
Chapter 249 - Breakthrough To 1 Star Mage

Chapter 249 Breakthrough to 1 Star Mage

Author: M_W Cancer 

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral 

The last time Leo was able to focus on his cultivation was when he was traveling with Ash and the others back in Twilight Forest before. At that time, he has so much free time in hand that he can use for his cultivation. However, after returning back to Silver Kingdom, he found himself being busy with all of the things needed in order to win this war.

Although he actually doesn\'t need to push himself to do it, it is his responsibility to help win this war, not just because he\'s his Master Olivia\'s disciple, but also as a member of the 12 Zodiacs and his desire to become the future President of Mischievous Lion organization. 

Leo turned to look at Charlotte, "I have been stuck in the bottleneck between the No Star level and the 1 Star level, and Ash had said to me before that I need to make my Magic spells into the standard of 1 Star level first before being able to finally breakthrough. The problem, though, is how?"

Back in Southeast Fortress, he had used his little bit of free time to search for books related to cultivation, that\'s why he got to know of the Constellation level, but unfortunately, he wasn\'t able to find any information related to how to improve the level of his Magic spell, hence he has been stuck in the peak of No Star level. 

"Just keep on practicing!" Charlotte replied, "As you keep on practicing, your consciousness would become familiar with the Magic spell, and hence it could level up and improve to the standard of 1 Star level." 

"I\'ve indeed been doing that in this past few days, but still I see no changes in the Magic Power of my Magic spells." Leo said.

"Oh, maybe it\'s related to your status as a Special Mage." Charlotte explained, "Unlike ordinary Mages, the Special Mages improves their cultivation in a very unique way. In fact, their ways of cultivation are unlike the ordinary Mages where they needed to use the known, secret, or private Cultivation technique by the Mages and the likes in order to improve in their cultivation, not just in terms of breaking through to another level, but also in leveling up the strength of their Magic spells."

"I have met a few Special Mages in the past, and their ways of breaking through was to gather a specific Element Mana and use it by channeling the Element Mana to all of their specific Element Magic spells. Unfortunately, because I\'m only a Battle Mage, I can\'t help you any further than that because even I don\'t understand how this so-called channeling works..." Charlotte shook her head. 

"Oh, okay..." Leo became downcast after hearing what Charlotte had explained, "You can go rest now."

Charlotte nodded her head before going upstairs to rest. 

He really thought that he would be able to ask for Charlotte to help him breakthrough to a 1 Star level, but unfortunately, she can\'t because of his status as a Special Mage. 

Although becoming a Special Mage has a lot of advantages, he finally understood that they also have their fair share of disadvantages, like for instance they need to look for their own unique way to cultivate and improve because Cultivation techniques don\'t fit their need.

And what\'s even worse was, in his case, he is feeling that it wouldn\'t be easy, simply due to him having the compatibility of all the Elements. He really wished it wasn\'t, though...

"Wait..." Leo suddenly thought of something, "What if I follow what Charlotte had said, specifically in the channeling part."

Although he also doesn\'t know how channeling exactly works, at least in terms of Magic, but what if he follows the same logic as connecting water pipes? 

Leo suddenly took out a medium Mana stone from his Storage Ring and then closed his eyes. 

In the past, Ash had told him that what he needs is to have a Cultivation technique in order to absorb the Element Mana without any impurities, however, Charlotte said otherwise because Special Mages need no Cultivation technique due to the fact that they have their own unique way of cultivating. 

So, this made him think of the last time when he was using the large Mana stones to improve his strength. 

The Red Cube had helped him convert the Pure Mana inside the large Mana stones into something compatible with him before he can finally absorb it inside him and improve his cultivation. But, it was very unfortunate that it actually only works in Pure Mana and not in Element Mana, hence he doesn\'t know-how can he channel the Pure Mana into a Magic spell with an Element, like for example the Green Terrain and Fireball spell that he had learned. 

"Let\'s try using Pure Mana first." Leo said before holding the medium Mana stone. He wouldn\'t be able to arrive at anything unless he tries it for himself. 

Soon after, all the Pure Mana inside the medium Mana stone was absorbed by the numerous stacks of Magic circles on his right hand, successfully converting all of it into a Mana compatible to him soon after. 

"Then let\'s try channeling these Pure Mana to my Green Terrain spell." Leo closed his eyes before looking for the Green Terrain spell in his consciousness. 

It was said in the books that he had read before that every Magic spell would be added to the Mages consciousness every time they got to learn it, similar in concept to how the contracts he had signed before. Though it wouldn\'t be easy to find, but right now he needs to try looking for the Green Terrain spell or the Fireball spell in his consciousness and then channel the Pure Mana he has gathered to it in order to see whether it works or not. 

After hours of searching, Leo finally saw a small blinking green light in his consciousness, implying it to be of Nature Element. And the only Nature Element Magic spell that he has ever learned was the Green Terrain spell, hence this should be the Green Terrain spell. 

Using the Pure Mana that the numerous stacks of Magic circles have gathered, Leo then channels it to the Green Terrain spell, by connecting it like a water pipe. But it was immediately rejected the moment it tried to enter. 

"Sadly, it doesn\'t work..." Leo thought, "But what if I convert all of these Pure Mana into an Element Mana?" 


Suddenly, Leo saw something that he had never witnessed before. The numerous stacks of Magic circles on his right hand turned green in color, then all of the Mana that was absorbed immediately turned into Nature Element Mana. 

"This..." Leo immediately became excited. 

Without wasting any more time, Leo quickly tried channeling to the Green Terrain spell, but this time he would be channeling a Nature Element Mana. 


The Nature Element Mana went smoothly inside the Green Terrain spell, seemingly like how a pouring rain combines with the water on the ocean without posing any problem.

As Leo keeps on channeling more and more Nature Element Mana, the green blinking light keeps on increasing in size, until finally with a Ting! sound, the Green Terrain spell broke through to the standard of 1 Star level. 

"Damn, I\'ve never imagined that it would be this easy..." Leo can\'t help smiling. He really felt stupid for thinking that it would be hard, when in actual fact it wasn\'t. Well, he had never tried converting the Pure Mana that the numerous stacks of Magic circles have gathered into an Element Mana in the past. If only he knew about this earlier, then he would have been able to breakthrough already to become a 1 Star Mage a lot sooner. 

"Let\'s try breaking through to 1 Star level." Leo quickly used up all of the Nature Element Mana to his Green Terrain spell, and afterward, he took out a Fire Element Magical resources.

This time, what he needed was the Fire Element Mana in order to make his total consumption of Fire Element Mana to 20. 


However, no matter how much Leo pushed it, the bottleneck was still unreachable. At least, he was able to sense an improvement in his cultivation, though only by a bit.

"I guess I need to level up my Fireball spell into the standard of 1 Star level as well." Leo realized. 

Without wasting any more time, Leo took another medium Mana stone, unfortunately, this was the last one that teacher Homer had stored in this Storage Ring in the past, hence if he fails in this then he won\'t be able to breakthrough to 1 Star level. Unless...

Leo quickly absorbed the Pure Mana and then converted it into Fire Element Mana. Afterwards, he began looking for the Fireball spell in his consciousness. 

Because he already familiarized himself with how the Green Terrain spell looked like, it didn\'t take long for him to find the Fireball spell. 

Just like the Green Terrain spell, the Fireball spell was also a small blinking light in his consciousness. But instead of green, it was red, which is pretty easy to assume to be the Fireball spell since it is the only Fire Element Magic spell he had learned. 

Leo immediately channels the Fire Element Mana to the Fireball spell, and when there were only a few remaining Fire Element Mana, he cut off the channeling. 

Just like what he had expected, the numerous stacks of Magic circles on his right hand didn\'t change and returned to its former translucent color, but had instead remained red. 

"Then let\'s try this..." Leo said before suddenly taking out a Fire Element Magical resources, specifically the Fire Lotus from before in the Twilight Forest. 

The moment Leo holds the Fire Lotus with his right hand, the Fire Element Mana was immediately absorbed by the numerous stacks of Magic circles. 


"HAHAHAHAHA, so this is my unique technique of cultivation!" Leo can\'t help himself from laughing after discovering his unique Cultivation technique. Of course, he also knew clearly that their is still more, he just needs to keep on experimenting to know. But right now, he has no time for that.

Quickly, Leo continued channeling the Fire Element Mana to his Fireball spell, and with a Ting! sound similar to the Green Terrain spell, the Fireball spell finally broke through to the standard of 1 Star level. 

"Now, let\'s try breaking through once again!" Leo muttered with a smile on his face. 

Just like what he did last time, he didn\'t completely used up all the Fire Element Mana and instead used another Fire Element Magical resources inside his Storage Ring to seemingly refuel the Fire Element Mana in the numerous stacks of Magic circles on his hand. After doing that, he quickly began absorbing the Fire Element Mana into his body. 



Seemingly like something exploded in his consciousness, Leo suddenly opened his eyes with a bright smile on his face. 

"I finally broke through!"

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