
Chapter 147 - [Episode 75] Ink-Black Dragon Great Victory 2

Chapter 147 [Episode 75] Ink-Black Dragon Great Victory 2

The Black Market’s Sky-grade ship, which was named ‘the Darkness’, had on board the elite users of Black Market.   They of course, expected the One Guild’s ace to attempt a boarding so they had all gathered on the deck to give him a “warm reception”.

In this situation, suddenly, a magic cannonball exploded in the bow, and the explosion threw into chaos their preparations.

Sang Hyuk aimed for that gap in their awareness.

Phaaaat! Thathak!

The elites of Black Market who panicked, allowed Sang Hyuk’s solo crossing to be uncontested.

“That brat has come over!”

“The bow! He’s at the bow!”

“Tankers forward! Ranged Dealers maximum firepower!”

Black Market’s elites were dealing with Sang Hyuk as if this was a raid. Their response was excellent.

The large scale guilds and coalitions found their numbers were futile against Sang Hyuk because they had thought Sang Hyuk was the same type of user as themselves.

The Black Market’s response was the most accurate way to attack Sang Hyuk. Sang Hyuk was not a user but a raid boss monster. Moreover, he was the type of a powerful raid boss monster that was very hard to catch and it was right to fight Sang Hyuk as if it was a raid.

Chok chok chok chok!

Equipped with their characteristic large shields, the tankers quickly took their designated spots at the front ranks. Then the supporting dealers, buffers, and healers took their place at the back.

Sang Hyuk smiled as he watched them.

‘This is like waking up a boss monster from a sound sleep.  Like kicking a sleeping dragon on the butt….’

Unfortunately stealth tactics were out because the battle was taking place when the other party was aware of Sang Hyuk and his intentions.

The original plan was to finish the nearest ship quietly, when his enemies were distracted and after that he was going to try a concealed assault. Using concealment, then he could become a reaper in the shadows and would be able to easily wipe out his enemies.

`No matter how you look at it…. I can’t help it.’

If the concealment doesn’t work, there is only one thing left.


Sang Hyuk gripped the two blood wires from both of his hands, and looked at the elites of the Black Market, who had a solid formation.

‘Unexpectedly, you have prepared a lot.’

The formation was much more solid than he thought. Originally, he would use hit-and-run tactics in this sort of situation to throw his enemies into chaos and engage in a slashing dog-fight, but with his foes dug in like this, this would lead to defeat.

Sang Hyuk did not rush. The guys in front of him were a single force, so it was very unlikely that the support troops would come here from the other Sky-grade Ships.

‘I will attack at the weakest place.’

Sang Hyuk had to lead the battle into a chaotic slaughter. In order to do so, the tanker formation had to be destroyed.

If the battle order of the tankers remain intact, no matter how he breaks the other ranks, the line of battle can be reformed again in an instant, so the battle that Sang Hyuk desired would never occur.

So, battle formation of the tankers had to be destroyed.

“Don’t think of your opponent as a user, but as a powerful boss monster!”

“Tankers don’t hesitate to use your survival skills, and the healers be vigilant, heal anyone who needs it.”

This was really a raid.

Not only that, it was a raid with as many as 100 elite users….. If that’s the case, even a boss monster would be sorted out in an instant.

“Start again…”

Chwarururururuk, chwarururururuk!

Sang Hyuk murmured briefly and straight flew the bloodwire in different directions.

Frontal confrontation with power versus power, it would not be an easy fight, but Sang Hyuk never thought he would be defeated, not even for a single second.

* * * *

[Why do you think we can’t get in touch with them?]

[Have you checked them offline?]

[Why did suddenly they shut down their communications?]

[A little while ago, Red Blood’s Sky-grade ship exploded, and the Darkness next to it was greatly shaken…. Is that the aftermath?]

Ten minutes after the head of the Black Market, Hazad, disconnected, all the other Representatives of Reverse One were irritated.

[Huu, there is nothing else we can do. We are going to board the ‘Darkness’.]

Dark Dragon, who silently fumed, eventually made a decision.

[Intruding is a bit…..]

[How about we wait for a bit longer? Even if they had an accident, they’ll eventually get in touch offline.]

[Each Sky-grade ship is the unique property of each member of the coalition, so I don’t think it’s a good idea to invade it.]

As expected, most of the representatives responded negatively.

They never crossed a certain line, no matter how serious the situation was.

This was the limit of Reverse One.

[No matter what you say, I’m going onboard. Otherwise the One Guild will defeat us once again. Now is not the time to be hesitant.]

DD stubbornly adhered to his position.

The other delegates couldn’t stop DD when he was like this.

[In this occasion, all of us are just going to invade Darkness and take it over. Rather, this is an opportunity! We’ll have him cornered, stuck inside a narrow Sky-grade Ship!]

DD thought that Dark Dragon’s assault force alone could not catch the Immortal.

Unfortunately, that was the reality. So he attempted to persuade the last four remaining coalition delegations.

Would DD’s heartfelt pleas work on them?

The representatives of the four coalitions, who continued to make negative comments, stopped and began to think.

[We will board as soon as we are ready in the next 5 minutes. If you want to join us, make a quick decision and shoot a boarding harpoon to the Darkness. For your reference, this is the real last chance. If we miss this, we will be crushed again and we’ll have to go through hell again to get rid of him.]

DD’s ultimatum.

This powerful warning eventually moved them.

[Sigh…. There is no other choice. We are also on board.]

[I agree we need to combine our power. Okay. We are also on board.]

When two of the four moved, the remaining two had no choice other than to move with the majority.

[If it is the case, we will follow.]

[We are also on it.]

Thanks to DD’s effort, all the five coalition’s forces were unified into one.

‘This is it! No matter how great Immortal is, he can’t stand the attacks of more than 500 elite users inside a cramped Sky-grade ship.’

DD was convinced that as long as the five coalitions joined forces, they would eventually be the ones who would smile at the end.

[Then let’s get started now.]

To get in, they had to connect to the Darkness with boarding harpoons.

They didn’t know exactly how things in the Darkness was going, so it was good to get on board as soon as possible.

Red Blood’s Sky-grade Ship, the Red Star One, has sank into the Sky-sea with an explosion. By their very nature, Sky-grade ships could not be completely destroyed, but it will not be able to escape from the spirit virtual space for at least eight months due to its durability reaching negative values.

They did not know how Immortal sank the Red Star One, but one thing is certain that boarding the Darkness was also dangerous.

That’s why DD was even more in a rush.

Hwiriririririi, clank!

Finally, the harpoon between Dark Dragon and Darkness was connected.

“Main tankers take the lead!”

Dark Dragon’s main tankers stepped forward with a variety of defensive buffs in case of an unexpected surprise.

As the Dark Dragon’s elites sped across to Darkness, the remaining four alliances began to connect their harpoon and began their assault.

The elite users of Reverse One are pouring in from all sides. They were really going to grab the biggest fish of the One Guild in this battle, smash his Sky-grade ship and cast down the soaring legend of the Immortal to the cold, hard ground.

Dark Dragon’s DD.

The Pentagon’s Kronos.

Shiva’s Trimurti.

Nobunaga’s The Emperor.

Reckless’ European Union

The best elite players from the five giant alliances simultaneously boarded the Darkness, their armor emblazoned with the insignia of their guilds.

This much power was much greater than when Sang Hyuk had faced Line Dark alone in the past.

In addition, the battlefield was limited to a very narrow Sky-grade Ship, so it was definitely the exact situation which DD wanted.

“Keep the battle formation! Be vigilant and those who can use detection techniques keep using them and beware of the enemy who uses concealment!”

Was it because he had been crushed once? DD certainly knew the tricks to deal with the Immortal.

He emphasized three things to keep in mind when dealing with the Immortal to his teammates in Reverse One.

First, never, ever relax.  It is when you’re sure you’ve won that the Immortal springs his traps.

Second, think your opponent as a powerful named monster not as user.

Third, use the concealment detection skill constantly and never allow him to enter concealment.

DD thought it would not be that difficult to catch Immortal if only these three were followed.

“Let the Magic Armor be ready to wear anytime! When the battle begins and Immortal appears, all of you must wear your magic armor!”

All the elite players here had at least first grade Magic Armor.

Some of the users had 0.5 grade Magic Armor, but not many.

DD was convinced that with the launch of Magic Armor, and the aura crystal, made the difference between them and with the Immortal smaller than before.

No matter how powerful the Immortal’s Magic Armor was, there was a big difference between being the only person receiving the amplification effect of magic armor and having the best magic armor among hundreds of people.

‘All the preparations are perfect! Immortal…. you are done now!’

Chokchokchokchok! Khungkhungkhungkhung!

More than 500 elite users of Reverse One are divided into five groups, each assembled into the  familiar battle formation. Tankers, dealers, and healers assembled correctly and the five groups were near enough to be able to help each other so when the Immortal appeared, they would be ready.

[By the way, was the Black Market wiped out?]

[I don’t think they have been annihilated yet. I’ve just been contacted offline, Hazad was beaten, but Ilmaz is said to have survived.]

[Glad to hear that.]

Ilmaz thought that if he had died and all the users of Black Market were wiped out, Black Market would lose control of the Darkness and it would float around and eventually sink. So he fled from Sang Hyuk and somehow survived.

[Ilmaz is alive, which means that brat is still on this ship. Now it’s time for us to start hunting.]

DD rushed to get on board, but he knew he shouldn’t be hasty when hunting the Immortal.

The best way to do this was to use this large number of people to calmly drive Immortal into a corner.

‘If his concealment skills are blocked, then he wouldn’t be able to run away.’

After being brutally beaten by Sang Hyuk, DD seemed to have done a lot of thinking. In that long agonizing time, he discovered what he thought were some of the Immortal’s weaknesses… DD wanted to use these to entrap the Immortal.

But right at that moment……

Suddenly, an unthinkable presence appeared in the middle of the deck.

The Knight of Glory Tamia!

As soon as she appeared holding a large glittering shield, DD and other elite players from Reverse One were startled and prepared themselves to attack.

But Tamia wasn’t alone on the deck.

On the bow with Tamia, appeared the Warrior of Glory Crepo!

Next to the mast, was the figure of the Magician of Glory, Egray!

At last, on the quarter deck, the Priest of Glory Pokin materialized…. When the four Stars of Glory appeared at the same time, the direction of the battle was rapidly turning in a completely different direction than from what Reverse had expected…

Chapter 147 [Episode 75] Ink-Black Dragon Great Victory 2 – End

Edited by Userunfriendly

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