
Chapter 479: Dark Naruto

Chapter 479: Dark Naruto

Moments later, Naruto found himself in a dark place that had nothing in it. After a few seconds of looking around, Naruto heard footsteps approaching him.

Shortly after seeing who was approaching him, his face paled.

It was a copy of himself. However, the copy had black eyes, wore pompous clothes, and was fanning himself with a fan.

“You are finally here. You made this young master wait quite long.”

Naruto paled even further as he held his head in pain.

“Damnit, so evil me really is acting like a young master.”

The other Naruto chuckled in amusement when he heard the normal Naruto’s words.

“Aren’t you misunderstanding what is going on here? I’m not an evil version of you. I represent your deepest and darkest desire. Stop hiding your true self, Naruto; embrace it.”

Naruto’s eyes widened in shock, and he took a step back when he heard the words of his other self.

“Nonsense! I don’t have that kind of desire!”

Evil Naruto’s smile widened as he closed his fan with a loud snap.

“Ohh? In that case, why have you acted like one in front of Ino and Haku once?”

“T-That was just a joke. I obviously didn’t mean it.”

“Heee~ Is that so~?”

Dark Naruto chuckled in amusement as he approached the real one and put a hand on his shoulder.

“There is no need to hold back, you know. Nee-san isn’t here, so no matter what, she won’t find out about it.”

A shudder went through Naruto’s spine as he tried to step away from the other him, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t.

“B-Bullshit, I-I don’t have that kind of desire.”

The other Naruto leaned forwards a little so that he could whisper in Naruto’s ear.

“Come, do it. We both know what you are supposed to say in this kind of situation, don’t we?”

By now, Naruto’s whole body was shaking as he was clenching and unclenching his fist repeatedly. He wanted to make a counterargument, but nothing came to mind. His head was completely empty.

Dark Naruto noticed his state of mind and continued pushing him, whispering in his ear again.

“You know full well that occasionally acting like that would be fun, right? Do it. Say it!”

These words finally caused Naruto to snap, and he swiftly punished his other self in the face.


However, his punch simply went through the other Naruto’s head, dealing no damage at all. A wide smile appeared on Dark Naruto’s face as he elegantly snapped his fan open.

“Very good. This young master is very pleased.”

Moments later, the other Naruto started fading away, turning into light particles and sinking into Naruto, who was currently staring at nothing with empty eyes.

A few seconds later, he found himself back in front of the Waterfall of Truth, his eyes still emptily staring at nothing.

“How did it go, Naruto?”

Yuna’s voice managed to get Naruto out of his daze, and he quickly answered her.

“This young… *cough* Everything is fine, nee-san.”

Naruto quickly deflected the question and walked away, causing Yuna to look after him with interest.

‘Seems like something interesting happened. I’ll definitely check the recordings when I have some time.’

[Do you really think he faced a young master version of him?]

‘I hope so. That would be hilarious.’

A few minutes later, the trio walked into a vast cave that was situated behind the Waterfall of Truth.

“Wow, a cave behind a waterfall, so creative~”

Naruto and Bee ignored Yuna’s statement, and a few seconds later, they arrived at a statue that was made to look like a monster with a wide opened mouth.

“You need to put your head in the statue’s mouth. This is a test to see if you are worthy of entering. If not, the statue will bite off your head.”

“Oh my~ A ‘are you worthy’ test hidden in a cave behind a waterfall. We are reaching reak levels of creativity.”

Naruto and Bee ignored Yuna’s rambling again as Naruto carefully put his head inside the statue’s mouth. Before anyone could do anything about it, the statue’s jaw closed around Naruto’s neck.

“Ah! Are you alright, Naruto!?”

Bee chuckled when he heard Yuna’s panicked words and started speaking.

“No worries, there is a button inside the statue that will close its mouth. I did the same when I was here the first time. It’s just a little… prank?”

Before Bee could finish speaking, Naruto’s body fell backward to the ground. His head was gone, and only a bloody stump was left.

“Huh? T-That’s impo…”

Bee’s stopped speaking as killing intent so powerful it almost caused him to faint crashed into him. Yuna started talking with so much cold hatred in her voice that it almost caused Bee’s eardrums to freeze over.

“So killing my little brother is only a little prank, huh? Good, good, good. In that case, I guess genociding every single person in Kumo could at worst be seen as a little roughhousing, right?”

A shiver went through Bee’s spine when he realized that Yuna seemed to actually plan to do that.

“N-No, wait! This is impossible! The statue doesn’t have that kind of biting power!”

“I see, that makes sense. So I guess my little brother’s head just fell off by itself.”

“That’s r… Nonono, that’s not what I’m saying. L-Let’s talk about this.”

“Do you want to talk before or after I set off a Bijuudama inside Kumo?”

Bee paled even further when he saw the determination in Yuna’s eyes.

‘Those eyes hold not the slightest bit of pity for the innocent. What kind of monster is she? She would actually do that!’

“Mah, nee-san, haven’t you bullied him enough already?”

While Bee had not the slightest clue what he was supposed to do, a carefree voice echoed through the cave, dumbfounding him. He looked at the voice source and saw a headless Naruto, holding his own head in his hands.

“What the f…”

“Naruto, why did you interrupt me so early? I was just about to make a Bijuudama and teleport it away, claiming that I sent it into the middle of Kumo.”

Naruto shook his head, literally, and resumed speaking.

“As expected, it’s only a matter of time before nee-san causes a war.”

“Although I don’t know what that has to do with what I just said, it really is only a question of time until my beauty causes a war.”

Naruto could only smile wryly at that.

Meanwhile, Bee had no idea what was going on. He couldn’t help but look from Naruto’s beheaded body to the head he held.

‘Eight-O, is this genjutsu?’

[I don’t think it is. I have already flared my chakra multiple times, and nothing changes.]

‘Then what is going on?’

[No clue.]

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