
Chapter 243

Though the Regius Family was not one with a long tradition, as they haven’t existed for that long, but they were still a family of martial artists . All of them felt this ominous feeling that something bad was about to happen tomorrow .

They couldn’t explain how they knew this, all the can say is that there was something different in the air . Even Rachel the weakest of the six could feel the changing atmosphere .

"What do you think this means?" Joseph asked, looking at everyone present .

"It does seem like, it was going to be something worse than the time we had to deal with those assassins . " Answered Roland, feeling a bit uncomfortable about the tension .

"Why the hell are you two acting like that? It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as we stick together we’re invincible . We are the Regius family, and the Ultimate martial art was made for these kinds of events . Our bodies are made of steel, heck our bodies are actually harder than steel . As a family, we can deal with any situation . Isn’t that right Dad?" Gabby the youngest of the three brothers spoke a bit irritated by his two elder brothers reactions .

Dan who was listening to his sons thoughts about the situation, and nodded his head before speaking .

"You’re right my son, we the practitioner of the Ultimate martial art, have the strength to deal with any situation, still your brothers are also right to worry . Even though all of you you have trained in our martial art, and have acquired bodies that are stronger than steel, you three . . . No you four siblings have little to no experience in real combat . The only time you fought for real, with your life on the line was that one time with those assassins, and based on what your mother has said about your performance at the time, you four didn’t do so well . She told me that your movements slow down, as you faced opponents directing killing intent your way . That’s a very fatal flaw, in fighting life and death battles, the battlefield isn’t so kind to such a weakness . "

"Well they did try their best, and were able to survive the ordeal . " Kumiko who was sipping her tea, gave out her opinion and tried to help out her sons .

"That’s not enough, you feel it too don’t you Kumiko . This upcoming crisis isn’t something half ass skills could handle . " When Dan said this the tension got even heavier, Kumiko was unable to rebut him . The feeling Dan was getting right now was something close, to the feeling he got in the skirmish he participated in against the empire . Even Kumiko could feel the danger, even someone of her level would have difficulty participating in the upcoming crisis, much less her children . Especially Rachel who was the weakest in the family .

"So what are we going to do? I was hoping that even though you’re a sh*tty father, that is pretty much only good in fighting, I always thought, no I always believed that with your skills you’ll be able to protect us . Was I wrong in my assumption?" Rachel joined in and gave her opinion about the situation .

Even though Rachel pretty much hated her father for leaving them and making her mother suffer because of his supposed death, she already forgave him in her own way . Still she didn’t stop calling her sh*tty father since that was a sort of defense mechanism for her .

Dan who heard what Rachel said was happily surprised . That was the first time her daughter actually said she believed in him . This gave Dan a sudden burst of joy .

"OF COURSE! Of course I can protect you guys . I promise I will protect you all with this fist of mine . It doesn’t matter what kind of enemy appears, I will crush them into dust!" Dan punched forward, his fist making a sound similar to a sonic boom .

"Okay then, now that we solved that problem, can I go back to my room?" Rachel was about to stand up and leave, but was stopped by Dan .

"Oh no, we’re not done with this family meeting . We still have one more topic to talk about . Rachel tell me what’s your relationship with Alex?" Dan looked at Rachel with a serious expression .

"Why should I tell you anything about that?" Rachel answered while glaring at her father . Dan who saw this, was actually frightened for a moment, but he didn’t back off .

"I’m your father that’s why . "

"Some father you are, you weren’t even there for more than half of my life . You’re pretty much a stranger to me, so why should I tell you anything?" Even though Rachel said this with a casual tone, it still hurt Dan a bit . Dan Regius who had a body and mind made of steel was hurt by what his daughter said .

"Don’t be too harsh on him Rachel, your dad really wanted to come back, but you do know he had amnesia . Can you please just answer his question . " Kumiko interrupted protecting her husband from Rachel’s emotional attacks .

"Fine, if it’s for you mom, I’ll answer . I like Alex, not as a friend but as a man . " The moment Rachel announced this, Kumiko, Joseph, Roland, and Gabby started smiling and clapping . Rachel who was adamant in saying she had no feelings for Alex, had now finally admitted it .

She did this, because there was no longer any point in denying it .

While the four were very happy, Dan had a blank expression in his face .

"Do . . . Do you like Alex more than Daddy?" Dan said this with a soft voice, which was very different with his usual boisterous voice .

"Huh? . . . Of course I like Alex more than you . Also don’t call yourself daddy it sounds creepy . " Dan who was hit by two verbal attacks, was extremely damaged as he held his chest in pain .

"DAMN IT! I’ll kill that kid, making my daughter into someone who hates her dad!" Dan suddenly shouted denying the current situation .

"Shut up you sh*tty dad . Alex didn’t make me hate you . It was by your own doing, that made me hate you . Also if you do anything to Alex I will never forgive you, and I will truly hate you forever . "

Dan hearing this suddenly knelt down lifelessly, and then he kept on mumbling something .

"My daughter will hate me forever . My daughter will hate me forever . My daughter will hate me forever . My daughter will hate me forever . " Dan kept on repeating this over and over again .

Rachel who saw her father act like that, actually thought she went too far .

"Well as long as you tolerate my feelings for Alex . I will try and tolerate your hugging, and your goodnight kisses on my forehead . " The moment Dan heard this, he suddenly revived and appeared in front of Rachel and suddenly hugged her .

"DEAL!" Dan happily agreed as he continued to hug Rachel, who looked like she was now regretting what she said .

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