
Chapter 145 - Star - Surprise




I still didn\'t truly understand what was going on. I was missing something that they clearly understood.

"What is going on? What are you all talking about? What would make my scent change?"

While I asked them these questions they just continued to stare at me. Trinity and Reece just looked happy but Artem looked like he was about to explode. There was so much joy and excitement coming from him that it was like he was going to start bouncing off the walls at any moment now.

I was still confused when the rest of the room seemed to catch onto what was happening. The party that was happening around us was slowly starting to go quiet. I could feel the eyes of all the people surrounding us. There were nearly three dozen pairs of eyes on me and they all seemed to understand something that I didn\'t. Well, I think the only ones who were still just as confused as I was were the children.

"Oh my Goddess, congrats." Ella ran up to me and hugged me tight. "This is so exciting."

"I can\'t believe it." Bailey looked close to tears but he hugged me as well.

"This is sudden." Reed squeezed me before he turned to hug Artem as well.

Those were just the beginning of the words that I had gotten from the others. It was so much so soon that I was scared now. I didn\'t know what they were congratulating me about.

When the last person, Grandpa, had finished hugging me and Artem the room went quiet again. I was just looking around the room at all of them while they watched me with smiles on their faces.

I pulled on Artem\'s sleeve, rose up onto my tiptoes, and leaned toward his ear so that I could whisper directly to him.

"Artem, I am still confused. What is going on here? Why are they congratulating us?"

Artem turned to look at me with a big grin on his face. Without saying a word he scooped me up into his arms and spun me in a circle while hugging me tightly against his chest.

"I love you so much Star. I hope you know how much I love you." He was still acting so weird.

"Artem? What is all of this? Trinity, can you explain this all to me?" I turned to look at my new friend and saw that she was trying not to laugh.

"All men are the same aren\'t they. They find out that their mate is pregnant and go stupid." Her words made no sense to me.

"Hey, I\'m not stupid." Reece countered pathetically.

"Who\'s pregnant? I mean I know that three of you are but we already knew that." I guess what she was trying to say just went right over my head.

"You are." Trinity laughed. "Star, you\'re pregnant. I am assuming it happened sometime this morning."

Listening to what she just said made me remember and think about what had happened when we woke up this morning. I had teased Artem until we ended up having sex in the shower. I couldn\'t believe that Trinity knew I had sex today.

"Wait, would we be able to tell if we just, you know, this morning." I was mortified but still asked the question.

"Yes, a shifter can smell it on his mate in as little as a couple hours after conception." Reece sounded like he was giving a scholastic type of answer. It was official and full of knowledge. But that didn\'t make it any easier for me to accept it. This was beyond crazy.

The room was spinning. My ears were ringing. My heart was racing. The world was shaking. Nothing felt like it was running right anymore.

I can\'t be pregnant. I don\'t know how to be a mom. I barely know how to be a person. How can I be expected to take care of someone else when I can barely take care of myself?

I mean, I wanted to be a mom, someday in the future. I wanted to have a family with Artem and to get married. I had thought that we would start out by adopting the boys who were living in the pack house with us. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be having a baby just after I turned eighteen.

Still, I wasn\'t that upset by it. I was more scared than anything else really. I was even a little bit happy to hear the news. I mean, it was a baby. It was going to be someone that was my own flesh and blood. It was going to be the start of my own family. That was a wonderful thought though, wasn\'t it?

Following my nearly heart stopping revelation the party got back into full swing, or that was how Uncle Griffin described it. Everyone was celebrating more, cheering more, laughing more. It was just a more lively party altogether. And I think it was because everyone was excited by the news.

I talked with Juniper, Trinity, and Acacia for a while after I found out that I was pregnant. They had all found out about their babies at varying times. Acacia first and she was having triplets, three at once would definitely be hard. Trinity was the next to find out followed by Juniper a couple weeks later. They were both having twins. 

Juniper was newly pregnant though. She was less than a month into it. Trinity was just over a month along. And Acacia was closer to two months. They couldn\'t tell me about the end of how a pregnancy would go but they could tell me how the beginning of theirs had been so far.

While I was thinking about all of this, about the baby and family it made me think about how I knew nothing about my father and very little about my mother. I could never meet my mother but I could meet my father.

I went to Acacia to talk to her privately for a few moments.

"What\'s wrong?" She asked me as soon as we were out of earshot of everyone else.

"Acacia, will you take me to meet my father?" I knew this was probably something that was going to surprise her.

"Yeah, no problem." Huh? That was not what I expected. OK, maybe I am the one who will be surprised here.

"You don\'t mind? Really?" I didn\'t want to misunderstand her answer at all.

"Of course I wouldn\'t mind. I have been telling you that you should visit the Fae compound, specifically the Fae Queen. You will need to introduce yourself to her anyway. While we are there we can look for your father. I will definitely do what I can to help you Star, we\'re family after all."

I smiled when I heard that. I had almost forgotten that Acacia was my father\'s cousin. Having someone here to help me search for him would make things easier of course, but having that person be Acacia was an added bonus. I was glad that we could spend some more time together soon.

We saw Trinity and the others off shortly after that. They had their large black SUVs that they drove here in but for some reason they asked if Toby and Morgan could drive them to the airport.

When the guys returned they still had those big SUVs. Apparently Reece had gifted them to us since there were so many people at our place. He said we needed something that could carry a larger group of people, even if it didn\'t transport us all. 

They had only been here for a few days but it was a great visit. While they were here we had saved all of the children that were in comas. Reconnected Nico and all the other boys to their wolves so that they could shift into their wolves, even though most of them were not yet old enough to shift.

We had also gotten control of the pack back. The people who were opposing Artem had stopped speaking against him when it became clear that Trinity and Reece truly were the Luna Queen and Alpha King. With the backing of the King and Queen they would be stupid to no support Artem.

Nico and Kent\'s mother had been banished and their father had been executed. Thankfully I didn\'t have to see any part of it this time. It had definitely been a busy few days. I don\'t think I had experienced so much in such a short period of time before. Well, aside from the night that I was kidnapped by Uncle Howard.

That time had been horrible and I never wanted to think about it. This time, this visit from our new friends, it had been a pleasant experience. I would definitely want to remember these last few days. Perhaps if I paid attention to the lessons I learned here I could be a better Luna.

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