
Chapter 385 - Arriving In Honoris City

Chapter 385 Arriving in Honoris City

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

On the way to Honoris City, Leo was just focusing on resting and at the same time regenerating the Elementals so that they can continue the journey.

At the side, Steve was still dumbfounded at Mister Loki\'s so-called new invention as he can\'t quite comprehend just what exactly it was. In his mind, he keeps on asking questions like, "What exactly is this thing? How is its speed so fast? How does it work? How did Mister Loki make this?" and many more...

In the end, Steve decided to just wait until Mister Loki explained it to him personally. And if he doesn\'t want to, then he\'ll just remain silent and zip his mouth tight.

On the way to Honoris City, Leo was just focusing on both resting and absorbing Mana to keep regenerating the Elementals.

He was already extremely exhausted after doing a lot of things today, so he is trying to do as few movements as possible in order to rest.

Unfortunately, Leo\'s rest would occasionally be disrupted by a sudden appearance of a Magical Beast. After all, the Kingdom Protection Array was still destroyed, so there\'s practically nothing restricting the Magical Beast anymore to go to any places they want in the territory of Silver Kingdom.

The Magical Beast would keep on chasing after the car for a minute or so, shooting their own Element attacks every now and then, thinking that once it hits the car, it would be able to stop it until eventually, it would decide to stop as if realizing that all of its action was useless and what it was doing was just a waste of time.

A similar situation keeps on repeating occasionally. They only stopped experiencing such a situation when they finally arrived at Honoris City.

It was already in the early morning when they arrived.

"Mister Loki, we have already arrived," Steve silently called out to Leo, who he thought was still sleeping.

"I know," Leo replied while slowly opening his eyes. He then began stretching his arms and afterwards he opened the door of the car and stepped out.

The light of the sun immediately hits Leo\'s eyes as soon as he stepped out of the car, quickly prompting him to block it with his hand.

"I forgot to ask you about this last night, but did you encounter Ethan and Edward before I arrived?" Leo asked Steve while trying to get used to the ray of the sun. The main problem wasn\'t really the sunlight, but rather his eyes were still feeling very sleepy. Hence he can\'t quickly adapt.

"Yes, I\'ve told them about going to Honoris City first. But, it surprisingly seems like they are still not here though," Steve can\'t help wondering confusingly. Ethan and Edward had long already left before Leo arrived at Will City, so supposedly they should have arrived first before them. But, looking around the place right now, there were confusingly still no signs of them.

As soon as Leo pulled himself together from his sleepiness, he then surveyed his eyes around the entire Honoris City.

Just like the Will City, there was no longer any evidence of the Honoris City remaining left. The entire place has turned into a desert and was still slowly expanding due to the rampaging Chaos Mana. Though, there were still a few remaining farm plants, like the common fruits and vegetables, planted in Honoris City in the past to be seen.

Looking around the place, Leo soon understood what Steve had said as he thought to himself, "Did we perhaps arrived here first before them?"

Leo turned to look at Steve and asked, "Around what time was it when they arrived?"

Steve thought for a bit before replying, "It was close to evening, so maybe around more than an hour and a half before you finally arrived,"

Hearing Steve\'s reply, Leo immediately understood what just happened.

Considering the speed of the car, they have most likely overtaken Cassandra and the others unknowingly, as it was really dark at night to see their surroundings and hence arrived in Honoris City first. Most likely, they would be arriving later.

"Fortunately, it was like this," Leo can\'t help silently expressing his thoughts.

Since Cassandra and the others still haven\'t arrived yet, then he doesn\'t need to worry anymore about how he can turn the Chaos Mana in Honoris City into Chaos Orbs without letting them know about it.

He would start creating Chaos Orbs and finish as quickly as possible before they arrived here.

The only problem left is; Steve.

Though it only took Leo a few seconds to think of how to fix this little bit of problem.

"Since they still haven\'t arrived yet, why don\'t you go and hunt a few Magical Beast for our breakfast once they arrived?" Leo turned to look at Steve.

"Roger that!" Steve saluted before dashing away towards the nearby forest. Though soon he suddenly returned while embarrassingly scratching his head, "Can I ask for a weapon, hehehehe..."

Leo can\'t help himself from chuckling before throwing Steve a Storage Ring with a few weapons and also cooking-ware inside. The weapons were obviously for hunting, and the cooking-ware were the tools he would be used once he started cooking. He took the liberty to give it to Steve in advance so as to not trouble himself anymore from asking things from him.

Steve quickly caught the Storage Ring before waving his hand and went inside the forest.

As soon as he saw that Steve has already gotten far away, Leo then immediately unsummoned all the Elementals aside from the 10 Wind Elementals.

Right after, he sent out an order to the 10 Wind Elementals to patrol 1-kilometer diameter around him so as to report to him anyone that got closed.




The Wind Elementals quickly left after receiving Leo\'s order.

As soon as he was done with that, Leo then made his way towards the Honoris City to begin turning the Chaos Mana into Chaos Orbs.

After repeating this step over three times already, Leo has already gotten himself really familiar with the step.

Unlike what he has been doing in the Silver City, White River City, and Will City, this time, the moment his wisp of Mana landed amongst the Chaos Mana and finished infecting the first batch, he right after spread them all around.

He wasn\'t waiting anymore on increasing the amount of Chaos Mana under his control first before deciding to spread them.

He realized that it was much faster to do it this way as all of the Chaos Mana under his control were able to help him continue the taking over, unlike before where only those at the edge were able to continue infecting the other Chaos Mana while those gathered inside were unable to help, even if he begins spreading the Chaos Mana.

Because of this new strategy, the speed of Leo\'s taking over became ten times faster than in the past

He repeated the same step over and over again while slowly moving forward to expand his range until half an hour later all the Chaos Mana of Honoris City was finally under his control.

"No time to waste," Leo thought to himself before he began gathering all the Chaos Mana together and started forming the Chaos Orbs.

Since he has a quick way to take control over all the Chaos Mana, he of course also has a new strategy for quickly creating Chaos Orbs.

In the past, he was only creating Chaos Orbs one at a time, but this time he was creating 10 at a time. Though because of this, the Chaos Orbs wasn\'t piling in front of him anymore but was spread out all over the place. Because of that, he had summoned 5 Earth Elementals and order them to bring those Chaos Orbs to him.

After 30 minutes or so, all the Chaos Mana has now turned into Chaos Orbs and were now also inside his Storage Rings.

Overall, it only took him an hour or so to finish with everything.

In total, he had created 7,000 Chaos Orbs, 1,000 more than what he has gathered from Will City.

Adding every Chaos Orbs together, 5,000 pieces from Silver City, another 5,000 pieces from White River City, 6,000 pieces in Will City, and lastly, 7,000 pieces in Honoris City, minus 15 pieces that he had used the last time when he was fighting against the Golden Thunderstorm Python, he now has a total of 22,985 pieces of Chaos Orbs.

"Not bad for my first harvest," Leo can\'t help himself from feeling delighted.

That wasn\'t the only harvest he had earned before finally leaving the Silver Kingdom.

Aside from the 22,985 pieces of Chaos Orbs, he had also earned himself a total of 9,950 pieces of Yellow Skinned Anaconda\'s eggs, and amongst that were 450 pieces of Golden Thunderstorm Python\'s eggs. Lastly, he had gotten himself a 90-meter long body of a Golden Thunderstorm Python.

What he had earned in just one day or so was even more than what he had earned when he was still working full time as an assassin while at the same time also ruling the Heart City.

If he can go back to the past and tell his past self that he would be earning this much of profit one day, his past self would definitely not believe any of it. In fact, his past self would instead think that someone was trying to impersonate him and hence not hesitate to kill him.

"A life of a Mage is really much more profitable compared to an assassin. This might be one of the reasons why the Mages are the most powerful group of people amongst almost everyone in the entire Celestial World.." Leo can\'t help thinking inwardly.

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