
Chapter 248: Clash of two powerful women!

Chapter 248: Clash of two powerful women!

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

Everyone saw the patient Wang Congzhong’s naked penis, which was still fully erect due to the effects of Viagra!

“Hurry! His heart is failing!” Superintendent Ouyang and cardiology director Ren Li hurriedly said simultaneously as Superintendent Ouyang made way. Nothing else needed to be said here, as heart failure was an incredibly common sight at the hospital. It was just that the patient’s current appearance was rather comical. This should have been a rather serious situation, but it became rather hard to be serious about it!

Since the patient was male and naked, Zhang Fan and several other young male doctors hurriedly went over to cover the patient. In the distance, some young female nurses from the emergency department were actually covering their mouths and snickering! The emergency department director glared at them, but that was useless. Not only were the nurses snickering, even many female doctors had their mouths arching upwards. This type of situation was just too rare!

The heart was a simple yet also complex organ in the human body. It could be described quite simply as having four cavities and four doors. How to describe this? The four cavities were connected and would act just like the engine of a car. The cavities would continuously use systolic and diastolic pressure to constantly push out and receive blood.

There were two cycles in this, one major and one minor. The minor cycle was the cycle of blood between the heart and lungs. Blood which was filled with carbon dioxide would be changed here into blood filled with oxygen, which would then be transferred back to the heart.

The major cycle would transfer this oxygen-filled blood to various parts of the body, switching it out the carbon dioxide-filled blood which would then be retracted. That was how simple things were. It was quite similar to the way that cars worked. If you connected the car’s exhaust to the engine, then it would literally work in the same way.

As for complexity, the heart was also truly complex. Heart disease was actually only an abbreviation. Its true medical term would be cardiovascular circulatory disease. As per the name, two different systems were included.

The heart was just like a house. It had rooms, passages, and electric circuits. The heart’s orderly muscular contractions would manage the electric circuits. If any part of the cycle had a problem, it would soon affect the passages. If the passages had a problem, that would also cause a problem with the electric circuits. It would all become a chain reaction.

The heart and lungs were connected. If the heart had a problem, the lungs would soon have a problem as well. Normal people wouldn’t be able to identify heart problems. The first symptom of heart problems would actually be a lung problem: breathing difficulties!

If the lungs had a problem, then your fragile brain would start going blank. Too much carbon dioxide buildup in the brain would be the equivalent of becoming drunk. You would enter a state of confusion. Your body would automatically take steps to protect the fragile brain by tightening all blood vessels in the body and sending as much oxygen to the brain as possible.

However, this would make all of your other organs unhappy. Your kidney would be the first to rebel. It would slow down production of urine, which would also mean eliminating less toxins from your body which would then start building up. This would be followed by problems appearing in your other organs.

This was the basic process of organ failure in the human body stemming from heart failure. For other illnesses, normally the organs would start failing quite slowly, which was why there was plenty of time for doctors to slowly treat and prevent this process from occurring.

But if a major problem appeared in either the heart or the brain, especially the heart, that would lead to rapid organ failure. If you still couldn’t prevent organ failure by the time that the kidney started failing, then there would be no chance left! Even if you successfully saved the patient after that, there would be many incredibly bad negative aftereffects.

That was why cardiac rescue needed to be as swift as possible. Saving other organs could be measured in hours, but saving the heart needed to be measured in seconds. As long as a certain amount of time passed, there would be incredibly severe and irreparable damage to the body.

The patient Wang Congzhong suffered heart failure as a result of improperly using too much Viagra. Right now, the doctors couldn’t let his still stiff erection bother them right now. It was more important to first save his life!

Although the hospital only did targeted treatment of illnesses, not people, humans were complex social creatures. Oftentimes, people would add a title on top of a name. For example, Wang Congzhong was also known as President Wang as he was the president of his own company!

Such people would be just like spiders, with countless threads of connections to many other powerful people. Indeed, many powerful people followed the ambulance to Chasu City Hospital.

Two women arrived. One was in her mid-30s, while the other appeared to have just turned 50. The younger woman said to the older woman, “Sister, hurry and take a look! Just what exactly happened? Just what will I do if he dies? Sister, hurry!”

“What are you afraid of? He won’t die! And even if he dies, what of it! He deserves it for having so many women outside! Look at you, I allowed you to live with us as his mistress, but is this how you managed him?”

“Sister, it’s my mistake! It’s my mistake, okay!” The younger woman really did look like a fresh flower with morning dew. She seemed so tender even at her age! No ordinary family would be able to afford keeping her around! She was a true beauty as well as Wang Congzhong’s mistress who lived with him and his wife in a rather strange relationship.

The older woman was known as President Li. She was Wang Congzhong’s wife. She had a squarish face, and crow’s feet wrinkles were already appearing on her face. Her eyes were round and her nose was really large. She couldn’t be described as a beauty, but she did seem rather heroic. She had a frosty expression. Wang Congzhong’s company’s subordinates were really respectful towards her. “President Li!” They all greeted her with nods.

Several bank leaders were waiting at the hospital already. They hurriedly came over to greet her.

“Dear leaders, please rest assured. Even if Old Wang doesn’t make it, there’s still me. I’ll definitely pay back the loans. Please give us some time to ourselves at this moment and consider our friendship.”

“As long as President Li is alright, we won’t be in any rush!” Sometimes, so-called collateral would be nothing more than a joke. Wang Congzhong’s company wasn’t worth the massive amount of money that he had taken out as a loan.

Meanwhile, inside the emergency department, the doctors were busily trying to save Wang Congzhong in the operating room. Cardiology director Ren Li was the primary physician. She constantly gave medical commands. “Place the patient in a sitting position with legs dangling. Give him oxygen through a breathing mask. BiPAP oxygen (BiPAP is a type of dual oxygen therapy machine), and monitor all his vitals!”

Director Ren spoke swiftly and calmly. She was the only one who was speaking in the operating room. Even Superintendent Ouyang silently stood to the side! This was Ren Li’s battlefield!

Normally, an emergency treatment would have one doctor, several nurses, and one nurse whose only job was to record everything that happened. The medical report would have to be written in shorthand here. Everything that happened would have to be marked down to the minute. For instance, in this specific circumstance, every word that the cardiology director said would have to be recorded down to the minute that she said it.

Sometimes, those not in the medical field might think that Chinese doctors might not try their very best to save a patient unless the doctor was bribed. Such people were actually erroneously informed. As long as there was a surgery and the patient was on the operating table, no matter what rank the doctor was, and whether or not the doctor had received gifts, the doctor wouldn’t dare to act recklessly.

The law and hospital regulations were no laughing matter. If a patient died and the family members tried to sue, then the medical report would immediately be sealed. Only higher-ups who came to investigate would be allowed to see the sealed medical report. Basically, the nurse in charge of writing the medical report was the equivalent of a police officer watching over the doctor’s every move. Sometimes, the doctor would feel quite helpless. Patients’ illnesses weren’t easily solved like a yes or no question. It would also be about the amount of medicine that the doctor used, and which specific medicines to choose. Many doctors would often feel conflicted about this. Using a certain medicine might help save the patient, or it might cause the patient to die even faster. What medicine and how much medicine to use would depend on a doctor’s courage and professional knowledge.

“Morphine, 5mg intravenous injection. Furosemide, 40mg intravenous injection. Finish it within two minutes. Nurse, keep track of the time!” Director Ren continued to speak calmly. The medical report nurse behind her rapidly recorded Ren Li’s medical commands.

The doctors all stood to the side and listened to Ren Li’s medical commands as they observed the patient’s condition. If the medicine couldn’t treat the patient effectively, then it would be time for the nurses to back down and be replaced by the doctors.

That wouldn’t be a good thing for the patient at all. If the nurses were unable to help the patient, then a crueler treatment would begin. Why were nurses known as white-clad angels? That description was absolutely correct as most nursing treatments were noninvasive. However, if doctors had to treat the patient, that would typically be the start of something bloody. For instance, if the patient couldn’t be saved with medicine alone, the doctors would have to perform surgery. Using intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation to assist the cardiopulmonary system would be rather bloody.

Superintendent Ouyang expressionlessly watched the patient’s condition. Laymen wouldn’t know only by looking whether the patient was improving or not, but there was actually a rather simple observation method: see if the patient was urinating or not!

The human body would always automatically focus on first protecting the brain. If the body’s condition began to improve, blood would then start flowing towards the kidney again. This meant that the kidney would start the filtration process again and begin to produce urine!

From start to finish, Superintendent Ouyang had said only one word during the treatment process. This was because Ren Li was even more skilled than she was in cardiology, so she would never interrupt Ren Li. Superintendent Ouyang’s only word had been “Inject!”, said with a dark expression because a young nurse had been rather hesitant while holding on to the patient’s erect penis.

The patient Wang Congzhong’s current condition could be described as almost being in a state of medical shock. Just a little more would put him in a state of shock.

As those in the operating room worked hard at trying to save the patient, someone gently knocked on the door to the emergency department.

Superintendent Ouyang turned around and saw that a low-ranking employee from the Bureau of Health had arrived. The low-ranking employee waved his hand at Superintendent Ouyang in greeting.

The emergency department, especially the operating rooms, was supposed to be a place where you couldn’t enter unless you were specifically invited. Things would always be tense and serious here. Normally, people wouldn’t dare to enter by themselves.

“What is it?” Superintendent Ouyang’s tone was rather harsh. She felt that it was incredibly rude to be bothering her at this time.

“President Li would like to hear about President Wang’s condition,” the low-ranking Bureau of Health employee hurriedly told her. He didn’t dare to be disrespectful to Superintendent Ouyang. There was a possibility that she might transfer to become the leader of the Bureau of Health one day.

“I don’t care what president wants to know. There’s no time right now. We’re busy trying to save the patient!” Superintendent Ouyang hated this type of person to begin with. Besides, a business president with enough power to order around someone from the Bureau of Health? Superintendent Ouyang wasn’t the type to give face to such people.

“Are you the superintendent of this hospital? Aren’t you an arrogant one!” President Li appeared at this time. She gently pushed aside the low-ranking employee.

“Whether I’m arrogant or not isn’t something that you have the right to care about.” Superintendent Ouyang glanced at President Li, but then turned around, about to enter the operating room.

“Stop right there! Explain to me clearly just what’s going on with my husband. If you don’t tell me, you’d better believe that I’ll go to the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and to Chasu City Communist Party Committee to issue official complaints about you!”

“Haha, you don’t know what’s going on with your own man? Don’t try and show off your fangs here. This is a hospital. If you want to complain, then go complain!” Superintendent Ouyang was the steely type who wouldn’t care about such threats.

“This is a hospital? This is a doctor? All of you look, I just wanted to simply ask about the situation, but look at her attitude! Is there any law here!? Is anyone going to care!?” President Li was quite angry to begin with. She was angry at how her husband was such a philanderer, she was angry at the bank leaders for being shameless vultures, and now she completely exploded in anger since Superintendent Ouyang wasn’t giving her any face at all.

President Li wasn’t a simple woman. Together with her husband, the two of them had successfully created a business empire. If it weren’t for the fact that she was infertile, it was likely that Wang Congzhong wouldn’t have even dared to keep mistresses around. She would have broken his penis for that. Since she was equal in power to Wang Congzhong in their company, her company subordinates and even government leaders were all really respectful and polite to her all the time.

Right now, no matter what happened to her husband, President Li needed a pretext to start some trouble with the government which would ease the pressure on her to return her husband’s loans. Perhaps in her heart, she even actually wanted to cause trouble so that the hospital wouldn’t want to save Wang Congzhong! Although some people said that all money was the same, that was actually wrong. When a person had enough money to a certain extent, the money could be transformed into power.

For certain people, power would be just as addictive as an illegal drug.

“Is this how you treat the patient’s family!? We pay so much in taxes every year, just to receive such treatment? You must give me an explanation, otherwise you’ll never hear the end of this!”

“President Li, please calm down. President Wang is still receiving emergency treatment!” A bank manager stepped up to try and calm President Li down.

Superintendent Ouyang didn’t want to argue with President Li in the emergency department, since they were right outside the operating room. She didn’t want to affect the doctors and nurses inside.

However, President Li wasn’t finished. “Why would I calm down? A person like her can be the hospital superintendent? What hope is there for this hospital, then? If my husband dies here today, can any of you take responsibility? Trash! This hospital is trash!”

“Security! Come and push her out! If you want to file a formal complaint, go do it right now!” Superintendent Ouyang was instantly infuriated by President Li’s comments. She gave her order to the hospital’s security guards with an icy expression.

Hospital security, especially in the border province, was an official position at the hospital. The majority of hospital security guards had formerly been in the military. They would still keep up with their exercises. The security guards wouldn’t care if the person was the president of some company. They immediately pushed President Li out of the emergency department.

This was actually a matter of time being of the essence. The hospital was busy trying to save the patient. No matter what the patient’s current situation was like right now, the hospital couldn’t possibly spare the time to explain the situation to the patient’s family. Either the patient was still alive, dead, or in need of a family member’s signature.

Normally, ordinary family members wouldn’t ask at such a critical time, because they understood this. However, President Li wanted to know as quickly as possible so she could make the appropriate preparations regarding the bank lenders. She also felt that she had a high status and deserved to be treated with respect after becoming accustomed to how everyone acted around her.

Meanwhile, Superintendent Ouyang was the type who really disliked those who were really rich and arrogant. Moreover, she felt that her time could be better used overseeing the emergency treatment, which was why she wasn’t polite with President Li at all.

Oftentimes, especially in special circumstances, only the hospital superintendent would be allowed to make certain decisions. For instance, if there was a special circumstance regarding a special patient, such as needing to take a risk with a medicine that might not have any guarantee, whether to use this medicine or not would be a decision that only the superintendent could make. That was why any hospital which had a superintendent who wasn’t a doctor would basically be finished. If you weren’t able to handle the responsibility, then you wouldn’t have the corresponding authority. The lower-ranking doctors would all ignore a superintendent who didn’t have any professional medical knowledge.

Although the hospital security guards were pushing President Li out of the emergency department, it was also a type of dragging her away. Superintendent Ouyang completely ignored the bank leaders as she returned to the emergency department.

President Li was absolutely infuriated. Her originally exquisite curly hair was now in a mess because of how much she was shaking her own head in anger. “Are all of you wooden blocks? You’re nothing more than blocks of wood standing there? Can’t you see that I’m being abused? Hit them! I’ll take responsibility for any incident that occurs!”

Several bodyguards and mid-level elites from President Li and President Wang’s company had come along with her. They immediately attacked the hospital security guards. The bodyguards and mid-level elites all completely depended on President Li and President Wang for their salaries. Besides, they weren’t afraid of fighting hospital security guards. If they had been ordered to fight a Chinese mafia gang instead, then perhaps they would have considered things first.

Both sides’ personnel started a chaotic battle. While things were urgent inside the emergency department as everyone tried to save the patient Wang Congzhong’s life, fisticuffs were being thrown about everywhere outside.

“Superintendent~” The hospital’s director of security arrived and secretly whispered about the situation to Superintendent Ouyang.

“Go make a phone call and gather all the male doctors in the hospital. I can’t believe it. She thinks she’s incredible just because she’s rich?” Superintendent Ouyang exited the emergency department without letting herself affect the emergency treatment.

Not long after, all of the male doctors working at Chasu City Hospital were gathered in front of the emergency department. Superintendent Ouyang had seen plenty of things after living through even the Cultural Revolution. She was a steely woman to begin with. She wasn’t the type to be afraid of anything!

“All of you men, take off your doctor’s coats and join in. Kick all of them out of the hospital for me. This isn’t the place for these hoodlums to cause a ruckus. Equip yourselves with shovels from the warehouse.” Superintendent Ouyang shouted these orders while standing up on a podium with a loudspeaker. All the male doctors gathered in an orderly procession in front of her, protecting their superintendent who was usually the type to really protect her hospital staff.

The bank leaders and the employee from the Bureau of Health almost fainted at seeing all this. Superintendent Ouyang was far too fiery. Was she really a woman? Since none of them were the direct bosses of either party involved, it wasn’t like they could stop either side. They immediately started making phone calls. If a major incident really occurred today, none of them would dare to take responsibility.

The riot squad and the police all arrived amongst this major commotion! Although the scene appeared like it was quite vicious, there were actually barely any injuries at all. Although the bodyguards and security guards were fighting, it wasn’t like any of them actually had grudges against each other. They were mostly just acting for the sake of appearing to fight for their leaders. As for the company’s mid-level elites, they really were quite incapable fighters in reality. Most of them barely had much muscle, so how much fighting could they actually do?

The riot squad arrived at the time that the male doctors had all gathered. The police immediately separated the two groups.

“Sodium nitroprusside, 5 ug/kg/min. Second vein channel, nitroglycerin, 10 ug/kg/min. Watch the blood pressure. Dopamine, 2 ug/kg/min.” None of the shouting outside affected the doctors inside one bit. At this moment, even if knives and blood were drawn outside, that still wouldn’t affect them, because saving the patient was their most important job and mission right now.

“Ridiculous!” The leader of the Bureau of Health arrived. He was so furious that even his lips trembled.

Superintendent Ouyang was highly skilled and capable. Not only that, she was also the personal doctor for Chasu City’s City Leader.

Meanwhile, President Li was a major taxpayer. Neither of the two would be easy for him to deal with.

The leader of the Bureau of Health was angry because he couldn’t do anything to either of the two women!

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