
Chapter 182 - The Core Court Disciples

"You seem to know a lot about them…" Elder Qing teased with a flutter of her eyelashes;

"Eh? Uhm…"

"The Sect Leader has always insisted that once a group of individuals knew some personal things about one another, it improves not only the teamwork, but the physical relationship amongst them, which in turn makes the group yield better success than normal..."

"Don\'t worry you\'re still new, but you will understand in due time…" Elder Kang explained with a slight smile…

"Alright, we should return…"

He added with a doting smile before wrapping his arm around Elder Qing\'s shoulders, as she blushed coyly…

But just as they turned their backs, the ground abruptly rumbled as the mammoth they all thought had dies rose its head up and gave a deafening blare;




Elder Qing and Elder Kang instantly felt like a million needles just stabbed into their eardrums as blood spurt out of their ears, before they both fell to the ground unconscious;

"Damn!  Is that the rally cry of a dying beast!?"


Elder Yun who was already within a room bandaging Elder Jiang\'s twisted arm looked towards the gate in petrification;

"Yes it is! Kang and Qing are still out there!"

Elder Jiang rushed to a sitting position as Elder Yun placed both her hands on his shoulders and pushed him back to bed in a seemingly erotic manner;

"Don\'t move around, or you would relapse your injuries…"

She said caringly referring to his internal injuries which resulted from the impact of facing the Green Furred Mammoth\'s charge head on…

"But we might be having a beast horde soon, Yun…"

"You will need some help…" Elder Jiang tried to stand up once again;

"Do you want me to knock you out again!?" Elder Yun bellowed;

"Don\'t worry, it would take a while for the beast horde to reach here, since beasts of those level live very deep into the forest…"

"So, I won\'t be in any danger…" She said before placing a gentle kiss on Elder Jiang\'s forehead, and leaving…

The moment Elder Yun came out, she saw about twenty figures bolting towards Sect Walls;

\'So they heard the trumpet too…\' She thought to herself as she caught up with the figures;

"Elder Yun!"

"Elder Yun!"

All of these twenty or so figure bowed and clasped their hands towards Elder Yun whilst still gliding on towards the Sect Walls;

"What fine control of internal energy…  Truly befitting of a Core Court Disciple!"

Elder Yun commended the youths who all seem to be within the ages of 16 to 25, with the oldest being a 25 year old male who seemed to have gone on many missions and gained a lot of experience just from his vibes and the fact that he was in the leading position of all the Core Court Disciples…

"Hehe, Elder Yun, we are unworthy of such praises; all this is possible because we had good teachers and District Elders…"

The 25 Year Old youth responded humble and courteously whilst the rest of the disciples behind him nodded in accordance;

"Alright… I\'m sure you have all heard the rally cry, and that means we would be having beast hordes very soon in waves, thus, I will need you all to take charge of patrolling the city walls…"

"But first, we have to rescue Elder Kang and Qing who were standing at close proximity to that beast when its alarm went off…" Elder Yun added as a girl who looked no older than 17 asked;

"Elder Yun, it was a Green Furred Mammoth, wasn\'t it?" She smiled as she adjusted the googles on her face;

"Yes, Bing Hei… You\'re as ever knowledgeable as I have known you to be…"

Elder Yun commended, and whilst their conversation might seem a little too formal, that was because, they were Core Court Disciples who were bound to achieve far more than Elder Yun and the rest of the Elder would, in their lifetime…

This was because all of these youths were between the 1 and 2 Star Dan Formation stages respectively, at such a young age, and that is why they are treated with so much respect within the sect that they are regarded as \'Elders In Learning\'…

This means they are already Elders in terms of everything else, apart from experience, and that is why they are being taught directly by the Grand Elder\'s and the Sect Leader, personally; a level of tutelage even Elder Yun would do anything for…

They arrived at the city wall moments later as Elder Yun moved over to one of the Patrols on the wall;

"You all are relieved of duty from now henceforth, until the incoming beast horde is dealt with…"

"However, you are to go to every inch of the sect and announce to all disciples, that everyone is to remain indoors, and every ongoing missions or punishments whatsoever must be suspended till the aftermath of the upcoming beast horde…" Elder Yun instructed solemnly;

"Each of the buildings within the sect is being reinforced by a protective barrier that could withstand the strength of a Cat-4 Beast and Cat-3 Beast Horde…"

"Thus, except the categories of these beasts or the beast hordes exceed the levels I have mentioned, then everyone should remain indoors…"

"But if it exceeds it, then all Enforcement Hall Disciples are to ensure that all Disciples are safely and successfully evacuated to the underground hall!"

"Am I Clear!?"

"Crystal, Elder Yun!"

The youth she was speaking too stood straight and responded with a curt tone before giving a bow and leaving to announce to the rest of his colleagues that the Core Court Disciples are now  taking over patrol and guard duty…

"Bing Hei, take four of your colleagues and move ahead to scout the perimeters of the sect for any activity..."

"If you find any form of disturbance, horde or charge, notify us through the communication device in your badges…"

"On it, Elder Yun!"

"You, you, you and you…"

Bing Hei made her selection instantly as all five of them moved outside the Sect Walls and flew ahead on their flying swords to scout the area…

"Lao Yi, you will take four of your juniors over there, have two of them carry the injured Elders to the Sect Healer, and the rest of you should take apart that mammoth and being all its valuables to me…"

"On it, Elder Yun!"

The 25 Year Old youth who was named Lao Yi simply pointed towards four disciples and without any much as a sentence, they all moved out to carry out their tasks, whilst Elder Yun look at the remaining ten of them;

"Spread out over the wall and keep a look out… If you spot anything from your positions, alert me to it immediately!"

Elder Yun added before moving over to the gate of the sect itself and hovered over it, causing her to look like the guardian of the hidden temple…

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