
Chapter 312

Chapter 312: Catching

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

Being an aggressive fighter, Gu Yue took the initiative to attack Yan Zheke because he thought she was a tender and pretty girl that he could completely suppress with his strength.

He exerted force into his legs and ran toward her as fast as an arrow. In an instant, he crossed his left hand and twisted his back, hurling a right hook at her.


His fierce attack cracked in the wind. In his mind, it sounded like the roar of the king of the beasts. This was Black Tiger Digs Heart!

Facing such a ferocious attack, Yan Zheke neither dodged nor avoided him, despite her weak and powerless appearance. She stamped on the ground and allowed the force to travel from ankle to knee, into the spine, and finally into her arm.

She raised her left arm to block Gu Yue’s sound attack, while simultaneously punching with her right fist. They traded hard blows and fought strength with strength.

Her response was somewhat beyond his expectations, but he was still confident enough not to amend his strategy.


A dull sound echoed. Yan Zheke was trembling and her shoulder was forced backward, as if she was unable to withstand her opponent’s force. Though her movements were agile by the rules, her face was flushed and her center of gravity unstable.

He harrumphed; annoyed she dared to compete with him when it came to brute strength! Seeing an opportunity, Gu Yue stretched his body and transformed into the Herculean Spirit. He took large steps, gripping his right fist like it was a giant hammer, and fiercely smashed onto Yan Zheke’s head without any show of mercy.

Watching such a scene, everyone in the audience all gasped. Their hearts raced as they held onto their breaths.

How could a young girl of Amateur Second Pin trade blow with a strong man of Professional Ninth Pin?

Just then, Yan Zheke stopped abruptly without any previous indications. Though she was still trembling, her temples were bulging in an odd manner.

Crouching with her legs pinned together, she was like a swaying wooden human ornament. Her right hand was made into a fist, seemingly to block her opponent’s attack.

Bang! The sound of their collision rang in the air, as web-like cracks appeared by their feet. Gu Yue was surprised to find Yan Zheke’s fist was only slightly less powerful than his own. Coupled with her defensive stance, she had actually become his match!

How could this be? Deeply shocked, he watched as the girl extended her left foot, borrowing power to land a kick.

Snap! She stretched the muscles on her straight and slender leg tight and lean, yielding it like a hair-raising whip that landed on Gu Yue’s knee. His pupils contracted as small as needlepoints.

There was no ceasing of the Brutal Blizzard!

This scene stunned Yan Zheke’s classmates who sat in the audience and they wore similar astonished expressions. They never expected such a gentle girl to not only rival the large, muscular man, but also take the initiative to retaliate.

The reason Yan Zheke accepted Gu Yue’s sound attack head-on was because she wanted to determine the level of her power. Of course, she only made this decision because she was sufficiently confident in herself. Earlier, Lou Cheng had assured her that her physical state was close to the Ninth Pin.

After the first blow, she was finally sure of her state. Her power was inferior to Gu Yue’s, but not so weak that it was an unbridgeable gap. By moving a step back to unload her power, she was able to steadily block his attacks. She only moved backward because she was using the skill she had advanced by Leaps and Bounds, the Yin-yang Twist. This tactic borrowed her opponent’s power to bridge their gap. Using this, she managed to gain the upper hand and attack with the 24 Blizzard Strikes.

With the start of her blizzard strike, her attacks would only be stronger and fiercer!

Gu Yue had no time to think. Confronted with her kick that constantly whipped the air, he tightened the muscles in his thighs. He twisted his waist and returned with a kick of his own out of defense.

Boom! The moment their legs touched, they were bounced in opposite directions. Yan Zheke touched the ground quickly with her tiptoe. She leaned forward and pulled her right arm like a bow as she visualized gale and snowstorm in her mind.

Pop! She punched violently, swinging her fist like a drill.

Gu Yue had once suffered 24 Blizzard Strikes thanks to Lin Que, so he had a deep impression of it. He understood he could not allow his opponent to accumulate momentum to attack. He had to interrupt her, or else he would be in a very dangerous position.

The muscles in his arm bulged and his back swung as he punched with a fist as violent as a whip. He withdrew his fist the moment he blocked her so he would not lend too much power to her.

Pop! Gu Yue quickly retrieved his arms after he hit Yan Zheke’s right fist with his Single Kick and tried to change a position to interrupt her rhythm of Brutal Blizzard.

However, Yan Zheke once again began to tremble and she swung her right hand backward to prepare for another attack with her left hand.

Pop! She yielded her left arm violently, like a gun shooting at Gu Yue’s throat. She also continued to use Brutal Blizzard, which had become more and more powerful, not giving her opponent any chance to escape.

This was the combination of Yin-yang Twist and 24 Blizzard Strikes!

How could this be real?

Gu Yue wondered how she managed to borrow enough power to launch this attack.

He found this horrifying and dared not to look down upon the girl who looked very tender and pretty. He collected his power and exerted force in his shoulder to punch with his left hand.

He cannot let this continue, or she will suppress him regarding both power and momentum after two or three attacks. In the end, all his resistance would be eliminated in the “snowstorm” she made!

He needed to fight back with his killing shot!

He was defeated by Lin Que last year, so he knew how ferocious 24 Blizzard Strikes was. Having thought for long about a way to counter such attack, he found he could use a temporary eruption method and secret mind disciplines like Thunder Break to interrupt her. In addition, there was another method, called Catching!

That method was holding down his opponent’s arms and interrupting her convergence!

Gu Yue did not have Thunder Break, secret mind discipline, or martial arts with temporary eruptions like Blast Punch or Bear-shaped Movement. So he chose to use Catching to get himself out of his current difficulty. He has worked hard on this method after his match with Lin Que.

It was now the time to use it!

He hit out his left elbow violently and blocked Yan Zheke’s attack with his fist.

Crack. Exerted the abrupt explosive force into his five fingers, he instantly grasped Yan Zheke’s forearms.

So what if she has now achieved a mature level of meditation? He too has mastered the concealment of spirit and qi, so his Listening Skill was just as good!

“She’s done for!” Cries of concern came from the audience in the stand. Lou Cheng had his arms crossed, having stood up without even being aware of it.

A little happy, Gu Yue was just about to shake all the joints in his body and use great power to defeat his opponent. But just then, Yan Zheke took a deep breath and bulged her temples, tautly pulling the muscles in her left arm inwards.

Gu Yue’s five fingers lost their target due to the tightening of her muscles and slid to the other side, giving Yan Zheke an opportunity to escape his hold. In the end, she even caught his wrist!

Yan Zheke has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!

As a girl who liked making plans, she definitely has made good preparations when confronting with Gu Yue!

She clearly knew it was impossible to defeat Gu Yue with the combination of Yin-yang Twist and 24 Blizzard Strikes in this round with her present stamina. Even Lin Que in this martial arts level last year could only finish one round of 24 Blizzard Strikes without the Yin-yang Twist. If she kept attacking him with this martial art, she would deplete her stamina before he would.

So she decided to scare Gu Yue with the combined attacks first. Taking advantage of the fact that Gu Yue’s ignorance of her abilities and his anxiety to rid of this difficult position, she then induced him to use Grasping Hand that he was good at.

And when it came to such this catching method, Yan Zheke’s family has a unique method to deal with it. Lin Que has also used this method against Lou Cheng in the past!

In a split second, their roles changed. The audience was stunned to watch this change and they stopped cheering.

Gu Yue was frightened when he found that Yan Zheke had held onto his arms, so he tried to tighten his arm and shake her away.

“Hearing” his intention, Yan Zheke shifted her left hand back and forth like she was doing Tai Chi to offset his struggle.

She lifted her waist and kicked her right leg violently, forcing Gu Yue to counterattack with his leg.

Bang. Both of them withdrew their legs. After Yan Zheke borrowed force from the kick, she trembled and activated many joints. She exerted force into her five fingers to tear Gu Yue’s arm ferociously like a tiger tearing its prey apart.

“Ah!” Gu Yue screamed as the muscle in his arms distorted and his tendons were all fractured from one another.

As he was screaming, Yan Zheke withdrew her arm and changed her posture. She visualized a scene about the collapsing of snow in her mind and fiercely bumped into Gu Yue.

The mighty Mega Avalanche!

Bang! The referee intercepted her deadly hit. The muscles in Gu Yue’s face twitched and he was in so much pain that he was flushed with shame.

“Round one, Yan Zheke wins!” The referee raised his right hand.

Lost... He lost... He actually lost to a woman who was obviously weaker than him... Gu Yue forgot his pain and stood there, still in bewilderment.

Was this the end of his four-year martial arts career in university?

Bursting with joy, Yan Zheke turned around and waved her fist at the stand where the host team sat.

She won, she really won! She had defeated a Professional Ninth Pin fighter!

Lou Cheng smiled and waved his fist in response, afflicted with some inexplicable feelings.

Ever since they started dating, he had gradually taken in charge of their exercise and practice. In other words, he was the one who instructed her to make progress step by step. It was such an unbelievable satisfaction to see her use a power close to the level of Professional Ninth Pin and defeat an unimaginably strong opponent.

Unconsciously, Ke had also become powerful...

“What are you thinking about?” Cai Zongming stood behind him and asked curiously.

“How can I put it?” Lou Cheng made an analogy. “Watching Ke defeat Gu Yue is like watching my daughter grow up day by day, and who has unknowingly become an adult. Do you understand this feeling?”

Cai Zongming thought for a moment and glanced at him. At last, he said contemptuously,


“F*ck, dirty people have dirty thoughts!” Lou Cheng also thought his friend’s answer was hilarious.

Just then, Ji Lan followed the referee’s gesture and quickly entered the arena under the audience’s cheering for Yan Zheke.

Lou Cheng took a step backward to stand by Lin Que’s side and smiled gently.

“See? I may not even have the opportunity to fight this time. Maybe Ke and senior brother Li Mao can defeat all our enemies. There’s really no need to mind opponents at this level.”

Instead of preaching lofty principles, he only told the truth to comfort his Brother-in-law because he thought his Brother-in-law was the kind of stubborn guy who would never obey the principles even when he knew they were right.

Lin Que nodded slightly and felt a little relieved.

“I thought you’d say something to me... ” Lou Cheng casually added, too happy over Yan Zheke’s victory that he was not truly thinking.

Lin Que gave Lou Cheng a fleeting glance and answered with emotion.

“I don’t like cross talk.”

“What?” Lou Cheng wore a dumb look on his face.

Cai Zongming next to him mused and said,

“I think he’s mocking us both... ”

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