
Chapter 181 - Summer Break

A week had passed since the promotion ceremony had taken place at Jefferson Middle School. 

Jason was currently hanging out in Kyle\'s room because both his mom and dad were currently at work.

"I don\'t get why this guy just doesn\'t start working out. He complains about being weak all the time but he doesn\'t even try to do anything to change that."

Kyle responded "Yeah, a bunch of people have the same complaints if you check any forum. They all talk about how wish washy the MC is."

Jason nodded his head after hearing Kyle say that. He then went back to reading the manga as he laid down on Kyle\'s bed.

After a few minutes Jason sighed as he closed the manga and put it down beside him. He then turned to Kyle who was sitting at his computer.

"Yo Kyle. Is it just me or is it crazy boring today?" Kyle turned his chair around as he then looked at Jason "Nah you\'re right. It\'s pretty boring today."

Jason then looks straight up at the ceiling "Udonis and Trell both left today right?" Kyle nodded his head as he answered.

"Yeah. Trell is just going to LA so he took the bus this morning. Udonis is going to Florida and I think his flight left at nine in the morning."

Jason added "I wish that they would have let us organize a goodbye party or something. It feels so weird to just have them leave like this."

Kyle nodded his head "Yeah it does feel weird. But the two of them said that they didn\'t want anything like that because they thought that it would just end up with someone shedding some tears."

Jason shrugged his shoulders as he sat up on the edge of the bed "I guess. They\'re the ones leaving so I guess it makes sense to do things how they like.

I\'m still kinda surprised that Udonis and Trell both left on the same day. And Trell\'s school didn\'t just pay for his bus ticket. They even got him a new cellphone."

Kyle nodded his head in agreement "Technically they didn\'t just buy him a new cellphone. They said that it was a loaner from the school.

Since the school has an open electronic policy on campus the cellphone counts as a school material. 

I guess that\'s how they avoid getting in trouble. Instead of it looking like a bribe it looks more like they\'re lending him a textbook."

Just as Kyle had finished talking Jason\'s phone had started to ring. He pulled out his phone and his expression changed into a slightly surprised one.

"Speak of the devil." Jason turned his phone around to show that the person calling him was Trell.

Jason answered the video call as Trell\'s face popped up on his screen "Ay Jaya what\'s up man."

Jason smiled as he answered "Not much. Shits been real boring ever since you and UD left. I\'m just chilling over here at Kyle\'s room."

Jason then turned his phone around and showed it to Kyle. Kyle smiled as he waved at Trell "Hey Trell! We\'re already missing your cranky face and your jacked muscles hahaha!"

Trell pulled the camera away from him so that he could show more than just his face as he flipped his middle finger up towards Kyle.

Trell rolled his eyes as he chuckled "Good to see that you didn\'t change too much in the hours I been gone Kyle."

Jason turned the phone back toward him as he asked "So how\'s LA Trell? You feel the Hollywood vibes yet?"

Trell laughed as he answered "Haha not yet bro, not yet. I know that it\'s just an hour difference but you can kinda feel the difference.

I still feel kinda out of place here bruh. Like Riverside and the IE are just different from LA man.

But check this out. I got off the bus like two hours ago and I had to go to some office and talk to some people but I finally got the keys to my room."

Trell flipped the camera as the image on Jason\'s screen changed from showing Trell\'s face to showing the room that he was in.

The room was pretty small as the dimensions looked to be 8 by 12 feet. The furnishing was also pretty bare as the room only contained a two level bunk bed, two desks,

But Jason knew from first hand experience that the dorm that Trell got was actually pretty decent.

"Looks nice Trell. You got a mini fridge somewhere in the room?" Trell walked over to the one of the closets and opened it up.

On the floor of the closet was a minifridge with a small freezer on the top "Yeah bro. One of the closets has a minifridge with a freezer while the other closet has a microwave.

But the lady told us that if we want to use the microwave then we have to take it out of the closet and put it on top of one of the desks.

And even though the minifridge and the microwave are in different closets they\'re both a shared thing.

So no one technically owns or got dibs on anything." Jason asked "So have you seen your roommate yet?"

Trell flipped the camera back to him "Yeah I seen the dude. You won\'t believe it tho. They actually paired me up with a white boy."

Jason looked at Trell questioningly "Why is that hard to believe? You didn\'t really seem to care all that much with Nick and Matt."

Tell shook his head "Nah bro. You don\'t get it. Matt and Nick are just dudes that are white. My roommate tho.

He a white boy for real. I\'m talkin bout this dude from Vermont bro. Like I ain\'t even met a dude from Vermont until today.

And judging by how this dude was looking around when he got off the bus I don\'t think he ever seen a black person in real life!"

Jason and Kyle both busted out laughing after they heard Trell say that. Kyle said "Bro tell me what that was so funny."

Jason said "Trell bout to be rooming with a Vermont boy. I never would have imagined it man. This shit sounds like it\'s going to be funny."

Trell shook his head "It sounds funny to you guys. I\'m actually having a hard time though. Like the dude dipped as soon as he saw me in here. He just left his bags in the closet before running out.

I was actually gonna try and get along with my roommate but it looks like it\'s about to be a whole lot harder than I thought."

Trell\'s phone beeped "Oh shit. I just got a text from the coaching staff. We gotta go report to the gym right now. Talk to you dudes some other time."

Kyle shouted out "See you later Trell." Jason put up a peace sign "Peace bro. Hopefully things work out with you and your roommate."

Trell hanged up the call. Jason and Kyle both looked at each other for a second before busting out in laughter again.

Kyle wiped a tear from the corner of his eye as he laughed "So what are the odds that Trell actually manages to get along with his roommate?"

Jason had to try and calm himself down as his shoulders were rapidly rising and falling from his laughter.

"I give Trell a 35% chance of actually being successful. Even though he did mellow out a lot after playing basketball Trell was still pretty intense.

And that\'s for us. We\'re kinda used to that kind of stuff because we\'re from Riverside. I don\'t know much about Vermont but I don\'t think that the guy will have an easy time getting used to Trell\'s personality."

As the two of them were laughing and enjoying the update that they got from Trell they heard the doorbell to the apartment ring.

Jason looked at Kyle "You expecting company bro?" Kyle shook his head in denial "Nah bro. My mom is at work and so is Tory\'s dad. And Tory is still in practice."

Jason pondered "That\'s weird. I wonder who it is then." The two of them got up as they made their way out of Kyle\'s room.

Kyle walked to the door and opened it "Who is it?" Standing outside the door was a young man with slicked back brown hair.

It was a regular day in California. Meaning that the temperature outside was currently 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius) 

And yet the man outside was dressed in a formal all black suit. He smiled at Kyle "Hello my name is Jamey Corter. Are you perhaps Kyle Robinson?"

Kyle nodded his head "Yeah I am. But my parents aren\'t home right now." Jamey smiled "That\'s alright. Hopefully I can catch them at a better time.

Anyway I actually came to drop something off." He then pulled a large envelope out of his black messenger bag.

The envelope seemed to be pretty full as he handed it to Kyle "I am a Nike rep and I was sent here to give this invite to you.

Now that the middle school nationals have concluded Nike is starting up their middle school premier training camp.

You don\'t have to say anything right away. Take a day to talk to your parents about it. The training camp will have professional grade trainers, nutritionists, shooting coaches, and high level competition.

Like I said don\'t worry about having to give an answer right away. The training camp starts in a week so feel free to really think about it. 

There are no fees or obligations. Nike just wants to provide an opportunity for young and talented players to maximize on their potential.

The duration of the camp will be two weeks. All expenses will be covered by Nike including the plane tickets, food, and accommodations."

Kyle took the envelope from Jamey "Thanks. I\'ll make sure to talk to my parents about it." Jamey smiled "Alright. You have a nice day now."

He was about to turn around and walk away when he saw Jason\'s figure standing in the back.

He pulled out his phone and looked at it for a second before looking back up at Jason "Excuse me. Sorry to bother you but are you perhaps Jason Yang?"

Jason walked forward as he nodded his head "Yeah that\'s me." Jamey smiled as he pulled out another envelope from his messenger bag and handed it to Jason.

"Wow. This is the first time that I\'ve made two deliveries with one stop. Makes my job a little easier haha.

Anyways this is for you Jason. It\'s the same offer that I gave to Kyle. Nike is inviting you to their middle school premier training camp."

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