
Chapter 471

Just like we did, the four enemies created words of their own, but, without God’s help, they couldn’t achieve the same results as us hence their one and only Universe not only was defective but it was dangerous... too dangerous for the weak races . "

"You still haven’t told us why you brought us to Riarravar . "-Leiu

The youth cut her off, wanting to know the reason he was sent here . From his point of view, this history lesson could be narrated later, when the important things are said .

Quhea turned around, her back facing the three brothers . The environment changed, showing a place of void and destruction, lifeless bodies of all shapes and sizes could be seen floating everywhere around them, there was even gigantic Titans that were either decapitated or brutally killed .

"I am incapable of ’bringing’ you here from the past . What we did wasn’t pulling you through time but creating you from scratch based on a few facts we knew about you three . I am neither omnipotent or omniscient and my power isn’t strong enough to achieve such a feat... It was actually the cumulated effort of ’God’, I, and Dimitra . We created temporary ’copies’ of you to show you the fate of a doomed world . Even if you were ten times stronger, you wouldn’t have been able to save Riarravar . "

"You’re from the past, how come you knew about us?"-Arthur

In response, Quhea glanced at Arthur sideways and replied

"You told us about yourself and your two brothers . When we heard the story, we understood that it was all a cycle, a loop... it’s not the first time we had this conversation and I hope it’ll be the last . "

"In the end, what do you want from us?"-The Joker

"What do we want? I may not know everything but it’s a fact that we aren’t present in the future so the least we can hope for is for our creations to live in a peaceful world and not be burdened by our mistakes . And for this to happen, you must stop the Cthulhu, Parasites, and all the rest... their ’Gods’ may not interfere in mortal battles but they won’t sit still . The boundary between the four Universes and the other plane is weakening and when it’s finally time, they will assault this place and raze it to the ground... I’m sure it’s not something you wish to see . "

Hearing this, the Joker scoffed and retorted:

"So you want us to become some kind of saviors? Hah!"

He didn’t try to hide his mocking tone and unwillingness to do what Quhea said .

"We’ve all got our own problems, why would we go on a suicidal mission to fight them?"-Arthur

Arthur waited for the full explanation to come to a decision but just like his brother, he wasn’t too fond of what he’s hearing . He has to deal with the White Specter Clan and ’X’, the last thing on his mind is the Cthulhu and parasites .

"You, your families and friends will exist no more were the boundary between the two planes to break . There’ll be war everywhere and everyone will be slaughtered in a few years . "-Quhea

"I’m not sure I understand . You’re seeking our help yet I’m sure there are better candidates... the multiverse is vast and there’s no lack of powerful individuals . If everyone joins hands, it won’t be impossible to resist the enemies . "-Leiu

The Nameless Knight took a neutral stance, neither accepting nor refusing to help Quhea .

The Creator of Knowledge let out a sigh and explained:

"Humans, Elves, dwarves and all the other races living in the ’multiverse’ you speak of are inferior to the enemy races . The parasites created by Zaarae are incredibly powerful, in fact, one of them was even able to equally fight Dimitra . "

She paused for a moment and stared at the pale youth:

"Let’s talk about you for a second... we sought your help because you’re special, much more than you think . Your powers... your ’Black Heart’ originates from the Darkness that predates everything . Each and every one of you is chosen for a good reason . "

She shifted her gaze to the Joker and added:

"Wolfram Sakimoto, a normal human who can use Tiarius personal card system and inherited his powers . "

Then she focused and Arthur, staring at him with a strange gaze .

"Last but not least, an unexpected variable . One who stole Zaarae’s powers and claimed it as his own . "

This revelation shocked Arthur, who frowned and asked:

"I stole her powers? How?"

Quhea shook her head and gave an honest reply:

"This, I do not know . It wasn’t long after the all-out war began that we heard the news about Zaarae and how her domain was attacked . Although she survived, her powers were stolen . "

"Are you not worried that since I have Zaarae’s power, I will side with the enemy?"

An unsettling smile appeared on Quhea face "I am sure that you will not . "

"What makes you so certain?"-Arthur

The woman refused to answer and merely smiled at the confused Arthur .

After a short silence, Quhea continued with her story:

"What you saw in Riarravar is nothing compared to what will befall on the ’multiverse’ if the boundary is broken . Despite our advantage in numbers, the enemies’ powers are unique and battle-oriented whereas, I, for example, cannot even stand head to head against the weakened Zaarae... my job is to pass on knowledge and create a history for the future . "

As if he couldn’t keep listening to all this nonsense, the Joker clicked his tongue and spoke with a harsh and loud tone

"Do you honestly and seriously believe we’ll lay down and obediently fight them to fix your stupid mistakes? Even if they do invade the multiverse, we can still guarantee our safety... why would we fight someone else’s war . "

With a hand on her mouth, seemingly pondering, Quhea gazed at Wolfram and retorted:

"The first person that they will look for will be none other than your brother . "

She pointed at Arthur and stated:

"He’s the root of everything and Zaarae’s main target . I may not fully know you but I’m certain you won’t do nothing when millions of monsters are chasing after your brother . "

Hearing this, the Joker chose silence over arguing with Quhea, who was giving him a strange smile .

"I’m right, aren’t I? From my perspective, you are an eccentric man but I know for certain that you value brotherhood more than anything . "

"Still, we can hide from them, there’s no need to fight a losing war . "-Leiu

"That may be true but such a solution is merely temporary . Sooner or later, they’ll find you . One of the four is Xyktia, an expert in tracking anyone wherever they are . "-Quhea

"Aren’t you contradicting yourself? You just said that ’they’ won’t interfere with the war between the mortal battles . "-Arthur

"Yes, they consider themselves higher beings so they will just let their creations do the job . However, you three and a few other individuals are an exception . Just like Wolfram inherited Tiarius powers, there are individuals who obtained their powers, they’re like their ’champions’ . When you go back, you need to check if any of the four is still alive or if someone managed to acquire their powers . "

Still refusing to go with the flow and accept everything as is, the Joker snorted and added:

"I’m not going to fight for your sake . If they do come after my brother, I’ll defend him with my life but I won’t go out of my way to protect everyone... it’s simply bullshit!"

Then he proceeded to ignore Quhea, who responded with nothing but silence . After an unknown amount of time passed, she asked

"What about you two?"

Leiu crossed his arms and said : "I’ll wait and see . "

As for Arthur, he pondered for some time before asking:

"Is there any way to get rid of the barrier or strengthen it so they cannot enter the multiverse?"

The woman sighed, shook her head and answered:

"Unfortunately, the only way is to fight them . "

"How can you expect us to fight them all with just the three of us?"

"I never said you’ll be alone . There will be some people who’ll support you but you three will be the main force . Given enough time, I’m sure you guys will reach great heights and become equal if not stronger than Zaarae and the rest . "

She paused for a second, pointed at the sheathed Dark Blade before saying

"After all, you not only got Zaarae’s powers but also Ventus Malum . "

Arthur followed her gaze and stared at the silent Makaze, which didn’t react to her words .

"Ventus Malum, the Gale Devourer died of grief and sadness and his body transformed into a powerful blade, mightier than any other weapon . "

"You’re telling me Makaze is one of the six born from the Darkness . "-Arthur

"That blade was born from the body of Ventus Malum and inherited his powers . It is by far stronger than the Eighteen swords created by him . "

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