
Chapter 487: Zhu Xian Jian Jian Ling

"Who would dare to kill my servant." The figure condensed from the blood evil spirit said coldly. From its eyes, Du Yu clearly felt the cold killing intent that killed the people. It was just one. The look in his eyes made Du Yu feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar, as if his life would be taken by the opponent at any time.

The red figure didn’t mean to wait for Du Yu to speak, it seemed to just subconsciously ask this sentence. He turned his head and looked at Du Yu’s hand. Du Yu could clearly feel the **** figure agitated. Ripples appeared in his condensed body: "This is the main body of Zhuxianjian?!?"

Seeing this figure raise his hand, the sword of Zhu Xian fell into his hand immediately, and Du Yu\'s eyes were suddenly filled with amazement. How could he be so easily snatched the weapon? It is not easy to do this even at the Golden Fairy level!

Is the person standing behind this blood slaughter a great Luo Jinxian? Only Daluo Jinxian can **** his weapon without using his hands, and he has restored the Zhuxian sword of the innate spirit treasure!

Du Yu\'s face suddenly became gloomy, he looked at this person and asked, "Who are you?"

A strong imperial qi spread from his body. Although his strength is not as good as this scarlet figure, Du Yu is not a good temper. He has the existence of heavenly wisdom and brain. He can be resurrected at any time, even if he is hit by this person at this time. What about killing, it\'s a big deal to drop some attributes, waiting for revenge in the future.

The scarlet figure did not answer Du Yu\'s question. He looked at the Zhuxian Sword in his hand with his only five hollow faces, and then shook his head with some regret and said, "It\'s a pity, it hasn\'t been fully recovered yet. Otherwise, even if you fight for injuries, you will have to compete with this heavenly Dao."

After he finished speaking, a muffled thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and the cloud of soldier energy above his head was violently tumbling. The blood-colored figure looked up at the sky, snorted coldly, and released the Zhuxian sword in his hand. He said coldly: "I just let it go. I can\'t bear this stimulus anymore, but this time the person you chose is getting more and more useless. There is not even Daluo Jinxian. You are afraid that it will not work."

After the figure had finished speaking, he turned his head to Du Yu. At this time, Du Yu had taken the Zhu Xianjian back and was ready to attack, but the scarlet figure did not care at all. He stared at Du Yu as if thinking. To see what is different about Du Yu.

After a long while, the blood-colored figure seemed to lose interest. He raised his hand and clicked directly. A bunch of terrifying fingers flew towards Du Yu. Du Yu\'s face changed drastically. He even moved under this attack. Can\'t do it.


This word appeared in Du Yu\'s heart again, and his heart was suddenly shocked. Only the saints could make him immobile when the Chaos body was turned on. It was not because of coercion, but because the opponent\'s attack had locked him where he was. Of this space!

Seeing the **** finger light that shot at him, even Du Yu was desperate. This was definitely not something he could resist.

However, just when he thought he was bound to die, a huge purple-black thunder suddenly fell in the sky. This thunder directly penetrated the cloud of soldier energy above his head. At this critical moment, he rushed ahead of the finger light and blocked it. Before Du Yu.

The terrifying finger light did not last for even a second, and was shattered by this thunder. Such a short-range shock wave blasted Du Yu out in an instant, but at the moment when the shock wave was about to come on, a wave of Mo An inexplicable powerful force enveloped Du Yu, protecting Du Yu from harm.

It’s just that when Du Yu flew upside down, he accidentally saw something on top of his head. Above his head, a thick cloud of soldier energy was blasted out of a huge hole. Outside that hole, there was a reason. The huge eyes made up of countless thunders are watching here.

There is no trace of emotion in this eye, and some are just infinite coldness, as if ignoring the common gods.

What the **** is this!

Du Yu\'s heart was full of shock. If Du Yu was outside the Ziyang world at this time, I would be even more shocked, because the eyes that appeared were even bigger than the Ziyang world, which is the world of the big thousand. Ziyang world includes the surroundings. People in the world are all caught in the fear of these huge eyes.

They had never seen such a terrible scene in their entire lives!

The scarlet figure looked up at the huge eyes in the sky, and said with a cold snort of disdain: "It really is to protect the shortcomings, but it is just a test of his means, and it turned out to use the World Extinguishing Thunder."

The giant eyes in the sky did not respond to the scarlet figure\'s words, but stared at the scarlet figure coldly, seeming to know how he could no longer take Du Yu, this scarlet figure also gave up his plan to continue to shoot, and wanted to interfere in the heavens. At least he doesn\'t have the ability to kill people.

He turned his head to look to the side and stood up. Du Yu said with a shocked look: "Today there is a heaven standing by your side, this seat will let you go, and the Zhu Xianjian seat will be temporarily placed here, waiting for you After the Zhuxian Sword is repaired, this seat will personally come to pick it up. Remember, the person who will kill you in the future will be called Zhuxian."

After speaking, the scarlet figure suddenly disappeared, and the huge thunder eye in the sky, after the scarlet figure disappeared, also dissipated in the air.

Only one face of Du Yu who is still shocked is left. He witnessed the battle of the saint class with his own eyes just now. Although Du Yu can also have the combat power of the saint class in the unicorn world, it is not the same as seeing the real saint with his own eyes. It\'s quite different.

And more importantly, what the scarlet figure said at the end was what shocked Du Yu the most. When the scarlet figure disappeared at the end, it seemed to say that his name was Zhu Xian!

In addition to the familiar aura on his body, all were pointing to the fact that the scarlet figure just now was most likely the sword spirit that had escaped from the Zhuxian Sword at the beginning!

However, after recovering, Du Yu\'s mouth sneered. Although he didn\'t know why Heavenly Dao would help him, but thanks to Heavenly Dao, Zhu Xianjian would not be taken away by the opponent.

Regarding Zhu Xian Jian Ling’s final threat, he did not pay attention to it. To Du Yu, it seemed that Zhu Xian Jian Ling wanted to take the initiative to send him to the door after he had repaired the sword body, and let Zhu Xian Jian complete the last step. growing.

"I didn\'t expect to know the news of Zhuxian Jianling in advance. I thought it would take a lot of effort to find it." Du Yubing said with a smile. ,, ..

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