
Chapter 386 - Emergency

Not long after Yuki left to call the other officers, she brought ten officers that seemed to be helpful for this battle.

"I have brought them, Kai. The soldiers will arrive in an hour." Yuki reported while walking toward him.

Kai looked at them with a calm expression and asked. "Before we discuss the battle plan, I would like to ask if any of you trust me?"

Surprisingly, eight out of ten raised their hands.

"You may not know this, but we have seen you in that battle, commanding the troops that change the situation," One of those who raised their hand said.

"Hmm? What battle?" Kai furrowed his eyebrows.

"The battle with that spider."

"I see." Kai closed his eyes for a second. "What about the two of you?"

The first one decided to answer honestly. "I can\'t trust you one hundred percent, but I can follow your command."

"I am about the same." The other one acknowledged it as well, making things smoother.

However, Kai also noticed that the reason they could follow him wasn\'t due to himself. It was due to his rank. Looking at their rank, they were ranked lower than him, so his words were the order here.

"That\'s fine. If you can follow my command, it will be better than secretly trying to do something of your own. After all, it may accidentally mess up the entire plan." Kai nodded. "Please follow my order. The rest will be your discretion. Are we good with this arrangement?"

The two exchanged looks and nodded. They both saluted while saying. "Sir Kai Carter."

"Good. Let\'s go to the top of this hill first. We will be stationing ourselves there." Kai pointed at the middle hill while smiling.

He took the first step to enter the hill before picking up the pace. He just wanted to show a bit of his strength, so they placed more weight on his words.

Those officers seemed to understand as well. Concerning his strength, they had no more complaints.

Kai then began explaining his plan again to these officers but added more details than last time.

The officers finally realized Kai\'s carefully thought plan and recognized Kai as the leader of this army.

As soon as they finished the meeting, they dispersed, starting their terraforming the hills and the woods on the foot of the hills.

With so many people, the work went pretty fast, and Kai was quite satisfied with it.

Since the trees would end up getting trounced by the magical beasts or devastated by their attacks, Kai decided to use them instead.

The soldiers spread the trees all over the ground according to Kai, unaware of their usage. After the woods, they had a small field where they planted explosives as a trap.

Kai forbade them to use the explosives on the hill because it might cause a landslide or something. At the very least, he didn\'t want this fortress to get ruined by something stupid.

Still, most of the soldiers picked up a gun here since they would be facing them from a distance. Isabelle obviously became a part of this squad.

When he checked it again, there were around twenty-five thousand gunners in this army while the rest were fighters.

After a while, the students finally arrived. Kai didn\'t show mercy on them and quickly forced them to help with the construction, not letting a single of them off even if they were a part of the top 100 groups.

But as one would expect, the busiest person would be Evan. He needed to take care of the entire army with the medic group. The rest of his group also had their own tasks, so Kai didn\'t bother them and continued with his work.

The next morning, Kai was watching the entire soon-to-be battlefield from the very top with a severe expression.

"What are you doing here?" A female\'s voice resounded in his ears.

When he turned around, he saw Laura climbing up to his position. "No, what are you doing here?"

"I am just catching fresh air." She shrugged.

Kai narrowed his eyes.

"Tommy was mad at me. I am just here to chill." She sighed.

"Just don\'t push him too much, he knows you and respects you, but…"

"I know." Laura smiled. "Well, I have been working for it, but as you can see, it\'s not that easy. Anyway, I want to confirm the battle plan for tomorrow."

"Do you find a hole in our defense?"

"Not really. I want to confirm it. According to your plan, we are going to defend the hill normally, but there is this one variable that I can\'t understand…"

"That\'s the real plan. Although defending the hill is good, we need one force to swipe the battlefield to create a gap in the enemy rank to allow people to take a breath. Even if it is only a few minutes, it will help the battle overall." Kai explained.

"The plan is to have the left hill send out their troops and swipe the battlefield, right?"

"Yes. The number is not important. The strength is." Kai smiled. "I will be leading them personally.

"I see. Then I will defend the right hill and try to give you a way to climb the hill. The moment you enter the right hill, you can return to the left hill with the passage from the center hill. I see. Now it\'s clearer."

"That\'s the gist of it." Kai nodded. "That\'s why the middle and right hills only have ten thousand each while the rest go to the left hill. Of course, I will normally stand by on the center hill, so you don\'t need to worry if there is a miscommunication. I will handle it immediately."

"In that case, I don\'t think I need to ask anymore. I am just impressed to see someone at your level even though you are one year younger than me. Is this the power of Professor Ria Ross?"

"My teacher taught me on the previous holiday, so yeah. The rest comes from experience." Kai nodded.

"Haha, having Ria Ross as your teacher is great, but the burden is also big. I don\'t think I will be able to withstand it." She turned around. "Anyway, I have confirmed the plan. Are you going back now? We are having a meeting after this, right?"

Kai thought for a moment and nodded. "I will be going with you."

She smiled and walked to their headquarters together. Almost all of them were present, so Kai waited for a bit more before hearing someone running to the tent.

"An emergency."

Suddenly, a soldier rushed into the tent while shouting, "We have an emergency."

"What happened?" The officers stood up when they saw them, instinctively wanting to move.

"The—" Before the soldier could explain, they felt the ground shaking for one minute.

"!!!" Kai widened his eyes. "The eruption comes earlier than expected…"

The people in the tent had their expressions darkened because all of them knew that the construction wasn\'t done yet.

"How is the progress of our construction team?" Kai asked.

"It\'s in the finishing process. We can finish it by noon, but…" Laura answered with a hesitant tone before looking at the outside. Her face was filled with concern.

"What are we going to do?" Yuki asked. "Shall we fight them like this?"

"What is their ETA?" Kai looked at Michelle.

"One hour from now."

"There are four more hours before noon." Kai looked down, falling into deep thought. He suddenly looked at the people in this room and said coldly. "We will attack them with fifteen thousand soldiers."

"What?!" The officers dropped their jaw, never expecting Kai to give that kind of order.

"This is going to be bad, isn\'t it?" Ayaka furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes. That\'s why I will be leading the army myself," said Kai with a serious expression. "Have the soldiers here to speed up the process. I will buy them enough time to complete the construction."

"I am sorry, Commander. I\'m afraid I have to disagree with this mission. It\'s a suicide. What we will be facing are countless magical beasts that have no end. We will be swarmed by them sooner or later. It\'s better to defend them here." One of the officers who said he couldn\'t trust Kai decided to voice out his opinion.

Kai understood his good intention, but it just infuriated him. He slammed the table and shouted. "Then are you expecting me to wait here? No!"

The officer thought Kai had lost it and wanted to argue with him, but Kai stopped him with a wave of his hand. "I will let you know this. I am rather losing one hundred people here and fifty people later than letting two hundred people die because of the current condition!"

The officer gasped and felt that what he said was true.

"I can\'t give you any promise, but I will do my best to lower our casualties. I won\'t let them die." Kai sent a cold gaze toward all of them.

Even the officer that was about to rebuke him suddenly saluted. "Yes, Sir. I obey your command."

The others smiled and nodded their heads.

"Have four officers stand by here. The rest will help me lead the army. I only have one thing to say for you. Follow my lead. The details will be according to your own style. That\'s all. Anyone have an objection?" Kai narrowed his eyes.

The room fell silent as no one disagreed.

"We will strike them! Those who are fearless will follow me," said Kai while walking away, and all the people in the room began arranging the soldiers and such. 

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