
Chapter 86: First Encounter (2)

Chapter 86: First Encounter (2)

Only You Pinyan looked a bit off. If she wanted these fish, corals, shrimp, and turtles, she could just set up a tank in her house, for her to enjoy alone.

But, the little missy’s mind imagined visiting the aquarium by herself and in the end, she felt that this was still better after all, crowded and lively.

She put her hands into her pockets and followed leisurely behind Su Tian, like a big brother.

From these people, any one of them were one-of-a-kind good-looking. Not to mention when they’re together, wherever they went they were sure to turn heads.

Xi Yun was originally watching a school of colorful sea goldies when he suddenly heard Su Tian’s surprised voice: “Nemo.”

He turned his head to see Su Tian walking up to the glass wall next to him. Behind the glass, the anemones waved their tentacles, swaying with the currents in the water. A school of orange and white striped, ridiculous-looking fish circled the anemones.

A few were particularly cute, rubbing up against the soft tentacles of the anemones, as if trying to tickle them.

Xi Yun, with a pitter patter of his feet, followed her over, watching with a wide mouth next to Su Tian.

So cute, ah.

“Jie Jie, these are called Nemo?” Xi Yun asked.

He had just heard Su Tian call out Nemo.

Su Tian blushed, shaking her head: “No, these are called clownfish. Nemo is the name of a certain clownfish.”

Xi Yun asked: “Is Nemo really famous?”

Of course, ah. In her world, Nemo was super famous. There probably wasn’t anyone who didn’t know the main character of 《Finding Nemo》.

However, there was no Disney in this world and so naturally there was no Nemo either. Without 《Finding Nemo》, there was no way people would know Nemo’s story.

Su Tian: “Not really, it’s just a story I heard from others.”

Xi Yun, curiosity piqued, pulled her aside and asked her to tell him the story.

Su Tian told Xi Yun a simplified version of 《Finding Nemo》.

To summarize briefly, it was the story of the clownfish Nemo looking for his mother.

Because this was an aquarium, it was inevitable that there would be flaws in the story to pick at, so she modified some of the bugs in the movie. For example, after Nemo’s mother disappeared, Nemo’s father automatically became a female, so Nemo had two mothers.

A very simple story, but not only was Xi Yun immersed, a group of people also stopped and gathered around to listen.

The image of the protagonist in Liu Kaiyan’s story, which had been blurry, slowly became clear.

He’s decided. His new story would be called 《The Adventures of Nemo》. The protagonist would be a clownfish running away from home.

He didn’t know that the story Su Tian told was an animation in another world as well, but other than his name, Nemo, his clownfish was completely different than the one from Su Tian’s mouth.

It was a Liu Kaiyan brand Nemo.

Regardless of whether Kaka could be published, he refused to let himself stay as Kaka.

He wanted to become Nemo, a brave Nemo, a Nemo who fearlessly swam into the unknown.

Just outside the crowd was a tall teenager, wearing a white shirt and a black hat with a low brim, revealing only his pale skin and the raised corners of his mouth.

He had come to the aquarium today for that pair of coral reef fish. After negotiating with the person in charge, he figured that since he’d already made the trip here, he’d take a look around to see if there were any other fish he wanted. Thus, he found himself wandering without thinking through the underwater tunnels, ending up here with the clownfish.

He was just thinking, maybe he should just add another pair of clownfish? After all, Ji Shaoheng was always adding more fish each day. Before long, his clownfish might become an endangered species.

Who would’ve thought he’d end up listening to Nemo’s story.

The girl’s voice was soft and unhurried, blowing gently into his ears with a slight, sweet breeze. It made people involuntarily put down their guard and follow her into the mysterious underwater world.

The teenager listened with the corners of his mouth raised, guessing what a girl with this sort of voice would look like.

For some reason, he thought of that photo he saw in Ji Shaoheng’s file the other night, the girl named Su Tian and had a light smile in her eyes.

He opened his eyes, looking over the crowd, and saw the owner of that voice.

It really was Su Tian.

It seemed like this girl’s whole body was glowing, warm but not burning.

He suddenly thought of a line of poetry —

If you’re missing a torch, I’ll become your light.

When the story ended, the crowd gradually dispersed.

The little boy by her side raised his head and asked: “Jie Jie, do you especially like clownfish?”

Su Tian nodded: “Yes, ah. Out of all the sea fish, I like Nemo the most.”

The corner of the young man’s mouth curled up again. Just like him, what great taste.

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