
Chapter 305 - How To Avoid The Black Organization’s Trap

 Chapter 305 How to avoid the Black organization\'s trap

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

Along the way to meet up with Elizabeth and the others, Leo, Cassandra, and Charlotte only saw nothing aside from some weak sewer Magical Beast, which they quickly killed before continuing moving.

After twenty minutes or so of continuous walking, they finally saw the silhouette of Elizabeth and the others, currently hiding underneath the shade of the exit of the east sewer, still waiting for the rescue to arrive. Although it is actually possible for them to leave now, considering its only one step forward to get out of Silver City, but since the walls were just up above their heads and with no cover to hide once they leave, they could only choose to wait until the Snow Noble Household, or more specifically Patriarch Vincent Snow, arrives.

"Leo!" Elizabeth waved her hands the moment she saw Leo walking towards them.

"How was it? Did you discover anything?" Veronica quickly asked.

"We have..." Leo nodded his head in reply. He then turned to look at Ethan and continued, "Apparently, the Black organization has planted a trap underneath the Silver city, specifically in the place where your Silver royal family has hidden the large Mana stones to activate the Kingdom Protection Array in the past. Over there, we have found hundreds of this,"

Leo right after took out a Chaos stone from his Storage Ring and showed it to everyone, "Chaos stones..."

"That is..." Ethan, Princess Elaine, and Queen Triana were immediately shocked the moment they saw the Chaos stone in Leo\'s hand.

"So the entire Silver city right now is basically sitting on a cushion of needles?" Ethan said in disbelief.

"Yes!" Leo nodded, "And base on how they did in the past, I\'m assuming that the south, west, and north sewer also has a trap planted underneath."

"They are really going all out just to win this war!" Princess Elaine shook her head worryingly.

"Then, we have to quickly warn the others about this, especially your father!" Queen Triana immediately suggested.

It was very obvious to see that although Queen Triana had betrayed her husband, she still cares a lot about his life.

Truth be told, the only reason why Queen Triana has thought of betraying her husband was to make him realize that all of his actions until now was foolish. No matter what they do in this war, they are already destined to lose. It was useless, so she hopes for him to stop and just surrender. But, it seems like her intention it didn\'t work, at all.

Hearing Queen Triana\'s suggestion though, Leo simply shook his head to disagree, "This is already the second time that the Black organization has sneaked into the sewer system without anyone detecting them despite having the Sewer Management in place, not to mention this time the Silver royal family should be on extremely high alert, so how did they still successfully sneaked in? I\'m assuming that there is someone helping them from the inside, someone powerful to be exact, a member of the Silver royal family, maybe... or maybe just someone that commands great power to silence the Sewer Management. Therefore, if we indeed report that we have found out about their trap, they might just decide to activate it ahead of schedule. And with how unprepared we currently are, there is no telling who would win the war anymore..."

Ethan also nodded his head in agreement as he added, "Right now, we are also assuming that father is no longer our father. That person that Leo has said to be helping the Black organization might just turn out to be him. So, even if we indeed secretly informed him, it would still result in the same as what Leo had thought."

"So, what do you suggest we should do, then? Although we are fighting against your father right now, he\'s still your father nonetheless. And you are just assuming that he\'s fake. You don\'t even have enough evidence to prove that just yet, hence informing him might not turn out to be what you both are currently thinking right now." Queen Triana argued back.

"Older brother, I think that mother is right..." Princess Elaine joined in the conversation, "What if we don\'t inform father and then he turned to be our real father? Doesn\'t that mean we failed to save our own father? That... I just can\'t bring myself to see that!"

Seeing that the three from the Silver royal family was arguing about what they should do, Leo finally stepped in and said, "If you really believe that King Erskine is a secret member of the Black Organization and that he\'s fake, then I can only shake my head in pity of you guys."

Ethan, Princess Elaine, and Queen Triana immediately stopped arguing as they turned to look at Leo.

Seeing this, Leo continued, "Did you hear what General Wales had said to us before? Right now, King Erskine is currently having tea with Patriarch Walter Skull and Patriarch Simon Honoris after he had given the order of all the Silver Divison and Gold Division to be sent out to look everywhere for our whereabouts. If he really was a part of the Black organization, it would be the most stupidest decision to order his soldiers to turn the entire Silver city upside down right now, as it would surely reveal what the Black organization is secretly planning to do."

"Therefore, I can confidently say, King Erskine, is not a part of the Black organization nor is he a fake. The reason that I thought why he has changed might just be related to you guys not wanting what he has worked his entire life to build. Calling it trash and deeming it as useless for you all to rule. Ethan, I might not know what is really going on with the Silver royal family internally, but if I was King Erskine, I would definitely feel lost of what to do next after what I\'ve spent my entire life building was deemed as useless and trash by my own sons or even my entire family." Leo explained, "Anyways, nevermind what I\'ve just said to you right now, only my prior words matter. I was just being emotional because I\'ve lost my parents when I was still a young boy, so I just felt irritated when you don\'t want to inform him of the hidden dangers due to a mere suspicion of King Erskine being fake."

"I..." Ethan realized that he was indeed wrong.

Leo faked a cough before he added, "Actually, there is no need for all of you to worry about that secret trap made by the Black organization that much anymore. Even if we don\'t inform anyone, we can still avoid it by simply taking the entire battle to the east side of Silver city."

Hearing this, Ethan, Princess Elaine, and Queen Triana immediately became curious.

"I\'ve already disarmed their secret trap in the east side of Silver city just now, so even if the trap would activate, as long as the battle is taking place only at the east, it wouldn\'t affect the battle that much. The only thing we need to worry about though is the civilians living in those affected areas at the south, west, and north." Leo said before shaking his head in empathy for those uninvolved civilians. In their current situation right now, it was hard to save them even if they wanted to. Just showing any signs that they knew about the Black organization\'s secret trap already has the possibility of killing them still, so their life right now could only be left to Fate, the thing that he hated the most as it also meant those civilians are now helpless and doesn\'t have any control of their life anymore.

Ethan heaves a sigh of relief after knowing that things would still be alright as he said, "I\'m glad that it\'s okay. So, are we going to the Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance after this and tell them to just take the battle to the east to avoid the Black organization\'s trap?"

"Yes, but I need to use another reason to persuade them to attack from the east..." Leo nodded his head in affirmation before he began thinking in deep thoughts. Obviously, he can\'t just say, "Let\'s go and attack from the east!" right? Even if they don\'t mind him going against their order of not involving himself in rescuing Veronica and Princess Tiana, persuading them to attack from the east is not an easy thing to do. Why? Because if they attack from the east, they would be bringing themselves to be cornered in between three territories of the Silver royal family, specifically the west would have the Silver city, the north would be the Eastern Fortress, and the east would be the Green Weed city. As for the south, it would be an ordinary and nameless wilderness, but still, because it is a wilderness, Magical Beast would attack them, which would unintentionally help the Silver royal family in the battle.

Ethan also understood this and began thinking of how they can persuade Queen Olivia, Queen Maria, Madam Silva, and Elder Rain to attack from the east.





Suddenly, a dozen or so of Flyingboats arrived before shooting cannons towards the east wall.

"They\'re here!" Elizabeth exclaimed, quickly making everyone\'s attention to turn towards the front.

Leo can\'t help smiling the moment he saw this. Without any hesitation, he stepped out and waved his hand to attract the attention of those people in the Flyingboats.


Soon after, a Flyingboat hovered nearby Leo\'s group before opening the Flyingboat\'s main entrance door.

"Quickly, get in!" Patriarch Vincent Snow exclaimed to everyone.

Seeing this, Leo immediately turned to look at the others as he motioned his hand forward, "Move!"

Without any questions asked, Cassandra, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Ethan, Princess Elaine, and Queen Triana run forward towards the Flyingboat.. Only when all of them got out of the east sewer did Leo soon followed behind them.

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