
Chapter 314 - A Great Hero

Zijin also got up and asked, “Miss, have you made your decision?” Yuxi had not slept all night, and neither did Zijin.

Yuxi shook her head and said, “Not yet.” Faking her death and disappearing. Once she did this, not only could she discard the identity of Fourth Miss Han, but also her family and the responsibility that came with it. It was something easy to say, but it was not that easy for her to make a decision. There were too many scruples and too much that she had to give up.

Zijin did not say anything else but went out to Master Yang to discuss this matter. “Master, I want to take my Miss away.”

Master Yang reacted quickly and asked, “You want to take her away? Where do you intend to go?”

Zijin replied, “I do not know. Maybe to Jiangnan or Minnan. I haven’t decided on the specific place.” The main thing was that Miss had not decided to go or not to go yet!

Master Yang looked grave as he continued to ask, “Is this your idea, or Han Yuxi?” If they want to leave, it would not be a small matter.

Zijin answered, “My idea.” With her Miss’ ability, they could live well anywhere once they left that place riffed with troubles.

Master Yang glanced at Zijin. How could he still not know how straightforward Zijin was? If Han Yuxi hadn’t put the idea first, Zijin would never have suggested this. Thinking of this, Master Yang walked into the house and looked at Yuxi, who was still washing her face and rinsing her mouth. He said, “I have something to say to you.” Surprisingly, this girl was planning to leave, and he did not know what was in her head.

Yuxi nodded and said, “Okay.”

Master Yang stared at Yuxi and asked, “You don’t want to go to Yu City anymore?” It was unexpected that this girl wanted to escape from her marriage.

Yuxi was silent for a moment and said, “I don’t want to go anymore. Yun Qing has too many enemies. I’m afraid that if I’m not careful, one of them will kill me.” Not to mention that Yu City was often at war and unsafe, the situation with Yun Qing was as bad as it could be.

Master Yang did not expect Yuxi would be so blunt. After a while, he finally asked, “Then, where do you want to go?”

Yuxi shook her head and replied, “I don’t know. Nowadays, there is no peaceful land in this world. If we don’t go to Yu City, just Zijin and I alone may not be able to live safely in these troubled times.” In addition to the responsibility of giving up her family and identity, this was one of the main reasons why Yuxi hesitated.

Master Yang questioned, “You mean, if there is a peaceful land, you’re willing to cut yourself off and leave your family?”

Yuxi still shook her head. “I don’t know. It’s just that when I think of going to Yu City and having to face so many things, my heart becomes restless.” Once she married Yun Qing, there would be no more peaceful days in her life. Yun Qing was out to avenge his blood feud, but the Song family was not a vegetarian either.

Master Yang now knew why Yuxi wanted to leave. To put it bluntly, in just a few words, she had a fear of death. This fear of death, all ordinary people were afraid of dying. However, to run away from the marriage because of it didn’t usually happen.

After waiting for a long time, Yuxi could not wait for a word from Master Yang anymore. She could not help but say, “Master Yang, if you have anything to say, just say it.”

Master Yang hung his tobacco pipe on his waist and said, “I have nothing to say. If you are determined to leave, we will go our separate ways later. Until then, we’ll go in the direction of Yu City.” It was going to rain, and one’s mother was determined to remarry, while Yuxi wanted to escape from her marriage which was something he was unable to stop. Of course, he would not stop it either.

After travelling for a long time, Yuxi found that the road had become much smoother. She lifted the curtain to look outside and asked, “Master Yang, are we going back to the official road?”

Master Yang nodded and said, “That’s right! We are not in a hurry anyway. Might as well take the comfortable official road.” When this old man wanted to save some time to get to Yu City early, he would ride on the bumpy road.

Yuxi was silent.

That night, Master Yang did not stay in a farmhouse, let alone an inn, but slept out in the wild. After the group stopped, Master Yang instructed Yuxi, “Go cook something.” He was trying to wear Yuxi out.

After taking the two packages from Master Yang, Yuxi realised that it didn’t contain any Master Yang’s clothes, but rather iron pots and pans, with rice, flour, oil, vegetables, and other things, which were quite neatly prepared.

When Zijin saw Yuxi take the iron pot to wash, she interrupted, “Miss, you should rest. I will do this.” Miss had never done this kind of menial work. [+]

Master Yang spoke up at this time, “Didn’t you say you were leaving? Once you leave, you are no longer the precious young lady who could not put her ten fingers under the sun or touch the water. You have to learn to do all these things.” He had to let this young lady know that without the identity of the young lady of State Residence, she would be struggling to live outside.

Yuxi smiled a little as she carried the iron pot to the pool to wash it.

Yu Zhi helped Master Yang build the stove. He watched Yuxi rinse the rice and whispered, “Master, are you truly letting Miss Han cook our meal?” It was strange to eat the rice cooked by Miss Han! He did not want to have diarrhoea.

Master Yang knocked on Yu Zhi’s head with his tobacco pipe and scolded him, “You only think about eating. Hurry up and do your work.” What an ignorant guy.

Master Yang’s eldest apprentice was brilliant and highly skilled in martial arts. Unfortunately, he was too bright. In the end, he felt that his master was in his way and wanted to get rid of him. This act by his student left a heavy shadow in Master Yang’s heart. He resolutely refused to accept those intelligent disciples and preferred to take stupid and honest disciples.

Yuxi had previously learned with Guo Daniang. Thus, rinsing rice was not difficult for her to do, but she had a problem starting the fire. To show her strong points and hide her weaknesses, she tasked Zijin to start the fire while she went to wash the ingredients for their meals.

Yu Zhi, who was building the shed on the side, watched Yuxi plausibly do her job and could not help exclaiming, “Master, Miss Han seems to know how to cook!”

Master Yang rolled his eyes at Yu Zhi. He was not blind. How could he not see it?

When Yuxi saw that the rice was almost cooked, she prepared the dishes. She stir-fried two cuisines, one with radish and one with slices of bacon. Once done, she brought the two plates of food to the small square table and said, “Actually, the slices of bacon smell more fragrant when they are steamed.”

Yu Zhi finally couldn’t help himself and blurt out, “I didn’t expect Miss Han can cook.” Looking at the style of these dishes, they were even a bit better than the ones made by Zijin.

Yuxi smiled and said, “I have learned needlework, cooking, and managing household. But I only know how to cook a few simple dishes. I can’t do too complicated ones.”

Master Yang silently clipped a piece of radish, ate it and did not say anything. In the end, he had underestimated this girl. This time, Master Yang advised, “You have to know that if you absolutely want to leave, you will have to live your life circling the pot and stove in the future.”

Yuxi asked with some confusion, “Master Yang, do you disapprove of me leaving?” She felt that even if she escaped from this marriage, it had nothing to do with Master Yang. For this reason, she did not understand why Master Yang would be so disgusted with her decision.

Master Yang looked at Yuxi and said, “You are a smart person. I’m not going to talk to you about any big theory. I just want to ask you, if everyone is afraid of death and not willing to go to the military, who will protect this country?”

Yuxi muttered in her heart that she was going to marry someone, not to become a soldier. But she was not stupid. She knew that Master Yang would say more than that, so she did not interrupt him.

Master Yang continued, “Yun Qing has many enemies, but they are not created personally by him. Putting his grudge against the Song family aside, let’s just talk about Qin Zhao and the Xu family. The reason they regard Yun Qing as a thorn in their side is that Yun Qing has disrupted their benefits for the sake of the lowly rank soldiers.”

Yuxi froze at these words. After quite a while, she finally managed to ask, “Master Yang, how do you know all this?” Who was this person that was so familiar with the affairs of the border city?

Master Yang shook his head and said, “Han girl, the resentment people have against Yun Qing is not because he does it for his personal gain. From here, we can see that Yun Qing is straight-up a forthright and upright man.” After a pause, he continued, “Have you ever thought about what kind of impact you will have on Yun Qing after you run away from this marriage? Han girl, I know that being married to Yun Qing will put you in a dangerous situation, and you are worried about your safety, but you can’t be a person who only cares about yourself and not other people’s life.” If everyone only cared about themselves and not others, the world would have been in chaos.

Only then did Yu Zhi understand what Yuxi’s departure represented, and hurriedly said, “Miss Han, General Yun is a great hero who can support both heaven and earth. If you don’t marry him, you will regret it.” Yun Qing was his idol! This time, he had ground his Master to accompany him to the northwest; one was to escort Zijin, the second was to see his hero. [T/C]

Yuxi had met one who worshipped Yun Qing on Menghu Mountain. She did not expect Yu Zhi had adoration for Yun Qing too. Well, Yuxi had to admit, men and women’s brain circuits would never be on the same line.

While Yuxi’s side was calm and quiet, Chief Huang’s side was not as peaceful. Lu Kai let out news saying that Yun Qing’s fiancée was on her way to Yu City to marry him, bringing tens of thousands of taels worth of medicinal herbs and several boxes of gold and silver jewellery.

People died for money, and birds killed each other for food. Before those bandits and horse thieves knew the full details, they only knew that this caravan was a fat sheep, without questioning the real motives behind the sudden release of this news as they were anxious that other people would rob it first before themselves. Now, since they knew the other party’s details and the several gold and silver jewellery boxes that they were carrying, it was natural for them not to let go. As a result, Chief Huang and his party had a terrible time. First, the road was blocked by trees. While clearing the blocked path, a group of bandits tried to rob them. Once the caravan destroyed them, they stayed in a county’s inn for a night. As a result, the inn was hit by a fire that night, and everyone was busy putting it out. After tossing for a day and a night, the party was not in good spirits.

In response, Chief Huang felt something was wrong with this situation. He immediately issued a message, saying everyone was too tired to continue and rest another night in the county town. They changed their inn, and Chief Huang immediately ordered the other armed escort to unload the medicinal herbs. He also asked the innkeeper to call a physician to help check the herbs. The herbs had become wet after being hit by rain, and they could have lost their medicinal properties.

The intention was obvious. Chief Huang wanted to let everyone outside know that they did not have a few gold, silver, and jewellery boxes. They only had two carts of medicinal herbs, and they were not something that valuable and rare, which wasn’t worth it for everyone to fight for them.

This method worked very well. The caravan’s next trip became smoother as the bandits and horse thieves made no more road robberies.

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