
Chapter 771

“I was poor,” Cayenne expressed while watching Stefan wash the vegetables for the dumplings that she requested. “And for some reason, I started receiving more blessings ever since I met him. I could say that I got lucky but my husband would retort that.”

“Right! Luck is something you get for not doing anything, but you worked so hard for all the things that you have achieved. It’s not luck. It’s the fruit of your labor.” Stefan declared even though he was busy with the task at hand. “I think I’m the one who got lucky. I wasn’t doing anything and I found you.”

Watching them at home through the big television, Luiz cringed upon hearing her sister and brother-in-law talk about their relationship. No matter where they go, their sweetness was overflowing to the point that he thought he was getting diabetes. [I didn’t know that there are many masochistic people in the world.] Luiz thought while watching how the couple stuffed the audience with their overloading sweetness.

Those who got used to this interaction between the couple, they were no longer surprised with the turn of events but those who only heard of them but never really saw them; they were envious of how lucky Cayenne was to meet such a rich and loving man or how lucky Stefan was to meet a woman who didn’t marry him for his money.

Among these people, Joy was the extreme one. Her jealousy of Cayenne started a long time ago and she was not reconciled even after so many years have passed. She wanted to ruin her. She wanted Stefan to see the real woman he chose to marry.

“So, while Stefan is cooking for Cayenne, let’s move on to the next part which the audiences love the most.”


“Cayenne, I love you.”


“Please make me the godmother of your baby.”

“Ahhh! Stefan, where is your twin?”

Stefan heard the ruckus and chuckled at the question about his twin. Of course, he has no twin. The audience just wanted to express how much they wanted to have a man like him and he was grateful for that. Unfortunately, he only wanted to dedicate his love and time to his wife.

“Since Stefan is busy, let’s have Cayenne choose someone from the audience.”

“Meeeeee!” The audience raised their hands and called out to get Cayenne’s attention.

Cayenne stood from her seat and walked on the stage while looking at the people in front of her. “The lady in blue shirt with a ponytail; the one sitting on the right.”

The woman happily stood up and received the microphone from the staff nearby. She felt so lucky for getting this chance to ask Cayenne a question. “Why did you choose to continue studying when you have so much money already?”

“It was Stefan who pushed me to finish my degree. I felt so insecure when people talk about their degrees and profession because I was not able to finish mine. Although you could say it is probably not necessary anymore, studying kind of fills up an empty space in my heart. I don’t feel so little of myself anymore. I feel like I can proudly stand next to him.”

More and more people asked Cayenne and Stefan about their personal and professional lives; and from time to time, they’d joke about it to make sure that Cayenne won’t get so sensitive over some topic. It would be disastrous if something happens to her during their guesting.

“One more question before we get to taste the dumplings that Stefan is cooking for his wife. Oh, you guys are so lucky today. Stefan rarely cooks for people outside his family members, so savor this moment and etch this in your heart.”

“You will surely love it. He is a good cook.” Cayenne stated proudly and she couldn’t wait for the food as well. She wanted to eat it so much.

“While waiting. let’s have the last question. Cayenne, you choose someone from the audience.”

Cayenne looked at the audience once again but this time, she already knew who she was looking for. Ever since she appeared in the show, she could feel the intense coming from a certain person and Cayenne has a vague familiarity towards this woman as well.

When their eyes met, Cayenne could imagine the smug look of the woman hidden beneath her face mask but she couldn’t understand why. She wasn’t even sure if they met in the past.

“I’ll have that woman sitting in the middle with a facemask who’s wearing a beige jacket and black shorts.”

Joy did not expect to be called out by her and she hated Cayenne even more because of this. Wanting to embarrass her, Joy stood up and waved her hand. “I don’t have any questions to ask.”

Stefan raised his head to look who the woman was but he could not identify her either because of her mask.

Cayenne wasn’t bothered by the woman’s behavior though. Having nothing to ask was normal in a show. You can’t force someone to say something they don’t want. “I thought you have something to say. Sorry for picking you up.”

“Why are you even here?” The woman beside Joy questioned her through gritted teeth. “You are not a real fan.”

“So what? Some of the people here are paid audiences. What difference does that make me?”

“Don’t even think we didn’t hear you. You came here to embarrass Mrs. Dumrique.”

“What proof do you have? Or, are her fans like you – a braindead idiot who doesn’t know the real face of that woman?”

“Take back what you said!” The woman yelled angrily which caught the attention of the staff as well as Cayenne and Stefan. The woman was already standing and was looking at Joy with so much anger to the point she thought she’d burst out in anger. “A jealous woman would never be happy of someone else’s achievement. Fortunately, I’m not that kind of person unlike someone else.”

“How dare you say that to me?!”

“Did I say it was you?”

Soon enough, the staff approached them to stabilize the situation and Cayenne also tried to help. “How about you go outside and talk this out.”

“Shut up!” Joy yelled which stunned Stefan and he immediately when to Cayenne’s side. “It’s all because of you! You wanted me to ask you a question, right? Fine! I’ll ask. How does it feel to have so many grovel at your feet? What is your secret to successfully get their attention?”

“So, it’s you.” Cayenne calmly said as she faced the woman head on. Just because she’s pregnant doesn’t mean she won’t fight back. She might not harm someone physically but her knowledge could be very lethal against someone who makes her their enemy. “I wonder why I felt an intense malice coming from you. No wonder. How’s life? You seem like you are not happy at all.”

The audience on the set, the people watching the show across their TV and gadgets; they were all intrigued with what was happening. Since this was a live show and the view was skyrocketing, the director did not hesitate to continue filming. As long as Cayenne and Stefan won’t do anything that could harm their reputation, this show might become a stepping stone for Cayenne to gain more supporters. As for the woman who went against Mrs. Dumrique, he didn’t care about her.

The live show continued and Luiz started to worry for his sister. He could see that she was agitated despite the calm look she was wearing for other people to see. Stefan could even feel the slight trembles of her hands that he was holding. He really wanted to tear of the woman’s mask and scratch her face. He felt like a cat who wanted to swipe his paws against a surface.

“Several years ago, you were envious of me. You did all the things you can to ruin me, and let’s not forget that you were the one who told Arthur’s mother about me being friends with her son. I never confronted you about that because I believe that things happened for a reason. Then Seiji came. I knew you liked him. I even told him about it but it is not my fault that he doesn’t like you back, right? Now, after so many years, you are still envious of me even though I am married to someone already. Why torture yourself?”

“Stop playing nice and kind, you were never that type of a person. You only knew how to take advantage of someone else.”

“Are you talking about yourself? I have never done that, not in the past and not ever. Maybe it was you, Joy Jimenez.”

Murmurs started spreading around them and Joy could hear what others were saying. A rival host of the opposing TV station has come to ruin someone. Surely, her name will become tomorrow’s headline for showbiz news.

“I was never kind. Yeah, probably. Because my kindness was only shown to those who showed the same thing to me. Kindness is earned, not given.”

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