
Chapter 516 - The Internet Connection Is Off

Chapter 516: The Internet Connection Is Off

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

“What things do we have in here?” Luo Piaoling opened the item shop and saw many options, including [Hot Items], [Outfits], and [Items], etc.

At this moment, the people who had overheard Song Qingfeng’s words also opened the item shop and browsed the many items in it.

After all, it was humiliating for them to be adventurers dressed like everyone else.

Immediately, they began to pick clothes for themselves in the item shop.

They wanted to find a set of clothes that were fitting for their status! They didn’t just want unique clothes!

Nalan Hongwu was also browsing the outfits in the item shop. As an old duke in Dajin, he was a well-respected old man; how could he wear such a short vest?

He carefully looked at each outfit in the item shop with widened eyes.

He studied them for a long while.

“How come there are no good outfits here?!” He slammed his hand on the desk and yelled.

Tights?! How could an old man like him wear tights?!

Leather armor?! Too low!

Bronze armor? He had seen someone wear it! That wouldn’t work!

He couldn’t find any luxurious and elegant attire that fitted his status!

Then, he glanced at the prices.

1 crystal?

1.5 crystal?

So cheap?!

“Kid Fang, don’t you have anything better and more expensive?!”

For ordinary cultivators and warriors, they didn’t care about their outfits. They felt good as long as they could come into the shop and play games.

However, some other people felt different about this issue.

For example, a girl who had deposited two million crystals in her membership card was yelling, “Sir! There isn’t a single pretty outfit! What is going on?!”

These outfits aren’t as pretty as the outfit that I’m wearing right now!

At this moment, someone said, “It’s a free game. How can you expect good things in here?”

“Right...” Sia shook her head and thought in disappointment, It seems like this game was released for the sake of the ordinary people. After all, it doesn’t need money to activate! It is quite clear.

Forget it! Sia thought, I can’t do anything even though they aren’t that pretty. As long as I’m not dressed like everyone else on the street.

She chose one outfit and was ready to pay. When she looked at the price again, she almost spewed blood on the screen.

She had seen that this piece of high-end clothes cost 1.5 crystals. However, at check-out, she found that it was 1.5 crystals for 7 days!

There were other options including 4.5 crystals for 30 days and 15 crystals for permanent use.

If she bought all the pieces including the blouse, pants, and hat permanently...

Sia froze; she almost didn’t want to buy these clothes and hesitated.

However, the more expensive the outfit was, the fewer people would buy it. She decided to buy it for one month to try it out.

The entire outfit cost her more than 30 crystals, higher than the cost of the Legend of Mir 2 for one month.

People like Luo Piaoling and Sia had come to this wondrous land for adventures, but to their surprise, they were almost trapped in the item shop by the exorbitant prices of their outfits before the adventure began!

Luo Piaoling and Sia almost weren’t able to get out, but other adventurers didn’t dare to go out and felt like puking up blood. Right now, they were still loitering in the item shop, hesitating over the outfits.

Finally, some people chose to buy outfits for a limited time while others just gave up.

At last, they embarked on their journey again. At this time, most players encountered a new problem—subclass advancement.

There were only five primary classes at the beginning of Dungeon Fighter Online, but as the players leveled up, they were qualified to advance to subclasses. Almost every class contained four subclasses.

Take male slayers as an example.

Some of them wouldn’t yield under any situation and would advance continuously toward their goal.

These people would never give in to fate even if the hands they used for grasping weapons became distorted. Instead, they would put more efforts in the study of weapons. Some of these people achieved the ultimate level in their respective weapon areas and were called Blade Masters.

To achieve the ultimate level of skill with swords, they gave up and sealed the strength of the devil-like hand. As time went on, this hand turned gray.

This was a subclass that could unleash the ultimate power of swords.

In contrast, another type of male slayers would do anything to gain greater power. They embraced Kazan’s strength, becoming crazy and hot-tempered. They even turned into aggressive devil gods, with blood-red eyes being a characteristic of this class. They were Berserkers.

Following the path of the great Zieg who was one of the first Soul Benders, Soul Benders were the only people who could master the force of demons and ghosts. They unlocked the chains of fate and mastered the strength in their arm. Perhaps one day, they could command all ghosts.

Some male slayers gave up their eyesight in order to sense waves and fluctuations. With powerful fortitude and perseverance, they could still survive in this dangerous land after losing their eyes since they had learned to see things with their hearts.

Coming from the same spawn place and with the same original experience, different people would embark on different paths from now on. Like male slayers, the other classes also had different subclasses. The players would follow their respective path toward their goals with determination.

Now, Grand Flores was in its liveliest moment.

“We need some veteran players to come with us to the Thunderland! King Difficulty!”

“Poison Thunderland! Players who want to come join the team!”

At the dungeon entrance outside the forest, adventurers from all kinds of classes were yelling boisterously.

“So many people...” Having just purchased his outfits, Luo Piaoling hurried to Grand Flores. Right now, it was time for him to complete his subclass quest.

“Shadow Thunderland at Master Difficulty! Come into our team to level up and advance to subclasses!”

“Me!” Luo Piaoling froze for a moment and yelled without hesitation

“Okay. Come in.”

After joining the team, Luo Piaoling found that he had three teammates of different classes, and their accent showed that they came from the Deserted Sea Realm. “It’s our last round! Hurry!”

Since the Jiuhua City Shop didn’t close in the morning, many players had almost used up their computer time by now.

“Okay...” Luo Piaoling followed them into the dungeon.

In the virtual reality remake version, the monsters in the dungeons were more powerful than those in the original game, which was why the players must play in teams.

Seeing Luo Piaoling’s hesitation, his teammates realized that he was a newbie, so they urged with some displeasure, “Hurry up!”

“The three of us are godlike players; you’re in luck!”

“Oh...” Luo Piaoling had realized that this game was quite difficult; even with his great power, he couldn’t play it all by himself.

The forest was fraught with horrifying monsters; even plants could trap one in a desperate situation.

Luo Piaoling followed his teammates cautiously.

– In the Jiuhua City Shop –

Three young men were busy fighting zombies in the Shadow Thunderland.

Suddenly, the screens dimmed.

“What’s wrong?!”

The screens showed, [Internet connection is off.]

The three gaped at the screen and were at a loss for words.

In the next moment, the game was off.

Meanwhile, Luo Piaoling battled his way into the depth of Shadow Thunderland with his teammates.

He suddenly looked around. “???”

“Where are they?!” They had been killing zombies before him a moment ago!!!

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