
Chapter 3

"Jay do you know any guys whom i can hire for my soap making business . I would like it if they are trusted so they don’t leak the secrets of soap making to others when it expands . " Asked John when they were conversing .

Jay was shocked at this development as he knew that soap making businesses mostly belonged to nobles and it was mostly strictly guarded and researched quite a lot by nobles for improving it to expand their markets .

"How many guys would you need in your business right now" inquired Jay

"i think atleast 10 for production processes and at max 30,i have already bought the materials for making 2000 pieces already . Then i would also need a place for a factory to make my production efficient . " John replied as told his plans to Jay .

There was no concept of factories in this world where certain people did certain processes to increase the production and quality of the products . By Factory Jay thought he just needed a place to make soaps .

"well i know some trusted guys who can help you in your business . i would introduce them to you as they can be trusted they are 7 guys from the village but i dont think you can get 30 trusted guys though . you have to handle how to make your production a secret from prying eyes . Because people will start looking the products after it hits the market by hook or crook . i think you should be well prepared when it comes to your safety . however you can ask Village Chief for help if you need guys" Said Jay

John thought for a while and agreed to his proposition as he didnt knew most people in the village .

"do you know where the pharmacy is,i wanted buy some ingredients for making a medicinal paste amd potion for myself . " asked John .

"Well there is one pharmacy here at north-frontier town . you might get your ingredients there if you go there . we should first visit Gordon,Arnold and others since you wanna start your business . " Said jay as he hurriedly took him to the pharmacy .

While jay had gone the other way to Sam’s house to discuss something and arrange for his business . he thought that a soap making factory would be good for town before he left him at the pharmacy .

Pharmacy here had two storeys, a backyard garden and and 3 rooms on each floor .

When Jay entered the pharmacy he met a familiar person here she was the woman he met earlier . Josephine was here to restock her supplies after her outing .

Upon seeing Jay,Josephine approached him and asked "Ohh you are here as well . So what brings you here at the pharmacy?"

"Well i wanted some herbs and animal ingredients for personal use so i thought i should visit the pharmacy . looking at your cheerful face it seems you made quite a windfall this time?" asked john Curiously

"Well thats true . this time our team killed a magic beast and its body is quite valuable so i came to resupply for the team" replied Josephine

While they talking were conversing,

Owner of the pharmacy Grandma Melanie came from inside the room and asked the duo

"So Josephine what brings you here and how are Eva and others in your team,is she still as unruly as always?" . she always pried gossip about her great grand-daughter from her teammates .

"Well i cant say about Eva but our team is doing quiet good recently but we had big catches these days . today we caught a magic beast so i was here to restock our medicinal supplies . "

Eva was Grandma Melanie’s Great Grand-daughter . she was aged 25 and she was a fire magician .

Melanie thought for a while and bought the supplies Josephine bought everytime .

"are there any other things you need apart from these?"then she turned to John and asked

"so you are the newcomer jay bought recently in village . so what brings you here"

To which john stated the herbs and animal ingredients which he needed .

While looking at the pharmacy he saw that there were numerous books here at the pharmacy so he asked Melanie in a very enthusiastic tone "Grandma I see that you have a lot of books here do you mind if I take a look at these books and learn some things about medicinal herbs . "

"Just as Sam Said you were someone who likes books a lot,well Sam already informed me about you amd your situation so i expected you to come here with that request . well i can take you as a Disciple however it depends on yourself and your learning capacity,i wished that Grand-daughter of mine was like you who took interest in pharmacy and potioneering knowledge instead of becoming a combat mage,her fire magic would have been so much useful in controlling temperature when making medicine and potions . "

"Well go ahead and read the books you like on the right shelf beside potion the potion shelf they have basic herbology . you would have to come here in morning everyday for 2 hours after your breakfast at 9 a . m in return you would help me in making medicine" Said Melanie

Melanie might look like she was in her sixties but she was already 126 years old . magic and medicinal potions here were quite useful for people here to increase their longevity .

Josephine’s team had 3 people,

Josephine - as a warrior and knight

Eva - as Fire magician dealing high damage


Sally - the Light magician for healing .

"it seems almost everyone in the Village knows about you . last time i didnt hear you so what are your future plans in the village?" asked Josephine

"Well i intended to start a soap making factory here in the village and start selling it for a business" John replied without much thought .

To which both Grandma Melanie and Josephine showed a slightly shocked expression .

"Interesting,maybe i stuck gold this time in finding a disciple" thought Grandma Melanie

In her opinion very few people knew soap making,

while Josephine didn’t care much about it apart from her initial shocked expression .

After thinking for a while she said to John

"if you need help in future you can contact me,no you will certainly need our help in future after you start your business so contact me . We will see you both later . " Josephine smilingly said and left hurriedly with her supplies .

Grandma Melanie left for her laboratory to make potions and said to John before leaving "OK you can go to look for the books over there and your herbs and other ingredients are over here in the basket,it would cost you 80 silvers . you can leave after reading . "

John then paid for his goods and nodded hurriedly .

John then started moving towards the shelf and then started looking at the books one by one .

[Reading book: Basic Types of herbs . . . 1% . . . 2% . . . 3% . . .


[Reading book:Basic Features and uses of various wild herbs . . . 1% . . . 2% . . . 3% . . .


[Artificial Breeding and evolution of herbs . . . 100%]

This way,

1 hour passed and then john read half the books over at the shelf . then told Grandma that he had an appointment with Jay so he left in the evening .

He then came to Sam’s house and then everything was then decided on how to start tomorrow . he gave him permission to use some open lands in the village which were currently not in use after hearing from jay that John needed a place for factory . Sam promised to bring 10 guys on the site next morning at 11 . 30 pm as john said that he had to go to Grandma Melanie’s pharmacy to learn about herbs .

John agreed to pay people 50 coppers a day as their daily wages to the people working in the factory .

Sam was always in a dilemma on how to employ the guys in village with good paying jobs so he saw the soap factory as an opportunity to develop the village and villagers at least .

While Jay and John were were returning he met Gordon,Arnold and other 5 guys while returning home .

These guys were 20 years old either working at farm or hunting for a living . jay knew them as they lived nearby his parents house from childhood so he introduced them .

Among them Arnold and Gordon knew to read and write .

John and jay reached home and then John got busy with making his potion .

after making the potion and medicinal paste .

he started training both the

Body refining technique and Six sense body refining technique .

[Training in Body refining technique . . . . . 100% Complete . ]

[Training in Six sense body refining technique . . . 100% Complete]

After 2 hours he came out from the Bath tub in the backyard . he got up and headed for the dinner and then talked to jay about what happened on the day and on how he met grandma Melanie and Josephine at the pharmacy . later going to sleep .

After training the techniques and soaking in medicinal paste, his body started having changes . His six senses were magnified and his body got sturdier from the inside rather the outside when he was asleep .

After Waking up the next morning he hurriedly ate his breakfast and left for Grandma Melanie’s pharmacy .

he arrived early at Grandma Melanie’s pharmacy .

When he met Melanie at the pharmacy . she was quite happy with John’s enthusiasm on learning about herbs medicines and potions .

"Okay,you can start learning about the books there for 1 hour and then later come in lab for practical assignments . You see medicine and potions aren’t all about theory so one must simultaneously learn both theory and practical applications"

After taking the instructions,john directly headed to the shelf and started reading all the remaining books . He finished reading all the books in 50 minutes,

[All the Flaws have been identified inside all the books . Ready for improvement . Host is required to confirm this collection . ]

[Confirm] john selected .

While Sarah started analyzing all the books and the flaws in the books were first identified

[18 hours remaining]

[Host has an option to accelerate the improvement by using the remaining WDS points] .

[It will take 20 WDS points to accelerate all these books by 100 times] . John thought that it was not a bad idea to accelerate if it only took 20 points to accelerate by 100 times .

So he choose to confirm it .

[up-gradation accelerated : time remaining 18 minutes . Quite wasteful in my very honest opinion . ]

Came the voice of Sarah inside his head .

[Cant you give this suggestion before i confirm . you even asked if i want to accelerate it . Arghhh i feel like am getting more retard as i converse with this A . I] thought john inside its head before noting down a mental note that he would never be fast when it came to offers from Sarah .

[As a profit-or . . . . i mean as a service-oriented A . I i believe host should know all the offers provided by the system before giving personal opinions later on] Came the voice of Sarah

As he was reading the books from the 1st floor came a woman with black-purplish hair,it had a shade of purple at the tail end of the hair . she had a white complexion,she wore a purple one piece which cut a side of the legs for more flexibility . on it she wore a silver armor with runes . she also wore silver Pauldrons .

on her hands were long white gloves reaching till the pauldrons,on wrist it was slightly purple like bracelet design and on fingers it was black like rings design . gloves were black in a circular shape on the end where it reached the pauldrons .

She wore silver leg guards with long white socks reaching her thighs and white shoes . on her hand was a long magician wand which was 6 foot in height . it had a crystal ball on its heads and it had various other metals and jewels inserted below the crystal ball at its base . she was of the height 6 foot aswell . her age was 25 . she was quite a beauty with full chest .

This woman was eva who was mentioned earlier yesterday . her full name was Eva Simmons . same was true for Grandma Melanie .

It seemed as if she was prepared for going towards the forest again like her party members . She saw that someone was reading the books and decided to approach him . She never liked books so she pursued her training in fire mage training at imperial capital when she was younger however she still had basic knowledge on herbs and all as she studied it all since young age . her parents died at a young age when they were out on a mission .

She now lived with her Great Grandma Melanie who lived at country-side in north-frontier town . her grandparents and uncles lived in imperial capital .

She approached John and said to him . John already noticed her presence when she came down and started concentrating on the other books he had left .

"So you are john who Josephine talked about recently . i heard yesterday from grandma that you were possible new candidate for the new disciple" said eva

"it is quite an honor to be remembered by a beauty like you . actually the thing is i hoped to learn about pharmacy and potions from Grandma Melanie . At first i only i was only interested in reading all the books which were on the shelf here when i asked her . then grandma Melanie who had heard my situation from Chief Sam thought about taking me as her disciple . "

Replied john smilingly .

Like most women who like compliments Eva too was happy from John’s compliment

"You have quite a glib tongue . "Said eva smilingly

Then she said in serious manner to john "anyways you shouldnt waste your time on pharmacy and potions . just understanding and learning all these will probably take a year for you . "

While they were conversing Melanie came from inside the lab and said very angrily to Eva after hearing their conversation

"Hey,hey don’t discourage my new disciple already,how will you compensate me if he runs away . if you don’t like it don’t make others hate herbology as well . hmph"

"as for you john come in the lab for practical experiments on how take to make medicines first"

"I mean just look at all these books . okay let me just ask few questions from the book you are reading then both of you will realize what i said was correct . "said eva in a teasing manner to melanie and john .

"how is the poison from twin tailed snake neutralized . "as she continued to ask her question

John thought that he should go along to play this game between the grandma and great grand-daughter . From her question he understood she wanted to embarrass her grandma and him which will lead to an awkward situation .

"Twin tailed snake’s poison need a matured fox-tail grass,a 10 year old ginseng and a cup to magic tiger’s blood . the three of them have to be refined together in the ratio of 2:3:5 for 15 mins at 60 degree Celsius according to this book . however its effects can also be improved by using blood red flower instead of tiger’s blood at the ratio of 2:3:3 however this improvement is just my own hypothesis . " replied John in a natural tone . this answer surprised both of them . while one was happy other wasn’t happy at the answer as it was correct .

Later she asked question on "How do you cure the acute pain caused by the bites blood honey bees . "

"one would need Ice cold Flower, blood neutralizing poison,Tears of a snow leopard and dews of Moon flower they would need to be refined in the ratio of 3:2:1:2 . instead of using blood neutralizing poison we can also replace it by Black mist flower at ratio of 3:1:1:2 using this would lessen the pain and costs incurred when making the cure of pain for blood honey bees . ] replied John in a natural manner as if it wasnt anything .

This time again Eva was shocked while grandma wasn’t . Eva realized she faced a hard nut to crack this time . however she didnt believe he would know all the books here .

and consecutively she asked him 8 more questions to which john replied accurately plus improving their details .

Eva could only accept this situation as her defeat and glared at both her grandma and John .

Figuring out that she was again here to foil her plan to get a good disciple she decisively said to john and Eva . She was quite afraid that john would scared of repeated questions .

"john you go inside the lab and wait for me and Eva you should go to meet your team aren’t you running late already?"

"okay i will take my leave miss Eva"John said in a cheerful mood .

Though Eva was quite irritated she wasn’t angry at john but she still wanted ask him more questions but she couldn’t atleast right now .

"hmph" Eva humphed in anger and left . As she was leaving she tripped her leg and was almost fell down .

John saw that she was going to fall down so he immediately caught her from behind so she doesn’t fall down . When both of them stood perfectly up,Eva was quite red on her face because of the awkward situation but she was still angry . Before she left she still thanked john as he helped her when she was going to fall down .

"John it seems you have quite a good memory and your foundation theory seems quite solid when you offered alternatives to the medicines which were there in the book as the nature of the elements matched the original ingredients or were atleast close them when concocting medicine . Have you earlier learned pharmacy and potioneering somewhere else?even i am quite astonished by your current level of basic knowledge in pharmacy" Asked Grandma without bothering Eva as she was quite happy at her acquisition of a brilliant new disciple .

"No i only learned about pharmacy from some books from Village chief and then here at Grandma’s pharmacy . actually those alternatives were only my hypothesis after i completely read all the books from tomorrow and today . i didn’t think my alternatives were good enough so i only wanted to see your reaction and opinion on my alternatives . "

This time she was even more shocked unlike the last time .

In her opinion even the most formidable genius on Arkon would atleast need 10-20 days to have a full understanding on all the books over here .

however she still doubted he was a pharmacist in his previous profession . Sighing John didnt bother clearing her misunderstanding as he knew he really couldnt clear her understanding . he could only clear her understanding after showing memorizing talents to her .

At first she gave him simple experiments which he did precisely to the point without doing a single mistake after calculations made by his brain . he didn’t even need Sarah’s help .

While he was experimenting she asked him various questions on basic pharmacy knowledge to which he gave precisely right answers without even blinking his eyes while simultaneously doing his experiment .

When she asked him questions about middle pharmacy and advanced pharmacy . he couldn’t give answers about them . This time john was quite embarrassed about not knowing the answer which the grandma didnt mind however he still understood that she was testing him if he lied earlier .

This time she was convinced that she either acquired a Genius or a professional who was dabbling in basic pharmacy for a number of years .

after sometime notifications sounded inside his head,

[Ding . . . . !Congratulations to host on integrating and improving all the books on basic pharmacy from grandma Melanie]

To Grandma’s surprise John was very good at applying theoretical things practically and controlling the outside factors like fire,ratio of ingredients, and determining age and value of ingredients and how it could be best used when making medicine .

Grandma Melanie had actually acquired these skills after who knows how many experiments and concocting of medicine making and potioneering . While John seemed like a natural at doing these things .

He even improvised on some of the practical skills used for medicine concocting and potioneering .

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