
Chapter 11 - Moment Of Truth [1]

"So, having a friend or anyone who could see or treat me as such would be a blessing to me…" He added…

"Can you do that for me?"

"Sure thing buddy!"

Sam gave Roy his stance on the matter through his words and action which involved patting Roy on the shoulder as they walked forward and continued their discussion…

Sam was a little bit apprehensive of how Roy was currently feeling… He also faced a similar dilemma when he was back at the base…

The only set of people who referred, viewed or spoke to him like a normal person were his team…

Everyone else referred to him like the Brigadier that he was, and it was also very exhausting back then…

So, it didn\'t take him too long to give what Roy asked of him…

"What do you think of this place?"

Roy asked Sam as they walked by the little stream that led to the outdoor pool;

"Honestly, I have never seen something of this nature before, so I really don\'t know the word to use to qualify what it is…"

"But there is something I\'m sure about, and that is the fact that, I would rather forsake the world, if it means I get to enjoy the level of nature, peace and serenity in here…"

Sam honestly gave his opinion about the place…

It looked like the royal botanic garden of England mixed with the keukenhof of Lisse, created at over 2000 feet above the ground…

Then with a top class, five star mansion merged with it and finally built on the basis of the front runner advanced technological minds in the entire world…

"Since you don\'t have the words to qualify it, I will grant you and your family a free, unlimited access to this place for a week…"

Roy gazed at Sam with a genuine smile, and just seeing his expression made him feel good…

That was the sort of person Roy was; making everyone else happy makes him happy, which is why he founded Aeon Consults in the first place…

He was intent on making sure the best things about life is brought to those who aren\'t privileged to afford it, and because of this goal, he made many enemies, especially from those who look to rip off these less privileged people…

"So, what happened to your previous Chief of Security?"

Sam asked as Roy scoffed and reply;

"Come on! Don\'t be so boring…"

"I was looking to have a friendly conversation today, but it is understandable that you are a man that means business, after all, you were from the military…"

"What does that mean?" Same asked with a frown…

If this guy thought just because he is wealthy and was offering him a job that he could say whatever he wanted about Sam\'s life then he has another thing coming…

"Nah, I simply meant, those in the military are usually serious about everything and rarely have any true or real sense of humor…"

"That is why I am very close to James, he is the only one who relates to me like a family and not a boss or business partner, and that is why my daughter loves having him around…"

Roy looked over into the distance about 200 feet from their current position, there they saw James hugging a little girl who was only as tall as James\' waist in height…

"If that\'s truly how you feel, why don\'t you give all this up for the life you so seek?" Sam retorted respectfully;

"No wonder you were able to rise to the rank of a brigadier in just five years of joining the military…"

"You sense of judgement and scrutiny is very astute…"

"But to answer your question, in as much as I wanted to live the life of a normal person, I want normal people to have access to this kind of life, even more…"

Roy said open his arms wide gesturing to the entire residential penthouse they were currently in…

"Moreover, I can\'t trust anyone else with my dreams which is why I have to see to it, that I get it done…"

"At least to a certain extent where the coming generation can take it from wherever I stopped and not start from scratch, after all, I cannot save the entire world in a single lifetime…" Roy ended with a light laugh…

"But that hasn\'t answered my initial question…" Sam pressed on…

"Oh, concerning that… My current Chief of Security has served this firm for over 50 years, since my father and James\' grandfather established it…"

"So, I felt it is time for a new and fresh start for my security details…"

"Furthermore, the guys in the Department of Defense have been targeting me, my family and this firm for a while, thus, I really need someone who is more updated in military tactics and training…" Roy spoke like it was a given…

"But, don\'t you think that might be a hard pill to swallow for a man who has dedicated his life and energy to this firm for 50 years?" Sam asked with a frown…

Taking this job away from the current Chief of Security would be like literally taking the man\'s life away, and such a thing most often than not, backfire…

"But that is the way life is… everything is bound to change…" Roy said with an innocent expression…

"Well, do you know why most soldiers still can\'t have a life outside the military, even when they retire?"

"I have never been too close to the military to know the answer to that…"

"Well, that\'s simply because they take the protection of their country to the very seriously and almost religiously…"

"So they find it hard to get a life outside the military, just as it is hard for you to abandon this mission you have embarked on for a more peaceful life…" Sam explained;

"So, what do you suggest I do about that?" Roy asked earnestly…

"Well, I know you are building a new headquarter in the Western Hemisphere…"

"Hmm hmm…" Roy confirmed with a nod…

"So, I suggest you give him a contract with a wage rise and a very hospitable living terms, but make the length of the contract known…"

"That way, he can have more than enough time to prepare for a new life after the firm…" Sam advised;

"Hmm… That sounds really wise… So, how many years do you think I should specify the contract length to be?" Roy sought;

"Well, it is not my firm, nor is it my money, so you will have to do that on your own discretion… Sam replied;

"Well, I get the fact that it is not your money, but I would like you to start treating this place like your own too…"

"That is the only way I can be convinced that you will put your heart and mind into the safety of this firm…" Roy spoke intently with a stressed expression which caused Sam to frown all the more…

"Moreover, I was only seeking for your advice on the contract length, and don\'t think I am questioning your loyalty or anything, I am just really intent on achieving this goal of mine that I need people that can have my back around me…" Roy spoke his mind…

"Alright… I have a duty to discharge, and just as you know us to be in the military; we don\'t joke with our work…"

"But before I do anything, I would need you to come clean with me on why you live within the firm, and why you are thinking of firing your Chief of Security…"

"Though, I believe what you are trying to do here because I have made my research, I just don\'t believe you wanted to change your full security details because a veteran who is in that position seems to look tired to you…"

Sam paused and looked intently at Roy;

"Alright... I guess the moment of truth is here…"

Roy said before emptying his cup and gesturing Sam to sit under a Cherry Blossom tree…

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