
Chapter 190 - On Cloud 9

As they boarded the plane Kyle and 3D had a noticeably harder time compared to Jason, Danilo, and Alex.

Kyle was so fascinated with the experience of getting on a plane for the first time that he didn\'t notice that one of the overhead compartments was open.

He walked right into it smashing his face into the door of the compartment "Ouch!" Kyle began to rub his face.

Jason patted him on the back "You okay?" Kyle nodded his head "Yeah, it was just a small smack." Jason nodded his head.

"I know that this is all interesting to you but pay some more attention Kyle." Kyle nodded his head "I will. I guess I forgot how tall I was for a second.

I guess planes are made for normal sized people." Jason chuckled before pointing to somewhere behind them.

"If you think you have it rough just take a look behind us." Kyle followed Jason\'s finger and saw 3D as he was struggling to squeeze his wide frame through the narrow walk ways of the plane.

Kyle chuckled "I guess I shouldn\'t be complaining. It looks like this is going to be a long five hours for 3D."

Jason laughed " Yeah, things are going to be rough for him. But I feel even worse for whoever has to sit down next to him."

After a few minutes of slowly walking through the plane Jason and Kyle finally made it to the seats that they were assigned to on their tickets.

Jason tried to put his roll on luggage in the compartment above him but after a few failed attempts he just turned to Kyle.

"Hey Kyle. Think you could lend me a hand?" Kyle had been watching Jason with a mischievous smile on his face.

As soon as Jason turned toward him he got rid of his smile "Oh! Sure thing." Kyle picked up Jason\'s roll on luggage and his sports bag before putting them in the storage compartment.

He then did the same for his roll on luggage and his sports bag. The two of them then took their seats. There were three seats in their row.

Kyle sat on the outside seat that was next to the aisle while Jason sat in the middle. Just then a young girl that looked to be around the same age as them.

She had vibrant sun kissed bronze skin and a head of long curly brown hair. She looked to be around 5\'3 (1.6m)

She smiled at Kyle "Hi. Sorry to ask but could you help me with my bag?" Kyle looked at her for a second before stammering.

"Uh-yeah sure. H-here I got it." He stood up from his seat and helped the girl put her bag into the storage compartment.

After Kyle finished putting the girls bag in the storage compartment he closed it. She then smiled as she stuck her hand out in front.

"Thanks. My name is Elizabeth but all of my friends call me Liz." Kyle reached out to shake her hand but stopped midway.

He then wiped his hand on the sides of his pants before actually shaking her hand "My name is Kyle and this is Jason." 

She looked over at Jason with a smile "Nice to meet you Jason." Jason gave a nod with his emotionless face before putting up a peace sign.

She pulled out her ticket and looked at it before looking at the numbers of the seats "Looks like I\'m here."

She then made her way past Jason as she sat down next to the window. It was only there for a split moment but Jason noticed the disappointed look that flashed on Kyle\'s face.

Before Kyle could sit back down in his chair Jason said "Wait. You mind switching Kyle? I get kinda claustrophobic so being in the middle isn\'t so great for me."

Kyle looked at Jason with a confused look "Really? You\'ve never-" Before he could finish what he was going to say Jason had jumped to his feet and pulled Kyle toward him.

"Hahaha thanks Kyle. I owe you one." He then leaned in and whispered "You dumbass! I\'m trying to help you out here."

It was like a light bulb had come to life as Kyle had a look of revelation on his face. He smiled brightly at Jason "Hehehe yeah sure, no problem bro."

The two of them then switched their seats as Kyle moved to the middle and Jason moved to the chair that was close to the aisle.

After getting resituated Kyle looked over at Elizabeth with a silly smile on his face "So uh- yeah... This your first time going to New York?"

Elizabeth laughed as she answered "Actually no. My parents are divorced. I live in California with my mom and my dad lives in New York.

I visit him whenever I can so I\'ve flown over a ton of times. How about you guys?" Kyle coughed to clear his throat.

"Oh us? No this isn\'t our first time. We travel all the -" He was interrupted by the sound of Jason coughing.

He looked over to the side and saw Jason as he gave him a look. Kyle gulped and turned back to Elizabeth.

"Actually yeah. This is our first time on a plane. My friend and I are going to New York because we got a invite from Nike for one of their training camps."

Elizabeth leaned forward into her chair as she looked at Jason and Kyle with an excited look on her face.

"Oh wow really!? That is so cool! What sport do you guys play?" Kyle was smiling ear to ear as he said "Take a guess."

Elizabeth paused for a second to think. She looked at Kyle and then at Jason "Do you guys play baseball?"

Kyle laughed before answering "Nope. We both play basketball." After that they began to talk and chat.

Their conversation lasted all the way past the part where the airline attendants gave their safety talk.

- - -

Five hours later Jason and Kyle made their way off of the plane. They were finally here. They had made it to the JFK airport in Queens New York.

Elizabeth waved goodbye to Kyle "Bye Kyle. It was fun meeting you and Jason. You have my @ so don\'t forget to stay in touch."

Kyle waved goodbye "I\'ll send you a pic of the hotel room after we get there. Hope you have a good time with your dad."

As Kyle walked next to him Jason couldn\'t resist nudging him in the side with his elbow. Jason raised the pitch of his voice as he attempted to copy Elizabeth\'s voice.

" You have my @ so don\'t forget to stay in touch Kyle. I would be heart broken if the love of my life that I just met today forgot about me."

Kyle laughed before playfully shoving Jason to the side "It\'s not even like that bro. She\'s just really nice okay? 

She has a nice voice, she\'s understanding, pretty, has soft hair, and she\'s easy to talk to." Jason rolled his eyes.

"Sure Kyle. You\'\'re totally not head over heels for this chick. I mean, it\'s not like you guys spent five whole hours talking nonstop."

Kyle scratched the back of his head in embarrassment as he looked down "I guess we did do a lot of talking on the plane."

Jason and Kyle walked over to the spot where they were told to wait "A lot is an understatement. You guys were talking nonstop Kyle.

But hey, you do you. There\'s nothing wrong with liking a girl. Just do whatever makes you happy." Kyle looked at Jason with a questioning look on his face.

"How did you know that I was crushing on her?" Jason smiled as he waved his finger "That was easy. You had that same silly smile that my dad has whenever he looks at my mom."

Kyle nodded his head "I see. So why did you stop me from lying to her? Wouldn\'t she have been more impressed if I told her that we fly all the time?"

Jason once again wagged his finger in front of Kyle "You have much to learn young grasshopper. According to my mom and all the K-dramas that she watches girls hate guys that lie.

You might have impressed her for a while if you told her that you fly all the time and if you came up with a story.

But you are a terrible liar Kyle and she would have found out as soon as you asked if there was a restroom on the plane. Then she would just be pissed at you."

Kyle looked over at Jason "Hey! I can\'t help it. I was just asking to make sure that there was a toilet nearby. That was my first time on a plane."

Jason took a look around them "I wasn\'t saying anything bad about you. I was just telling you why I did what I did.

Now help me look around. Have you seen the Silva twins or 3D? They were only a few rows down behind us. They should be here by now."

Kyle shook his head "I haven\'t seen them. But I think I remember seeing Danilo and Alex sit down in a row behind 3D."

Jason sighed "I guess that\'s why they aren\'t here yet. It might take 3D an extra thirty minutes just to get off the plane."

After a few moments of them standing around in silence Kyle spoke "I don\'t get it Jaya. You seem to be pretty sharp when it comes to girls. So why are you so slow?"

Jason looked at Kyle as though he were looking at a crazy person "What do you mean slow? After years of hanging out with my mom and Tory there isn\'t anything about girls that I don\'t understand...

Actually scratch that. I know the hows but I don\'t know the whys." Kyle laughed "I would just say that you don\'t know a lot."

After about five minutes Jason and Kyle found a man dressed in a black suit. The man was holding up a white piece of paper with Jason, Kyle, 3D, and the Silva twins\' names written on it.

Jason and Kyle walked up to him and told him that they were still waiting for the others. After about ten more minutes of waiting Danilo, Alex, and 3D finally showed up.

The man politely greeted them before leading them to the van that they would be taking. The man helped them load their things into the trunk before opening the door for them to get in.

As Jason sat there in the van he couldn\'t help but sigh as he stared out the window \'We\'re finally here. This is going to be a training camp filled with the best young talent that the country has to offer.

I\'m already feeling hyped just thinking about it. I hope you\'re ready Nike cause I\'m about to tear this training camp up.\'

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