
Chapter 337


It has been exactly since Claudia’s son and the doctor were captured and imprisoned inside this desolate room . Moreover, the effect of their hunger multiplied due to the pills which Arthur forcefully made them swallow .

The old man’s skin started turning darker and the two of them began staring at the other with malice and hostility . Were it not for the chains holding them down, they would have leaped at each other trying to fill their stomach .

While the old man’s skin changed, the young man’s teeth lengthened and resembled a beast’s . No matter how much force they exerted, they couldn’t shake off the thick chains binding them down .

It was also today that coincidentally, Claudia managed to locate her son but the matter wasn’t so simple . Some anonymous person used a small-scale company to post countless information about Claudia’s companies . This was posted on many public forums and was even shared by multiple international media companies which led to a disaster befalling on Claudia .

All the illegal crimes she did, ranging from blackmail to even human trafficking was made public and with conclusive evidence too . Were it not for Claudia’s high status and her being a famous Hero, she would have been apprehended by the police already .

She was torn between going to save her son or hastily doing a conference to shake off some of the crimes she had been accused off and ease up the enraged public .

The problem was that whoever did this was extremely ruthless as he had evidence for every word he said which made it almost impossible for Claudia to recover . The only thing she could do at this time is to, little by little, find the culprit behind this and evade being forced to go to court as this would definitely end up bad for her since she can’t deny the definite proof posted on forums such as videos, pictures, and even voice recordings!

She was sure that someone must have betrayed her but she didn’t have time to find who it was . After careful consideration, Claudia actually something out of Arthur’s expectations .

As he laid on the sofa with Lucy leaning on his shoulder, the couple watched the TV and stared at the Vice-CEO who replaced Claudia .

Lucy’s informants told her that Claudia was rushing to where her son is but it’ll still take her a few hours as he was imprisoned in the middle of nowhere .

"So it turns out she cares more about family than fame . . . hahahaha"

Arthur coldly laughed as he learned of this matter .

"Wouldn’t that make it even more satisfying?"

Lucy seductively whispered those words in his ears as she softly smiled

"Indeed it would!"

Arthur didn’t shy away and planted a kiss on his wife’s lips . Currently, they were alone in this house as Randuin and Taliya went out with Saly and Delia was still in closed-door cultivation .


"Are you sure it’s the right place?"

As she stared at the grand villa situated at a desolate peak in a mountain range near China’s border . Claudia frowned and warily looked at the villa which was too conspicuous .

She brought with her the two most expensive mercenaries . Both had a Lv higher than 150 and were experts in their fields . Along with them were three cloaked women who were hiding in the shadows, unable to be seen or sensed even by the mercenaries .

Claudia herself was wearing strong defensive and offensive items which could obliterate anyone in her path, or so she thought .

The six humans cautiously entered the villa which had its gates fully open for any visitors . At the front were the mercenaries and at the back were the three women .

Fortunately, they met no danger and entered the grand villa only to find it luxuriously decorated and devoid of any speck of dust .

The group inspected the villa but didn’t enter all the rooms . Thanks to the high dexterity stat of one of the mercenaries, they found the location of the two captives .

Contrary to the expectations, the basement they were heading to transformed into a whole other place . The staircase became half-broken rocks and the illumination disappeared .

They were met with a tall and threatening figure of an undead . It was over three meters tall and just its aura made the two mercenaries and Claudia soak with cold sweat . They only dared to move when they noticed that the undead was motionless as if it was ’dead’ .

A tall man who was one of the mercenaries, banged his hammer on the undead but his strike was pointless as it literally did no damage . The undead was unscathed and wasn’t even pushed half a step which terrified the humans even more .

They advanced further into the cave until they started hearing chains noises coming from a distance away . Anxious about her son, Claudia hurried her steps and after taking a few dozen seconds to adjust to the total darkness, she shockingly saw two chained figure trying to break free from their binds and jump at each other .

Both of them had distorted faces and ugly expressions, savage and barbaric . They didn’t resemble humans but hungry beasts that thought of nothing but food .


The woman rushed toward her son despite his unusual behavior . However, when she was merely a couple of steps away from him, her body suddenly froze as if something was restricting her movements . The fate of the two mercenaries wasn’t so fortunate, their bodies froze and shattered into countless fragments in merely two breaths .

A clapping sound could be heard from the corner of the room and followed by it two figures appeared from the absolute darkness . One was a one-eyed man a long grey hair and the other was a stunning beauty which had a silver hair that gave off a beautiful light in this dark and gloomy cave .

"Truly a moving scene, I’m almost moved to tears, really!"

Claudia was astonished as she didn’t know what’s going on . In such a dire situation, she glanced at the three women whom she brought with her only to find them kneeling toward Lucy, who she didn’t recognize on the spot due to the absence of a mask .

Only after a few seconds did she manage to piece one and one together and guess Lucy’s identity . As for the tall man beside her, she found him unfamiliar and thought that Lucy was the mastermind behind this .

"What the fuck do you want? I treated you good all these years and this is how you repay me? Kidnap my son and torture him?"

Unfortunately, her loud shouts were met with no response as Lucy was staring at her with a cold and deadpan expression .

"Now now, the show is about to start . It would be better to keep the silence to make it more entertaining . "

The mocking voice of Arthur caused the bound woman to fiercely glare at him but no matter how much she struggled, she couldn’t resist the force that was immobilizing her .

Helpless, she activated her unique skill while speaking to him

"Why don’t we stop this and solve this peacefully? I’m sure I can provide you with anything you need . "

As he stared at the row of notifications that popped before him, Arthur burst out in laughter . As for Claudia, she immediately knew that the opponent was too strong which is why her skill failed instantly .

To begin with, her unique skill had a low probability to work, plus, Arthur was apparently high*leveled so it was expected that it’ll be resisted .

Arthur flicked his finger, snapping the chains holding the old man down thus leading to the half-human half-beast being to leap at Calias, trying to rip his flesh and fill his belly .

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