
Chapter 271: Scene of slaughter

Chapter 271: Scene of slaughter

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

The motorcyclists racing at high speed finally discovered Old Yang in front of them, along with his trash wheelbarrow which was parked right in the middle of the road. For the 10+ motorcycles which raced each other, the ones in front were still able to avoid Old Yang, but that was impossible for the motorcycles in the middle and back of the pack.

The motorcyclists tried to brake, but four heavy motorcycles crashed into Old Yang’s trash wheelbarrow! Although they were braking, it was impossible for the motorcyclists to stop because of how fast they had been going. Actually, the motorcyclists had intentionally placed a very large rock at the entrance to Binhe Road in order to block off the road to other cars. They hadn’t expected that they would meet Old Yang in the middle of the night without his bright street cleaner uniform on, all because Old Yang was in a hurry to try and get a dance in with some old women early in the morning!

Well, such an accident happened because of unexpected coincidence. This accident was truly horrific. Although the other motorcycles had managed to avoid Old Yang, over to the side, two motorcycles scraped each other because of trying to avoid Old Yang. The two motorcycles seemed just like fragile potato chips as both motorcycles instantly fell apart!

The four young men and young women on these two motorcycles were all tossed into a garden nearby the roadside. One of the young men had his leg cut off by the wheel of another motorcycle as he flew into the garden! His leg was cut off as easily as if a knife was slicing through tofu! His leg was instantly crushed into ground meat with bones!

The four who were tossed into the garden didn’t even make a single sound as they all instantly died! All that was left were motorcycle wheels rolling off into the distance while covered in blood.

Meanwhile, Old Yang had his mouth wide open as he watched the first of the four motorcycles crash into his trash wheelbarrow. *CLANG!* A tremendous sound transmitted far in the air!

Who knew if Old Yang’s luck was good or bad today? Originally, he had simply wanted to finish his work early in the morning so that he could go dancing with some old women. However, he met with these motorcyclists who didn’t care about their own lives. But, maybe he also had a little good luck, after all. His trash wheelbarrow was of excellent quality and extremely sturdy because street sweepers were often picked on. It had been welded out of iron plates which were the thickness of his arm. Additionally, there was also a large and heavy rock inside the wheelbarrow.

Foul-smelling smoke, which was the scent of burning rubber, arose as the four motorcycles crashed into the trash wheelbarrow one by one. The impact was far too powerful. The trash wheelbarrow’s iron handle directly penetrated Old Yang’s stomach, sticking into his body like it was a porcupine quill, going in as easily as a candle would into a birthday cake. The trash wheelbarrow fell over onto Old Yang’s chest. This powerful impact broke at least seven or eight of his rib bones! Not only that, these were all segmental fractures.

One of the four motorcycles was now out of control due to having lost its rider. This motorcycle ran right over Old Yang’s right leg. *Crack!* His right lower leg instantly snapped! Old Yang immediately fainted due to the swift and tremendous pain!

Although Old Yang’s trash wheelbarrow had fallen over and injured him, it also managed to protect him! His head and spine didn’t suffer any serious impact! This was perhaps his small good fortune among great misfortune.

For the first three motorcycles which crashed into the trash wheelbarrow, these motorcycles had all fallen over before the crash. The three young men and three young women were all squeezed together by inertia as these three motorcycles crashed into the trash wheelbarrow.

The youngsters’ fragile necks all exploded into bright red smithereens! Even though the young men were indeed wearing helmets, those helmets were all easily crushed as if they were paper due to how powerful this impact was.

Bright red blood spurted like a gushing fountain, accompanied by rising smoke from the motorcycles! White brain matter splattered all over the road, just as if a bowl of oatmeal had been poured everywhere!

These six young lives all instantly became corpses! The only good part was that at least they hadn’t felt much pain. Their brains and necks had been the first to shatter, which meant that they would probably no longer feel pain while dying.

Following these three motorcycles was the white motorcycle with the teenaged middle school girl. She was really excited. This seemed so fun, way too fun to her! The loud motorcycle noises and amazing speed made her so excited! She felt like she was flying!

The other three motorcycles had noticed Old Yang earlier, so they had also braked earlier. This white motorcycle had been the very last motorcycle in the pack, so the rider didn’t notice Old Yang until the distance was extremely close already. This rider wasn’t very skilled at handling a motorcycle, and he immediately braked, causing him to flip over together with his white motorcycle. This motorcycle flipped over Old Yang and the trash wheelbarrow. As the motorcycle kept flipping, motorcycle parts and the rider’s body parts kept being flung out in succession. His hand, which still had a motorcycle glove on it, flew all the way into the branches of a tree by the roadside.

The rider had braked way too suddenly. The teenaged girl behind him was tossed out as if she was a rag doll being thrown away by her master. She flailed with all four limbs as she screamed. She truly was flying now! It was as if she was dancing in the air! *Splash!* She was thrown directly into a dense clump of trees adjacent to a small pond from which water was usually drawn to water the roadside garden. The sound of the impact resembled what would happen if a broken box was dropped onto the ground. Her screaming suddenly stopped!

Of the 10+ motorcycles, the rest were lucky enough to dodge everything successfully and survive. All of this had happened in only an instant. The other youngsters didn’t even have enough time to be shocked yet when it all ended.

In total, six motorcycles had been involved in this accident. Only the teenaged girl on the final motorcycle had screamed. The other 11 riders on these six motorcycles had all remained completely silent as if they were gagged slaves as they were crushed instantly into tiny scattered pieces.

Some of the surviving youths cared only about protecting themselves from responsibility. They immediately drove off on their motorcycles without even giving this scene a second glance! After the first left, the rest realized that they should probably run away from this scene as well! In just a few seconds, all of the youths had escaped on their motorcycles, with not a single one staying behind.

Still, at least one of the young women riding with a motorcyclist felt that it would be really immoral to do nothing at all. She ended up calling for an ambulance.

“Is this Chasu City Hospital? There’s been an accident at Aqua Flower Garden on Binhe Road. People have died. Please hurry!” The young woman then ignored the operator’s questions for her and immediately hung up.

In China, ambulances were just like the police. As long as someone called to report something, they would have to move out, no matter if the report was real or fake! Even if hypothetically nine out of 10 reports were fake, they would still have to go for the one real report! Saving lives was more important than anything to the hospital! However, these youngsters were toying with their own lives. In the end, they caused a major incident. Regret wouldn’t help the dead youngsters at all!

On the ambulance, emergency department Doctor Li yawned as it was only slightly past 4 a.m. right now. This was the time of night when people would usually be the sleepiest. He had been rather busy last night. Since the weather was warming up, there were now more people going out at night to drink at bars, eating barbequed meat while downing a few beers.

After drinking some alcohol, a common scenario would look like this: “What are you looking at!” “I’m looking at you!” That would be followed by a fight, with fists, feet, and beer bottles flying everywhere. The fighters would finally wake up after receiving bloody injuries! The loser of the fight would usually have to be hospitalized, while the winner of the fight would be taken to the police station.

Emergency doctors working on the ambulances would hate summer nights more than anything. There would be people who were injured in fights on almost a daily basis! It was also incredibly common for some drunk men to be beaten really badly without getting any good attacks in on the other party. The drunk patient would then curse at the doctors and attack the nurses! This really wasn’t rare at all.

Normally in such a situation, if there were no policemen who accompanied the patient, then the hospital would send a security guard! But even if the security guard could prevent the patient from getting physical, it wouldn’t be possible to control the patient’s mouth!

There were all sorts of patients who would angrily curse or even issue threats. In fact, emergency doctors who worked on ambulances were the doctors with the highest rate of being injured by patient attacks on them. In China, the emergency department and pediatric department were the departments with the highest rate of angry patients causing incidents. Recently, the department of ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology had also joined them with a similarly high rate of incidents! These departments would really be like battlefields!

Hoodlums wouldn’t care about getting into a fight with a doctor. At most, the hoodlum would be locked up in jail for a few days. It wasn’t like the jail was a place that the hoodlum hadn’t experienced before. However, the doctor would have to deal with far more troublesome things. The doctor would have to constantly write reports and explain the situation to the higher-ups. It was truly ridiculous! That was why doctors would typically just bear with angry patients instead for as long as they could! Doctors truly had it difficult!

The ambulance sped swiftly down the roads because it was very early in the morning at a time when even taxi drivers would be resting at home, so it took the ambulance only slightly more than 10 minutes to arrive at the scene of the accident. Doctor Li was incredibly astonished when he saw the accident scene! He had worked as an emergency doctor for several years already, so he had seen many bloody things before, yet this scene truly scared him.

It was as if a slaughter had occurred! Broken limbs were scattered everywhere. A cut off female foot, still wearing a high heel, was directly in the middle of the road. Smoking and sparking motorcycle parts were everywhere. Under the ambulance lights’ illumination, it seemed as if blood was flowing like a river on the road. White brain matter was also splattered everywhere! A blood-splattered flower bouquet from someone unknown was slowly fluttering because of the wind!

“Hurry! Make phone calls right away! Immediately make phone calls! Call the police! Call the hospital!” Doctor Li’s voice was shaking.

The ambulance driver was a retired soldier, yet even his hands shook as he hurriedly started making a phone call. The emergency department nurse’s legs had gone soft. This scene was far too frightening to behold!

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