
Chapter 772: From 1st to 9th

Chapter 772: From 1st to 9th

Certinos Von Mal’hari –  8th Heir, a tall man with golden eyes, black hair and unusual arm. He is the one who’s responsible for sending Raven back in time and had been watching him closely ever since. He mastered the Laws of Space to its acme. Chosen weapon is a sword and spear.

Astrid Malachi – 7th Heir, a tall woman. Queen of the Amazons. Blonde, tanned and wears armor with beast carvings in them. Specializes in Destruction Laws. Chosen weapon, none. Favors her bare fists more.

Poppy Forge – 6th Heir, an Earthen Elf also known as a Dwarf. A vertically challenged woman that has reached the apex. She was revived her dying race and opened up new possibilities for their specialty – Forging Laws. Aside from this, she also master the Fire Laws. Chosen weapon – morning star with a shield. 

Marcel Quinn – 5th Heir, also known as the Father of Dragons. An average looking man who saved dragons and tried to preserve their lineage. He mastered the Star Laws and uses spear as his chosen weapon.

Myleene Eidlhar – 4th Heir. A forest elf who transcended the limits of her own race and the first of her kind to ascend to the Divine Realm. She mastered the Life Laws and prefers bows and arrows as her chosen weapon. 

Richard Sylvester – 3rd Heir. Another average looking man who devoted his whole life in the pursuit of the Sword Path. Hailed at the Sword Emperor back when he’s still alive, it was said that he’s able to slice worlds in two with just a swing of his sword. 

Meryl Asher – the 2nd Heir, the Ice Queen. Born in a world of never ending Winter, she managed to claw her way to the top. Dismantling the Patriarchy of her world, becoming the first Female King. Uses handheld axes as her main weapon. 

And finally…

Lucas Silverwing – the 1st Heir, also known as the Emperor of Fantasies. He ‘sold his soul’ to Geezer by accepting his terms in exchange of protecting his dear world. He never imagined that this experiment will allow him to reach the apex. He mastered Mirage Laws and uses short swords as his main weapon. 

All of this people stood in front of Raven as he saw down on his throne, greeting him with faces full of smiles. They appeared out of nowhere which greatly surprised Raven but when he laid eyes on them, ne immediately knew information about them. 

“Thank you for being here.” Raven felt slightly embarrassed about his current situation. 

There he was, sitting on his throne while his Senior Disciples are below, looking up to him and giving him congratulatory glances while clapping. 

“Don’t mention it 9th.” Lucas – the 1st Heir, told him with a friendly expression. “You worked hard for this. We barely did anything really.”

“He’s right.” Astrid commented. “This is something you deserved. We merely just watched as you did everything.”

“Wait, are you crying?”

All of them turned to Poppy who’s looking at Inos. The saw the man stealthily wiping his tears away while glaring at Poppy. 

“Shut up! Don’t mind me, I’m sensitive.” 

Laughter erupted from everyone. Well, nobody really blamed Inos, after all he was the one that’s been watching Raven’s growth the most. In fact, he did more for Raven than Geezer himself did. 

“Still, this is unprecedented.” Richard commented as he looked at Raven, “Achieving True Immortality and becoming an Allfather before reaching Divinity? That’s practically unheard of.” 

“Indeed.” Marcel nodded, “At this point, there’s no doubt that he has the highest chance to achieve our long term goals.”

“The realm beyond Divinity.” Astrid whispered. 

Everyone fell silent a bit. Still, the atmosphere remained light. Yes, these people still wanted to achieve this realm on their own but that’s pretty much impossible without a physical body. Additionally, the amount of accumulation they needed was immense. They pretty much has to pursue perfection itself, just like how Raven did in order to make sure that their foundations remained solid. 

“Ah! That reminds me…are you guys fine being out like this? If this is going to hurt you then by all means please go back. I truly won’t mind.” 

“No worries their 9th.” Poppy reassured him. “We’re fine. In this place, our Wills are perfectly preserved. We’ve been here this whole time you see.” 

Raven’s face showed understanding from Poppy’s words. 

“We’ll continue to remain here until the time comes.” Myleene smiled, “So long as you are alive, we don’t need to fall into slumber anymore. This galaxy will continue to provide for us because of you.” 

“Right.” Raven nodded as he looked around him. “The Ancestral Divine Galaxy…”

He still can’t believe it. To think that Geezer would actually seal an entire galaxy inside a stone monument so that he could inherit it…was insane. 

All along, he thought that the space inside the Monument of Stars was fake. Just a forged space in order to test his capabilities. He truly didn’t pay much attention to it even though he should have. 

This galaxy was his. He can do anything he wants here. In fact, because he claimed the throne as the 9th Heir and even helped the constellations here to come into being, it could be said that he’s a god in here. Anything he deems unworthy to exist, won’t exist. Anything he wants to keep will be kept. 

Sure, it does have it’s own limitations but a galaxy is a galaxy, and he owns the whole damn thing. 

“…Master Geezer told me this before but just to reiterate it, I’ll be forging new physical bodies for you all.” Raven stated after a brief silence on his part. 

He saw the Senior Disciples perking up upon hearing this news. Meaning that they are all eager to do it. 

“Because you are my Seniors and I do have capital, we can afford to splurge a little bit. If you have any specifications on how you guys want your body to be, please don’t hesitate to tell me. Whatever it is, I’ll try my best to do it.” 

“Don’t sweat it so much, Partner.” Inos said while giving him a kind smile. “We just want a normal mortal bodies. It’s not that we feel embarrassed about owing you, its more like we prefer it to be that way.”

“That’s right.” Astrid supported Inos’ words. “Starting with a blank slate, just like what you experienced when you experienced Soul Rebirth. Keeping our memories and soul intact is all that we need on top of a physical body.”

“We want to experience climbing from the bottom to the top with our own abilities. I think it’s more exciting that way. If anything though, I’d like to be a human please, one that has an average height if I may add.” Poppy cheekily stated. 

“Even the average height of humans are still taller than dwarves, I think it’s possible. Good for you, Shorty.” Marcel chimed in causing Poppy to glare at him. 

The space around them were filled with laughter as the two bickered with one another. 

“Only me and Poppy aren’t human amongst us so we’d like to try being Humans this time around for change.” Myleene requested. 

Raven nodded and said: “No problem. Actually, you made my work easier by doing this. And uh…since you guys mentioned starting from bottom to the top, would you guys want to experience the whole thing?”

Some people were confused about what Raven just asked so he clarified himself. 

“I meant to ask if you guys would like to experience being a baby all over again.” 

“That sounds nice actually.” Richard placed a hand on his chin, stroking his beard while in deep thought. “Come to think of it, I can’t even remember what my childhood is like. It’d be nice to experience it all over again.” 

“I would love to be one actually.” Meryl spoke for the first time, “I never experienced the warmth of a family before. Coincidentally, I saw a couple in your world that I’d love to have as my parents for my second life.”

“Oh! What a coincidence! Me too actually.” Lucas chimed in, “I’d love to re-live the life of a normal child all over again and I did see a loving couple that I’d love to be my parents.”

The rest also expressed their desire experience the life of a mortal child all over again so they reached a consensus. 

It would seem that all of them already chose who will become their parents by observing Raven’s life so far. Of course the 9th Heir had no problems accepting their requests since, once again, they made his work easier by doing this. 

It’s easy for Raven to fuse their souls into an embryo rather than creating a body using some Heavenly Resources. Raven was already prepared for any outrageous requests but it turns out that it isn’t needed. 

What’s left for Raven to do is to return back home in order to start with the process. All he needed to do is to observe the mortal couples that his Seniors chose to be their parents and assist them in conceiving a child. 

Once he was done with discussing this matter with them, Raven exited the Crown Space flew back home.

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