?Oh, no,? I chuckle. ?I can\'t have favourites, in this case. It\'s a matter for his majesty to judge on. I will only offer assistance when asked.?

?But you will shortlist the candidates, won\'t you??

I asked to keep it private, for goodness. Isn\'t his majesty capable of keeping this little thing a secret for a few days?

?Yes, I will have a saying,? I admit. ?But his majesty will make the final choice. He is the one that will have the Empress by his side for the rest of their days.?

?Oh, we\'ll be able to witness some imperial romance,? the Duchess whispers, getting closer so that only I hear. ?And you have a seat in the first rows, your highness. Aren\'t you excited??

?A lot.?

Rather than witnessing, I\'m trying to set them up together. Which means I might actually try to build some romance... Ah, his majesty is still young. And he\'s rather shy about the matter.

But he\'s a teenager. He will fall for cheap tricks as long as the girl playing them is cute, refined... Should I make him feel like she needs protection? Or maybe reveal some hidden talent that will charm him? That, if the Princess has a hidden talent.

If she doesn\'t, I\'ll have to make use of that pretty face of hers.

?Speaking of Georgia,? I murmur. ?Where is she??

?I don\'t know the face of that young lady,? the Duchess points out.

As if sensing my doubts, a servant walks in my direction and bows.

?I have a message for your highness,? he says.

?About the selection??

?Yes, your highness.?

?Speak freely.?

He glances at Duchess Prim, who is now listening with curiosity, but he gives me the report.

?Four ladies were less than five minutes late. Three less than fifteen. One is absent.?

?The twelfth Princes from Myrya??

?Correct, your highness.?

Ah, so much work.

?What is she doing? Did she wake up late??

?I don\'t know, your highness. Her assigned maids told us she did wake up in time, but she\'s still dressing up.?

?If she\'s not ready, it means she didn\'t wake up in time,? I point out.

?Yes, your highness.?

?Tell her she has fifteen minutes. If she\'s not here by then, she better stay in her chambers with some excuse. It\'s very impolite to arrive later than his majesty in person.?

?I will repeat your words, your highness.?

?You can also use my tone.?

I fear she might become troublesome in the future.

?A little drama queen, isn\'t she?? Duchess Prim comments. ?I thought she was your highness\'s candidate, but I see you don\'t like her much.?

?It\'s not about like and dislike,? I point out. ?It\'s about manners. She\'s in a foreign country right now. She should pay attention to her behaviour while she\'s no one.?

Well, said by me it doesn\'t sound sincere. I glared at the Emperor when I was no one. But this girl here is getting on my nerves.

In fourteen minutes and a half, Georgia arrives. She strolls in the garden with a frown and mumbling to herself.

She should learn to hide her bad mood.

She sits on a bench, her shoulders straight and her chin up. She orders something to the maid following her, and the young girl runs towards Eliza.

Are we going to see some good drama?

No, because Eliza just replies to the maid and returns to her doing nothing.

After the maid ran from one side to the other of the garden, attracting the attention of many, Georgia seems to understand what\'s happening and calms down.

The same servant from before approaches me and reports about the situation.

?Prepare for a good story,? I whisper to Duchess Prim, hiding a smirk from the rest of the court.

?The twelfth Princess of Myrya firstly scolded the servant sent to inform her. She said that no one should hurry her. Then, she said that she would remember this outrage once she becomes the Empress.?

?She said it with so much confidence?? I giggle.

?This is what I was told, your highness.?

?Whatever is her favourite breakfast food, don\'t bring it to her tomorrow morning. And for the following three days as well. Let\'s see what is going to happen in this case. Also, move her chair for the official tea party farther from his majesty. By two seats.?

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