
Chapter 4 - Family [2]

This action was the hot knife through the butter which was Dr. McGoldrick\'s heart, and the fact that she can get to live and sleep and bathe with a hero whilst taking care of the little ones he saved, which served as a testimony every time she looked at them, made spending the rest of her life with Sam a great idea, and as fate would have it, Sam was also interested…

Thus, they moved into Sam\'s mansion and began to live together as a family…

A seven foot man with well shaved head and well-groomed beards, weighing about 120 pounds, tanned and bulky, alongside a five foot tall, lithe, slender, light and supple-skinned, blonde beauty, living together with two adorable and smart 5 year old boy and girl…

What a dream team!

Today, Sam was going to get a new job as a security head at a very massive and prosperous firm…

Though they knew he was still recovering from his physical challenges, but no one could compare to him when it came to security detailing and combat knowledge…

Thus, they were hoping to put him charge of their overall international security head, and all he was going to do was to pinpoint flaws in their security train their team and also oversee the headquarters which happened to be about three miles from where he currently lives, but the best of all was that, all he had to do was speak in training and point out flaws from the security room over the radio…

This was a piece of cake to Sam who had ten successful deploys to the top five most dangerous places in the world, and this was not including the several dozens of successful missions he had taken within his country and several other little request from the local police department he had solved…

He actually didn\'t need any interview because the statistics on his resume of successful missions and kills bore testimony to his skills, thus, all he was going to do today, was to meet with the owner of this massive international firm in person and discuss some minor work unrelated topics…

So, he was busy working on his greeting when his- well wife, I guess, walked in…

He popped his recovery pill into his mouth and replied;

"Yeah… I\'m just working on my first impression…"

"Hmm, well you look very handsome in that sky blue shirt and deep blue tie of yours…" Lisa responded…

"You think so?"


"You don\'t think I am trying too hard?"

"No way, you look respectful!"

"Really!? Or should I lose the tie?"

"No, but you really need to start learning how to tie one…"

Knowing that Sam being a soldier rarely wore cooperate outfits, Lisa walked forward and helped him out with it…

"Come on, the kids can almost sense your worries, what\'s going on?"

"*Sighs* I just don\'t wanna screw it up…"

"No, that\'s not going to happen…"

"But, what if I miss something?"

"Babe, come on! You have been working on this for over a week now, I have never seen anyone work on their first impression for that long…"

"If everyone was like you, the world would have been a better place by now…" Lisa reaffirmed his confidence whilst adjusting his tie…

"I don\'t know, Three stuck his neck out big time for me and I don\'t wanna screw it up… Jobs like these are given to massive companies, and I have never even done this before…"

Sam voiced out his worries and Lisa took it like a champ;

"Well that\'s your advantage, they have never met someone like you before which makes you unique and special…"

"Moreover, those companies make their evaluations based on more theory and less experience, but you, you have it all in here…" Lisa pointed at Sam\'s head before adding;

"If you aren\'t qualified, then no one else is…"

"If they also don\'t love you, just remember that you\'ve got boatload of love back here at home…"

"Then, for the record, three stuck his neck out for you because you saved his life, plus he is your friend and that\'s what friends do…"

Sam accepted everything with a slumped head which Lisa knew was not custom to him so she added;

"Hey! Look at me!" She said softly;

"Look at me… You got this!"

Sam then heaved a relieved sigh as the smile that melted her heart the first time they met appeared on his face;

"I love you…"

"You had better!" Lisa replied with a sweet smile;

"Come here!"

Sam grabbed her by the waist with his manly arms and was about to kiss her, but Lisa placed her finger on his lips before adding;

"My computer is faulty, and I need you to help me fix it…"

Sam laughed happily as he added;

"So, the whole; \'Look at me!\' \'You got this\' was to get me to fix your laptop…"

"Hmm, it was a distinct process, but did it work?"

"You bet it did…"

Sam responded as they turn around to leave but not before tightly tapping Lisa in the ass which she giggled at as they both left the bathroom…

"90 percent of the time, you can solve the problem of any gadget by simply turning it off and then turning it on… Have you tried turning it off and on?"

Sam asked as they descended the stairs towards the living room where the kids were waiting…

"Nah, I decided to leave that to you so you can have a strong sense of accomplishment if it works…"

Lisa joked as the kids giggled lightly at the joke…

"Ah, so you left your laptop to me, so I can fix it for me… Fantastic!"

Sam replied as he gathered his documents into his office bag before Lisa brought a cup of coffee to him and Jim the little boy handed him his deep blue suit which matched the color of his tie, belt and trouser…

Rubbing Jim on the head for being adorable as always, Sam took the laptop and held the power button for about ten seconds and it came on…

Seeing him stand up and reach for his bag, Lisa asked;

"You fixed it?"

"As always!"

"Awn… that\'s why I love you…"

"Meh!" Sam pretended to refute…

"Come in here!"

Lisa called as she hugged him tightly before planting a deep kiss onto his lips;

"Eew!" Jim blurted…

"Get a room!"

Ivory added, as she bumped fists with Jim for their comments being smooth and consecutive…

Just as they reached the elevator door;


The elevator chimed as the doors slid open revealing a middle aged man who seemed to be about 6 foot tall, light in complexion, with smooth dark hair, cleanly shaved jaws and moderately bulky, giving him a sexy look that all ladies would trip for, because they over-stared…

"My brother!" The guy spoke through an annoyingly white set of sexy teeth…

"Brother!" Sam replied as they hugged…


"Third…" Lisa replied as she gave him a hug too…

Then third looked over to the kids and gave a stunned expression;

"Right!?" Lisa saw his incredulous expression and smiled proudly;

"Damn, you guys are doing a fantastic job… I am starting to wish I came into this world a little late, so I could have met you guys…"

Third remarked when he saw the state the kids were in compared to how they were when they were saved…

It was like seeing a piece of paper who had been in the dirt for ages and seeing another paper that just came out of the factory…

Eons apart!

"Good morning, uncle third!"

"Unc-?" Third was stunned speechless once again as they all laughed happily…

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