
Chapter 445

Chapter 445: Scary Theory

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Regarding the Sperm Theory, Mu Huishou had heard of it many times. For the first few times he heard about it, the Bureau Chief did not explain it in detail. As a result, he was not that interested to learn about it.

However, the theory was mentioned today again. Additionally, it had an obvious relation to Hong Dali. As a result, this time, Mu Huishou could not refrain himself and disregarded the presence of the several distinguished guests next to him. He urgently asked about the theory. Besides, he was in an area absent of others and figured that the distinguished guests around him would not stoop to his level.

The Bureau Chief and the mysterious man exchanged glances. Up till now, Mu Huishou had undergone hypnotism and his loyalty was unquestionable. Hence, telling him about the Sperm Theory would not be a big deal. The Bureau Chief chuckled and said, “Since the danger around Dali is settled, there’s nothing stopping me from explaining the Sperm Theory to you. However, before I tell you about it, can you answer me—what is Science?”

*Science? Science is the rules of operation that all matter in the natural world follows, what is so special about it? *

Mu Huishou replied, “Science is a system of knowledge that is governed by a set of objective rules that reflect and justify phenomena in the real world. In other words, everything that occurs in the natural world can be justified and explained by Science...” However, after giving his reply, he felt like something was amiss and said, “Yes, but regarding the Angel of Misfortune and Young Master Dali, how can something supernatural be explained?”

“Hehe, that’s why I’m saying that the Sperm Theory can only be explained to you after you fully believe the incident with the Angel of Misfortune.” Evidently, the things that occurred next involved many supernatural theories and phenomena. The Bureau Chief slowly said, “To put it in simpler terms, the Sperm Theory is related to the knowledge we have about the universe.”

“Huishou, let me tell you an analogy.” The Bureau Chief paused, coughed once, then continued, “For example, every sperm is equivalent to an intelligent independent body. After a man discharges his sperm into a condom, how big will the scientist within the sperm think the universe to be?”

“This...” Mu Huishou’s mouth was agape and tongue-tied after hearing that, before replying, “This analogy is so mystical. Talking about that, regarding that scientist within the sperm, he will probably think that the universe is as big as the condom...”

“Yes. But what if the man discharged his sperm onto the floor of a room?” The Bureau Chief laughed. “How big will the scientist within the sperm then think the universe to be?”

This time, Mu Huishou answered immediately, “He will think of the universe to be equivalent to the size of the house!”

“You see,” the Bureau Chief spread out his arms. “Both are scientists within sperms. Yet, due to a different outlook, they obtain different conclusions. As a result, a problem arises—are the two different conclusions obtained from the scientists within the sperms right or wrong?”

“Evidently, they are wrong. The universe is everlasting and infinite...” Mu Huishou scratched his head. “This is nothing.”

“Let me ask you once more.” The Bureau Chief slowly asked, “For instance, if you were one of the sperms. In your opinion, is the scientist within the sperm wrong?”

“This...” Mu Huishou gave it a thought before finally coming to a realization. “Bureau Chief, what you mean is that my outlook is still insufficient and short-sighted. To us, the scientist within the sperm might seem correct. However, to the living organisms beyond the house and condom, it might not seem right?”

“Hehe, you are pretty good.” The Bureau Chief laughed. “Currently, scientists have mentioned many hypotheses regarding the universe. They include wormholes, parallel universes, and many others. Perhaps, with the current technology, we might not be able to attain it and our outlook might not become wider. However, it does not indicate that these hypotheses are indefinitely wrong. Take Hong Dali’s supreme luck and the curse invoked by the Angel of Misfortune as examples. To put it in simpler terms, these are all existent, just lacking in scientific explanations as luck or misfortune are things that cannot be seen or physically touched. However, they do exist in reality. Hence, we ultimately think that in the universe, we are the sole planet that is lucky enough to be able to support life? Hehe, I believe otherwise.”

“This...” Mu Huishou said in astonishment, “Isn’t this is way too surprising?”

*Is it possible that other intelligent creatures exist in the universe? Yet, our current technology is unable to detect them... *

After coming to that thought, Mu Huishou jumped in surprise. “Bureau Chief, according to the Sperm Theory, life beyond this world can actually exist? However, based on the current observations made by our technology, planets in the universe that support life are basically nonexistent!”

“No, that’s not right.” The mysterious man who had been listening in at one side smiled and shook his head. “The Milky Way has more than 2000 billion stars that are similar to the sun. Additionally, approximately 50 billion extraterrestrial stars have been discovered so far. If we include our own Milky Way, it would constitute the total galaxy—representing the current boundaries of the universe explored and encountered by humans. However, the universe itself is infinite and constantly undergoing expansion. As a result, there should exist infinite extraterrestrial stars that are still unknown to us. Till today, there exists no number that accurately accounts for all the stars that exist in the universe. Some say that more than 800 billion stars exist while others say that more than 1000 billion stars exist, even some believe there are 1000 to 2000 billion stars in the universe.”

At this juncture, the mysterious man replied, “Even if our planet is one among trillions of planets that is able to support life, if we multiply two thousand billion galaxies by two thousand billion stars and do a calculation based on the number of galaxies in the universe, how many planets are suitable to support life?”

This figure is quite big. Mu Huishou fished out his calculator quickly. After making his calculation, he was stunned. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, together with the ‘four’ in front... Heavens, 400 billion planets that are able to support life?!”

“Hehe, this only refers to planets that are able to support human life.” The Bureau Chief took over the conversation. “However, the problem lies with the fact that there exists a creature on our planet known as the Tardigrade. I’m not sure if you have heard of it before.”

Mu Huishou shook his head decisively.

The Bureau Chief chuckled. “Till now, this creature’s strong survivability has yet to be explained by Science. It’s able to survive in an environment at temperatures of minus 200 degrees Celsius for many days, even for two minutes at a temperature of minus 272 degrees Celsius. It’s able to survive for two minutes even at a high temperature of 181 degrees Celsius.”

Mu Huishou listened with his mouth agape.

The Bureau Chief continued on, “It’s able to survive well under the radiation of 5,700 Grays. Perhaps, you might not be clear about the magnitude of 5700 Grays. Let me give you an analogy. One Gray is equivalent to radiation released by 5000 chest x-ray machines. Meanwhile, 10 to 20 Grays of radiation can easily lead to the death of humans or the majority of the creatures living on this planet.”

Mu Huishou’s jaw slackened more and more.

However, it was not the end. The Bureau Chief continued, “It’s still able to survive in a vacuum and also withstand a pressure of 600 Mega Pascals. Yes, to phrase it as such—even with six times the pressure within the deepest oceanic trench in the Mariana Islands would be unable to squash it flat.”

Up till now, Mu Huishou’s jaw had slackened enough for him to be able to swallow a large goose egg...

At this moment, the mysterious man who was standing aside helplessly said, “If we take into account the living conditions of a creature like the Tardigrade, then the number of planets that are able to support life in the universe is likely to be beyond just 400 billion.”

“Indeed.” The Bureau Chief nodded his head. “This is the scariest part about the Sperm Theory—even though you do not see it, it does not mean that it’s incorrect. You might perceive the universe to be of a certain size. Yet, the universe might be much larger than what you imagine it to be in reality. Currently, even with the technology we possess on this planet, the level of advancement has already extended beyond the imagination of many. However, projecting ourselves a thousand years in the future, someone tells you that holographic projection technology can be developed with the projection as real as a person in the flesh—do you think that what he said is right or wrong?”

This time, Mu Huishou was in complete silence.

This Sperm Theory was indeed very frightening.

Even though it was extremely troublesome to explain the Sperm Theory, based on the knowledge acquired so far, there was only one line to summarize the theory—what you deem as impossible, is not necessarily truly impossible.

“Hence,” said the Bureau Chief lowly. “Perhaps you might not believe in things like luck. You might believe that it’s unscientific, unrealistic, and a superstition. However, it could really exist, just that you are unable to see it or perhaps, quantify it.”

“Today has allowed me to gain much knowledge...” Reaching the end, Mu Huishou could only reply so...

The mysterious man sighed. “Actually, many creatures in the natural world are still unknown to us and unexplainable by Science, at least at our current level.”

“Supernatural creatures? The mythical legend of someone who could discharge electricity? Psychic?” Mu Huishou urgently replied, “That kind of people actually exist?”

“A psychic among humans has yet to be discovered. Generally speaking, according to the composition of the human body, the possibility of that happening is low. However, there is a possibility that it exists. Needless to say, it’s possible for such a psychic to exist. However, he will not possess such strength as physics described in the movies.” The mysterious man slowly said, “What I truly worry about is within the universe. Yes, let me phrase it as such—on our planet, there exists a creature called Turritopsis Nutricula with a diameter of only four to five millimeters. It’s able to reach the stage of sexual maturity in the water at a temperature of twenty degrees Celsius, requiring only twenty-five to thirty days for completion. After reaching sexual maturity, it will return to its larva stage and is able to relentlessly repeat the entire process. Theoretically speaking, this cycle can repeat itself continuously. In other words, the Turritopsis Nutricula can live on indefinitely, without having to face death.”

Mu Huishou widened his eyes. “Heavens...”

The mysterious man continued on, “If we dissect a Turritopsis Nutricula, it’s able to transform into two leeches within twenty-four hours. After seventy-two hours, its antennae will grow. Even if it’s broken into pieces, as long as its molecules remain intact, it can also grow into a Turritopsis Nutricula.”

The Bureau Chief finally concluded. “Hence, based on the Sperm Theory, what humans should currently concern themselves with should not be about humans ourselves but the universe. Both the Tardigrade and Turritopsis Nutricula are magical creatures that exist on this planet, what about within the universe? God knows what can be developed...”

“That... That...” Mu Huishou trembled in fear. “Should... not be...”

“That’s not definite.” The mysterious man smiled, before bringing the conversation back to the topic. “We have digressed. Let’s first talk about Hong Dali. Yes, it’s actually because of the Sperm Theory that caused us to be so concerned with Hong Dali’s incident.”

“This is also related to the Sperm Theory?” Mu Huishou said in great astonishment. “This Sperm Theory does indeed encompass a great deal of things. In other words, the Sperm Theory is able to explain Hong Dali’s great luck?”

“That’s just about right.” The Bureau Chief laughed heartily. “Actually, the last thing I would like to mention is pretty simple—sperms also differ in the speed at which they swim, with some fast and some slow...”

“Perhaps, is Young Master Dali...”

The mysterious man nodded his head and laughed. “This fellow is definitely one of the fastest swimmers. If my predictions are not wrong, his luck is so great that he has reached a level where he is able to transfer a crisis!”

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