
Chapter 136 - Preparation for expedition to Greenland

Genaro knew that he had an empire mission, accepted the letter and said goodbye to the Praetorian, once he closed the door of his house he went to the table to read the letter that was sealed with the symbol of the imperial family.

He opens the letter very carefully, occupying a small knife that had the table and prepared to read the paper it contained, in the letter that mentioned that his services were required to make an expedition to the north.

This expedition would aim to discover it will be viable to reach Greenland or if the sea was frozen and avoided being able to create a colony on that large island.

For the mission, he could choose the sailors he wanted and after fulfilling his mission he will be rewarded with the rank of admiral and will obtain land in the new province.

Genaro squeezed the letter in his hands and sighed for the luck of having been chosen by the emperor to be able to fulfill the exploration mission.

Lately, his house is already small because he has 5 children to get the land in the new province would be beneficial for him since it would be a perfect inheritance for his children, not to mention that the rank of admiral is one of the best prizes that ask grant.

Genaro got up from the table and quickly went to her room to prepare her suitcase and all the items she was going to take for this exploration, her husband woke up from the noise he was making while he was tidying up his things.

"You have work, honey, you need me to help you with something"

Genaro smiled and continued preparing his things "Don’t worry my beloved wife, you stay in bed because in a few hours the little children will wake up and need their mother.

I will leave in command of an expedition to the north, I estimate that it will take us to return in approximately 4 months, do not worry about the money you know you can collect my salary at the legion offices.

Take care of the children and tell them that when they return they will bring some gifts from the province of Insulae Canibalium, so they have a honey cake specialty, I’m sure they will love the children. "

After this Genaro said goodbye to his wife with a kiss and loaded his things to get on his horse to get to the city of Origin Civitatem since he has to go to recruit his boys.

The road to the city was quite comfortable since the road was built with asphalt which was maintained every week, on the road he could see a lot of merchants and merchandise coming from all over the empire.

The safety of the roads will be something very serious that was taken into account that is why every few meters there were small garrisons of soldiers guarding the road.

Before arriving in the city of Origin Civitatem, Genaro decided to see if he could find his two friends in the town of Magnare which was only 7 kilometers from Origin Civitatem.

The town of Magnare was very cheerful and active since there were a lot of caravans that passed every day and traded before reaching the capital of the Empire.

Genaro toured the town until he reached the center of the town, where his two friends and companions could be found, which he wishes were on the expedition.

The center of the town had a beautiful park that in front of it had a temple that was under construction, within the grounds of the temple was Lucas and Tizoc taking care of the workers while they were doing their jobs.

Lucas looked at Tizoc "You don’t feel it is boring to be taking care of the construction of the temple, I miss being in the line of deep defense.

At least there are things that one can see are interesting here the only thing that can be seen is a worker and architects taking care of the construction. "

Tizoc looked at Lucas and smiled "We are here why a certain person was injured by a suicidal child, but don’t complain at least the priestess is a beautiful woman, which is always a pleasure to see."

While the two spoke the foreman of the play found them chatting very comfortably "If I depended on me I would send them to reform by talking during work hours, but it seems they have friendships with a lot of influence.

Take your stuff and get ready to leave early today, Captain Genaro of the navy is looking for you. "

Lucas and Tizoc were happy to hear that name since he was the greatest Navigator that the imperial navy had, so much was his fame that it was he who commanded the ship in which the emperor was traveling when they sailed from Lusitania to this wild continent.

Genaro waited at the door for his two friends, he met them during the defense against the cursed jungle, fought hand in hand with them while they killed giants and the amorphous beasts that the damn jungle threw at them.

Tizoc and Lucas looked at their friend Genaro and greeted each other, Genaro looked at them "I learned of his achievements against the giants, but Lucas was seriously damaged by a suicidal child."

Lucas ducked his head "It’s not my fault, he flew out from the top of the trench, but changing the subject how you managed to make the foreman let us out early."

Genaro smiled and showed them the imperial edict "Gentlemen want to be taking care of workers for years or want to participate in an expedition north by boat.

I need trustworthy people and you are part of that group, they say they want to join ... "

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